Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 58


The Ferris wheel ride was coming to a close. One-by-one, the carny started letting riders off. “That was fun,” Donna smiled as the wheel began its final descent. To her surprise, the carny waved at Richard, gave him a little wink and skipped their seat. It was at this time that Donna realised the male carny had been replaced. Donna arched an eyebrow at Richard. She motioned with her head. “One of your female acquaintances?”

Past acquaintance,” Richard stressed, with a grin. “Donna, I won’t say I haven’t been with other women since you and I – well – since we met, as far as you’re concerned, but they don’t mean anything to me.”

“What about Joyce?”

Richard drew in a slow breath and forced the air from his lungs. “I can’t explain my attraction to her. What happened the night we watched your music video, was as much a mystery to me as it was to you. I don’t… love Joyce, Donna. We’re good friends, and we have been… intimate, but it was never serious.”

Donna held up her hand. “Richard, what you and Joyce, or you and Daria, or you and any other women do – for that fact - is none of my business. Why are you telling me all this?”

“Because… I’d like another chance with you, and I wanted us to start out with a clean slate.”

Donna looked incredulous. “A clean slate? Do you even have one?”

Richard tucked his chin and softly chuckled. “Well… mine is more like a blackboard, but there’s only one name that hasn’t been wiped.”

A slow smile spread across Donna’s mouth. “And that would be mine?”

Richard slid closer; his mood turning serious. “It’s engraved, pet – I mean….”

“…No, it’s OK. Just finish what you were saying.”

“The one time we were intimate, I know you did that out of pain. You were on the rebound, and I know you’re not over Jared, yet. You may never be, and that’s fine. I can deal with that. I want a life, pet. I want a future, not a passing fling. I’m not afraid of commitment, or a long-term relationship, with a house, a wife and a family. That’s what I want, and I know that’s what you want, too. Because, if things had happened differently, Jared would have given you that life. I’m not Jared. I can write you a poem, but I could never sing you a love song like he and Sam can.”

Donna grinned. “Please – don’t. I have sensitive ears.”

Richard returned her grin and snorted. “Here am I, baring my soul to you and you’re taking potshots at my horrible singing voice.”

“I’m sorry, Richard. You’re right. It was a cheap shot, but I couldn’t resist. Music is important to me. It’s a big part of my life. It always has been, and it always will be, but it’s not the only reason I’m attracted to Sam. He reminds me of something I’ve lost – Jared. Talking to Daria really helped me.”

Richard frowned. “I don’t see how. She said maybe a half dozen words to you. What did you do all that time?”

“You were eavesdropping on our conversation?”

Richard drew in a breath, winced and forced it out slowly. “I have a confession to make about that.”

Donna put her finger to his lips. She smiled. “I know you set it up, but Daria is real. Her psychic ability – her gift - is genuine.”

“That’s the same thing she said about you.”

“Really? Sam certainly doesn’t think I have a gift. He’s probably off screwing Joyce somewhere out of revenge, like he did with Ruth.”

“And he’ll do it every time, Donna. Sam just can’t…” he broke off. “Let me put it this way. I’m sure Sam can… satisfy you… and, he may even be able to give you what you want, I don’t know,” he shook his head. “But… no matter how loyal, or how much training it had, how long would you expect a starving dog to look at a piece of raw steak and not at least give it a lick or a nibble?”

Donna tilted her head up and studied his eyes. “You’re this close, are you going to kiss me, or what?”

Richard softly smiled; his blue eyes twinkled. He leaned his face closer. “I’m going to kiss you, just like I would have done all those years ago if I’d been able to take you to the state fair in Shreveport.”

“You were going to kiss a nine-year-old girl?”

“I know. It sounds a little corny….”

Donna brushed her lips against his. “You know what sounds even cornier?”

“What’s that?” he asked, rubbing the side of his nose against hers, inhaling her scent.

“I probably would have let you….”


Forrest and Eli watched the screen as Joyce and Sam neared the front of the Ferris wheel queue. He watched Sam kissing and nibbling on Joyce’s neck as he discreetly fondled one of Joyce’s peaked nipples through the flimsy fabric of her blouse.

Eli grinned. “Looks like I was right. The new stuff is working.”

“Zoom in!” Forrest demanded. “Boost the volume. This is good stuff. I want a close up of his hand and the expression on her face. Yes… that’s good. Now, if she’ll just – oh yeah – that’s it Joyce. Warm him up good. This night is turning out more profitable than I’d expected. We may not have to use force.”

