Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 14


“Joyce, it’s Richard. Feel like watching a film with me?”

“Sure! Should I order pizza? What film are we watching?”

“Donna’s first music video – well – with Raging Storm, anyway.”

 “What do you mean her first… music video? Are you thinking about trying my suggestion?”

“I mentioned something about it, but Donna reminded me of my tin ear. Sam of course, took advantage and volunteered to sing with her, so I don’t know how it’s going to go. I thought we might try a little of the old ‘green-eyed monster’ method.”

Joyce sighed. “You mean you want to use me to make Donna jealous.”

Richard grinned. “I think it could work both ways. Donna wouldn’t be the only one who would be jealous.”

“Yeah, like Sam Kaliea’s going to be jealous because another man is coming on to me.”

“He might not if it was just any man, but if it was me, and we made it look real…?”

“You may have a point, but I mean, really Richard, how far are you willing to go to get Donna?”

“As far as I need to go, apart from murder, that is.”

“You’re really in to her?”

Richard grinned wryly. “I’d like to be.”

“You’re horrible. If Donna knew your true nature, she’d crawl back to Jared on her hands and knees.”

“Careful, Joyce,” Richard chuckled. “You’re starting to sound like you’re getting in to me.”

“Yeah – right – don’t flatter yourself! What time are you picking me up?”


Richard talked a while longer with Joyce as they made their plans and discussed their game play. He tossed the contents of his pockets on the foot of his bed and chose some clothes. His cell phone vibrated against the pound coins and car keys it was laying on top of. Richard read the name, groaned and unlocked it. “Talk fast. I’m getting ready for a date.”

“With Donna?”

“No, with Joyce.”

“Why are you still toying with your string of harlots when what you want is under your own roof?”

“I’ve run into a slight… distraction.”

“What sort of distraction?”


“That gigolo needs neutering. He’s never been a threat for you before.”

“No, and he’s not now. I just have to make Donna see Sam’s true colours. You know if he has enough rope he always hangs himself.”

“So… how are things between you and Donna?”

“Not… good… at the moment. Joyce is going to help me change that.”

“Just don’t lose sight of our goal.”

“Don’t get your knickers in a twist. I haven’t.”

“Reinforcements are lined up. Just make sure your father makes the right choice. She’s been handpicked – the best – she’s a renowned cosmologist.”

“You must mean the astronomer from New Zealand. Wait a minute! How did you know about her? You’re not supposed to know about the project! I thought you weren’t concerned about it,” he mocked.

There was laughter. “And what makes you think that?”

 “Right…” Richard scoffed.

“Once this new girl gets here, you won’t have to worry about Sam Kaliea.”

“I know what you mean. I’ve seen her application. She’s cute,” Richard grinned wryly.

“Yeah – well –don’t worry about her. She’s none of your concern. You worry about Donna. Have you tried the drug?”

“No, I haven’t!” Richard snapped.

“Well, you need to. It may not be compatible with her.”

 “I told you I would use it as a last resort. I’m counting on my Triplet charm to win Donna over. I didn’t want to drug her.” It already worked once.

“Well, you still need to test it, in case you have to use it. There is nothing wrong with a little aphrodisiac encouragement.”

“I am flattered at your confidence in me as a man.”

Laughter again. “I’m more worried about Donna’s control as a woman. She’s already slept with Sam once. Don’t let it happen again. You run the risk of losing out every time this happens. Donna is too honour bound. If she gets pregnant with Sam, we’ll have no choice but to take this to a higher level. You don’t want that. Either way, it doesn’t matter to me.”

“Well – it does to me!” Richard ended the call and tossed his cell phone on the bed. It vibrated and flashed again. Richard sneered, ignored it and went to the bathroom to get ready.


