I/Tulpa: Pokémon Go NY by Ion Light - HTML preview

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Chapter 14


Outside the cabin, a number of black motorcycles with side cars were parked, and the owners of said bikes stood before their bikes, Pokémon to the right of each of them. As our friends emerged from the cabin, compliant with the woman holding the Megaphone’s directions, Jon recognized several of the girls from the Library incident, even with their change in attire and their sunglasses on.

“Oh, hey!” Jon said. “Nice to see you again.”

“When did you…” Reese began.

“So, Doctor Bliss, we meet again,” the girl with the Megaphone said, needlessly through the Megaphone. She handed it off to one of her ‘lackeys,’ removed her sunglasses and stepped forwards. Her Cubone seemed to echo the sentiment: “Cubone.”

Loxy’s friends turned to her. “Doctor Bliss?” they asked.

“Gisselle,” Loxy said, moving forward to address the leader of the pack, hoping to bypass any conversation of her being a legitimate Doctor.

“I swear, you have more secrets than a wishing well,” Reese said.

“Wait wait wait,” Jon said, sorting what Reese had said. “That’s actually fairly astute.”

“Wow, thank you,” Reese said. “Wait wait wait. You’re not being nice to me just because we tangled.”

“Oh, no, I am never just nice for the sake of being nice,” Jon said.

“OMG, yes you are!” Loxy corrected him. “Even as we exited you were flirting with those two.”

“Oh, no, that wasn’t flirting. We tussled back at the library, and though I do admit to wanting to finish what they started, I am more curious about your magician and doctorate status.”

“Enough!” Gisselle said. “I don’t have time for all your tangents and asides.”

“Are you a pirate?” Nick asked.

“Do I look like a pirate?!” Gisselle asked, a little snappish towards him. Cubone pointed his bone at the kid Nick raised his plastic sword, and Loxy shoved him back into Reese’s care.

“How do you know Loxy?” Jon asked.

“I spent several semesters in her school,” Loxy said.

“We were rivals,” Gisselle said.

“No, we weren’t,” Loxy said. “You’re always exaggerating perceived differences and instigating drama in order to manipulate people into doing your bidding.”

“It works for me,” Gisselle said. “You’re not still sore because I stole your boyfriend, are you?”

“You can’t steal something no one owns,” Loxy said. “He had free will, and could pursue whatever interest he wanted.”

“She stole your boyfriend?!” Reese said.

“You had a boyfriend?” Jon asked.

“OMG, Jon, really?” Loxy asked. “I am a human being. Of course I have had past love interests before you.”

“OMG, you still love him!” Gisselle exclaimed.

“Of course, Gisselle. We never stop loving the people we love,” Loxy said.

“If it’s any consolation, he ran off with my Graveler,” Gisselle said.

“Well, I have warned you, those who manipulate people usually end up getting manipulated,” Loxy said.

 “Everyone manipulates, Loxy,” Gisselle said. “Babies manipulate by crying and having big eyes. Pokémon manipulate by being cute and saying their names. We all have attributes designed to work the systems available to us. That’s just nature.”

 “Yes, I agree,” Loxy said. “But eventually, you must rise above the systems that sustain you in order to realize that you never needed the system.”

“Oh, Loxy, Loxy, Loxy. Sometimes you confuse me, talking all mystic like. Stick to intuition, it serves you better. Anyway, no manipulation this time, my cherished enemy-friend,” Gisselle said. “I am going to be very direct. I am taking Jon from you.”

“Good luck with that,” Loxy said.

“There’s nothing you can do about it,” Gisselle said. “I will have my way in this and if you even try reaching for your Pokémon balls, my team will wipe you all out.”

“Oh, no, you misunderstand,” Loxy said. “I mean good luck, he’s all yours, have fun.”

“Really?” Jon, Gisselle, and Reese all said.

“What did you expect me to say?” Loxy said. “We’re out numbered, out matched, and there are kids here. No need for anyone to get hurt.”

“But…” Jon said.

“You’re telling me you don’t want to go with her?” Loxy asked Jon.

“She is cute and all, but I am thinking she’s going to hurt me,” Jon said.

“Cute?!” Gisselle snapped, Cubone waving his bone at him.

 “Of course she’s going to hurt you,” Loxy said.

“I know her type. She is most likely to break your heart,” Reese said.

