Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 102


The next morning, when Donna went to the lab to check on the test subjects, she found them all lying dead, on the bottom of their cages. More disturbingly, the chimp, which she hadn’t infected with the variant virus, was dead, also. For a while, she panicked, fearing the worse. The variant virus had mutated and become airborne.

Before everyone in the lab completely lost it, Gary checked VICi’s security feed for the animal testing lab. He, Sam, Donna, and Richard watched the chimp reaching through the rat’s cage, trying to steal its food. Out of instinct, the rat had bitten the chimp’s finger. This ended their panic, from one point of view, but alarmed them, from another. Like the original HIV1 virus, the variant was also, transmittable by body fluids. Unlike HIV1, the variant was much more aggressive.

Donna examined the rat’s blood. She found that the virus had caused a huge increase in the white cell count. There were signs of carcinoma in all the major organs; the liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. She was petrified at the speed the virus had spread. Sir Richard eagerly awaited the news.

“VICi, connect me with Sir Richard,” Donna said and waited.

“Well? Were you right?”

“All three animals are dead,” she sighed. “Dad, the variant virus will definitely kill within twelve hours, possibly less, depending on size, and immunity condition. It hasn’t become airborne, but it can still spread through body fluids. It’s not quite as lethal as I’d feared, but I still believe it should be destroyed. It and everything pertaining to it, including my research data. If I can create it, using my notes, someone else could, as well.” Donna vigorously scratched the left side of her neck.


Sir Richard sighed deeply. “All right, petal. I’ll have a clean-up team take care of that. Sam?”

Sam cleared his throat. “Yes, Sir?”

“Any news from Mrs. White?”

“No, Sir, but I’ll try her again.”

“Do so. It seems that’s our best option, now.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“We’re going to carry on with our original virus, now,” Donna spoke up.

“Not until the clean-up crew are finished. I’m not risking anyone getting infected. Ricky you can help with complex operations. Gary you can help Jeff, in electronics, and Donna you can help Sam and Sheila, in the infirmary.”

Sam glanced at Richard and smirked. Donna’s mouth gaped. “But Dad… I need to….”

“Donna, I’m sorry the variant virus didn’t work, but this is not open to debate.”

“Right…” Donna groaned. “VICi, end communication.”

Sir Richard turned to John. “Take care of that. Remember what I said about the variant virus. Also, extract Donna’s research on VICi’s database and then wipe it. I do not want the data destroyed. I want it locked in the safe in my office. As I said before, no one is to know about this – not even Donna.”


Richard closed his laptop and put it in its case. He glanced at Sam, again. “Try nicking my wife and I’ll have you castrated - or worse,” he warned and kissed Donna.

Sam chuckled. “Sounds kinky, Richard. I’ll look forward to that.”

Richard locked his eyes with Sam. “It wasn’t meant, as a joke, Sam,” he warned and left.

“Man! That guy needs an enema. Does he always take everything, so seriously?”

Donna laughed. “Most of the time.”

Sam took Donna’s hand and kissed the back of it. He smiled at her. “How do you like that? Richard gets the bride, and I get the honeymoon. Not a bad deal, eh Gary?” Sam led Donna to the door.

Gary softly smiled and shook his head. Already, he could see a change in Donna’s personality. The sparkle had returned to her dark eyes. “Donna, you and Sam be careful. I think Richard is getting suspicious.”

Donna reluctantly let go of Sam’s hand and sighed. “So do I,” she said and followed him out into the corridor.


With Liu on location, a safe distance from the complex, Eli didn’t have to hide away in the toilet, every time someone came in the room. Forrest stood in front of the mirror, not so much admiring his reflection, but staring at it in shock. The suit was his, but the face didn’t match. He looked more like a corpse that had been sufficiently made over, for its funeral. The special effects artist Eli hired had earned his money. Apart from a few, disease-inflicted wrinkles, a man on a galloping horse, wouldn’t know the difference.

Forrest took his place on the bed. Eli pushed the IV pump, and other equipment to the side, barely out of camera view.

Liu had worked throughout most of the night, covertly connecting his nanobug network to the complex’s computer system. This was one of the most sophisticated hacks he’d ever attempted, and he’d been successful. Apart from a few protected files, Liu now had access to VICi’s entire database. He took his laptop speaker off mute and notified Forrest.


The light on Forrest’s webcam flashed, indicating an incoming communication request. He looked to Eli. “I think that’s your cue to stay out of camera view,” he chuckled at his pun.

Eli sighed in exasperation and shook his head. “You need to get into the role… Mr. Forrest - mean – ruthless – domineering!”