Joyce stepped out of the shower, dried off and walked into her bedroom. She caught a glimpse of herself as she past the full-length mirror hanging on the door of her opened wardrobe. She paused to admire the reflection. A slow, sultry smile spread across her mouth. Releasing her hairclip, she shook her head. Waist-length golden hair cascaded down and caressed her supple cleavage. She brought her hands to her breasts. Closing her eyes, she imagined her hands were Sam’s. That he was standing behind her, his hard body buried deep in her liquid heat, moving his hips, pressing and grinding his groin against her firm bottom with tantalizing slowness, taking her from behind as he explored her curves, driving them both to near madness, the way she remembered it.

Joyce continued her masochistic fantasy; teasing her oversensitive pink peaks as she rubbed her palms over them, creating a delicious aching sensation in her throbbing womb. She imagined how it felt when Sam reached his peak, filling her with jets of scorching heat as he thrust even harder, determined to wring every ounce of gratification from her that she could give him, rewarding her with multiple orgasms as she panted and fought for breath. Her heart pounded with the anticipated release that would never come.

Joyce’s self-indulged foreplay was shattered when her vibrating cell phone yanked her back to reality. It was a voicemail. She smiled, half expecting it to be from Richard, but the caller was unknown. Her mouth gaped as she listened to the strange mechanical threat:

‘Interesting performance, but you’ll get more gratification with the real thing. Cooperation will get what you want. Drive the wedge deep - make tonight convincing. Sam’s life and your future depends on you driving him away from her. With Donna, Sam has no future; neither do you if you mention this to anyone. Make no mistake. I have eyes and ears everywhere! By the way, you have an interesting tattoo on the right side of your bottom - a phoenix – I approve. Let’s see if you’ll rise from Sam’s ashes or stand over his grave. I’ll be in touch.’

Joyce’s eyes glossed. Her heart pounded. Her body shivered. Acid fear burned the back of her throat. She instinctively covered herself, hunkering over as she grabbed at the drapes, tightly yanking them to. Her chest rapidly rose and fell with her heaving breath. Hesitantly, Joyce slightly parted the curtains. She could see into the apartment in the building across from hers. Two sets of step ladders, buckets and rollers lay on a paint splattered drop cloth. The apartment was still being renovated. She glanced below. There was no one on the ground beneath her apartment window, either.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Joyce reached for her panties and bra. It could have been a prank call, or even a wrong number, she told herself. But she and Sam were the only ones who knew about her tattoo. Joyce’s body shook as she considered her apartment might be bugged.

Nervously she glanced around the room, searching for a hidden camera. Who was she kidding? With technology as it was today, the camera could be no bigger than a push pin. If it was here, it could be anywhere. Joyce didn’t even know what to look for. She thought about asking Richard, but then that robotic voice resounded through her head.

‘Sam’s life and your future depends on you driving him away from her. With Donna, Sam has no future; neither do you if you mention this to anyone. Make no mistake. I have eyes and ears everywhere!’

“My God Sam,” Joyce gasped. “What have you got me in to this time?” She finished dressing and reached for her black pearl earrings. Her doorbell rang. She glanced at her watch. “He’s early,” she grinned.

Opening the door, she stared into the eyes of a strange man in a navy uniform. “Are you Miss Joyce Stephens?”

Joyce blinked her wide eyes and nodded. “Yes,” she answered her voice sounding small.

“I have a delivery for you. Just slide your finger over this.”

It must be from Richard. She smiled as she peeled off the tan tape and opened the small cardboard box. She lifted the black polystyrene lid. Nestled inside was a tear shaped lead crystal vial with a tiny amount of shimmering bluish liquid. She held it to the light, marvelling at its pearlescent properties as she read the printed note on the card in the box under the vial.

‘This will help loosen your inhibitions. You know where it goes. Use it sparingly. You have three applications – three chances to get this right. Remember the voicemail. I’ll be watching you.’

Joyce pressed her palm to her forehead and sank to the foot of her bed. Nausea rose fast; she covered her mouth and ran for the toilet.


Sam had arrived early so he could spend some time alone with Donna. He knew with Richard there, despite the promises he’d made, one way or the other, Richard would find a way to spy on them. Sir Richard and John were not looking forward to the evening. Not because they didn’t want to see Raging Storm’s DVD, but because of the guests list.