“Likely?!” Loxy asked. “Anyway, you’ll have to take one for the team.”

“I just took one for the team!” Jon said.

“OMG, you did not just say that!” Reese said, almost in tears.

“That didn’t come out right. Look, I’m just saying I don’t want to be hurt, and I especially don’t want my heart broken,” Jon protested.

“OMG, Jon, how old are you?” Loxy asked.

“OMG, why are we back on that?!” Jon asked.

“Because, everyone older than twelve has had a broken heart,” Loxy said. “It’s part of life, and if you haven’t had that then you’re not older than twelve, or you really need to go with Gisselle to get that part of your life over with.”

 Gisselle started to protest, but Jon held up a finger to her. “Wait wait wait,” he insisted, turning back to Loxy. “You’re endorsing broken hearts?”

 “Well of course,” Loxy said. “That’s how love gets into the world.”

 “Eh?” Nick, Mentos, and Jon asked.

 “If you have a heart, that means you’re capable of producing love, and if your heart is broken, your love light is shining into the world, and that is how the world sees the light of love,” Loxy said. “And until your heart is broken, you can’t truly see the outside world for what it is, because before you were a self-contained love unit, but with a broken heart, the world and all the people get painted with love and light.”

 “Nice reframe,” Giselle said. “But again, you’re straying outside of your proficiency.”

“I’ll go with you,” Mentos said to Gisselle.

Everyone in Jon’s group turned to him, surprised, while a few in Gisselle’s group found it amusing, one rolled her eyes, as if to say, ‘everywhere we go,’ and  several found it endearing.

Reese began to tear up. “OMG, my little brother is finally growing up,” hugging him.

Mentos shrugged out of her reach. “What is all that? I am just saying, I want to be a secret agent like her,” Mentos said.

“I want to be a pirate,” Nick said.

“May I go with you and learn the ways of Pokémon agents?” Mentos asked, still dazed by Gisselle.

“Of course you can, sweetie,” Gisselle said. “After I have secured Jon, you can prove yourself worthy by surrendering any of your Pokémon to me.”

“Okay,” Mentos said.

“Wow,” Reese said.

“I can’t believe you’d take advantage of your power over him,” Loxy said.

“The G-force has a strong influence over the weak minded,” Gisselle said.

“Leave my friends alone and I will come willingly,” Jon said.

“Oh, the time for you to come willingly has passed,” Gisselle said. “Girls, bind him.”

“Gourgeist!” the girl named Terror said; she was one of the henchwomen from the library, sending in her floating ghost pumpkin to take Jon by force. It subdued him with an outpouring of coarse, vine like hair, winding its threads around his arms, his neck, and stretching down his body, though sleeves, neck, and anywhere it could push through his clothes. It was scratching, like rolling in a hay, and he couldn’t help but resist.

Loxy reached for a ball.

“Don’t even think about it,” Gisselle said, her Cubone slapping her hand with its bone.

 “You’re hurting him!” Reese exclaimed, picking up Nick and turning his face into her shoulder.

 “I want to see!” Nick said.

A Yamask also moved in to assist, grabbing Jon by the waist, while a Cofagrigus grabbed him from the front, one of her hands covered his mouth to prevent him from screaming.

Cofagrigus moved in close and whispered ‘Jesse’ into his ear. The Gourgeist began to sing, subduing its prey as she prepared to consume it.

“Don’t kill him yet!” Gisselle ordered. “The Professor wants to him alive.”

“And so do we!” came a voice from outside of the circle.

A shadow took over the whole group, and an ominous sound poured down from the sky, part moan, part song, part deep thunder, the base of which reverberated through their bones, cracked sunglasses, cracked windshields on the motorbikes to give them that diamond looking pattern, and broke windows in the log cabin. A Flying Wailord descended on the group, like a Dirigible, and beneath it was a tethered Gondola. Descending ropes, with the precision of ninja, military experts springing into a battle, came Jacey and Jacky, Team Rocket, an intercom on the bottom of the Gondola presented their fanfare: Team Rocket’s mission statement. While the two Rockets mesmerized the crowd with their performance, a Raichu covertly took the necessary position to do his part. Raichu unleased a sustained burst of power, driving everyone to their knees. It kept it up until everyone, even the Pokémon were unconscious; with exceptions. Terror, and her two other colleagues, and their Pokémon were exempt from the attack, and consequently, so was Jon, but he was bound so well that he could do nothing but watch, and even that was limited, due to Cofagrigus directly in his face to hers, smiling at him.

