Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 57


Movement caught the attention of two of Sir Richard’s security guards, patrolling the back perimeter of Triplet Hall, near the Tyne. A small colony of bats gathered above their heads. One swooped down, close to the two security guards. The guard winced, reached up and scratched his neck. “What’s wrong?” the other guard asked.

“I think the little bastard bit me!”

The bat made another pass at the other security guard. “Ow – damn bugger!” he proclaimed, searching above him. “If Batman comes back, I’m using him for target practice.”

“Good thing we don’t have to worry about them carrying rabies in the UK.”

“Yeah,” the first guard agreed, rubbing his stinging neck.

A few minutes later, all twelve guards patrolling the Tyne were prostrate on the damp grass.

Sheba, Bonker, Twister, and Terminator – Sir Richard’s four guard dogs - were peacefully sleeping on the concrete floor of their wire mesh pen, behind Triplet Hall. A strange smell caught Sheba’s attention. Her sharply-docked ears twitched as she slowly lifted her jackal-shaped head, from off her wide tan feet. She stretched her head higher; quietly coming to her feet, catching the attention of the other three dogs. Immediately, they went on alert-mode. Silently they rose to their feet and started sniffing the air, as well.

Sheba’s pointed mussel jutted a couple of times as she pulled the strange scent into her lungs. Her keen eyes searched the ley of the land for the source of the smell. Her moist nostrils flared as she sniffed again and turned her head toward the Tyne, deciding that was where the scent came from. Terminator’s lip pulled back. The tips of his fang-like teeth shone like snow in the dim street light. He emitted an almost inaudible growl, low in his throat.

A muffled pop sounded from behind and a small metal canister flew through the air, landing amidst the four dogs, making a slight hissing noise. The four curiously approached it, sniffing the white mist seeping from one end. Bonker slapped at it with her paw, and it rolled toward Twister, who lowered her mussel and sniffed at it again. After a short time, one-by-one, the curious animals began to drop to the floor of their pen.


Donna felt the connection. Her sense of calm returned as Daria’s gentle voice entered her mind.

‘You are filled with positive energy - powerful energy - but negativity drains your gift. You are suffering - in the heart. You have lost something special, someone special. I see him. He is near, but far.’

Donna swallowed hard as stinging tears collected behind her closed lids. ‘I hurt him very deeply. He won’t forgive me, won’t even see me.’

‘You began this journey together, but the path has split, and now you walk on opposite sides. It twists and crosses, but at each meeting point he stands on the other side. This is as it should be because of a choice you have made. Do not fear change, Seer. With it comes growth and understanding. You are threatened by paper and air. Do not dismiss the danger. You are with someone you care very deeply for, but his eyes wander, and he will never fully claim your heart. You seek a man with dancing aqua eyes, but what you seek is a shadow. Your seer sight has been blinded by crimson power. You must look harder into the eyes of this man and see that he is not who you thought he was, for there are two.’

Daria paused. There was a slight change in the flow of energy between them. Donna waited patiently. Daria continued, unaware of what she was saying or where the words were coming from. ‘One wishes to possess your heart, the other your body, but a third holds your soul. Because you have experienced perfectus amor, you are afraid to chance disappointment. If you continue to do so, your journey will be long and your future vague. You choose to hide the truth because he satisfies your body, but yet your heart hungers. What you see before you is not necessarily what must be. The outcome depends on the choices you make and who will meet you at the end of this journey. That is yet… uncertain. You will only ever have one perfect match. You must be patient, Donna. Open your heart and test the possibilities. Grow, Seer. Grow. Learn and love. When the time comes, you will understand all… farewell.’


As soon as Juanita was off the phone with Wilson, she reiterated the story to Jared, and then she and he went straight to Sir Richard’s office in the complex. Again, Juanita repeated what Wilson had told her. Sir Richard’s cell phone rang. Alice’s frantic voice came over the line as soon as Sir Richard accepted the call. “It’s Alan, Sir Richard. He’s collapsed. He says he’s having chest pains. I gave him his pills, but they don’t seem to be working.”

