Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 17


As soon as he’d packed his laptop case, Richard unlocked his cell phone, ready to call Joyce. He was about to push her speed number, when he realised it might be too early to call her on a Sunday morning. Richard really didn’t want to explain his behaviour. For the most part, he couldn’t remember what happened last night. Finally, since they’d been friends all these years, he felt she deserved some kind of explanation and decided to send her a text. She could respond if and when she felt like it. No sooner had he hit send than his cell phone rang.

“Good morning, honey. I was afraid you might still be in bed. Did my text wake you?”

“Yes, it did, but no worries. I needed to get up early. I don’t suppose you’d like to go house hunting with me?”

“House hunting?” he echoed. “You’re moving?”

“I’m thinking about it. I’d like to move closer to the Centre, so I don’t have so far to drive.”

“I’d love to, honey, but I’ll be out of town until Monday afternoon. We could look then if you want to. I know a few places. I even have a few places. I wish you’d said something before now.”


The words from the threatening text flashed through Joyce’s memory. She swallowed hard. “I hadn’t thought about it a lot until just lately. I’m in no rush, and I haven’t made up my mind yet. I’m just… thinking about it.”

“Then I’ll put that down on my to-do list, for when I get back. Listen, honey, about last night….”

“Richard, as far as I’m concerned, we were just two old souls, tired of being lonely. I was feeling sorry for myself because of Sam, and you were feeling sorry for yourself because of Donna. It doesn’t have to get awkward between us. You’re one of my best friends, and as far as I’m concerned that hasn’t changed – OK?”

“I just didn’t want you to feel cheap because we slept together.”

“I don’t feel cheap, Richard, believe me. And I don’t want you to feel obligated. Let’s just drop it. It happened, but it didn’t.”

“Sam really shouldn’t take you for granted. I gotta go honey. I’ll see you sometime Monday evening.”


Richard grabbed his luggage and laptop case and headed downstairs. “Morning Ricky,” Sir Richard said.

“Put your suitcase by the door in the conservatory, next to ours,” John said. “I’ll move them to the chopper, as soon as I’ve finished my coffee.”

“What would you like for breakfast?”

“Scrambled eggs, toast and marmalade, please, Alice,” Richard responded, pouring a cup of coffee and reaching for the milk jug. “I don’t suppose you know whether or not Donna is up?”

John and Sir Richard shared a worried look. “I had hoped to talk to you about this tomorrow.” Sir Richard said.

Richard gingerly sipped his coffee. “Talk to me about what?”

“Sam and Donna are living in the guest house.”

Richard broke out in a paroxysm of coughing. “Whose bright idea was this,” he finally said, when he could speak.

“Mine and Donna’s, but mainly mine. I wasn’t going to let her move into Sam’s apartment, Ricky.”

“So, instead, you let Sam move in to our guest house? Dad, whose side are you on?”

“I’m on Donna’s side, Ricky, and it’s my guest house. I can let whomever I choose live there. I do not need your permission. If that little show you and Joyce put on was meant to make Sam and Donna jealous, well, I’m sorry… it backfired. Sam was not jealous that you were hanging all over Joyce, and Donna was not bothered that Joyce was hanging all over you. I think you both acted a little childish.”

“What do you expect me to do, Dad? Throw my hands up and walk away? You know how I feel about her. Sam is going to do nothing but hurt her in the end. She hurt enough when Jared left.”

Sir Richard narrowed his eyes. “Jared did not leave Donna, Ricky. You know that! Jared was forced to make a difficult decision, and in all truthfulness, I think he was extremely noble in the end. Now that she’s here with us, I think you’re forgetting that little factor. If you cared about Donna in the same way as Jared did, you would do the same. Donna is with Sam because that is where she chooses to be. The sooner you accept that, the sooner we can all get back to a normal life. Sam may break Donna’s heart, I’m not saying he won’t, but I think Donna knows exactly what she’s doing with both of you. Move on Ricky. Sometimes it’s the only choice we have.”

Alice set Richard’s plate on the table in front of him. “Would you like anything else?”