“Great intro,” Jacey told Jacky.

“Why thank you,” Jacky told Jacey. “You were brilliant, too!”

“We are just getting too good for this world,” Jacey agreed.

“Which is why we’re destined for the stars!” Jacky agreed.

They both turned to Jon.

“Aww, our cute, old friend and Pokémon love, Jon, we have you once again in our grasp,” Jacey said.

 “I told you he kissed like a Pokémon,” Jacky said.

 “I never doubted you for a moment,” Jacey said.

“Great catch, Terror,” Jacky applauded their colleagues. “I do so love a man who’s tied and gagged.”

“Jesse,” Cofagrigus sang.

“James,” Yamask echoed. The face he carried did look a lot like the former James of the Team Rocket fame.

Jacey patted Cofagrigus. “Yes, you and your brother continue to serve Team Rocket well.

You have earned your luxury ball time today. Just don’t mess this up.”

“Bind the humans, collect their Pokémon, and get everyone on board the Gondola,” Jacky ordered. She looked around the forest and the cabin and the broken motorcycles. “This world is so going to miss us when we’re gone.”


Jon was afforded the luxury of being held on the flight deck of the Gondola. The Yamask of Jesse was returned to the Luxury ball, but Cofagrigus and Gourgeist maintained a vigilant grasp of him. Jesse kept whispering her name into his ear. Stray strands of Gourgeist’s hair massaged Jon wherever she grasped, tightening and releasing, as if savoring the taste and the possible delight of consuming him completely. The ground receded away at tremendous speeds. He made out an altimeter on control panel, increasing. At a certain altitude, Flying Wailord was summoned into a ball, and an oversized Zapdos was released. Flaming wings carried them into orbit, where the Gondola was brought into contact with a Starship, resting in a revolver like cylinder that held perhaps a dozen other space capable Gondolas. The mechanism that grabbed hold of the Gondola gave a resounding clink that reverberated through the ship. It couild have been mistaken for a very space age Ferris wheel bound to a star ship.

Terror entered, saluting Jacey and Jacky. “The Gondola is secured, and we’re moving our guest to their cells. All Pokémon have been secured and will be taken to examination room to see if there are any worthy of joining the cause.”

“Good work, Terror,” Jacey said.

“Extremely,” Jacky said. “Take Jon to the interrogation room. The boss will deal with him directly, shortly, so I want you, personally to prepare him. Take him within an inch of his life, if you have to. Do whatever it takes to soften him up, make him compliant with questioning.”

“My pleasure,” Terror said. “They don’t call me Terror of the Skies for nothing.”

 “I love it when you sound so menacing,” Jacey said, squeezing herself. “It gives me such chills!”

 “Why, thank you!” Jacky said. “I get chills hearing you say that.”

 “We have certainly earned are good chills today,” Jacey said.

 “We have, our fates our changing,” Jacky said. “No more floundering like a useless Magikarp for Team Rocket. Only success, only stars, for far as the horizon spreads!”

 “To infinity and beyond!” Jacey agreed.

 “Oh, I really like that!” Jacky said. “We should add that to our repertoire/”

 “I think it’s taken,” Terror said.

“Don’t step on my good mood,” Jacey warned.

“That will be all, Terror,” Jacky said.

 “Aye,” Terror said. “This way, Gourgeist and Cofagrigus.”

“Jesse!” Cofagrigus said.

“Your ‘Jesse’ days are over, my old friend,” Terror said. “Be grateful that the boss killed you in a manner that allowed you to come back as a Yamask, and further grateful that I allowed you, over your brother, to evolve.”

“Jesse,” Cofagrigus said, more defeated than humbly.

With the two of the Pokémon holding him, Jon’s feet didn’t touch the ground. They passed through the Gondola into an airlock, and then into the Starship proper. A female officer guarding the airlock door saluted Terror. What Jon had earlier mistaken as tennis outfit was now updated into his mind to be facsimile’s of a Star Trek like uniform. From a certain perspective, if you weren’t seeing Trek, there was some features that resembled Empire military uniforms.

Clearly, they were not Trek, nor Wars, but they were close enough one might argue for either or both. One of the interesting things about the uniform was its metallic look and feel. People were color sorted, with lots of reds and blues highlighting their outfits, and some with gold highlights, but everyone had a shiny silvery base uniform.

