Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 99


Gary pushed the door panel to Sir Richard’s office and waited. The doors slid open, and he stepped inside. His mouth gaped. “Lady Triplet,” he said, sounding surprised. She was sitting in a wheelchair, beside Sir Richard’s desk.

“Hello, Gary,” she softly smiled.

“Gary,” Sir Richard spoke up. “Where are Ricky and Donna?”

“They went back to their quarters, shortly after you left. They’re on their way. Have you told Lady Triplet, about tonight?”

“Yes, Gary. I know about the party, and I know about the cure you’ve developed, as well. The party will still take place, but there is business to attend to in the meantime. Well, don’t just stand there, Richard, offer the man something to drink!”

“Forgive my manners, Gary. What would you like?”

“Coffee is fine.” Gary grinned.

“I’ll join you. Gary, can I talk to you about Donna before they get here?”

Gary looked over the top of his cup. “I suppose….”

“You know, now that Forrest is back in the hospital if we want to get rid of him we’re going to need Donna’s help.”

Gary lifted an eyebrow. “I understand that Sir Richard, but I doubt D will agree to it. She doesn’t see death as a punishment nor does she believe….”

Richard walked up to the door and almost slammed his nose into it when it didn’t open on cue. He waved his hand in front of the sensor and still nothing. Sir Richard unlocked the door, and it slid open.

“Sorry Ricky, I didn’t realise the sensor was locked. Come in and have a seat.”

“Lady Triplet, what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be resting. Does Sam know…?”

“Sheila said as long as she took it easy, she could leave the infirmary.”

“Funny, she didn’t say anything to me, or Sam.” Donna bent down, hugged Lady Triplet and kissed her cheek. “I’m glad you’re feeling better, Lady Triplet.”

Lady Triplet smiled. “Thank you, Dear. You know, Ricky, you and your father could take some lessons from your wife, on manners.”

Richard hugged her and kissed her cheek. “Sorry, Grandma. I’m pleased to see you up and about.”

Lady Triplet sighed. “Sit down, Ricky. I’m afraid I have some disturbing news. Donna, dear, you remember our plans to deal with Forrest?”

Donna inhaled deeply and let it out slowly. “Yes, Lady Triplet.”

“My sources have told me that Forrest was prepared to shoot, badly injure Ricky, and then kidnap you both. He was then going to use you to get to Gary.”

Donna tightened her jaw and glanced at Sir Richard. “And you don’t plan to involve the police in this either. Do you?”

“Donna you have to stop this thing with involving the police!” Lady Triplet snapped. “GW Forrest does not operate within the realms of the laws of the land, and he never will. If you want the future to be safe for your son, and other children, you have to realise that, now!”

“It seems, even The Order has turned its back on me,” Sir Richard added. “In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if they haven’t been behind the whole thing.”

Richard frowned. “Surely not all the members, Dad!”

“Maybe not all of them, but judging from the reaction at our last meeting at Kent, the ones we need to worry about are the Chinese, Russian and probably Indian representatives.”

“Forrest is after the cure. Why don’t we just give it to him?” Gary asked.

Donna looked at him in astonishment. “What did you say?”

Richard turned and looked at his friend in utter surprise. “Gary, are you mad?”

“He’s right,” Lady Triplet interjected. “I think we should give Forrest the cure.”

“OK you two,” Sir Richard said bluntly. “Explain yourselves.”

“It’s simple,” Gary said. “We alter the virus. We’ve been trying to prevent carcinogenic growth. We need to make a version of the virus that promotes it.”

“…And we give that to Forrest. Or make it possible for him to steal it!” Lady Triplet grinned evilly.

“Donna, could you make a version like that?”

Donna’s eyes widened. “I suppose, Dad, but….”

“But what, Donna?”

“If I do that it wouldn’t be any different than what you’d planned in the first place. I would still be killing him. I’m not comfortable with that.”

“We’ve already been over this, Donna. Forrest is a monster!” Lady Triplet snapped. “If we don’t stop him, he won’t stop until he gets what he wants. He’s already killed a lot of good people, your mother included. It’s for the greater good Dear. You must help us,” she persisted.

“No!” Donna shot to her feet and glared at Lady Triplet. “I will not do it,” she pushed through her teeth. “If you want to kill Forrest, then you do it without my help. I will not create a killer virus and risk it getting out of our hands!” She stormed from the room.

Richard jumped to his feet. “Grandma, I know we need to get rid of Forrest, but don’t you think you could have handled that a little more tactfully?”

“Your wife is being unreasonable, Ricky!”

“No more than you! Donna does not think the same as we do. Give me a chance to talk to her. Maybe I can convince her, but if she disagrees, we find another way,” Richard said, turning his attention to Sir Richard. “Agreed?”

Sir Richard sighed and nodded. “Richard…” Gary interjected. “Give D some time to cool off, first. If you approach her now, she won’t listen. You’ll just piss her off more.”

“I’ll check with the engineers and make sure everything is going to be ready for tonight, and then I’ll go find her.”

“She’ll probably be in the park,” Gary suggested.

“I know,” Richard grinned and left.

“Gary, if Donna says no, I guess it will be up to you and Sam.”

Gary nodded. “I tried to warn you.”


Sheila and Sam were sitting at one of the picnic tables, toward the back of the park, talking. Sheila stood to leave. “Thanks, for keeping me company, and for inviting me to the party, tonight. I haven’t been out, in a while.”

Sam slowly walked with her toward the front entrance of the park. “I will be happy to change that for you. I’ll be at your quarters around half past five, then. Are things going smoothly, at the infirmary?”

“Nothing I can’t handle,” Sheila chuckled. “Lady Triplet was a handful until I turned her loose, earlier.”

“Did you tell Donna?”

“No. Do I have to?”