Richard clenched his teeth and picked up his fork. “No, Alice! I’m just bloody fine!” he said with sarcasm. Last night I slept with my best friend. I come home to find my father has let a man I’d love to choke move next door with the woman I love. I couldn’t be happier!


Donna lay on Sam’s shoulder, listening to the steady sound of his relaxed heartbeat. He was an excellent bed partner, both awake and asleep. In his arms, she felt safe and secure, and the dreams had subsided, at least for the time being. Donna took that as a sign that she was where she needed to be, where she should be, not necessarily where she wanted to be, but then Donna never expected to be where she wanted to be, again.

She shut her eyes and concentrated on the little girl with long black hair and aqua eyes – eyes like Sam’s. Donna rested her nose at the side of Sam’s neck and breathed deeply. A soft slow smile spread across her mouth. She kissed his cheek and eased out of bed. She slipped on her short robe, not bothering to dress. She walked to the other side of the bed, kissed her fingers, pressed them to Sam’s lips and went downstairs to make breakfast.


Donna carried the tray back upstairs and quietly slid it on the bedside table. The smell of the hot coffee swirled under Sam’s nose, bringing him to life. Donna sat on the side of the bed and brushed some loose hairs from his temple.

Breathing in the faint fragrance from her wrist, Sam smiled. He grabbed her wrist and kissed it. “First thing in the morning, you have the sweetest smell, I’ve ever come across. What brand of perfume do you use?”

“Why do you want to know that?”

“Because I will personally make sure you always have a supply of it around.”

Donna softly smiled. “It’s called Sand and Sable.”

Sam furrowed his brow. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that one.”

“It’s from America. I’ve worn it since I was a teenager, but if I can’t find it over here, I guess I’ll have to look for a suitable replacement.”

“No, you won’t! We’ll fly to America or have some shipped over here. I love the way it smells, especially when it’s on you. The fragrance suits you.”

Donna grinned at him incredulously. “How do you think it suits me?”

Sam pulled her on top of him and wrapped his arms around her waist. “It reminds me of meadows full of wildflowers and trickling waterfalls under a cloudless sky.”

Donna lowered her face and kissed him. “I kind of like the way you smell, too. Now sit up so we can have our breakfast.”

“I’d rather have you. I love kissing you. I could kiss you forever. You’re getting under my skin, sweetheart.”

Donna shook her head and set the tray on his lap. “Let’s see if I can get to your belly. According to my grandmother, that’s the way to a man’s heart.”

Sam danced his aqua eyes over hers. “You don’t need food to get to mine.”

Donna sighed and tucked her head. “You’ve got a line for everything, haven’t you Sam?” She ruffled his hair.

“I meant it Donna. You’re touching something deep inside me that I didn’t know was there.”

“Don’t go changing on me. Right now, you’re exactly what I need.”

“He messed you up good, didn’t he, sweetheart?”

“Do you want strawberry jam, or this icky marmalade?”

Sam chuckled. “I’ll take the strawberry jam and you. We’ll let the Brits eat the icky marmalade.” He picked up his fork. “This smells heavenly. What is it?”

“Omelette a la Donna – British style,” she chuckled.

Sam put a bite in his mouth and closed his eyes, savouring the flavours. “Mmm, I see I’m not the only one who has a heavy hand on the garlic cloves. Good thing we’ve got plenty of minty mouthwash.”

Donna sat beside him and started eating her breakfast. “I’m thinking of talking to Sir Richard, and seeing if he’ll let us build a garden next to the guest house, so we can grow some fresh vegetables. I don’t really like the ones that come from the store.”

“Do you know anything about gardening?”

“I’m living with a nature freak. Are you going to tell me you don’t know how to grow vegetables?”

“Oh, no. I know. I just didn’t know if you did. There’s something else I’ve been meaning to ask you. When is your birthday?”

“Why do you want to know that? When is yours?”

“Because I want to know everything about you. Women get a little testy if you miss things like anniversaries and birthdays. My birthday is on the 31 January, and I’m twenty-eight years old. Now it’s your turn.”

Donna laughed. “OK, I was born after Thanksgiving, but before the New Year. I’m old enough to sleep by myself, but prefer not to. There, is that good enough?”