“Welcome back, mam,” the guard said. “Where are you taking this thing?”

“Interrogation,” Terra said. “Jacey and Jacky’s direct orders. I get to pummel him.”

“Oh, how fun,” the guard said. “Would you like some help?”

“I will let you know. I kind of feel bad for the old fellow,” Terra said. “I got to prepare him for the boss. And I was kind of wanting him all to myself.”

“Oh,” the guard said. “If there is anything left when they finish with him, maybe they’ll let you have him. That’s how I acquired my first Hitmonchan. I make him wear a purple dress, cause I am really fond of men in Kilts.”

“Oh, I remember him,” Terror said. “Well, excuse me, I better not dawdle. The boss might be secretly supervising me. I might get a promotion!”

They both giggled. Terra waved, and Jon was carried along behind her. It wasn’t lost on him that all the crew they passed were female. Even if he strained to listen to passing voices, or peer around a corner, he could discern no males. He was brought to a room where he was forced to sit in an armless chair, his hands secured behind his back by metal cuffs. Georgeist was directed to retire to one side of the room. It reluctantly let go of Jon, its feathering like hair pulling free with a buildup of static electricity that sparkled against his skin. Cofagrigus was directed to retire to the opposing corner.

“I want both of you to maintain a vigilant watch as I work him over,” Terror insisted.

“You never know what sort of tricks these old men are capable of.”

Cofagrigus let go of Jon and he sucked in air. Terror patted his face. “Save your breaths, my newest friend, you’re likely to need some reserves.”

 “Friends don’t do this to friends!” Jon said.

 “Really? You never had a friend tie you up and do unspeakable things to you?” Terror asked.

 “No!” Jon said.

 “OMG,” Terror said, teasing his face with a finger. “My first virgin!”

“Wait wait wait, let’s talk about this,” Jon said.

“Never fear, Terror’s here,” Terror said. She touched his face, squeezing his mouth into a pout, pushing eyes in close to him. “Ever been to a dentist?”

Jon was barely able to nod yes her grip on him was so firm.

“This is much more fun than that,” Terro said. She paused, offering an ear. “What? You want to tell me something?”

“Help me and my friends escape, and I will make it worth your while,” Jon said.

Terror’s eyes got big, all the white accenting the purplish pupils. “Really?” She sat on his lap and hugged his neck and then kissed him. “Tell me my new, dearest friend, what do you have to offer me?”

“Um,” Jon said. He gasped.

“I haven’t even started yet, and you’re shivering with fear? What’s wrong?” Terra asked.

“Cat got your tongue?”

“You’re really hot,” Jon said.

“I know,” Terror said. “But that’s not going to persuade me.”

“No, I mean like, you’re radiating heat, on fire kind of hot,” Jon said.

“Oh, that’s probably just the Darumaka poop in my pockets. I find it gets cold on the starship, so I always carry some extra with me,” Terror said. “What’s wrong now? Loss of interest in me already?”

“Um, well, poop in the pocket doesn’t sound hygienic,” Jon said.

Terror pulled out one of the sealed, plastic bags containing Darumaka poop. “It’s perfectly fine. You can’t even smell I have it on me.”

“That’s just not right,” Jon said.

“You’re not doing this right,” Terror said. “You’re supposed to keep kissing me and promising me the world.”

“I have changed my mind,” Jon said.

“I bet I can make you change it back,” Terror said, causing his chair to lean backwards as she pushed into him. After covering his whole mouth and sucking out his air, she gave him a reprieve and stared into his eyes. “How was that?”

“That’s pretty convincing, actually,” Jon said.

 “Pretty convincing?!” Terror said. She grinded into him. “I feel evidence that suggest you may be minimizing.”

 “I think that’s an automatic response to tactile stimulation that is out of my control,” Jon said.

 “You’re trying to trick me,” Terror said. “You really want me.”

 “Can you take the poop out of your pocket?” Jon asked.

 “The poop really bothers you. Haven’t you heard, everybody poops?” Terror asked.

“Even Pokémon poop.”

 “Into your pocket?” Jon asked.

 “Well, sure if you don’t let them out of your pocket, but I get poop from an authorized vendor,” Terror vendor.

 “There is a poop vendor?” Jon asked.

