Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 103


Sam walked through the doors to the infirmary, carrying Donna in his arms. Sir Richard and Gary followed, with Gary pushing Lady Triplet’s wheelchair. Sheila and Joyce met them. “Sam what happened?” Sheila asked.

“Joyce, stay here and wait for Richard. Sir Richard, I need you all to wait here, as well. Explain things to Richard. Sheila come with me! VICi, connect me to Ian Allen.”

“What’s up, Sam?”

“Ian, I’m in the infirmary. I need a CBC, Chemistry and blood gases run on Donna – STAT!”

“I’m headed that way, Sam!”

Sam laid Donna on a biobed. “VICi, emergency, full body scan. Display to wallscreen.”

VICi; Body scan complete. Subject, Donna Marie Rigden. Data updated. Awaiting further instructions.

“VICi, display vitals, and vitals of foetus, screen right. Deep scan. Focus on carotid artery. Scan for foreign objects. If detected enhance and magnify, screen left.”

VICi; Deep scan complete. One object found.

“VICi, deep scan. Analyse and display 3D model of foreign object.”

VICi; Displaying 3D model of foreign object. Cannot penetrate outer casing of object. Unable to perform deep scan.

“Fuck!” Sam spat. “VICi, analyse foreign object. Does outer casing show any signs of deterioration?” Sam held his breath.

VICi; Negative.

Sam let his breath out. “At least that’s something. Maybe, if we can keep her immune system from attacking the chip and dissolving the outer casing, we might be able to….”

Sheila held up a hand. “Sam, would you like to fill me in, before you go into great detail, about this thing because I don’t have a clue, as to what’s going on, here.”

Sam sighed and started explaining.


Richard burst through the doors, with John close following behind him. “Where is she? Where is Donna?”

“Easy, Ricky,” Sir Richard said. “Sam and Sheila are examining her. Sam asked us all to wait out here. Why didn’t you come to my office, when Forrest told you to?”

“Because I had my fucking cell phone switched off. I didn’t know what was going on, until John showed up. I was in the astronomy lab, getting ready to bring the systems online. I patched into the conversation right before Forrest started talking about the device. Does Sam know what neurotoxin Forrest used? Are Donna and the baby, OK?”

Joyce’s mouth gaped; her heart sank. “Donna is pregnant?”

“Yes, Joyce!” Richard growled. “That’s one of the reasons why we got married, so soon.”

The infirmary doors slid open. Ian held up his collection tray. “Sam ordered some blood work, for Donna. Where is she?”

“In the scan room, next to the operating theatre,” Joyce spoke up. “I’ll show you.”

“I’m going with you,” Richard said, jumping at the opportunity.

“I’m coming, too,” Sir Richard added. “Gary, you and John, stay with Mum. If she gets tired, take her back to her quarters.”

“I’m staying,” Lady Triplet interjected.

Avoiding Lady Triplet’s cold stare, Joyce briefly glanced into two pair of determined eyes. She knew she wasn’t going to win this argument. Besides, she was curious, as to what was going on. “Come on,” she responded, with a resolving sigh.

Ian entered the room first; Joyce, Richard, and Sir Richard followed.

Sam glanced up and scowled at Joyce. “What are they doing in here? Can’t you follow a simple order?” He jerked his head, not anticipating an answer. “Escort them back to the waiting area!”

“No, Sam!” Sir Richard stepped forward. “We’re staying, and unless you want a fight on your hands, leave Joyce alone. This was my idea. She had nothing to do with our being here.”

Sam groaned in exasperation and shook his head. “Fine!” he snapped. “Just move out of the way, so Ian can get in there.”

Ian meandered his way around to Donna’s arm. From experience, he had learned to just do his job and not ask questions. But, having been taught by a master, Ian also knew how to discreetly pick up needful information.

Sir Richard glanced at him, out of the corner of his eye, cautiously choosing his words. “What have you found out, Sam?”

Sam motioned with his head. “Sheila, take them to my office and explain the situation. I’ve got this.”

Sheila rested her hand on Richard’s shoulder and guided him and Sir Richard back to Sam’s office. Joyce stayed. Sam checked Donna’s eyes, ears, and nose, for signs of cerebral haemorrhage. Due to the electrical shock, Donna’s pupils were wider than normal, but responsive. Ian finished collecting his samples.

“I want those results as soon as you have them,” Sam firmly stated. Ian nodded and left.

Joyce discreetly cleared her throat; her mouth dry from dread. “Sam…?”