Sam narrowed his eyes. “Well, at least I know the month. Come on sweetheart! You’re not playing fair.”

“OK, but if you tell anybody, from now on, you’ll be eating out of a cardboard box, or at the Hall with Richard.”

“Oh God – a fate worse than death. I won’t tell a soul. I promise.”

“It’s on December 17, and I’m twenty-seven. I was almost a Christmas baby.”

“Wow! That makes me what – ten months older than you. So when we play, I can boss you around.”

Donna pressed her lips to a thin line. “That would depend on what we’re… playing,” she grinned. “But don’t press your luck. I’ve had enough of being ordered around. Getting back to the garden thing. What do you think of the idea?”

“I think it’s a wonderful idea. There’s just one problem.”

She frowned. “You don’t like getting your hands dirty.”

“No. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty. There are limited things you can grow in a garden in the UK. The growing season is shorter here than in the States. Unless you’re a farmer, most people grow vegetables in a greenhouse. That way it’s easier to regulate the temperature and weather conditions.”

Donna rolled her eyes and shook her head. “OK, then let’s build a greenhouse.”

Sam sighed. “Sweetheart, I can compose a full scale piano concerto, from beginning to end, but I know nothing about carpentry. I’ll hire someone to build it for you, but if I had to do it myself, I wouldn’t know where to begin. I’m lucky if I can drive a nail without bending it double.”

Donna stared down at her half-eaten breakfast. She swallowed the lump in her throat and crawled off the bed. “I’m going to take a shower.”

“Wait! What about your breakfast?”

She started choosing some clothes. “I’m not hungry anymore.”

“Hang on, let me finish this piece of toast, and I’ll come join you.”

“Finish your breakfast. I won’t be that long. I want to get dressed and start organising my kitchen.” She stepped into the bathroom and closed the door.

“What did I say?” Sam frowned and stared at the closed door. He took a bite of his toast and shook his head. “Is she mad at me because I don’t know how to build a bloody greenhouse?”


Donna turned on the shower, adjusted the temperature and slipped out of her robe. Standing in front of the shower cabinet – hand on the handle – she glanced to the side at the bathtub. Bad mistake. Memories of hot, steaming water flashed through her mind. For a while, she closed her eyes and let the memory take her. The smell of honeysuckle and jasmine mingled with cranberry filled her senses. His face was crystal clear. She had memorised every smile line at the corners of his sensual mouth. His wolfish smile and set of perfect white teeth. His penetrating dark eyes that quickly changed to glowing crimson, when he gazed into hers.

Donna’s breath caught; her heart pounded faster. She remembered the feel of his palms as they caressed her body. The taste of his lips. The velvety texture of his tongue as it tangled with hers. She could almost feel his hard body pressed into hers as he pulled her against his chest. His teeth nipping at her pulse as he kissed his way down the side of her neck, all the while his magical fingers creating pools of desire as her womb clenched and throbbed, aching to feel him inside her.

She drew in a short breath and opened her burning eyes. She couldn’t take any more. Her throat choked and ached, but the dam wouldn’t break. Taking a few more deep breaths, she did as Nadine had taught her. She boxed the memory, slammed the lid and sealed it tight. Donna wondered if a time would come when she would run out of boxes, or just stop feeling altogether.

She opened the door and stepped inside. Turning her face up, she held it there, drowning under the hot spray, imagining it was a waterfall, washing the hurt away. She cleared her throat and swallowed hard. “I miss you, Jared,” she whispered as she turned and reached for the shampoo. “Sam will never be you.”


Slowly, Sam tried the handle on the bathroom door. He groaned and sighed deeply, leaning his back against the door. It was locked. Glancing at Donna’s electronic keyboard and guitar, he thought about his black grand piano, back in the lounge of his penthouse apartment. Sam used music to work through his problems – that and sex - but right now, music sounded more appealing. That was odd to Sam. Sex was his usual balm, and it didn’t matter who it was with, but for some reason, he could only imagine it with Donna, now. To Sam, that was a scary thought. He reached for Donna’s guitar.

“What has she done to me?” he mused as he strummed the strings. “Am I broken?”