 “Where else would you get poop? Everyone needs quality control on their poop,” Terror said. “You don’t just feed anything to your plant based Pokémon. And in the old days, people use to make houses out of poop. They would make ovens with poop and mud and they cooked their food in them. And some places, where it’s cold, you can burn poop, because you don’t want to cut down trees, but if you have Darumaka, you can have heat without a flame, which is really important on a spaceship!”

 “Thank you for educating me,” Jon said. “I’m trying really hard to get over my biases.”

 “It’s too late. No more scoops on poops, and no more attempting to persuade me to join your team,” Terror said, sitting his chair on four legs. “Let’s get this part clear. I am in control of you. You will do as I say, or I will make a Yamask out of you, too. So heads up: You’re not Captain Kirk. Your kisses aren’t enough to convince me to join you. They’re good, mind you. You taste like a Pokémon, but not good enough for me to give up the dreams of having my own estate on a brand new, unoccupied world. No one on this ship will fall for your tricks, old man. There isn’t anything you can give me that I’ve not already taken from you. And the taking, Sir, has only just begun.”

Terror got up and walked out, and before the door closed, she warned the guards to watch out for him, as he is not only dangerous and treacherous, but a really good kisser. The guards looked in as if trying to see for themselves, but the door closed. Then the door opened again she was coming back in. “And make sure they bring my dental tools. I want to inspect his teeth while I am torturing him.”

 Terror turned her attention back to Jon, a terrific grin, (it would have been a terrorific grin, but spell didn’t like that word,) and she put her hands on her hip and drew very close, even lifted a knee and pushed it into him, and then put a foot on the chair between his legs.

 “Before I begin my session, I have an obligatory speech, which basically means, even if you heard it before, you get to hear it again,” Terror said.

 “The ‘prepare for trouble’ speech?” Jon asked.

 “Oh, you are way beyond that speech,” Terror said. “No, this speech covers informed consent. Oh, wait, I am getting it out of order. Do you have any medical conditions I need to be apprised of?”

 “Um, I don’t know,” Jon said.

 “No worries. If you do, we’ll discover them in the process,” Terror said. “Anyway, where was I, oh, yes, the speech. According to the Pokémon accord, any information obtained through the course of an interrogation is public domain, and will be shared with all Pokédex users. Since, you are in the Pokédex, anything you say could make you extremely vulnerable to future attacks. It’s already been noted that you have particular weakness to females in skirts, shorts, pants… Pretty much just, females in general, human or Pokémon. So far, we have not determined a body type, skin tone, or age that doesn’t cause a dilated pupil response, but that just means, we have more research to conduct. Oh, your aversion to poop has been noted and logged, right under your aversion to bug type Pokémon. Yes, I have been reading all about you, my friend, and I am so happy that I get the privilege of discovering your boundary and limits. My name goes on the report, you know, and if I discover something particularly interesting, I could earn a Pokémon medal of honor. So, in the name of posterity, I do hope you will continue to provide accurate information. I would hate to discover that you are one of those lying Pokémon, which would cause all of my discoveries to be called into question. It’s problematic enough that you’re the only one of your kind and my results can’t be duplicated in other labs.”

 The door behind her opened, and Jon couldn’t see who all was entering, but as they fanned out, he noticed a couple of her colleagues that had joined her from the Library, including Aya.

 “Hello, Aya,” Jon said.

 “Uh eh,” Terror said, waving a fingers. “Eyes on me, Sir. Aya had her chance, now it’s my turn to crack you like an egg. Hypno, prepare to enter his brain.”

“I can’t be hypnotized,” Jon said.

“Oh, my dear, dearest, newest lover, Jon,” Terror said.

“Wait wait wait. I graduated from friend to lover?” Jon asked.

“Oh, torture, my dearest, newest love, is a very intimate process,” Terror said, pulling his chin up so she could bear down on him with a kiss. “True torture is not just hacking and slashing.

