Ginia: The Planet's Cry by William Holloway - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 15: The Last Diamond


Many of the troops were gathered outside the Airship Launch way. Peeble was standing in the podium along with General Larus, General Brown, and Headmaster Johnson.

Peeble: My fellow Unison troops. Today we need you for an assault and rescue mission. We assault the clone of Headmaster Johnson and all his brainwashed guards. We rescue the ones who are imprisoned at the district. There is an important item there that we need to recover that will help revive our planet. A special group has been gathering these items for us and lost a few people during the mission. It's time we give them a hand. I have the real headmaster Johnson next to me, who will tell us how to strike.

Johnson went up to the stand.

Johnson; Thank you Peebles. In the two years of captivity, I don’t know if they changed anything around. But if not, I can tell you they are using our prison cells as a dungeon, and our training camp sites as concentration camps. We basically strike those two places to rescue the ones imprisoned. The rest we just go in and get rid of. It’s come to my attention that many people are dying and have died under false representation of my name. I always was one to help and keep peace. These demons who have waged war on us and pitted us against each other must be eliminated. And I will gladly help in the battle to come. So, if I die, but an imposter of me stands before you. Kill him.

While the speech was going on, Caitlyn chased the demon worm outside where they all was gathered. The worm made its way into Markus’s new airship.


She started hearing banging inside the airship. After the speech, everyone ran to their airships, so Caitlyn ran in the airship and hid. Markus, Josh, Lalaine, Jolin, and Natalie, Joe, and Iris walked into the airship.

Josh: Is this the new airship?

Markus: Yup Yup.

Natalie sat in the driver seat. Everyone else sat down and buckled in. A lot of the airships were already taking off. Natalie was trying to turn on the airship, but it wouldn’t turn on.

Natalie: What the fuck, did they give us a broken one?

Jolin saw Caitlyn hiding in the corner.

Jolin: Caitlyn, what are you doing in here?

Caitlyn: the worm is somewhere in here.

The worm slithered its way to the middle of the airship, then started transforming into a tall and very muscular humanoid figure. They all stared at it as it transformed. They all got up and gathered around it with their guns drawn.

Jolin: there's no need for the guns you guys, this is a “Bladein Decendant” demon.

When the demon was fully transformed, he looked like an 8ft tall, muscular man, with gold reptile skin and glowing neon green eyes.

Caitlyn: Wow, look at you.

The demon looked at all them.

Markus: You’re the one that was using my body. Who the fuck is you and why are you here?

Demon: I’m Nemvier. I was sent here to eliminate the demon that caused all this.

Natalie: The one who’s using the headmaster.

Nemvier: Yes, and I heard that you were headed that way, so I was hitching a ride with you.

Josh: well, that's where we're headed, and we could use your help.

Caitlyn: Can I come?

Jolin: It’s going to be very dangerous Caitlyn.

Caitlyn: I can handle myself.

Iris: If she can handle herself we could use the extra help with rescue.

Natalie got in the driver.

Natalie: Let's get going. We have deaths to avenge

They took off and headed to Octo District.


The troops were burning bodies that they killed in the concentration camp. Fake Headmaster Johnson was in his office. His eyes were glowing neon red. The alarms started sounding.

Johnson: What is this?

He looked outside and saw all the airships arriving. Half of the airship group landed and deployed by the concentration camp and the other landed by the district. A huge battle erupted. General Brown, General Larus, Headmaster Johnson and Peebles was in an airship together. They landed at the entrance. Natalie and her group landed in the back entrance. As they battle erupted around them, they huddled.

Natalie: Okay, Iris is going to direct us to the room where the yellow diamond is. Once we teleport it we get to go after the demon that caused all this.

Nemvier: I can sense him right now, I can go after him while you guys get to the diamond. The diamond is more important.

Natalie: Well, I want to go with you and kill him with you.

Josh: Yeah me too. How come you get to have the fun of doing that?

Nemvier: Because this demon will be too much for you guys. He may be a weak demon where I’m from, but he will still too strong for you guys.

Markus: I at least want to shoot him once. I’m sure all of us wants to get at least one-shot in. Joel would too, but he’s stuck on another mission.

Nemvier: Okay to make everything go quicker, I’ll help go after the diamond with you guys.

Caitlyn: What about me, can I go out and kill. I been practicing my Ornamer powers I know I can help.

They all stared at Caitlyn.

