Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 100


Richard entered the genetics lab. Sam and Gary were sitting in the lounge, having a scotch. Sam smirked. “It’s like you to show up after the job’s been done.”

Richard cut his cold eyes on Sam. “You know what I was doing, and why.”

“Did you get finished?” Gary asked.

“Yes. Where’s Donna?”

“Collecting and analysing samples, from the test subjects.”

“This soon?”

“She wanted to see if the EHG worked as fast with this vector as it did with the CTZ5.”

“I just bumped into Dad, in the park. He said you three had already created the virus. Surely, Donna doesn’t expect to see results, this soon.”

“Not really,” Sam snorted. “She’s just making sure she’s still in control of it, and not the other way around.”

“What do you mean?”

“Depending on how transmittable the new virus is Donna is concerned if it fell into the wrong hands that it could be used as a bioterrorist weapon. She’s trying to make sure the virus can’t jump to a new host.”

Sam looked up. Donna was standing, with her back propped against the doorway. The expression on her face was dire. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Sam asked.

Donna didn’t respond. She kept her eyes focused straight ahead. Sam stood and closed the distance between them. “Donna?”

Donna slowly lifted her eyes until they met Sam’s. “We can’t use it,” she said her voice barely above a whisper.”

Sam wrapped his arm around her waist and led her back to the lounge. She sat beside Richard. Sam sat on the other side, by Gary. Richard laid his arm across her shoulders. Donna looked up; disgusted at the sight of him. She jerked his arm off and quickly slid away from him. Richard was puzzled by her reaction. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again; unsure of what to say.

“What do you mean, D?”

Donna looked at Gary with the same vacant stare. She shook her head and shrugged. “I can’t control it. I’ve opened Pandora’s Box.”

“What do you mean, you can’t control it?” Richard asked, slowly. “You just created the virus. It couldn’t possibly have spread this quickly.”

Donna glared at Richard. “Well, trust me, it has, and at this rate, it will kill a human in twelve hours, or less! We have to destroy it. We have to tell Sir Richard that we failed, and there’s no time to waste! If this thing mutates and becomes airborne, we’re all dead!”

“Then you need to quarantine the animal testing lab,” Sam urgently suggested. “Please tell me you were wearing a bio-suit.”

Donna’s eyebrows shot up. “Are you kidding? Of course, I was, and I’ve already quarantine that lab until we can figure this out. VICi, connect me to Sir Richard’s cell phone.”


“I’m here, petal,” Sir Richard responded, stepping out of earshot. “What did you find out about the virus?”

“That’s what I needed to talk to you about. Can you come to the lab?”

“On my way. VICi, end communication. John take Mum back to her quarters. I’ll send someone to get you, when it’s time to go to the entertainment hall.”

Lady Triplet looked up. “What’s going on Richard?”

“I have to go to the genetics lab.”

“Is this about Donna’s new virus?”

“Yes, it is.”

Lady Triplet sat up straight. “Then, I want to be included in the discussion.”

“Not this time, Mum.”

Lady Triplet narrowed her eyes. “Richard, I want to help.”

John sighed. More like control.

“Mum, I don’t have time to argue with you. Donna sounded urgent. If there’s anything you need to know, I will tell you.” He motioned with his head. “Take her John, and then come back to the lab.”

John grinned and nodded. “Yes, Sir. Away we go, Lady Triplet.”


“What’s up, petal?” Sir Richard asked as he entered the genetics lab lounge.

Sam handed Sir Richard a shot of scotch. “I think you’ll need that.”

Sir Richard sat beside Donna and turned to face her. “Tell me, Donna.”

Donna drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “The virus works, Dad, but it works too well.”

Sir Richard’s eyes widened. “Has it killed your test subjects?”

“No. The animals I gave it to are still alive, but they are metastasised with accelerated carcinogenic tumours. The rate at which the virus spreads is horrifying. I can’t control its growth. If it follows the vector’s characteristics, it will be transmittable by body fluids. If we gave this to Forrest, he could easily infect others. It could become pandemic, killing millions in days. I have to destroy it.”

“How long would Forrest last?”

Donna frowned. “No more than twelve hours, but Dad, you’re not listening.”

Sir Richard held up a hand. “If the virus lasts for twelve hours….”

“I don’t know that!” Donna interjected. “I said it would kill in twelve hours. I don’t know how long it can remain virulent in a cadaver. I won’t know that until the test subjects expire.”

“As I see it,” Richard began. “It kills too quickly to be a successful pandemic. If people were in the habit of having sex with different partners or biting each other within the twelve hour virulent window, then yes. But that doesn’t normally happen in the real world. I think the virus is too lethal to spread successfully.”

Donna tightened her jaw and glared at Richard. “I will not be a part of this!”

Donna was shocked. She’d expected Richard to stand by her. She stared at him in confusion, unable to believe what he was implying. Could the man she thought she knew be capable of releasing this type of pandemic? If this was to get out of hand, it would be worse than AIDS ever was. A virus as aggressive as this would have a high mutation factor and would quickly adapt and breach its twelve hour lifespan. No matter what, Donna couldn’t support this or be a part of it. “Richard, I can’t believe you’re willing to take this risk!”

“Donna, if it gets rid of Forrest….”

“Richard, for God’s sake, listen to what you’re saying. I know how important it is that we get rid of Forrest, but I won’t risk the lives of millions of people, for the sake of one man!” Donna stood. “I love you, Richard, but if you’re going to go along with this, then I’m sorry. We don’t have a future together!” She left.

“Sam, what is your opinion, on the subject?”

“Sir Richard, I agree with what Richard is saying. If the virus kills in twelve hours, it would never be a successful pandemic, but… as Donna loves pointing out, evolution changes things. We don’t know enough about the virus to say what it may do on a long-term basis. So, having said that, I agree with Donna. It’s too risky.”

Sir Richard pressed his lips into a thin line and forced air through his nose. “Then let’s wait until morning. I’ll make a decision then. Sam, have you spoken to Miss White?”

“I left a message on her answering service. I’m waiting for her to ring me back. It depends on whether or not she’s still pissed off at me.”

“Gary, if you can access Forrest’s medical records, it may save us from having to use this virus.” He looked at his watch and stood. “We need to get ready for tonight. Ricky, you have an hour to reconcile with your wife, or the life of the party isn’t going to be there. Sam, I’ll see you there. I’m looking forward to hearing you play, again. If Donna cools off, maybe the two of you can sing for us.”

Sir Richard stopped on the other side of the door. “Tomorrow, when the test subjects expire, and Donna is finished with them, dispose of the bodies, but I want the virus preserved. Keep this between us. I don’t know how, but if we have to use the virus on Forrest, I will make sure he infects no one! Mum, is to know nothing about any of this.”