Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 18


Donna finished drying off and slipped into her bathrobe. She reached for the door handle and stopped. Listening to Sam singing and playing her guitar, Donna realised how little they knew about each other. She didn’t even know Sam could play a guitar. If he had any real feelings for her, it was understandable that he would want to know more about her. Donna wasn’t sure she wanted him to. That would mean letting him in, and she’d already let him in more than she’d intended to.

She listened for a while longer. A lump rose in her throat. Was his song meant for her? Had he fallen in love with her that quickly? Would she let him fill the emptiness inside her? Did she want that space to be filled? That place was reserved, sacred – his place. How could she ever let Sam or any other man that close to her again? Donna didn’t want to hurt that way, but if she couldn’t get past this, there was no hope for them. She had to find a way, even if it meant shoving half of her heart into one of those cardboard boxes. Would that be fair to Sam?

Donna had heard rumours of Sam’s wanton ways, and she’d seen some evidence that suggest they might be true, but she’d also seen something that wasn’t supposed to be there – devotion. Maybe Sam was worth a little more effort, on her part. Maybe she should stop comparing him to Jared. She remembered how painful it had been when Jared compared her to Sara. Wasn’t she doing the same to Sam? Up to now, her dream had been accurate. She and Jared were walking separate paths, and Sam was real. Should she trust her sixth sense and give him a chance?

Donna hugged herself, sighed deeply and opened the door. Sam glanced up as she entered the room. She walked up to him, took her guitar and put it back on her stand. She locked her eyes on his, untied his robe and pushed it aside. Donna bent her head and parted her lips, kissing him.

Sam cautiously untied her robe and slid his hands around her rib cage, urging her forward. Without hesitation, Donna parted her legs and straddled his lap. Sam buried his face in her hair, trailing kisses behind her ear and down the side of her neck. Donna cradled his head, threading her fingers through his black hair as his lips worked their way across the top of her breasts to her aching nipple. She gasped and moaned as he swirled his tongue around it, sucking and teasing it between his teeth.

She propped her knees on the side of the chair, positioning herself over him. He lifted his head, dancing his eyes over hers as she gently lowered her body onto his. Donna gasped as Sam eagerly lifted his hips, meeting her halfway and filling her. He pulled her lips back to his, kissing her, burying his probing tongue in the warmth of her mouth. Donna rested her feet on the floor, bracing her hands on his shoulders as she slowly started to ride him. Sam moved with her. Donna locked the memories behind a strong warning barrier and gave in to her body’s lustful desires as Sam picked up the pace.

Donna arched her body, stilling over him as her orgasm hit hard, shattering her control into a million tiny pieces. Sam’s body jerked inside her. He moaned as her tight muscles clamped onto him, milking jets of warmth from his body, draining his strength. His lips found hers, kissing her leisurely and thoroughly as they panted for breath.

“I’m sorry,” she finally gasped.

“For what, and please tell me it’s not for what we just did.”

“I’m not sorry, Sam,” Donna softly smiled. “How could I ever be sorry, when you send me to the stars? If I hadn’t wanted it, you wouldn’t be under me.”

“Then I guess I’m the one who should be apologising to you,” Sam solemnly said. “You don’t send me to the stars.”

Donna smile faded. “Oh….”

Sam grinned and nuzzled her neck. “You send me beyond the stars.”

Donna giggled and slapped her palms against his chest with a whack. “Sam, that was mean!”

Sam’s eyes widened as the sting shot through his body. “Ow!” He frowned. “What was that for? I thought you weren’t into the kinky stuff.”

Donna’s eyes filled with shock. “I’m… sorry… Sam. I didn’t realise I’d hit you that hard.” She could already see the red imprint of her hands on his pectoral muscles. She leaned over and planted a tender kiss over the red mark. If I’d hit Jared like that, all he would have done was laugh at me.

Sam cradled her face and kissed her. “You’re forgiven, but I did mush you up. Now you’ll have to take another shower.”

Donna stood and took his hand, leading him to the bathroom. “Yes, and this time, it may take a little longer,” she grinned. “I don’t want to take another shower. I want to take a bath with you.”

Sam narrowed his eyes and cocked his head to one side. “What about organising your kitchen?”

Our kitchen…” she stressed, giving him a sultry smile. “And we can do that when we’re done… bathing.”

Sam smiled his sexy crooked smile and closed the door behind them.