Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 60


On the drive back to Triplet Hall, Richard kept glancing in his rear view mirror. The news about Wilson and his wife had understandably made him paranoid. He wasn’t taking any chances, especially now.

When he joined the West Road a light coloured van pulled out behind him. Richard glanced in his rear view mirror again. The van was still there. As he crossed the A1 Richard went round the roundabout rather than joining the A69 to Corbridge, all the while watching the headlights in his rear view mirror.

The van made the unnecessary trip round the roundabout also.

 “What in the hell are you doing, Richard?” Sam asked.

Dread caught in the pit of Richard’s stomach. He was trapped between civilization and safety. He drove the car faster, staying in the right-hand lane of the roundabout. At the last minute, he swung left across the lanes, taking the road west towards Hexham.

The driver of the van followed, just making the turn.

“Fuck Richard!” Sam swore. “What are you trying to do? Get us all killed?”

Richard reached across and touched Donna’s hand. “Pet, make sure your door is locked, and the seatbelt is secure.”

Donna’s eyes widened. “We’re being followed…” she made it a statement.

“I think so.”

Sam looked through the back window. “Which one? The light coloured van?”

For the moment, Richard ignored his questions and concentrated on driving. He was forced to slow as the traffic in front blocked his way. The van following then took the opportunity and pulled up on his right.

Richard touched a button on his steering wheel. “Dad, I think we’re being followed.”

“Dammit Ricky! Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. It’s been behind me since I crossed Grandstand Road. I’ve made some unnecessary diversions, and it’s still behind me.”

“Where are you now?”

“I’ve just turned onto the A69. I’m about a mile toward Hexham on it.”

Donna screamed. “Richard! Look out!”

Richard ducked involuntarily as a bullet struck his side-window at head-level. “Bloody hell!” He floored the accelerator and swerved around the car blocking his way in front. He glanced at Donna in confusion and then back at the road. “They’ve just took a shot at me!”

“Floor it Ricky! Are you all OK?”

“Yes, I’m already pulling ahead slowly, and we’re fine.”

“Speak for yourself!” Sam scoffed from the back seat. “What do they want?”

“I don’t know, Sam,” Donna spoke up. “Maybe we should roll down the window and ask them. What do you think they want? They’re trying to kill Richard, you idiot! Unless, of course they were aiming for you and missed!”

“The bastards are in a light coloured van,” Richard said. “Sam – can you read the number plate?”

“No. It’s too dark, and they’re too far back now!”

Sir Richard interrupted. “Ricky, I want you to keep going west towards Hexham. Stay ahead of them but keep them in sight. When you get to the Hexham roundabout, whip around it and come back towards Newcastle. I’m sending Jason and Jaime. This will give them a chance to get to you. Be careful. Stay ahead of them. Don’t let them overtake you! Take the Ovingham turnoff, go under the A69 and turn right. Jason and Jaime will pull in behind you there. Floor it and head down to the bridge! The road is too narrow for anyone to overtake. Go across the bridge and head back to Corbridge. Get back here as fast as you can!”

“What if there’s a queue for the bridge?” Sam spoke up again. “It’s only wide enough for one car.”

“Don’t worry about that Sam. Ricky will have enough of a lead built up by then.”

Sam was sceptical. “Right….”

“Put a sock in it Sam,” Donna groaned. “Richard knows what he’s doing!”

“Look, Donna. You might be used to these high speed car chases and dodging bullets, but this is the first time for me. I’ve been chased down the streets of Turkey by an angry man with a machete, but this is my first experience at getting shot at!”

Donna rolled her eyes and sighed. “Sam, why do you think John gave us those self-defence lessons at the Hall? Just to pass the time? You wanted in – now you’re in – so hang on to something and stop whining! Let him concentrate on keeping us alive.”


Jason Howard and Jaime Olsen, the two security men who had been assigned as bodyguards to Sam and Donna, were waiting for Richard at the Ovingham turnoff. As Richard turned right at the end of Oatens Bank, Howard and Olsen pulled their van in behind him.

Richard pushed down hard on the accelerator following the narrow road toward Ovingham. His cell phone rang again.

“Richard, it’s Jason, we’re between you and the van. Bear down. When you get to the bridge, head back to the Hall. Be careful and don’t come back. We’ll handle it from here.”

Fortunately, there wasn’t a queue and Richard was able to drive over the narrow bridge without stopping or slowing down a lot.

Howard and Olsen started reducing their speed as they approached the bridge. He switched the ignition off and back on. The van backfired. He did this a couple of times before stopping the van two-thirds of the way across the bridge. He flipped the toggle switch fitted to the fuel pump off and the engine stalled. He continued to turn the engine over apparently attempting to restart the van. Olsen got out and started pushing the van. Not easy when the handbrake was partially on.