“Not really, but it might have been a good idea.”

Sheila frowned. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to step on her toes.”

“It’s all right. I’ll talk to her and explain.”

Sheila looked up. “Speaking of Donna, wasn’t that her on the bench by the waterfall?”

Sam glanced over his shoulder and groaned. Donna was bent over with her face buried in her hands. “Yes, it is. I wonder what her asshole of a husband has done to her now. I’ll catch you later,” he said. “Do you mind?”

“No – sure – go on. I’ll see you this evening.” Sheila left.

Sam slowly approached and sat on the bench beside her. “Leave me alone, Richard!” Donna snapped without looking up.

“Easy, sweetheart. It’s me,” Sam said and slid closer to her. “What’s wrong?”

Donna sighed, rested her head on Sam’s shoulder and explained. “Sam… they want me to create a killer virus to get rid of Forrest.”

Sam frowned. “What do you mean create a killer virus?”

“They want me to reverse what I did with our virus and use the EHG to create a killer version, so they can give that to Forrest.”

“Have you tested the virus to see if it’s transmittable?”

“No, I haven’t had a chance, but if the killer version is as aggressive as our version, this could get really nasty.”

Sam rested his cheek on top of Donna’s head and sighed. “What did Richard say or do?”

“Nothing. He just sat there. I can’t believe they’re willing to risk a pandemic to take out one man – no matter who it is.”

“What if you were to engineer it, so it only took out Forrest?”

Donna looked up at Sam and frowned. “Are you suggesting I should do this? We’re doctors – we save lives – we don’t take them.”

“Under normal circumstances, I would agree with you, but think about all the people this one man has killed. Think about what he tried to do to Missy, and what he did to the Wilsons and to Mildred. What he would do to your baby. I don’t know why, but for some reason, yours and Richard’s son is special in some way. Rich would be a prize for Forrest.”

“Not my son!” Donna’s eyes danced with anger; she stood. “Let’s get back to the lab. I would kill Forrest myself before I let him have my son! Will you help me?”

“Of course, sweetheart. I would do anything for you – you know that.”

“VICi, notify Richard Triplet and Gary Browne to come to the genetics lab. Connect me with Sir Richard.”

VICi; Richard Triplet and Gary Browne have been notified and have acknowledged. Communication line is now open with Sir Richard.

Donna didn’t wait for him to speak. “I’ll make the virus, but you’ll have to figure out how to get it to him. I won’t do that part.”


Sir Richard smiled. “Understood. How long will it take you to make the virus?”

“It will be ready before I leave today. I’ll test it tonight. We should know something by this time tomorrow, or the next day. VICi, end communication.”

“That was quick. I guess Ricky convinced her.”

Lady Triplet grinned wryly. “I never doubted him. He’s every bit the leader his father is. Now, where are my living quarters?”

“You’ve changed your mind about staying with us?”

“Of course I have, you silly boy. I belong with my family.”

Sir Richard offered his arm. “I’d rather you stayed with me until you’ve completely recovered.”

“Nonsense. I’ll be just fine on my own.”

“What about Vera and Jack, and your yap dogs?”

“They’ll do fine, with Jack and Vera, at the castle.”

“Then I’ll assign someone to look after you. I’ll not have you living alone without any help.”

“Fine!” Lady Triplet groaned. “But Jack and Vera stay where they are.”

Sir Richard furrowed his brow in confusion. Why wouldn’t Mum want her trusted servants with her?


Gary had gone back to the genetics lab straight away. Wanting to make sure everything in the entertainment hall was ready; Richard had lagged, again. Gary, Donna, and Sam carried on working. When Richard and Dave had finished connecting the last few pieces of equipment, Richard looked at his watch and panicked. “Oh shit! Frank. Dave. I’m sorry, but I have to dash,” he said and ran for the door. “VICi, where is Donna Triplet?” He smiled, liking the sound of that.

VICi; Donna Triplet is not listed as a resident or visitor in my database.

Richard frowned as he entered the back entrance to the park. “What the hell? VICi, where is Donna Rigden?”

VICi; Dr. Donna Rigden is in the genetics lab lounge.

“VICi, who is with her?”

VICi; Dr. Sam Kaliea and Dr. Gary Browne.

“Great!” Richard groaned.

Sir Richard and John were taking Lady Triplet for a stroll in the park. They stopped in front of the waterfall. Sir Richard and John sat on the bench. “Hello, Ricky,” Sir Richard said. “Making sure everything is ready for this evening?”

“Yes I was, and as usual, I got tied up.”

“Thank you for convincing Donna to help us, with Forrest,” Sir Richard said.

“At least she’s willing to make the virus,” Lady Triplet grumbled. “Now all your father has to do is figure out how to get it to the no-account.”

Richard furrowed his brow. “Donna changed her mind?”

Lady Triplet looked up. The conversation had peaked her attention. Sir Richard frowned. “Yes. You didn’t know?”

“I haven’t talked to her. Like I said, I got tied up with stuff for the party.”

“I spoke to her, about an hour ago. She was getting ready to test the virus.”

“She’s already made it?”

“Apparently. You didn’t help them with it?”

Richard sighed in exasperation. “Dad, I haven’t been to the genetics lab since I left your office.”

“She must have talked to Gary, or Sam, and one of them convinced her,” John said.

“Possibly. I’d better run. See you tonight.” Richard left.

Lady Triplet narrowed her eyes. “Perhaps there are one too many roosters in the chicken coop.”

“What do you mean, Mum?”

“Maybe it’s time you sent Sam somewhere else to work. Donna and Sheila can handle the infirmary. You don’t need him here.”

Sir Richard frowned. “I’m not getting rid of Sam, Mum.”

Lady Triplet scoffed. “You may wish you had before this thing with Donna is over.”