Sam glanced at her from the corner of his eye, dismissing her as dross. He hadn’t forgiven her, for the incident at his apartment, at Whitley Bay. “What are you still doing here?”

Joyce pressed her lips together, swallowed hard and sighed. “I need to speak with you, in your office. It’s… important, Sam.”

Sam frowned and stared at her through hooded eyes. “I’m a little busy, Joyce!”

“I know, Sam. I didn’t mean, right now – when you’re done, with Donna. I need to make this right.”

Sam softly brushed the back of his fingers down Donna’s cheek. “Joyce… I really don’t want to hear what you have to say. I….”

VICi’s computer voice interjected. “Sam, it’s Missy. I have Jasmine White on hold, for you.”

“Keep her on the line, Missy. Tell her I will be right with her.” He glared at Joyce. “Stay with her!” he growled. “If you want to make this right, don’t let anyone in here.”

“Sam, you can’t keep Richard and Sir Richard out.”

“Fine, but under no circumstances is Lady Triplet to come anywhere near Donna. Do you understand me? You fuck up on this, and we’re finished – forever Joyce!”

Joyce’s eyes glossed. “I won’t, Sam.”


“VICi, display Donna Rigden’s latest neurological scan to wallscreen,” Sheila said and waited. She pointed to the scan. “As you can see, the device is attached to the inside of her carotid artery. It has nano-sized wires plugged directly into Donna’s neural system. According to what Sam told me, if we try to remove it, the device is rigged to explode. This is advanced nanotechnology, Sir Richard. We simply don’t have anything to counteract it. I’m sorry Richard.”

Richard clenched his fists and swallowed hard. “Is she going to be all right, Sheila?”

Sheila sighed. “Richard, as long as her immune system doesn’t find a way to dissolve the outside casing, and Forrest doesn’t do anything else to her, I think she’ll be fine.”

“And the baby?”

“Your son is fine, Richard,” she smiled. “And, as far as it goes, your wife is fine, too. I think I should point out that Forrest, or whoever was controlling the device knew exactly how much current to apply. They could have easily killed Donna. For that fact, they still could. It’s not my place to say this, but as your friend, if Forrest made demands, I think you should take him seriously.”


Sam tapped on his office door. Gary stood by his side. The door slid open; Sam and Gary stepped inside. “I’m sorry to disturb your discussion, but Jazz is on hold, Sir Richard. If we don’t talk to her now…” Sam broke off.

Sir Richard stood. “Ricky, stay and look after Mum. Let’s talk to Miss White in my office.” Gary followed Sam and Sir Richard out into the waiting area. “John, come with us,” Sir Richard said and led them back to his office.

Sam looked to Sir Richard. “Ready?” Sir Richard nodded. “VICi, connect with outside source.”

“Sam, are you there?”

“Hi Jazz. Thanks for ringing me back. My boss, Sir Richard Triplet wants to speak with you.”

“Hello, Miss White.”

“Sir Richard….”

“Miss White, we need your help. I understand you have access to The Royal Victoria Infirmary’s computer system.”

“Yes, Sir. I use it from the pathology department.”

Sir Richard glanced at Sam. “Miss White, what do you know about GW Forrest and Forrest Enterprises?”

“Not a lot, I’m afraid, Sir Richard. Only what Sam has told me, and from what I’ve heard on telly. Forrest is not the kind of man I would want to know that much more about. The media paint a grim picture.”

Sir Richard softly chuckled. Sam grinned. “Trust me, Love. Forrest is worse than the person you’ve seen on the news,” Sam said.

“Miss White, we will not put your life in danger, but we need access to Forrest’s medical records. I know this may sound like an unorthodox request, but the less you know the better. One of my employees, Dr. Gary Browne, has unique talents, when it comes to computers.”

“I could lose my job over this, Sam.”

Sam glanced at Sir Richard, who softly smiled and nodded. “Jazz, I wouldn’t worry about a place to work, if it should come to that. Gary is extremely gifted. I’ve seen him do things that I never would have believed possible.”

“Sam, if I end up on the bread line, I’ll rip your….”

“It won’t come to that, Miss White. I assure you,” Sir Richard interjected. “I’m going back to relieve Ricky, so he can be with Donna. John. Gary. Sam, tell Miss White what she needs… to know.”


Sir Richard and Lady Triplet sat in the waiting area, silently pondering Forrest’s demands. “What did Sheila say about Donna? Was the baby harmed?”

“Donna and the baby are fine, for now.”

“What do you mean, for now, Richard?”