The driver of the van became nervous and started blowing his horn. He shoved the van in reverse and started backing up. After a few feet, his path was blocked as the second security team pulled in at the entrance of the bridge.

“We’ve got them,” McGowan said over his cell phone to Howard. “They can’t go anywhere but in the water. It’s a fair jump, and the current is too swift. I don’t think they’re that stupid.”

“Richard you’re in the clear, head home!” Howard said.

Sam let out a long sigh of relief. “I think I need to change my pants,” he commented.

“Richard,” Donna laughed. “Why is it every time we’re together, I end up in a high speed car chase?”

Richard glanced at Donna out the corner of his eye. Surprisingly, she didn’t seem the least bit bothered. “Just lucky, pet,” he grinned. “Dad, we’re on our way back.”

“When you get here, come to my office. I need to talk to you and Donna.”

“What about Sam?” Donna asked.

“I’ll speak to him afterwards, but I need to speak to you and Ricky first.”

“Why am I not surprised,” Sam groaned. I guess Sir Richard or Gary was spying on me. I fucked up this time!


John and Gary greeted Richard and Donna as they entered the room. Sir Richard looked across his desk at them. “OK,” he sighed. “Before I explain what’s going to happen, Donna, I need to know what’s going on between you and Sam. Are you still together or are you calling it quits?”

Donna glanced across at Richard and sighed. “Because of the obvious threat we’re under, I don’t want you to leave Sam in an unprotected environment, but I do want him out of my bedroom.”

Gary raised an eyebrow and held his tongue. He’d expected the car chase would have pulled Sam and Donna closer together, but instead she seemed closer to Richard now. Donna had to have a good reason for this turn of events.

Sir Richard paused and looked down, tracing imaginary circles on the top of his desk with his index finger. Richard and Donna waited. Sir Richard sighed and looked up. “Have you told him?”

Donna studied Sir Richard’s eyes. “No, Sir. I don’t want to hear any more of his lies.”

Sir Richard laced his fingers and tapped his thumbs together. “I’m not going to ask what he did – I can guess – but judging from Sam’s past behaviour, he probably deserved this. I’ll take your word on that, and I’ll handle the situation.”

Donna nodded. “Thank you, Sir Richard.”

“It’s fine, Donna. I take care of my own. You’ve been through enough. Now, my next question. Are you and Ricky… together?”

Gary watched the expression on Donna’s face. He hadn’t dismissed the possibility that Richard may be manipulating things in his favour. He’d done it before.

Donna sighed. A slight smile turned up the corners of her mouth. “I’ve decided to give him another chance. I figured he couldn’t be much worse than Sam, but I don’t know how it’s going to turn out, yet. Does this bother you?”

Sir Richard frowned. “No. Of course not. I expected you and Ricky would get together again, sooner or later, but I was giving Sam the benefit of the doubt.”

“Is this because you and Richard knew me before?”

Sir Richard covered his mouth with his hand and cut his eyes on Richard. “Yes, Donna, that would be one of the reasons. Ricky was quite fond of you back then, and I guess, despite his somewhat wanton ways, he… still feels the same.”

“Yes, I do.”

Gary sighed deeply and shifted in his chair.

“I’m sorry, but I seem to be at a disadvantage here,” Donna softly chuckled. “You’ve got your memories to fall back on. For the most part, all I’ve got are confusing nightmares - apart from… what Richard told me tonight,” she added.

Sir Richard glanced from Gary to Richard and then back to Donna. “It seems Ricky has left me with little choice, other than to fill in the gaps, but I’d like to get this other matter out of the way first. I assume Ricky has told you about the Wilsons?”

Donna swallowed hard. “He told me they were murdered, but he didn’t say how.”

Sir Richard glanced at Gary again and then back to Donna. “Another thing, which I’m sure you know now, as well. Jared is in the UK, and he and Juanita are….”

Gary’s eyes widened. Again, he shifted in his chair. Unlike Donna, Gary knew Jared and Juanita were in the UK, but was Sir Richard suggesting they might be involved with each other?

“…Juanita came with him?” Donna interjected.

“Yes, petal…” Sir Richard tucked his head and began again. “Yes, Donna. I’m sorry,” he softly chuckled. “Old habits die hard.”

Donna softly smiled. “It’s OK. Richard is determined I’m his pet, so I guess I can tolerate you calling me petal.”