“You’re right.” Forrest cleared his throat, straightened his tie and squared his shoulders. He clicked on the flashing icon to accept the call. “Well, it’s about fucking time!” he growled. “What have you been doing? Warming a sheep’s ass, while I lay in here dying?”

Liu tightened his jaw and took a slow calming breath. “I’m sorry, Mr. Forrest. It was difficult to break through their defences. Press the call button and you may begin when ready.”


It was 11:00am. Sir Richard, Lady Triplet and John, were in Sir Richard’s office.

Donna was in the infirmary with Sam and Sheila. Gary was in the electronics lab, working with Wein on their joint nanotechnology project. Richard was working with Dave Hinckley, in the astronomy lab, preparing to bring the department systems online.

Everyone’s cell phone rang at the same time; Sir Richard’s, Gary’s, Donna’s, Richard’s, and Sam’s. Everyone could hear the conversation, but Forrest directed his attention at Sir Richard.

“Hello, Triplet, ‘old pal. Did you honestly think you could take my property and get away with it? There isn’t a hole in hell deep enough that I can’t find you. You stole my lifeline, and I want it back, but I’m prepared to make you a deal.”

“Forrest! How did you get this number?”

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here! Else, I might have to spring the trap before it’s time. Switch on your main computer screen and connect this call so we can see each other. The rest of you, come and join us in the office.”

Feeling he had no choice since Forrest had clearly hacked into their computer system, Sir Richard complied. “VICi, establish a video link with the outside source.”

The wallscreen was black at first, and then Forrest’s image came into focus. Donna, Gary, and Sam entered Sir Richard’s office. Donna narrowed her eyes, when she saw Forrest’s image. Protectively, Sam rested his hands on her shoulders. Forrest raised an eyebrow, glancing from face to face. “Donna, you’re looking as lovely as ever. You should have taken me up on my offer. We would have made a remarkable pair. Our children could have ruled the World.”

Donna glared at Forrest. “When hell freezes over! You disgusted me then, and you disgust me, even more, now.”

“What fire!” Forrest chuckled. “It seems shameful that it should be wasted on immature and in-experienced children, such as your husband, and the fine doctor, so intent on protecting his woman. Haven’t you figured it out yet, Sam? She doesn’t want either one of you. Your hair is too short, and your skin is the wrong colour.”

“What do you want, Forrest?” Sir Richard pushed through his teeth.

“Oh, yes, of course. How rude of me. Actually, I was waiting on your son, but it looks like he may not make it in time. No matter. He is of little importance. I know you’re a busy man, Triplet, and since you’re her godfather, you can probably speak for her in her husband’s absence, so I’ll get right to the point. By the way, Donna, how’s your neck? Still itchy?”

Donna’s eyes widened. Absentmindedly, she touched her neck and looked up into Sam’s worried eyes. “Sweetheart, what is he talking about?”

“You mean she didn’t tell you?” Forrest interjected. He moved the slider on his laptop.

“Ow!” Donna winced and rubbed her neck.

“Itchy spot getting a little tingly, now, Donna?” Forrest moved the slider again.

Donna groaned and held her hand to the side of her neck, her face contorted in pain. Sir Richard tightened his jaw. “Forrest, whatever you’re doing to her stop it now!”

Forrest narrowed his eyes. “Don’t rile me, Triplet!” he pushed through his teeth. “Your precious daughter-in-law is at my mercy, and if you don’t do as I say, I may have to blow her fucking head off. You’re in no position to threaten me. All I have to do is move this little slider over a little too much, to the right, and it’s curtain calls, for the newest Mrs. Triplet. But she’d much rather it had been… Mrs. Thundercloud. Isn’t that right, Donna? And to think… you were almost a mommy to sweet little Sarabeth, or should I say, Beth?”

Angry tears glossed Donna’s eyes. She slowly clenched her fist. “Stay away from Jared, and my daughter!” she hissed, finding her voice. “It was your fault. You forced us apart. You fucking…!”

Don’t… petal,” Sir Richard whispered, slowly shaking his head; his eyes begging her to bridle her anger before it was too late. He leaned toward John, slightly turning his head to the side. John stepped closer. “Go find Ricky and get him back here - now!” he whispered. John gave a slight nod, straightening back up, waiting for Sir Richard’s cue.

Sir Richard drew Forrest’s attention back to him, rising from his chair and circling his desk. “Leave Donna out of this. She has nothing to do with it. It isn’t her fight. It’s ours. That’s how it’s always been – yours and mine.”

John cautiously edged his way to the door.

“She has two things I need, so that makes her involved. It is sad that your ‘godchild’ got caught in our crossfire, though.”