“Calm down, Alice. What happened? Where is he?”

“I helped him to the lounge. He’s lying on the settee. Something happened here. I heard a loud ringing and then woke up on the kitchen floor, in front of the dishwasher. I know you have your own way of doing things, but should I call an ambulance?”

“No Alice. Keep him calm. I’ll be there in ten minutes!” Sir Richard ended the call and turned to Jared.

Jared held up his hand. “Just give me the details. I heard enough of your conversation to know something is wrong at the house. Alan… that’s your butler? And he’s collapsed suddenly?”

Sir Richard stood. “Yes. VICi,” he said, turning his attention to the complex computer. “Contact Tim McGowan and John Sherriff. Have them meet me at the chopper.”

VICi; Executing… message sent and acknowledged.

“Go! I’ll grab two medkits from the infirmary and wait for you in the chopper,” Jared said and disappeared.

“Let’s go Juanita.”

“What about Donna?”

“I’ll let her know if I need to.”

Jared suddenly appeared next to one of the nurses at the supplies closet in Sam’s office. At the sight of his glowing crimson eyes she gasped, and the kidney dish she was holding clanked to the floor. “Sorry, sugar,” Jared groaned and disappeared again.

Sir Richard and Juanita felt a gush of wind go past them. By the time they reached the lift and got to the chopper, Jared was already strapped in and ready to go.


Daria opened her eyes and locked her gaze on Donna’s. Donna felt something sliding down her cheek. She touched her face; her fingertip came away wet. She swallowed hard and wiped her eyes on the back of her hand. Donna sat in a daze, uncertain of what to say, how to take what she’d heard. “Wait here,” Daria said and disappeared.

Richard rose from his chair as soon as Daria passed through to the waiting area. “What took you so long?” he asked his voice tight with agitation.

“I must speak with you outside,” she responded, urging him to the door of the tent.

“When did you get the special effects, and what was that all about? You hardly said a dozen words to her! Why didn’t you stick to the script as I requested?” he pushed through his clenched teeth.

Daria narrowed her eyes. “You have no idea what she is. Do you?”

“What do you mean? Of course, I know what she is!”

“Her gift is genuine, Richard. What she says to you in prophecy is not gobbledygook. If you don’t listen to her counsel, you will regret it. She carries your child.”

Richard’s mouth gaped. “She what? Donna can’t be pregnant. She’s on contraceptives, has been for months, and even if she hadn’t been, we only had one night together. If Donna is pregnant, the child is Sam’s, not mine.”

“She is with a rival, but trust me, she carries your son. He is beyond special, Richard. Even now, as he grows in his mother’s womb, the child is aware of everything. Go – do what you must do, but be careful. She is in great danger.”

Richard cocked his head and grinned. “You’re getting better at this, Daria. The fog and pale blue light added that special bit of mystery to your nonsense.”

Daria frowned. “Fog? Pale blue light? Richard, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’m not lying to you. Donna is pregnant with your son, and it will be up to you to protect her and even the score.” Daria whirled.

 Richard caught her forearm, forestalling her. “Did you tell Donna she was pregnant?”

“No…” Daria went back in the tent, where Donna was. She looked upon her in awe. “It has been a rare treasure to meet you, Donna. Protect him well. In his hands lies the fate of two realms. Richard is waiting for you outside.”

“Thank you,” Donna mused and stepped outside, still looking bemused and pale. Protect him well? Fate of two realms? She glanced over her shoulder. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Richard put an arm around her waist; Donna turned. “So, did you enjoy your entertainment? Did she say anything useful?”

Donna studied Richard’s eyes and slowly smiled. “At first, it was a little confusing, but yes, she did. Thank you.”

“Shall we take that Ferris wheel ride now, or would you rather just find Sam and Joyce and go home?”