Something caught Eli’s eye. He changed the camera, locking on a particular seat on the Ferris wheel. “What are you doing?” Forrest growled. “Get it back on Kaliea and Stephens.”

“Patience. Wait until the focus is clear. I thought I saw something.”

The image cleared. Forrest’s mouth gaped. He and Eli watched not only Richard kissing Donna, but Donna kissing Richard back, and it wasn’t a friendly kiss, either.

Forrest’s eyes twinkled. “He needs to see this! Sam needs to see this. Focus his attention that way somehow!”


Sam pressed his erection tighter against Joyce’s hand. “You still know how to get to me,” he groaned in her ear as he nibbled her ear lobe. Sam heard a buzzing near his ear and slapped at it with his hand.

“Too bad I’m wearing tight jeans, or we could have some real fun on the ride,” Joyce murmured.

“We could always do what we did last year – go in the women’s toilet and lock the door.”

Joyce frowned. “Sam… you took Jasmine to the carnival last year!”

Sam grinned. “Oh yeah – right – that was Jazz.”

“Well, I’m not doing it in a public toilet – so forget it!”

Sam twisted a nipple between his thumb and index finger as he inched his other hand down her stomach. “Bet I can change your mind.” He slapped in front of him. “Damn little bastard!”

“What is it?”

The seat Richard and Donna were sitting in stopped in plain view, just behind the loading platform. Sam faced forward and scratched his chin, catching sight of them. He narrowed his eyes and tightened his jaw as he saw Donna lean her head to the side, giving Richard better access to the side of her neck, clearly enjoying his attention. Sam grabbed Joyce’s wrist and started making his way back to the back of the queue.

“What are you doing Sam?”

“Fuck this shit. We’re going back to my penthouse.” Two can play at this game.


Eli and Forrest watched Sam, and Joyce leave the carnival together. “Wonder what they’re going to do?” Eli asked rhetorically.

One of Forrest’s eyebrows shot up. “What would you do if you were in his place?”

“Let’s put it this way. As heated up as Joyce is, I would have pushed for the toilet thing.”

“I’d love to get more of the brat mauling Donna, but I have a feeling the view from Sam’s apartment will be much more entertaining. Stay with them.”

“By the way,” Eli said, making conversation. “I think you might have announced your decision to move D’Netics to the UK a little too soon.”

“Why is that?”

“You’re supposed to be dying – remember?”

“Oh, I will be – when the time comes. These two have got me so horny; I might have to look for a little action myself.”

“Too bad you killed off Miss Gentry.”

Forrest grinned. “Yeah… I know. I kind of liked that one, but progress demands sacrifice. I have other toys to play with.”


Jared had explained his plan to Juanita, but she hadn’t said a lot in return. She’d mainly concentrated on getting Alan settled in the infirmary at the complex. Jared wasn’t sure if her silence was an answer or that she was in shock, wondering how low he would go. Jared wondered that himself. He remembered her words when he’d kissed her in the mail room at D’Netics. What if they used the plan and it backfired on him.

He didn’t want to lead Juanita on, but by telling her upfront, didn’t that solve that problem? Jared had no intention of getting romantically involved with Juanita or any other woman. If he couldn’t have Donna, he wouldn’t have anyone. He’d already made that decision and nothing inside him told him any different. Jared didn’t get the least bit aroused when he’d kissed Juanita, but she had. Would this be fair to her?

“OK… I’ll do it.”

Jared was yanked from his silent reverie. “Pardon?”

“I said I’ll do it. If Sir Richard has to bring Donna to the complex, I’ll pretend to be having an affair with you.”

Both of Jared’s eyebrows shot up. “You will?”

“Yes. Sir Richard said if he moved to the complex it would be permanent. That means Gary will be here, too. If he sees us together, maybe he will leave me alone. I mean – we don’t actually have to do anything. We may have to touch, or hold hands, or….”

Jared swallowed hard and held up a hand. “Trust me, sweetheart. It will never make it to the bedroom, or anywhere else, for that fact.”

“No! It won’t!” Juanita swallowed hard. “I would never do that to Donna.” At least, I hope I wouldn’t….

“Well…” Jared grinned. “I don’t know about Gary, but just seeing us holding hands would be enough to piss Donna off.”

Juanita smiled. “Probably would be enough for Gary, as well. With his temper, he’s apt to take a swing at you. Even though, we’re not together, he still thinks he owns me.”

“Did you ever stop to think it might be because he still loves you?”

“I hope not because I don’t love him, not like I once did.”

