Ginia: The Planet's Cry by William Holloway - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 5: The World Peace Conference


The next morning Hurricane Heather was approaching Fort City in Monochello Continent. The clouds look like a wall of lightning and rain headed towards them.


Captain Jenkins walked into the headquarters of O.W.O.C. Adam and Lloyd greeted him.

 Adam: We have a situation Leroy.

Jenkins: What is going on?

They walked to the thermal satellite over Ginia.

 Lloyd: Notice anything over Industry City.

Jenkins: The ozone layer is completely gone.

Adam: And sunrise is in 20 minutes in that area.

Jenkins: Please tell me everyone evacuated that area like they were supposed to.


As the sun rise, a massive heat wave took over the city. The heat was so intense it instantly cooked anyone or anything that was outside. A lot of the buildings, automobiles, signs, and houses were melting as if it was candle wax. The surrounding areas caught fire from the heat.


Caitlyn's plane landed at the airport in Unison City. She was greeted by High Priestess Blue.

Caitlyn: BLUE!

Caitlyn gave her a big hug.

 Blue: Look at you, you're getting so big and so pretty.

Caitlyn. Thank you.

Blue: Is your Grandad coming?

Caitlyn: He said all the flights were full, so he is going to catch one this morning.

Blue: Okay no problem.

Blue grabbed Caitlyn's bags.

Caitlyn: Let's get going. The World Peace Conference will be starting in a couple hours.

As they were walking, they passed a set of televisions that had a breaking news report. A lot of people gathered around to see what was going on.

Reporter: For those of you watching, Industry City has literally been melted this morning when the sun came up. Authorities said that a lot of people did evacuate the city so the casualties should be low.

Blue looked at Caitlyn.

 Blue: I hope your grandad made it out before that happened.

Tears started falling down Caitlyn's face.

Caitlyn: What if he didn't make it?

Reporter: Hurricane Heather has made landfall in North East Monochello Continent. Fort City and the surrounding towns and villages is getting battered by this storm.

Blue grabbed Caitlyn's hand.

Blue: Come, let’s go see if your grandad made it on any of the planes that left this morning.


Mike and Amy were climbing down MT. Glacius.

Mike: I think this was a good expedition. We got a lot of cool picture, we found one of the Idacast Diamonds, and we saw abominable snowmen making out with each other.

Amy: Ew don’t remind me of that. That image is still in my head.

Mike: Well, I did get a picture. A nice quality one too.

Amy: I will rip that picture up when we get home Mike.

Mike: There will be people who will pay a lot of money for a picture like that.

Amy: When is the temple sending someone to retrieve that diamond?

Mike: I don’t know. Maybe today. High Priest Lee said someone will meet us at the hotel.

Amy: Let’s hurry up and get off this mountain so we can meet them there.


Jolin and Lalaine's airship landed in the dock yard.

 Lalaine: Oh my God, it is so beautiful here.

Kersi greeted them.

 Kersi: Hello, you must be the new Instructors. Jolin and Lalaine correct?

Jolin: Yes, that’s us.

Kersi: Perfect, I am Kersi, Instructor Natalie was called on duty at the last minute and asked me to give you the tour of our lovely district.

Lalaine: Thanks, Kersi.

Kersi: Follow me please.

Kersi gave Jolin and Lalaine a tour around the whole district. They checked out the library, the cafeteria, the classrooms, the training area, the car garage, the military training area and the dormitory areas. As they were checking out the district, Markus and Josh were being chased by the guards again. They ran passed the girls.



Jolin and Lalaine stared as the chase passed them,

Lalaine: Well, I can tell it is going to be exciting here.

Kersi: That is Markus and Josh. They are on me and Natalie's team. You'll probably meet them later.


The World Peace Conference was being held at the Monochello City Coliseum. It is a huge building that looks like Madison Square Garden. Everybody was dressed formal. Mya and Natalie was looking around.

Mya: There is so many people here. I'm nervous as hell to do the speech.

Natalie: Don’t worry you will be fine Mya.

Mya: That’s easy for you to say.

Natalie: Chances are these people probably won’t even pay attention to you. They will either be too focused on their important bullshit rich lives to care what you say. So, think of it as giving a speech to a bunch of drooling babies who have no idea what you're saying.

Mya: Yeah. I'll do that. Thanks Natalie.

Natalie spotted Headmaster Johnson. He was with General Brown.

 Natalie: Johnson at our 10 o'clock.

Mya: Ready to put on your seduction mode.

Natalie: Oh god. Not with him. There's way too many cute guys here for me to want to flirt with just him.