“I promised you a ride, and I keep my promises.”


Before the chopper blades stopped spinning, Sir Richard was on the ground and barking orders. “Tim, go to the house with Juanita. See what you can do for Alan and Alice. John see what you can find out about what happened here. Jared, I want you to come with me to the guest house. I want to hear the story straight from Wilson.”

Jared glanced around to make sure no one was watching. “I’ll see you there,” he said and disappeared. He reappeared at the guest house door and knocked, but his enhanced smell told him what he would find. He couldn’t hear a heartbeat, and there was a strong smell of fresh blood. Jared sighed deeply, making light of the front door, despite its advanced locking system. Upon entering the lounge, he froze to the spot. His glowing crimson eyes scanned the room. His stomach roiled at the carnage. His mind went back to the night he’d been forced to walk away. He remembered everything as if it had happened yesterday. He was on his way to meet Donna when he’d received Forrest’s threatening phone call. The words burned through Jared’s memory like a scorching wind.

~ ~ ~

“What the fuck do you want?”

“For someone who has your best interests at heart, I would think you’d be more grateful.”

“What hold do you have over Victor Grey?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Do you think I’m stupid?”

“If I’d thought you were stupid, I wouldn’t have considered bringing you on board Forrest Enterprises. I’m having a little get together at my apartment. Some of our major investors will be there, so I’ll expect you to dress appropriately. You’ll need to tell Donna not to expect you back for dinner, I’m afraid, but I’ve taken care of that as well.”

“I invested in D’Netics, not Forrest Enterprises. I don’t owe you anything, and I’m not interested in attending your little get together. Our relationship is strictly business. You don’t honestly think I like you, do you Forrest?”

 “Does it matter?”

“It matters to me, and it will to Donna, when she finds out just what kind of person you are.”

“Don’t dare threaten me, Jared. I have ways of getting what I want. If you don’t do exactly as we’ve agreed your little daughter – the one you think is so safe in the cradle of Sir Richard’s protective arms – could have an unfortunate accident. Despite what you tell Donna, I know how much your wife meant to you. Losing Sarabeth would hurt you more than losing Donna. Besides, if I can’t get to you through Sarabeth, I’ll get to you through Donna.”

“You could never make Donna turn on me!”

“Don’t be so sure of yourself, Dr. Thundercloud. I’ve been around a lot longer than you have. I’ve been playing this game with the Triplets for years. There is one link that ties them all together and your sweet fiancée is in the middle of it. She means little to me. If I can’t get what I want, neither will you. I suggest you figure out a way to make this happen. My time is running out! I have nothing to lose, but you do, and so does Donna.”

“You’re bluffing!”

“Am I? Care to test that theory, Jared? If Donna were to find out you were the one who hurt her, how long do you think it would take her to call off this silly engagement? She doesn’t want it anyway. She’s just trying to keep you happy. He’s there now, isn’t he?”

“What are you talking about?”

“The spoilt brat – Richard Triplet. Think about the timing, Jared. The Triplets are on to you, my friend. You invest in Donna’s research and Sir Richard’s son offers you a position in his company. You’re falling into the very trap you’ve been trying to avoid, and you’re right, Jared. Sir Richard will eat you alive!”

“And you won’t? You just tried to blackmail me with my daughter. That’s crossing the line, Forrest!”

“Jared… I think you’ll learn, when it comes to members of The Order, we draw the lines others fear to cross. You think you have power? You think you can hide? I control the very thing you love most. No one is exempt from my influence. I own you Jared Thundercloud. You’re a tool of my trade now. You signed away more than your money. I don’t accept compensation from those who cross me. I accept blood, but not yours Jared. You’re too honourable. You would gladly sacrifice your blood to protect Sarabeth or Donna, but what would you do if you were forced to choose between saving one of them? You will do as I say, or you will lose both of them! Distance – Jared – distance or death! Your choice!” The call ended.

