Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 15


After their talk, Sir Richard walked Donna inside the house. Donna hugged him and kissed his cheek. “Thank you, Sir Richard. Gary was right about you. I’m sorry Jared doubted you so much. I think we’ll get along just fine.”

“I think so too, petal.”

“Oh, and thanks for talking to Richard for me.”

Sir Richard chuckled. “Ricky doesn’t always listen to me, but I’ll give it my best shot.”

Donna smiled. “That’s all anyone can do. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to tell Sam.”

“Of course,” Sir Richard said and headed for the lounge. John was sitting in his chair, watching the news. Sir Richard poured two tumblers of scotch. He handed one to John.

“Thank you, Sir. What’s up?”

“Come with me to my study. I just had a disturbing talk with Donna.”

“I’ll give you some more bad news. Jared just called. He tried ringing your cell phone, but you must have it either off or on silent. He’s fuming, Sir.”

“What about?”

“He didn’t say, but he wants you to call him back. It has something to do with Donna and keeping her safe. Apparently she’s been exposed as he put it.”

Sir Richard took a sip of his scotch and groaned. “I don’t need all this right now, John. First thing Monday morning, we’ve got a meeting about the space elevator in London. Danni wants me to come to the Isle of Wight, probably so she can pump me for information before the meeting. I told her I would drop by, provided I had time. Then there’s the meeting with The Order that afternoon in Kent. The speaker called an emergency session. I think I know what it’s about, but I won’t know for sure until I get there. I wish Mum would take a more active part. She doesn’t live up to her title when it comes to The Order.”

“Sir… no offense, but when it comes to Triplet International, I don’t think your Mum is quite as benign as you think. That old lady gives me the creeps. I swear, she has eyes in the back of her head and that cane she leans on is some kind of broomstick.”

Sir Richard laughed. “Thank you John. I needed that.”

John frowned. “It wasn’t meant to be funny, Sir,” he said solemnly.

Sir Richard chuckled. “Whether it was or not, it made me laugh. Now, guess I better call Jared back and get this over with.”


Donna entered the music room. Sam was still playing the piano. She wasn’t prepared for the vice grip of feeling that stole her breath as she recognised the song. A lump rose in her throat. Her heart felt as if it was going to stop beating. Donna stood there listening, wanting to die, unable to move, unable to speak. Hearing the familiar melody reminded Donna of how wrong she’d been when she told Sir Richard she was working through her problems. She wasn’t dealing with losing Jared. She was blocking the pain out, or at least trying to, but right now the paper threads holding her broken heart together split and the wound ached so that she couldn’t breathe. She pushed her pain down deep, blinked to clear her vision and put on her best fake smile. She cleared her throat. “So, I see you like ‘Lifehouse’, too,” she said, sitting beside him.

“I told you, sweetheart. I like all kinds of music.” Sam finished the song and turned to face her. Cupping her chin in his palm, he tenderly kissed her. “Did you get finished talking with Sir Richard?”

“Yes, and I have some news for you, but I don’t think I’ll tell you, yet. Let’s go for that ride now,” she said, taking his hand and standing.


Sam saddled up the Appaloosa mare and helped Donna into the saddle. “Slide forward a bit, but not too far,” he said as he mounted up behind her.

“I know how to do this,” she said, deliberately pressing her firm bottom against the bulge in his jeans. She wiggled a little to get a better position.

Sam’s breath caught. “I’ll say you know how,” he groaned and wrapped an arm around her waist. He dipped his head slightly and kissed up the side of Donna’s neck. “I very much like this position,” he whispered close to her ear.

Donna twisted her head slightly and parted her lips, eager for his kiss, needing the distraction, hungry to erase the remnants of Jared’s face from her consciousness, and the effect Sam’s playing had on her. He didn’t disappoint her. He kissed her slowly and thoroughly, awakening the longing in her body, replacing the ache with want and desire, the only way Donna knew how to feel, now. A tinge of guilt went through her. She was using Sam’s ability to arouse her to dull out the pain. As long as she didn’t concentrate, as long as she kept her eyes closed, she could pretend. It may be wrong and selfish of her, but she didn’t care. Maybe someday she would be able to see Sam for who he was, but for now, this was the best she could give him.


They rode for a while longer. “Stop here,” Donna said as they neared the spot she and Richard had taken off their shoes and went for a paddle in the edge of the Tyne.