Mya: Hey you're the one who dated him in the past. I honestly don’t know what you saw in him, but for the sake of the planet, just get it over with.

Mya handed her a condom.

Mya: Just in case old flames fuel again.

Natalie: Mya, I don’t need this. It's not going to go that far.

Mya: Okay.

Natalie: Meet me at the bar after your speech.

Mya: Okay no problem.

Natalie and Mya split up. Headmaster Peebles and General Larus was at their booth drinking.

Peebles: There is soooo many hot chicks in here. I don’t even care about world peace right now, I want some new booty.

Larus: (chuckles) Well, there has been a few of them staring over here.

Peebles: I saw that too. You think they would get mad if we ditch this place.

Larus: Well, it is the peace conference for Unison and Octo District, they would want you to stay for the handshaking.

Peebles: Damn.

Larus: But at the same time, you already signed the treaty and shook his hand.

Peebles: True.

Peebles spotted 2 women staring over at them.

 Peebles: It seems more like I'm at a dance club than a conference, let’s go General Larus, booty calls. Get it, I meant to say Duty Calls but I replaced it with booty.

Larus: Yeah, I get it Headmaster.

 They both walked up to women. Headmaster Johnson and General Brown was sitting at their booth.

General Brown: Johnson, there is another diamond that’s really close to here. They are saying there is an underground cave system near the construction site at the park next to the coliseum.

Johnson: Get some men down there to retrieve it.

Brown: Already done. We have men approaching as we speak.

Johnson: Great.

Natalie walked up to Johnson.

 Natalie: Headmaster Johnson

Johnson: Well well well, if it isn't Natalie Deluna. Still looking beautiful as ever.

Natalie: Can I have a word with you?

Johnson: A word huh? What could you possibly want to talk to me about after 5 years? Not to mention betraying the Octo District to become an Instructor at Unison District.

Natalie: It’s of high importance. And me joining the Unison District didn’t bother you when I did transfer there.

Johnson: Whatever you can say to me, you can say in front of General Brown also.

Natalie: Why is one of the Idacast Diamonds at the Octo District? You do know removing that diamond is the reason why all these disasters are taking place around the world?

Johnson: The better question is, do I care? If the planet destroys itself then we can always rebuild it and buy more planets.

Natalie: You're an idiot you know that. What the hell happened to you? You used to always want peace, and had a good heart. What the hell changed you to such a heartless asshole?

Johnson: I am just a guy who admires power and I have a lot of it. This little peace conference won’t make a difference once I have all the diamonds in my possession.

Natalie took a drink and tossed the glass at Johnson. Johnson’s bodyguards grabbed Natalie.

Johnson: This is a peace conference and you're throwing glass at people. (to the guards) Take her out of here.

Brown: I'll make sure she’s personally thrown out.

General Brown grabbed Natalie and escorted her to the door. Mya followed from a distance.

Natalie: God damnit General Brown, you know what he's doing is wrong. A lot of people is going to die because of him. What the hell is wrong with him?

Brown: A lot of people have already died because of him Natalie. But trust me there are a lot of people in Octo District that disagrees with his stupid plan. Some even think that he isn’t even the real Headmaster. He will be overthrown. If we need your help we will let you know. I don't know what happened to him either, he was fine, EVERYTHING was fine, and then he snapped and started the stupid war. And now this.

Natalie: Please get that yellow diamond, we need to get it back to the temple. Or open a way to go in there and get it.

General Brown: I'll try, he has it heavily guarded. Meanwhile, there is a cave system in the park next to this coliseum. There is another diamond there. He already has men trying to retrieve it, but you could get to it first.

Natalie looked at the guards that was with General Brown.

 Natalie: What about these 2?

Guard 1: I thought it was funny when you had thrown the glass at him.

Guard 2: Would have been better if you shot him.

Brown: Look we're trying to handle this from the inside, there’s only a small group we have, but we been trying to make our numbers grow. There's too many that will do what he orders them to do because they are too scared of him. I'll try my best to help you, but it probably won’t be enough.

Natalie: Thanks, General Brown.

The General and the guards left Natalie. Headmaster Peebles and General Larus walked up with the girls that was looking at them. Peebles spotted Natalie.

Peeble: Hey Natalie. Um, if anybody asks where we are, tell them I got sick and went home. I didn't want to shake Johnson's hand and get him sick too. Even though he deserves to die from the most horrible disease out there. PEACE.

Natalie: Um, okay Headmaster.

Then they walked off.

 Natalie: Wow.