~ ~ ~

Jared shook his head as if trying to shake the memory. It hit hard. He knew if this had been Sarabeth, or Donna, instead of Linda Wilson there would be no controlling his rage. He would be like a wounded wolf, in pain and lashing out at whomever, or whatever got in his way. No matter how badly it hurt to be separated from Donna, it would hurt him more to see her slaughtered like this poor woman had been. There was no need to check for vitals on either of them. He yanked the bloody note off Wilson’s shoulder and turned. Sir Richard met him at the front door. He glanced at the piece of blood spattered paper in Jared’s hand. “How bad is it?”

Jared shook his head. “I can’t do anything for them.”

Sir Richard’s eyes widened. “They’re both dead?”

“It looks like a slaughterhouse in there, Sir Richard. I’d say they’re both dead. I found this pinned to the flesh on Wilson’s shoulder with a surgical scalpel.”

Sir Richard read the printed note: ‘Progress demands sacrifice. Traitors deserve justice. Justice has been served for both of us. Let this be a lesson to you, lest it be repeated.’ “Bastard!” Sir Richard growled. “Did you touch anything?”

“Nothing but the note, Sir Richard. You need to notify the police.”

“Not at this stage, Son.” Jared followed Sir Richard back into the house. Sir Richard stopped as he entered the lounge and saw the bloody scene for himself.

Wilson’s body had been fastened to one of the dining chairs, with plastic ties. His neck had been positioned so he couldn’t look away. His throat had been slit from ear to ear. The chair was facing the large wooden coffee table where Linda’s body lay. Her arms and legs had been fastened to the legs of the coffee table, with plastic ties, as well. Her abdomen had been slashed open; the foetus removed. Both Linda and Wilson had been gagged to muffle their screams.

Sir Richard took his handkerchief from his back pocket and wiped it across his mouth. “How did they get in?”

“They didn’t use the front door. As you might have noticed, I had to unlock it my way – sorry about the mess. Sir Richard, if we’re not calling the police, what do you intend to do with the bodies?”

“We’ll take them back to the complex. You and Juanita can perform a post-mortem. Then we’ll store their bodies in the morgue until we decide how to dispose of them.”

Jared frowned. “Dispose of them? You’re just going to sweep this under your aristocratic carpet and forget about it?”

“No, Jared!” Sir Richard snapped. “I’m not going to forget about it, but trust me. The person who did this is beyond the laws you live by.”

“Then you believe it was Forrest, as well?”

Sir Richard glanced through the message again. “Yes, Jared, I do, and if you hadn’t left like you did, he probably would have done this to your daughter and Donna.”

“That thought had occurred to me.”

“Let’s get back to the Hall.” Sir Richard took out his cell phone and pressed the hands free speaker, so Jared could listen. “John, send Ronnie Houston and his investigative team to the guest house. Wilson and his wife have been murdered. Once they’ve documented the scene and collected the evidence, I want the guest house cleaned from stem to stern. Then I want the bodies taken to the complex. We’re on our way back. Have you found out anything?”

“It looks like they came in from our weakest point.”

“The river?”

“Yes Sir. They managed to dart all twelve guards – how I don’t know. Two of the guards said something about a colony of bats, but I don’t think that had anything to do with it. They knocked the dogs out with something. I found what looked to be a tear gas canister in the pen.”

Sir Richard glanced at Jared. “OK, we’ll be there shortly,” he said and ended the call. He softly smiled and shook his head. “Jared, Son, I’m getting used to it, but before we get to the house, you might want to dim the lights a bit. I thought you said you could control the glowing eyes. ”

One side of Jared’s mouth turned up. “I can, but it’s harder when people know.”

“Then it must be hell for you when you’re around Donna.”

Jared snorted. “You have no idea, Sir Richard.”


“How are they?” Sir Richard asked as he and Jared followed Juanita to the west wing where he’d had a temporary infirmary set up.