Sam dismounted and reached up, grabbing Donna by the waist and setting her on the ground in front of him. He kissed her and grinned. “Are we going to freeze our asses off again, or have you learned your lesson about the temperature of water in the UK?”

Donna smiled as she stared into his aqua eyes. “I’m a fast learner – about a lot of things,” she said, pulling his face to hers and kissing him again, stealing his breath.

“I’m still trying to figure out what’s going on here.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m not sure who’s the teacher or who’s the student, but Oh am I enjoying the lessons. You said you had some news for me.”

“What do you want first, the good or the bad?” She teased his lips with the tip of her tongue and kissed him thoroughly.

Sam couldn’t understand why, but he wanted Donna. More than he’d ever wanted any woman. She was like a drug, and he was already addicted. The more he got, the more he wanted, and the feeling grew stronger every time they were together. Her smell was like an aphrodisiac. He couldn’t get enough of it. “I’m optimistic – give me the good first.”

“Despite your conceited and arrogant ways, I’ve decided I like having you around.”

Sam grinned. “OK – I can live with that. Now hit me with the bad news.”

Donna’s smile faded. She’d enjoyed being so close to the sea. “I can’t live with you, at your penthouse apartment on the beach, at Whitley Bay.”

“So that’s it? The head lion roars and you cower in the corner like a lamb?”

Donna frowned and turned away. “I can see this isn’t going to work out. You can’t speak unless you’re badmouthing someone close to me. First you take a stab at Richard, and now his dad. Who’s next – Gary?”

Sam grabbed her wrist and whipped her around. “Donna, the Triplets are used to getting what they want. Richard wants you, can’t you see that?”

“Yes, I can see that, but I don’t want Richard. At least I didn’t. The more you talk about him, the more interesting he’s becoming. I warned you about badmouthing Richard. He has qualities you lack.”

Sam’s eyebrows shot up. He frowned, clenching his teeth. Donna’s words stung. “Donna, he’ll do whatever it takes to keep us apart. As far as wealth is concerned, he can give you more than I ever could, but he can’t give you what you want. I can! We’re good together. If Richard could give you what you need, you wouldn’t be with me now.”

“If you hadn’t been such an arrogant asshole, I might have told you the solution Sir Richard offered me.”

“OK. I’m sorry. It’s just that rich brats like….”

Donna pressed her fingers to his lips. “Shut up or I’m going back now, and we’ll go our separate ways. I don’t need this Sam. I told you what I’m dealing with. I let my guard down. I let you in. I told you how empty I am inside.” She paused and swallowed to cool her burning throat. “If only for a little while, you’re able to fill that empty space, and I need that Sam, more than you know, but I’ve had about all the mudslinging I can stand.”

Sam snorted. “Well, I’ve had my slap in the face for tonight.”

Donna grinned and shook her head. “Sometimes, you and Richard remind me of politicians. You’re both so puffed up with male ego that it’s ridiculous. I’m just wasting my breath. You’ve already formed your opinion. I wouldn’t expect you to accept Sir Richard’s offer, now. It would mean giving up too much of your male pride.”

Sam lifted her chin and lowered his head, so their eyes met. “Tell me what he said, sweetheart. You’d be surprised what I’m willing to do for you.”

“I’m not making any commitments, Sam. All I can promise you is now.”

Sam’s mouth spread in his cocky grin. “Now is a good start.”

“I wanted to be honest with you, so you didn’t get the wrong idea about this arrangement. Honesty is very important to me. In fact, if we’re honest with each other, I can deal with just about anything, but I won’t deal with lies.”

“Donna, I don’t have a lot of experience in what you would know as a relationship,” he softly chuckled. “I’ve seldom kept one woman around long enough to form any kind of relationship. In fact, you’re the first I’ve considered, but I’ll give it my best shot.”

“Who you’ve had before doesn’t concern me. It’s what happens from here. If I should find a way past the pain, then maybe I could offer you more, but for now, this is it. Sir Richard said you could stay with me tonight, in my room, and if you’re willing to rethink your disgust of the Triplets as you put it, you can stay with me in his guest house. That’s the monster you hate so much.”

“Sir Richard has offered his guest house? What’s the catch?”

