Ginia: The Planet's Cry by William Holloway - HTML preview

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Markus and Josh met up with the rest of their team at the river bank in front of the temple. Joe, Mya, Dennis, Joel, and Kersi were waiting. Joel was petting a huge tarantula, Joe was skipping rocks in the river, Mya was brushing Kersi's hair, and Dennis was putting together his gun. Markus and Josh walked up

 Markus: What's up Team?

Joel: You see this huge spider I found by the river?

Josh: And yet you're petting it and you don’t know if it’s poisonous or not.

Joel: It hasn't bit me yet.

Josh: And what's your back up plan if it bites you.

Joel: It won’t bite me.

Joel started screaming.


Joel took off running to the temple as the others watched him.

Mya: What the hell just happened?

Markus: If I heard him correctly, he got bit by the spider.

Mya saw the spider and shot it 3 times.

Mya: He won’t be biting us.

Joe: Joel is always getting bit by something.

Dennis: And he keeps surviving the bites.

Josh went to the spider.

Josh: Mya, why the hell did you shoot the spider in its natural habitat?

Mya: I panicked.

Markus: Ohhhhh, especially on Temple grounds.

Mya: They won’t know, unless one of you is going to be a little snitch and tell on me.

Markus: They will know. They always know stuff like that.

Mya: We will see about that.

Kersi: I agree. High Priest Lee or High Priestess Blue always have someone or something watching. Remember when Markus killed that scorpion that was on his pant leg.

Markus: Shut up about that Kersi.

Kersi: I’m just saying. They found out because a bird was watching and reported it.

Josh: So, in a way, if a bird was watching you, it will be the little snitch Mya.

Mya: I don’t see no birds around here right now.

Josh: There a lot of trees out here for them to hide in Mya.

 Instructor Natalie came up.

 Natalie: Are you guys fighting again?

All: no.

Kersi: We was just clearing up misunderstandings.

Natalie: We have 10 minutes to get to the briefing room, so let’s get going.


High Priest Lee and High Priestess Blue was waiting for the team. The team made it to the briefing room. There was a huge circular table in the middle with a holographic image of Ginia in the middle.

 Blue: Hello team.

All: Hi High Priestess Blue.

 They all sat down around the table.

 Lee: So, I am sure you have seen the news on the events going on around the world. Hurricane Heather, the heat wave in Industry City, and the mini quakes all around the world.

Joe: Yeah, that just started happening out of nowhere.

Joel came in and had a bandage on his arm.

 Joel: I had to get a poison shot.

Blue: Glad you could make it.

Joel sat down and Mya whispered to him.

 Mya: I killed your spider.

Joel: (outraged) WHAT!?

His outburst interrupted Lee.

 Lee: What the heck is going on?

Joel: She killed my tarantula.

Mya: It bit you Joel.

Joel: Yeah, but you didn’t have to kill it.

Natalie: Will you guys settle down before I make both you spend 3 hours on the Beam.

Joel and Mya looked at Natalie and then faced forward.

Natalie: I’m sorry High Priest.

Lee: As much as you guys argue with each other; I should be used to it by now.

Mya: It won’t happen again.

Lee: As I was saying, the reason why these events is happening is because the planet is crying.

Kersi: Crying?

Blue: It is called the Geniman Process. Humans have not shown any change in its careless way so the planet has made up its mind on cleansing the planet.

Josh: Like Noah’s Ark on Earth.

Lee: Yes, but it’s not going to be a great flood.

Kersi: Is there anything we can do to help change the planet's mind?

Blue: There is one thing, and therefore we called you guys up here. Do you remember what the Idacast Diamonds are?

Natalie: Yeah, they are basically the planets regenerator.

Blue: One of the Idacast Diamonds have been removed from its spot. Which we believe is what kicked started all this anarchy. Now we need to locate all 4 diamonds and bring them back here to the alter.

Josh: (to Markus) told you it was treasure hunting mission. You owe me 20.

Markus pulled out a 20-dollar bill and gave it to Markus.

Lee: We were informed that the Blue Diamond is located on Avaline Continent inside Mt. Glacius. Amy and Mike will be here to escort you to the diamond. We have not located the Red or Green Diamond yet.

Joe: Don't we have a Diamond Locater to help find them?

Blue: Yes, we do. The coordinates are showing the Red Diamond is somewhere in the middle of Monochello City by the Coliseum, and The Green Diamond is Tanamo Continent by a town called Tierra Kay. The Yellow Diamond was the one that was removed from its proper area and the coordinates is indicating that it’s at the Octo District.

Joel: Friggin' great.

Lee: Yup, so we would need you to sneak into the Octo District and retrieve the diamond.

Natalie: Headmaster Johnson must be using the diamond for a stupid agenda. I don’t know what happened, but Headmaster Johnson never used to be that way.

Blue: How do you know that?

Mya: She used to date him before he became the Headmaster.

Natalie: Damn it Mya.

Mya: What? It’s true.

Markus, Josh, and Joe was laughing silently.

 Natalie: You guys think it’s funny. But he was a nice and romantic guy before whatever changed him. I never thought he would be the one to let power change him.

Joel: Not me, I think it's romantic.

Joe: You should just go to the World Peace Conference and seduce him into telling you where it's at.

Natalie: No.

Markus: Take one for the team Instructor.

Mya: I got to do a speech there anyway so I wouldn’t mind seeing that.

Josh: He could still be wanting some more of Natalie so you may be able to get something out of him.

Natalie: Oh my God you guys.

Kersi: I think it's a good plan.

Natalie: You too Kersi?

Kersi: You can either drug him or seduce him, however you want to do it and once he tells you where it is, we will move in on Octo District. But you are the only one besides his Generals that he will allow close to him.

Natalie looked at the High Priest and Priestess.

 Blue: Honestly, I don’t care how you do it, the sooner the better.

Natalie: Okay. I will go to the World Peace Conference tomorrow and try to get him to tell me.

Lee: I really appreciate you guys and the work you do.

Natalie: Anything for the planet.

Lee: Once we get all the diamonds here the planet may forgive us.


In Monochello City. There was a thunderstorm over the city and it was downpouring. There was street construction by the Monochello City Coliseum. The worker was jack hammering the gravel. 2 of his co-workers came up.

 Worker 2: Hey Jim, we are going to get some food, you want anything?

Jim: Church's Chicken sounds good.

Worker 1: Alright.

Jim went back to jack hammering. Suddenly, a small quake took place and it made the ground beneath him collapse. He fell inside 20 feet deep. The crack was like looking down a huge trench. Jim looked around him and saw there was an underground cave system. His co-workers ran up to the crack.

 Worker 1: JIM! ARE YOU OKAY!

Jim: Yeah. How come the blueprint of this area don’t show an underground cave system here.

W2: I don’t know.

W1: Hold up Jim, I will go get a ladder for you.

Worker 1 ran to go get a ladder. Jim looked down into the cave hall and saw an area in the distance that had red glowing light.

 Jim: Hold up guys, I see a light down here.

Jim started walking towards the light.


He started to see many shadows passing by the lights. The shadows were not human shadows at all. Then he started hearing deep growling. Jim quickly went back to the opening.

 Jim: Guys, hurry up and get me the ladder and get me out of here.

Worker 1 came with a rope ladder and tossed it down to Jim. Jim started to climb the ladder. As he was climbing, something snatched Jim off the rope. It moved so fast, his friends were not able to see what it was. When they pulled up the ladder, all that was left was his hands gripping the rope. The 2 workers screamed and ran off to find help.