Tina, one of Richard’s many formers, managed to clear her evening and accepted Gary’s invitation without question. Richard had asked Joyce to be his date, and of course there was Sam and Donna. John was certain it would be an explosive evening with a possible brawl before the night was over. Sir Richard made certain there were spirited refreshments to help ease some of the tension.

To everyone’s surprise, the three couples seemed to be getting along fine. Richard was paying more attention to Joyce than normal. What disturbed Sir Richard was even Gary was a little too friendly toward her from time to time. For some reason, Joyce seemed to be the light of the party. Sam and Donna sat toward the back of the theatre when they watched the video. His behaviour had surprised Sir Richard. Whereas Sam usually came on to any female within breathing distance, his attention seemed to be centred around Donna alone, tonight. After the video was over, they walked out onto the portico.

Donna braced her hand and hoisted herself on the rail. Sam walked between her parted legs and wrapped his arms around her back, grasping the sides of her waist. With her at this height, it put her eye level to Sam. Donna locked her legs around Sam’s waist. Framing his face, she pulled his lips to hers and kissed him, opening her mouth and welcoming the invasion of his wandering tongue. He groaned in her mouth. “You know…” he whispered, “…this could be a lot more interesting if we were alone.”

Donna grinned and glanced behind her. “Yes it could, except I would probably end up falling off the rail.”

“Not with the lock you got on my waist and the strength in those sexy legs, sweetheart. You’d take us both over first. We could always go back to my place. You know how much fun we had there.”

She studied his eyes. “Can you ride horses?”

“Since I was old enough to stay in the saddle. My mother owns a vineyard back in Tasmania. I’ll take you there sometime.”

“I’m not particularly fond of flying, Sam.”

He grinned and nuzzled the side of her neck. “You were certainly flying last night.”

“That’s not the flying I was talking about.”

“I’ll bet I could take your mind off it.”

“I’ll bet you could too,” she said, kissing him again.

Sir Richard approached and cleared his throat. “Ahem!”

“Oops! Sorry, Sir Richard,” Donna said, her cheeks showing some colour. She released Sam, jumped off the rail and stood next to him.

“Alice is making tea. I came out to see if you and Sam wanted some.”

Donna twisted her face. “No offense, Sir Richard, but I don’t see what all the hype is about drinking hot tea. I prefer mine over ice with a slice of lemon.”

“Would you like some coffee, or something else?”

“No,” Sam said, glancing into Donna’s eyes. “I’ve got everything I want right here.”

Donna softly smiled. “Actually, Sam and I were thinking about going for a ride.”

“You mean on the horses?”

“If that’s all right with you.”

“It’s fine with me Donna. This is your home. Feel free to treat it as such. You really enjoy riding, don’t you?”

“Yes, Sir Richard, I do.”

“Maybe we’ll have to think about getting you your own horse, then.”

“I’m kind of partial to the Appaloosa mare. She reminds me of my white mustang, Ghost, back in…” she broke off. “… well, it really doesn’t matter now,” she scoffed and quickly changed the subject. “Do you ride?”

“On occasion. I used to ride a lot more when I was younger. Ricky likes to ride though, and so does Gary.”

“Where are they, by the way?”

“Ricky and Joyce left a few minutes ago. I have no idea where they’ve gone, but I assume he’s taking her home. Not long after that Gary left with Tina. He’ll probably be home around midnight. I don’t expect to see Ricky until the wee hours of the morning.”

“Sir Richard, I understand why you had me followed, and I’m OK with that. I just wish you had told me first. I don’t like being kept in the dark about these things. Gary treats me like I’m a little girl, but I’m stronger than you think. I’ve been through a lot, and I’ve learned to deal with a lot, too.”

Sir Richard softly smiled. “I’ll remember that in the future.”

“Sam, could you do me a favour? I need to talk to Sir Richard, alone. Would you go in the music room and play the piano, or something? If that’s OK with you?” she asked, turning her attention back to Sir Richard.