“I decide when you leave. If I don’t want you there anymore, one way or the other, you will go. I also want it understood we are not a sure thing. If I want to go out with other men, you’ll have to accept that. As long as you behave yourself, that’s not going to happen. I like you Sam. You make me laugh, and yes, you make me feel. If you can’t accept this, then I’m sorry. Like I told you at your apartment, I don’t know what my future holds, and I can’t even promise you’ll be in it, but for now, I want you with me. Since you’ll be helping me with my research, this arrangement makes sense, at least it does to me, and it does to Sir Richard.”

“What about Gary and Richard?”

“I’m not worried about how Richard feels. Gary – well – he’s always going to be the big brother. That’s something you’ll just have to get used to, and he’ll always tell you straight. Gary doesn’t fancy lacy things. He’s already warned me about some of your wanton ways, but he hasn’t told me not to see you. Is this enough for you, or would you rather not get involved with somebody as confused as I am?”

Sam smiled. “Sweetheart, the only thing I’m concerned with right now, is which side of the bed you want to sleep on.”

Donna softly smiled and embraced him, resting her head on his shoulder. “I’m not bothered, as long as I can keep this for my pillow. I need that closeness. I have nightmares Sam – bad ones sometimes. I have some other unusual qualities, but you’ll figure that out soon enough.”

“What kind of unusual qualities, sweetheart?”

“I’m a psychic.”

“Can you read minds?” he asked incredulously.

“Not everybody’s and not all the time. Why, you don’t want me to read your mind?”

“I’m not keen on the idea.”

“I’ll try not to, then. So… are we going to give this living together thing a chance? You can opt out anytime. I’d like you to be with me, but I’m not going to beg you. I haven’t seen Sir Richard’s guest house, but I’m sure your penthouse is more luxurious.”

“I’ve never shared my domain with anyone, but the idea of playing house with you sounds like fun. I don’t know how Richard and I will get along, but we’ll see how it goes.”

“Good,” she smiled, rose on her tiptoes and kissed him. “Sir Richard said we weren’t limited to the guest house. That’s just our little getaway so we can be totally alone, when we want to. We’re welcome to use the house as if it were our own.”

Sam raised an eyebrow. “And Richard is OK with all this?”

“I don’t know. He hasn’t come back. Maybe there’s a little more between him and Joyce than they’re letting on?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised.”


Sam and Donna entered the lounge holding hands. “Sir Richard, he’s decided he wants to move into the guest house with me.”

Sir Richard smiled. “You’ve decided that’s what you want?”

“Yes, Sir. I have.”

“Sam, you understand the terms of these living arrangements. If Donna decides she doesn’t want you there anymore, you’ll have to move back to your penthouse.”

Sam wrapped an arm around Donna’s waist. “Yes, Sir Richard. I understand the conditions, and thank you for letting me stay.”

“So, are you and Sam staying in your room tonight, or would you like a security card to the guest house?”

“If it’s all right with you, I think we’d like to see the guest house first. Then we’ll decide.”

“It’s fine with me. John could you get them a couple of security cards. Oh, and Sam will need one for the house and the gates. Also, we need to upgrade his security classification for the private lift and genetics lab. Sam, you realise there will be some things about the project you won’t be able to share, not even with Joyce.”

“There are a lot of things I don’t tell her now,” he chuckled. “But, yes, Sir, I understand.”

John came back and gave Sam and Donna security cards for the house, guest house, and gates. “I’ll need to take another look at your car, Sam,” John said. “We may need to do some more upgrades. All of our vehicles have trackers and other advanced systems. Yours will have to be the same. Once you have the upgrade, the control on the garage guest house will detect the sensor on your tracker and open automatically. For now, enter the code on the back of your security card using your cell phone.”

“We don’t take risks with our senior team,” Sir Richard added. “Unfortunately, you’ll still have to oversee the infirmary.”

“When I’m not busy, I’ll help him with that,” Donna volunteered. “I’ve not done so well with my doctor patient relationships in the past. I’d like a chance to prove myself.”

“You don’t need to prove anything, petal. I know you’re a brilliant doctor.”

“Yes, but, I have some issues I need to deal with, for myself.”

“Well, I’m not the person you need to talk to about that. Sam is the head doctor and administrator over the infirmary. That will be up to you and him to decide.”

Sam grinned. “I think we can work something out.” Sam and Donna turned to leave.

“Oh, one other thing. I really enjoyed your performance Donna. It’s a shame things couldn’t have been different.”

Donna shared a knowing look with Sir Richard and swallowed the lump in her throat. “Thank you, Sir Richard. I’m… surviving,” she said and followed Sam outside.