“Sheila and Sam can’t do anything about the device in Donna’s neck. They can’t even find out which neurotoxin is in it.”

“Why not?”

“VICi can’t penetrate the outer casing. If Donna’s immune system is able to dissolve the casing, or Forrest takes the notion to detonate the explosive in it, Donna will die.” Sir Richard leaned over, resting his forearms on his knees, as he buried his face in his hands. Lady Triplet rested a hand on Sir Richard’s shoulder. “Mum,” he sighed, “…I feel as if I’ve completely lost control of the situation. If we don’t let Donna go, she’s going to die. If we let Donna go, Ricky will want to go with her, and I risk losing both of them.”

“Yes, he would, and you wouldn’t be able to talk him out of it either.”

“Exactly,” Sir Richard groaned and leaned back in his chair. “I’ve never felt so helpless in all my life. I’ve got all this power and yet I can’t protect the ones I love. What am I going to do Mum?

Lady Triplet sighed. “Richard, I’ve never doubted your judgement. You’ve always done the right thing, no matter how much it hurt, or how high the price. I know you’ll do that now.”

“I know Mum, but I’m tired of it! I’m tired of deciding who lives and who dies! I’m tired of watching that bastard destroy everything I hold dear! I want to wake up in the morning, and not worry about what The Order is going to do, or what country the Prime Minister is going to agree to go to war with next. I want to wake up, and worry about what colour socks to wear or whether or not I want to shave. Silly things like that.” Sir Richard sighed in exasperation. “I want a normal life. Is that so much to ask?”

“For us, it is. Triplets have never known what it was like to live a normal life. It has always been our duty to look out for the underdog.”


Donna slowly opened her eyes. She blinked, trying to adjust to the bright lights. When she could focus, Richard was leaning over her. “Hi gorgeous,” he smiled and softly kissed her.

Donna tried to sit up but she was too weak. Her head felt as if it was going to explode, and the room spun around, making her nauseous. “Oh no, pet,” Richard said and eased her back onto the pillow. Donna forced the air from her lungs and pressed the back of her hand to her forehead. “Where am I? What happened?”

“You’re in the infirmary. Don’t you remember?”

“No Richard… I don’t. The last thing I remember was Forrest saying something about Jared and Beth, and I lost it. I’m sorry, but after that everything else just sort of faded out. Why have I got this damn headache?”

Sam tapped on the door. “Hi, Pretty Lady,” he smiled, as he and Sheila entered the room. “Did you have a nice nap?”

“Hi Donna,” Sheila smiled.

Donna rolled her eyes. “Oh yes, Sam. I love waking up with a splitting headache.”

Sam shared a concerned look with Sheila. “That’s because you received a direct charge to your neural system,” Sheila said.

Donna looked to Sam. “Sweetheart, someone working for Forrest injected some kind of device into your carotid artery. It attached itself to the wall and shot wires into your nervous system. He boasted that the device had an explosive in it that would release a deadly neurotoxin into your bloodstream, if we didn’t meet his demands.”

Donna’s eyes widened; her heart started pounding. “Show me!”

Sheila shared another look with Sam and sighed. “VICi, display Donna Rigden’s latest body scan to wallscreen. Focus on foreign object detected in carotid artery and magnify.”

Donna looked at the device and read the magnification level, on the bottom right of the screen. “Nanotechnology…” she sighed. “It resembles a bacteriophage – not much bigger than a human hair. The sting must have come when the wires attached themselves to my nerve endings.”

Sheila frowned. Sam grinned. “Isn’t it fun to have a doctor for a patient?”

Sheila laughed. “You know what they say about us doctors. We make the worst patients, because we’re always arguing with our doctor’s diagnosis.”

“Did the shock affect Rich in any way?” Donna asked.

Sheila cocked her head to the side. “Rich?”

“Our son.” Richard smiled and took Donna’s hand. “We’ve seen a 3D time advanced image of him as a ten-year-old.”

Sheila’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh! That would be in the HIC?”

“Yes,” Donna sighed. “You still haven’t answered my question.”

“As far as I can tell, no Donna. Rich hasn’t been harmed in any way, but, I’m not a neonatologist.”

Donna narrowed her eyes and turned her attention to Sam. “You said you were going to talk to Sir Richard, about that!”

“I am. I just haven’t had time. I’ll do it tomorrow – I promise, sweetheart.”

“Richard… you said Forrest threatened to detonate the device in my neck, if we didn’t meet his demands. What were his demands?”

Richard glanced at Sam and then at Sheila. He drew in a deep breath and started explaining.