“Mrs. Kingsford is still a little disoriented and shaken. She bumped her head when she fell. I’ve treated her for a mild concussion. She has a bit of a headache, but I think she’ll be OK. She’s relaxing on her bed.” Sir Richard breathed a sigh of relief.

Juanita’s tone darkened. “I’m concerned about Alan, your butler. His blood pressure is elevated, and he’s having some difficulty breathing. The part that bothers me is his irregular heartbeat. I’m not a cardiologist, Sir Richard. He should have been taken to the Centre, but he refused to leave until he’d spoken to you. I’ve given him a muscle relaxer and some medication to bring his blood pressure down, but I would still be better satisfied if Donna had a look at him.”

“Prepare him for transport. We’ll take him to the complex.” Sir Richard rested his hand on Jared’s shoulder and guided him out of earshot. “Son, there’s only one other safe place I can take Donna, other than the complex, and I’d rather not do that.”

“Where is that?”

“To my mother’s castle.”

“Why are you opposed to taking Donna to your mother’s castle?”

“It’s a long story, Jared. One that I’d rather not go into.”

Jared pulled his brows together. “When you say castle, do you mean that in a literal sense?”

“Well, let’s put it this way. As castles go, it’s small, but it is literally a fortress. No one could get in it unless they blasted open the front door and it’s made of steel and three-inch thick oak.”

“What about the roof?”

“Someone could abseil down to the roof from a helicopter, but that’s as far as they would get. The battlements door is as solid as the front door. Triplet Hall has too many entry points.”

“Then take her to the complex. I already know how secure it is.”

“How are you going to handle being around her, and Sam? They are quite affectionate toward each other.”

“With great difficulty, but I’ll manage.”

“You’re sure about this?”

“No, but I won’t risk her safety for my comfort. I’ll just have to convince her that we can be friends and nothing more. Maybe Juanita can help me in that department.”

“If you and Juanita pretend to be a couple, that’s likely to cause animosity between Donna and Juanita. Besides, you can’t do that. Juanita is going back to the States, soon.”

“Maybe by that time, Forrest will be back on my side of the pond. I’ll talk to Juanita about it first, but I’d do just about anything to protect Donna. Then, you already know that.”

“There’s another thing you need to worry about.”

“What’s that?”

“If Juanita agrees to help you… convince Donna, how is Gary going to react. When I make the move to the complex, it will be permanent, Jared.”

“I guess that’s something you’ll have to take up with Gary.”

“Don’t forget, it’s something Juanita will have to deal with, as well. I don’t think we should jump on this straight away. Let me sound my mother out. It’s four minutes from her castle to the complex. If we have to use your idea, and Juanita agrees to it, then fine, but I’d rather avoid conflict if possible. I do hope to have you and Juanita with me permanently, sometime in the future. If there are too many hard feelings among my family that could make living at the complex difficult for everyone.”

Jared arched an eyebrow. “If you let something happen to Donna….”

Sir Richard studied Jared’s eyes. “Jared, I love Donna, maybe as much as you do. I would gladly give my life for her. I am not going to let anything happen to her.”

“I’m just warning you. I will go on a rampage, and there isn’t anyone in this country that could stop me.”

Sir Richard frowned. “Talk to Juanita, but like I said, I’ll only do this as a last resort.” He walked away.

Jared stuck his head back in Alan’s room. “Sweetheart, could I see you out here for a second?”

“I’ll be right back, Alan,” Juanita said. “What is it Jared?”

“I need to ask you a really big favour.”

Juanita narrowed her eyes. “What kind of favour, Jared?”

“What I’m going to ask you is extremely selfish on my part, and you don’t have to go along with it. We may not even have to use this idea, but….”

Juanita held up her hand. “Just tell me what it is Jared.”

“Let’s get Alan to the chopper, and I’ll explain on the way to the complex.”