Ginia: The Planet's Cry by William Holloway - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 16: Starting Over


Everyone outside was looking around. All the dead bodies had turned into the green dust and became the planet as well. The headmasters went into Johnsons office.

HM Johnson: Wow, it’s been 2 years since I’ve seen this office.

HM Peebles: Should we make the announcement to the world?

HM Johnson: Yes, we should. Let them know I wasn't behind all of this and helped save the planet.

G. Brown: We need to rebuild.


Natalie, Markus, Josh, Mya, Joe, Jolin, and Lalaine was sitting in the briefing room. Mike and Amy walked in. They all were excited to see each other and gave hugs.

Natalie: So, what did we find out?

Amy: (rubs stomach) Were having a girl.

Josh: Ohhhh Mike, you have to watch her when it comes to these boys.

Mike: I know. I wish we could have helped you guys with the last battle, but you know.

Mya: It’s fine, Joel couldn’t make it either because they sent him on a mission on Earth. He would have been happy to know you guys are having a girl.

Markus: Hey at least you guys and the new baby was safe. We got all the diamonds back, the world is revived, and I guess it’s a new start.

Amy: Yes, it is a new start.

High Priest Lee and High Priestess Blue walked in with a gorgeous lady in a green dress.

HP Lee: How are my legends doing?

Natalie: We are okay. We had a huge memorial for all who died. And High Priest Lee is giving a world speech today.

Blue: Guys I want to introduce you to a very special guest with us today.

All the boys were staring at her with their mouths open. Amy notice Mike doing it and punched him in the arm.

Women: Hello guys. I just want to personally say thank you for everything you have done to revive the planet. I know I chose the right group of people to carry out this mission and you guys have certainly proved me right. The planet now has a new appreciation for human life knowing that there are people willing and able to save it if it needs to be save. I wish I could say that for all humans but you guys have made a believer out of me and the planet. Trust me when I say the ones that perished are being well taken care of and loving every minute of it. I just had to come and give you my thanks personally. So, thank you once again, I will see you guys some other time.

The lady walked out.

Jolin: Wait, was that?

Blue: (Interrupts) Lee’s, speech should be on, do you guys want to watch it.

They went to watch the speech outside in the outside theater. Many people were there to watch. As everyone applauded and cheered, Jolin held Markus’s hand. Markus looked and smiled at her. He noticed that Josh and Lalaine were holding hands too. Lee approached the podium as people around the world watched him. (during his speech, it shows people rebuilding cities and homes, mourning their loved ones who died, people playing in the rain and water, and kids having fun.)

Lee: Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls. It is safe to say that our planet is now fully revived and well. I know a lot of people died because of the planet, but I guess we should start with trying to understand the feelings of the planet that we call our home. Why did it do what it did? And I guess it all starts with us. The humans, or as the planet would have called us, parasites. Even the demon started the Geniman Process, it was going to happen already anyway, he just speeds up the process. As I said last time when I was a guest on the Bob Owen show, Mother Nature can be cruel, but not as cruel as human nature. It a shame that something so drastic must take place for people to pay attention and make changes. Hopefully we do see changes. People treating each other better. No more bullying people over social status, financial status, religion, age, sex, or sexual orientation. No more wars over meaningless disagreements. No more polluting the planet. We just basically need to take care of our planet, take care of our home, and it will take care of us.