Sam’s eyes widened. His heart started pounding. He was starting to see the picture. Gary stepped closer to Donna, gently taking her hand and squeezing it. He stood, staring at the screen. His face turning white as a sheet; a terrible foreboding building in the pit of his stomach. He sensed what was coming.

“Don’t try to pretend that you care, Forrest,” Sir Richard calmly said. “Innocent blood always did smell sweeter to you.”

Forrest glared at Sir Richard. “Innocent? Is that what you think? Donna is innocent! You don’t know the little bitch like I do. Donna is far from innocent. For once, her and her smart-assed mouth has been put in its place. Like all the other women I’ve broken, Donna will succumb as a woman should. Would be saviour of the World. Pick and choose who lives… and who dies. That is not innocent.”

“Stop waffling Forrest, and tell us what you want. What you want from me.”

“Oh I will, but first, a little demonstration of what’s in store for your self-righteous godchild. Since her husband has chosen not to make an appearance, Dr. Kaliea, you might want to grab your lover. She’s about to hit the floor.” Forrest flicked the slider almost all the way to the right, and back.

A sharp pain went through the left side of Donna’s neck and up through to her head. She put her hand to her neck. Her body jerked, her eyes rolled back and she started to collapse. Gary and Sam reached out simultaneously and grabbed one of her arms and eased her to a chair. Sam’s wide eyes glossed. He held his breath as he checked her pulse. He let it out in one long gust, lifting her into his arms. “She’s just fainted, but I need to get her to the infirmary.”

“You can’t do anything for her Lover boy, and if I were you, I wouldn’t try using the defibrillators on her either. It would make her light up like a Christmas tree, besides; she’ll come round in a few minutes. She’s probably going to have one hell of a headache, unfortunately.”

Lady Triplet felt utterly helpless. “What have you done to her, Forrest?”

“Ah the old witch has found her voice. It’s really quite simple. Last night while you all were partying, Donna thought something stung her neck. It wasn’t a sting, you see, it was the work of one of my newest toys, a little insectoid. I’m using one of them now to transmit my signal to you. My little insect injected a tiny chip, about the size of a human hair, into Donna’s neck. Once it was in her bloodstream the protective casing dissolved, releasing a device that attached itself to the inside of her carotid artery. This little device has an even smaller explosive, which I can detonate whenever I get the urge. I’m transmitting a signal to it right now. If I stop transmitting that signal, the device goes off, ripping a hole in Donna’s neck and releasing a neurotoxin that will turn her into a turnip, permanently. The fine doctor here is probably the only person that would recognise it.”

 “What toxin, you fucking bastard?” Sam growled.

“I’ll give you a hint. There’s no known antidote, and Donna would be dead before you could synthesise one – if it’s even possible.”

 “What do you want Forrest?” Sir Richard reiterated.

“I was really looking forward to neutering your son, but since you stopped that, I want the cure, and I want Donna to bring it to me, personally. I want her to kneel at my feet and beg for her life. And then – if she does as she’s told and doesn’t shoot off her mouth again – then, I might let her live. Oh you can send your little brat, your goon, Lover boy, and even the old witch. I don’t care. If anyone tries anything it’s curtains for your new daughter-in-law, so I’m not worried, I know you’ll make them mind their manners.”

“What guarantee do I have that you won’t go back on your word?”

Forrest laughed evilly. “You don’t, that’s the beauty of it. But… if you don’t do as I say, Donna will die. So I guess you’re just going to have to trust me. I’m going to be extremely generous with you, Triplet. I’m going to give you seventy-two hours to comply with my wishes, which starts, right… now.”

“Why does it have to be Donna? Why not let me bring the cure? We both know I’m the one you really want.”

“Because, if I’ve got you, then you’re the person that suffers. If I have her, all of you suffer, even the great Jared Thundercloud and his precious daughter. I’ll make sure he witnesses her last breath. You know the old saying, ‘misery loves company’?” Forrest laughed again and glanced at his watch. “The game is a foot, to coin a phrase. You’ve got exactly seventy-one hours, fifty-nine minutes and forty-five seconds left. Or, better yet, you may have eternity, but Donna doesn’t. Best get hopping old chap.”

Sir Richard synchronised the clock on his cell phone. “Tell me exactly what you want me to do.”


Forrest turned his face to the side, coughing furiously. “Do it and make it look good!” he commanded. Eli misted Forrest’s face. Forrest made sure he was in full view of the camera. As soon as Liu gave the signal that the call had ended, Forrest grabbed for the oxygen mask and collapsed on the bed. His face was covered with sweat, and he could hardly breathe. He smiled sardonically. Liu watched the camera.

“We’ve got them…” Forrest grabbed at his chest and fell back onto the bed.