Lalaine: Are you sure?

Caitlyn: Yeah. I can at least help with the rescue.

She ran out the airship and headed towards the camp.

Markus: Um, is anyone going to go after her or is she good?

Josh: I think she will be good.

Caitlyn was taking out soldiers left and right as she was running back and forth. Jolin watched her as she ran off.

Jolin: Um I think she is fine. Let’s get going.

They started to head towards the district main entrance. Once they got inside the lobby, they checked a few of the offices that were around them. There was no action going on in the lobby part. Josh was in front with a bullet proof riot shield with a part of the team behind him. Markus had one too with the rest of the team with him. When they got into the cafeteria they were engaged in a huge shootout. They all were shooting in John Wick style, taking out a lot of the troops while making their way to the elevator hall. Headmaster Johnson, Peebles, General Brown, and General Larus was searching the lower level where the diamond is located, they were taking out a few enemy soldiers as well.

Peebles: Where would the diamond be?

Johnson: Right down the hall, that's where we keep all our top-secret items.

G.Brown: I think he may have changed the lock code to the door.

Johnson: I figured that, that's why I added a secret code that would unlock all our shit if we ever lost or forgot the code.

They made it to the hallway, but Shadow was standing in the hallway waiting.

Shadow: Looking for something.

Johnson: Just the motherfucker I was looking for, it's payback time for giving me and my district a bad name.

Shadow: (laughs) It was so fun watching all those people die. Knowing I had the power to control a whole army. Just wait to see what I will be capable of once I get all the Idacast Diamonds.

During the shoot out in the lobby, Nemvier came in and killed every enemy troop in 20 secs. Markus noticed no one was shooting.


Everyone stopped shooting.

Josh: What the hell happened?

Markus: I don’t know.

Nemvier walked in.

Nemvier: That was fun guys. I think I feel the other demon nearby.

As he walked by, they both stared at him.

Josh: Man, I was having fun.

Markus: I know, we should have gone to the camp.

At the camp, Caitlyn was still helping with the rescue. She was in the dungeons unlocking cells while the others fought off the enemy.

Caitlyn: Everyone I need you to run out the south side.

In the Octo District, Shadow was still standing between Headmaster Johnson, Peebles, General Larus, and Brown. The door behind him lead to the yellow diamond.

Shadow: You guys know I am not going to let you just take the diamond.

G.Brown: Why don't you tell us your name demon?

Nemvier walked in.

Nemvier: If it isn’t Shadow.

Shadow: Nemvier, how did I know Bladein would send one of you guys.

HM Peebles: There are more like you.

Nemvier: Yup. A lot more powerful too.

Shadow: But why did they send the weakest bitch of them all?

Nemvier: Probably because a bitch demon snuck into another dimension to destroy another species because he wasn't powerful enough to take over his own. Only a bitch demon needs Mother Nature’s Idacast Diamonds to gain power.

Shadow: FUCK YOU!

Shadow ran at Nemvier and engaged in a martial arts battle. Mya, Joe, Markus, and Natalie arrived at the scene.

Mya: Is the diamond behind that door?

HM Peebles: Yeah, we just need to get it open.

Johnson went to the keypad and entered his secret code. The door opened.

Shadow summoned more Gortiles to come help him fight. More arrived outside and started killing off a lot of the troops. Nemvier was fighting them off while fighting Shadow. Mya, Joe, Natalie, and Markus kept fighting while heading to the yellow diamond. Josh, Jolin, Lalaine, and Iris was still in the lobby fighting off the Gortiles.



Outside, Caitlyn was using her Ornamer powers to help protect the others and fight off the Gortiles. Suddenly, lasers came from the sky killing a lot of the Gortiles. Captain Jenkins was back in OWOC and helping with the battle from the space station. They had a huge R.I.P Lloyd banner hanging on the wall.

Jenkins: This is for Lloyd you demon bastards.

Inside the Octo District, Mya finally made it to the diamond and teleported it back to the temple.


When the last diamond transported to the pillar, a huge green wave covered the whole planet and started rebuilding the planet. While that was happening, Nemvier killed Shadow by ripping off his head. Then all the gortiles and demons turned into dust also. When all the dust settles the world looked brand new.

In the OWOC, a lot of people was looking out at the planet and was amazed by the beauty. Jenkins smiled and nodded his head.

Jenkins: We did it Lloyd, your death was not in vain.