These new movies, they’re not scary. Borderline gross, sometimes, but I assure you, I am not squeamish at the sight of blood or other bodily fluids. No no no, torture is about discovering all the secret ways of pleasuring you till it hurts so good, hurting you till it’s pleasurable, and finding all of those little secret places that  give rise to fear, disgust and joy, and then possessing it, so that ultimately I own you completely. You go ahead and cry all you want, too, as I am not affected by tears, either. Aww, look at your eyes! I see I have your undivided attention, which is the first level of hypnosis, my dearest, newest, most lovely lover. Everyone can be hypnotized. If you have ever been to a movie and forgot that there were sitting next to others, you were hypnotized. If you ever had an orgasm, you were hypnotized. If you ever fell asleep, you passed through the zone of optimum hypnosis; the precarious, perfect balance point that demarks the threshold of the ego conscious and unconscious mind. There are numerous ways for me to get you there. I could scare you, and take you there by surprise. I could drone on for hours until boredom causes you to lower your guard and I sneak in the back door like your algebra teacher could have if she had been less ethical.” She pushed a hand against his chest and down between his legs. “I could just stroke this until I take you there. I could simply seduce you with the dark side of the Force. Or, I could just let Jynx kiss you.”

“Jynx?” Jon asked.

The Pokémon in question stepped through the line of Terror’s colleagues and took up prominent position before him. Her hands were on her hip and her hips were swaying. All parts of her swayed. He was so mesmerized by the swaying he didn’t noticed Gourgeist was summoned from the corner to hold his head and hold his eyes open wide.

“OMG! What the heck is that?” Jon asked.

“Oh, it’s a Pokémon,” Terror said. “One of my personal favorites to work with. Attractive, isn’t she?”

“I can’t look away!” Jon said.

“Oh, that’s just because Gourgeist is holding your eyes open and your head still,” Terror said. “The easier for Jynx to work her way in.”

“No, really, what is it? Human?” Jon asked.

“We don’t really ask those sorts of questions,” Terror said. “And it really doesn’t matter? I mean, she’s got all the right junk in the right places. All that matters is it she has power over you. I admit, you revealed a resistance to Hypno’s hypnotic powers at the library, but I have personally noticed you have a weakness to females. No, no, no, don’t be too upset by this malady. Many men have it. Granted, not to the degree you seem to have it, but generally, most men. Surprisingly, fewer men in worlds with Pokémon. Anyway, tangent, aside. Many women might not appreciate your level of distractibility, let’s call it that. But I think it’s a super power. Like Kirk or Bond or the Ketchum, you’re just obsessive enough that you got to catch them all. And, society encourages that kind of obsessiveness. Wild women and Pokémon may play indifferent, it’s almost prerequisite of the game; trainers wouldn’t spend all their time trying to level up to catch them, if they just gave in on the first ball. Sorry, I am a bit rambly, I get this way when I am excited, and I so hope I don’t lose it before you do, anyway, you crack through the layers of their mask the way I am about to blow through yours, and you will discover, deep down, all beings want to be owned, worshiped, handled, adored, tortured, and loved. So we will first harden you with an entrainment trance, and then ply you with another round of hypno, and we will just continue with this till something gives, like bending a piece of metal back and forth until it finally heats up and breaks. Jynx, hit it!”

The room they were in seemed to stretch, so that now Jon was in the short, small end of a nightmare opening up to a wider, larger room. Hypno began to sing: “All About the Base,” by Master Trainer, Mega Meghan. The swaying her hips became more pronounced, like ringing a bell, as she swung wider, and sunk deeper into it, hinting at the possibility of some serious twerking. The tune was incredibly catchy, and the only thing that prevented Jon from dancing was the fact that he was bound to the chair. Being bound made it that much more irresistible, as his body had a need of its own to move with Jynx. His body arched as if he was being electrocuted, which resulted in William Shatner level histrionics, restrained by restraints resulting in convulsions. Terror and her human colleagues joined in the dance, along with Hypno and Cofagrigus, and sometimes the lights were normal, and sometimes they were backlights and the Pokémon almost seemed normal in this light and the humans seemed more like glowing Pokémon, pastel patterns that were hidden in normal everyday light. Gourgeist held his eyes open so he couldn’t look away, and sang in his ears in an extra ASMR dimensional way, but also directed his vision to various scenes, like a close-ups of colleagues doing the ‘doo-wap’ or directing him to particular hand work, feet work, or just full body gyrations, with inner, jiggling thighs directed at him, or flapping butts, or wildly gyrating breasts hidden under clothing, so that the visual and aural qualities were accentuated in such a manner that he was fully possessed. The song ended and there was silence as they held their poses, waiting for a reaction, as if expecting applause. Drool issued from Jon’s mouth, and he mumbled, echoed, “no trebble…”

“Take him, Hypno!” Terror said.

There was whirlwind of noise around his