Jared stood, gathered their empty coffee cups and put them on the counter at the cafeteria. “For Gary’s sake, let’s hope he doesn’t take a swing at me. I wouldn’t hurt him, but he may hurt himself on me,” he said, giving her a wolfish smile.

Juanita shook her head and followed him to the door. “You’re so full of yourself!”


Richard’s cell phone rang. “It’s Dad,” he said, glancing at the name. Donna rested her head against his shoulder. “Hi Dad. What’s up?”

“Where in the Hell are Sam and Donna? I’ve been trying to reach them for the last fifteen minutes.”

Richard kissed the top of Donna’s head. “Donna is with me. Sam and Joyce are off somewhere by themselves. Knowing Sam, he’s got her in some dark corner….”

“What? Donna is with you and Sam is with Joyce? How did that happen?”

Richard sighed and rested his cheek on Donna’s head. “It’s a long story, Dad.”

“One I’ll expect to hear about when you get home. There’s been an incident at the Hall. Linda and Kevin Wilson have been murdered in our guest house.”

Richard furrowed his brow. “What? How did they get in?”

“From the Tyne – listen, I’ll explain when you get here. Find Sam, take Joyce home and get back here as soon as you can!”

“OK Dad. I’ll try ringing Sam.”

“I hope you have better luck at getting him than I did.”

Donna looked up, studying the expression on Richard’s face. “What’s wrong?”

“We have to find Sam and Joyce and get back. There’s been an incident at the Hall.”

“What kind of incident?”

“I’ll tell you on the way. Is your cell phone off?”

Donna’s eyes widened. “Oh shit - I forgot! I turned it off when I went in to see Daria.”

Richard pressed a button on his cell phone. “Kathy, it’s Richard. We need to get down now, sweetheart… no, I haven’t forgotten. I’ll take care of that before I go, but I need off this thing now!” Richard took out five twenty-pound notes and folded them in his hand.

“What’s that for?”

Richard grinned. “Compensation for a favour, and believe me, it was worth it!” Richard laced his fingers with Donna’s. As soon as the ride stopped, and the carny unfastened the bar, Richard handed her the roll of bank notes. “Here and thanks. That’s more than we agreed on, but I would have paid a hundred times more.” Richard popped in his Bluetooth ear bud and started looking around. “See if you can see them,” he said and led her down the ramp. He tapped his ear bud. “Sam Kaliea,” he said and listened. “Damn!” He tapped it again. “Joyce Stephens,” he commanded and waited.


Joyce read the name of the caller. “Oh God!” she gasped, trying to catch her breath. “It’s Richard.”

“Let it ring,” Sam grinned and rolled over on top of her, moving his hips faster, lifting hers off the bed, so he could penetrate her deeper.

Joyce nodded. She didn’t want to answer it. Sam was pushing her close to the edge again, and they hadn’t been together since Donna came into the picture. She wanted this. Just a few seconds more – she was almost to her peak. Her cell phone rang again, breaking Joyce’s concentration. Sam didn’t pay it any mind. He reached his climax and lay still on top of her. “Thank you, Richard,” Joyce groaned and accepted the call.

“Joyce, either give Sam the fucking phone or tell him to call me back now!”

“Hold on a second,” Joyce responded and pressed mute.

“He wants to talk to you, and he sounds really pissed off.”

Sam grinned. “Does he now…?”

“Here!” Joyce shoved her cell phone at him. “You talk to him. I’m going to the loo.”

Sam rolled over on his back. “Hello, Richard.”

“Sam, where are you and Joyce?”

“What difference does it make to you?”

“Dad just called. He wants us back at the Hall.”

Sam sat up. “Why, what’s going on?”

“Someone got through our security, by the Tyne.”

Sam’s mind whirled. “We’re on the Booster Bomber,” he lied. “It just started. We’ll be about ten minutes.”

“All right. We’ll wait for you in the car.” The call ended.

“Shit!” Sam proclaimed and reached for his underwear. “Fuck! Get dressed, Joyce! I have to go. He wants us to meet him at the car. Somebody broke through security at the Hall.”

Joyce jumped into her jeans and yanked her top over her head. “Call a cab!”

“No, we can get there faster on foot.”

Joyce was at the top of the stairs when she stopped. “Damn! My cell phone is on your bed.” She turned.

“I’ll get it – meet me at the back door.” Sam dashed across the landing to his bedroom. Grabbing her cell phone he noticed her bracelet on the floor. He picked it up and shoved it in his jeans pocket, on top of his cell phone and ran down the stairs, not thinking to take the lift. He grabbed Joyce’s hand and they started running.