“Sure. Sam can play the piano here anytime he wants to. I quite enjoy his playing. My late wife used to play. I paid for a private piano teacher for Ricky, but he never got into it. He’s not that musical as you might have noticed.”

Donna laughed. “Oh, yes. I’ve noticed.”

Sir Richard laughed. “Anyone who’s ever heard him sing has, as well.”

Sam frowned. “I thought we were going riding.”

“We still can. This won’t take long. I just have a few things I need to discuss with Sir Richard.”

“OK…” Sam kissed her and walked through the conservatory.

Sir Richard waited until Sam was in the house. “Do you want to talk here, or would you prefer the privacy of my study?”

“I was hoping you might take a walk with me to the duck pond.”

“Of course,” Sir Richard smiled, offering his arm. “It’s been a while since I took a stroll with a beautiful woman on my arm.”

Donna softly chuckled. “Richard definitely gets his charm from you.”

They sat on the bench in front of the duck pond. Despite the hour, the mallards left the water and gathered around their feet.

“Go on – shoo!” Sir Richard grumbled, waving his hands at the quacking nuisance. “I don’t have anything for you.”

Donna chuckled. “Richard warned me about coming down here without some stale bread.”

“He’s spoilt them. They think everybody is supposed to bring something for them to eat. Go on – shoo!” he shouted, waving his hands again. “What did you want to talk to me about, petal?”

“I hate to ask, but I don’t have anyone else to turn to. I was going to ask Jared to help me, but, well, that’s kind of out of the question now.”

“You really loved him, didn’t you?”

“Yes, Sir, I did – I still do, but I’m working through it. I’ve learned the hard way. Life doesn’t always turn out the way you’d hoped it would.”

“No, it doesn’t. What did you need my help with?”

Donna sighed deeply and studied his eyes. “You’re probably going to think I’m nuts.”

“I doubt that, Donna,” he softly chuckled. “Just tell me what it is and if I can help, I will.”

“I want you to help me find my Mama.”

Sir Richard’s eyes widened. He swallowed the lump in his throat. “Donna…” he began slowly. “My records state both your parents were killed in an explosion when you were nine. Wasn’t that why you were in the cemetery, in Hornbeck? To say goodbye to your parents and grandparents?” Sir Richard couldn’t keep the eagerness out of his voice. “Have you found any indication that your mother may still be alive?”

Donna swallowed the ache in her throat. “Here’s the part where you’ll think I’m crazy. When I go to the cemetery to visit their graves, I know my grandparents are there. I can sense the finality, even from my father. I know he’s there too, but, it’s different with Mama. I don’t sense her resting spirit there like I do the others.”

Sir Richard turned his head and blinked away threatening tears. Donna touched his arm. “I’m sorry. Did I say something to upset you?”

Sir Richard pinched the bridge of his nose, swallowed again and turned to face her. “No. I think a midgie flew in my eye. I’m all right. It’s gone now. Are you suggesting that you can communicate with the dead?”

Donna sighed. “Not so much as communicate, but I can sense vibrations. Especially negative ones. They can sometimes physically affect me, make me dizzy or nauseous, and make my skin tingle, or send a chill down my spine. You know what I mean. It’s kind of like goose bumps, only more intense.”

Sir Richard chuckled. “And you get these negative vibes when you visit your parents and your grandparent’s graves?”

“No, that’s just it. I get a peaceful feeling from my grandparents and a not so peaceful vibe when I visit my father’s.”

“What about your mother’s? What kind of vibes do you get from there?”

“You see – that’s just it. I don’t get any vibes when I stand by my mother’s grave. I know it sounds stupid, but I need to know for certain if there’s anything to these feelings. Like I said, I know it sounds farfetched, but will you help me?”

“Sure, petal. I’ll get some of my people to investigate it. I wouldn’t let my hopes get too high, though. Like I said, all my records show both your parents died. Was that all you wanted to talk to me about?”

“Well, the other one is a little embarrassing. It concerns me and Sam.”

Sir Richard studied her eyes. “I’m listening….”