Sir Richard chuckled and shook his head. “Anyway… Jared and Juanita are… together at the complex – my other rather advanced research facility – here in the UK. Has Ricky or Gary told you anything about it?”

“Richard gave me a virtual tour before we left the States. He was probably using that as a tactic to lure me over here. It looked… interesting.” She glanced at Richard out of the corner of her eye. “If I hadn’t thought Jared and I stood a chance… of getting back together, it might have worked. So that’s where he – they are now?”


Gary frowned slightly.

Donna paused for a few seconds. “I see…” she finally responded. “I suppose it makes sense that Jared would choose Juanita to move on with. Is this a… permanent move, or are they in the UK because of Missy?”

“They’re here because of Missy,” he responded, glancing at Gary. “I don’t know exactly when they’ll return to the States, but this is not a permanent move, for them. Now, where was I?”

“You were telling me about the Wilsons,” Donna volunteered.

“Oh yes. My investigative team documented the scene. I have pictures if you’d like to see,” he said, gingerly approaching the subject.

Donna drew in a deep breath and nodded.

Sir Richard replayed the video on his smart TV. Donna brought her hand to her mouth and stared at the screen. “What did they do with the baby?”

Sir Richard sighed. “We don’t know, Donna. We searched every inch of the guest house and the area around it. We’ll search again, when it’s light, but we didn’t find it.”

“I assume your men collected samples?”

“They did, yes. Their bodies were taken to the complex. Jared and Juanita are… doing a post-mortem on them. Jared fears the murders were done in sadistic fashion.”

“You mean Mr. Wilson and his wife were aware of everything?”

“Yes. We’re obviously dealing with….”

“…Forrest!” Donna pushed through her teeth, finishing the statement.


 “No police…” Donna made an assumption.

Sir Richard shook his head. “Not at this stage. If Forrest is responsible, calling the police would do little good.”

Donna nodded and looked at her hands. “So he warned me, or should I say, threatened me, when I threw my resignation at him.” She lifted her head, a stern expression on her face. “How do you intend to deal with him?”

“Ring his bloody neck!” John commented.

Sir Richard arched an eyebrow. “I haven’t decided. I’d like to gather a bit more information before I make my next move. But, whatever that may be, I have to make sure everyone is safe, first. The Hall is obviously not secure. It has too many entry points. You can go to the complex and work with Jared and Juanita, or you and Richard – I assume – can go and stay at my mum’s castle.”

Donna frowned. “Castle? Richard’s grandmother lives in a castle? How would I – we – be able to continue our work there?”

“Much in the same way you would have here. We’ll simply set up a temporary lab at the castle. You wouldn’t have some of my modern luxuries, but you would be safe there, until….”

Donna narrowed her eyes. “Until what?”

“Until Jared and Juanita go back to the United States. Then you could move to the complex. Unless, of course, you’d rather go there now.”

Donna pressed her lips together and sighed. “I don’t think so, Sir Richard. I mean, I expected Jared would… move on – as I’m trying to do, but, I’m not ready to… see him with someone else, especially not one of my best friends. I don’t hold a grudge against either of them, but….”

Sir Richard held up his hand. “It’s OK, petal. I understand. I expected it would be… difficult for you, when you found out that they were together. I have no problem with you staying with my mum, but I think, before you make up your mind, it might be a good idea if you met her first.”

“Why is that, Sir Richard?”

“Grandma can be a bit eccentric and overbearing at times,” Richard spoke up.

“In what way?”

“She likes to be… in control of things.”

“She’s pretty set in her ways,” Sir Richard added. “And if she gets an idea in her head, that’s it. Even if you know she’s wrong, you’ll never convince her otherwise.”

“It’s best to appease her than to try and argue her down,” Richard chuckled.

“That’s putting it lightly,” John added.

“If you’re OK with it, I’ll have Ricky and John go out there with you, first thing in the morning.”

 “Oh no! Not the Langston witch before breakfast!” John groaned. “Can’t they just take Terminator?”

Sir Richard laughed. “I’m not sending my dogs. She might bite them!”

Donna sighed. “Surely a sweet little old grandmother can’t be that vicious!”

“No… she’s really not that bad. Before we leave, just give me time to collect my equipment,” John said.

Donna looked confused. “Equipment?”

John counted them off on his fingers. “My crucifix, my wooden stake, my holy water and a fresh clip of silver bullets. Did I forget anything?”

Donna’s mouth gaped. “Are we going to see Richard’s grandmother or trying to flush out a vampire?”

John grinned. “The vampire would be safer.”

 Donna swallowed hard. “That’s me taken care of, but what about Sam? What are you going to do with him?”

“Since you clearly don’t want him around you, at the moment,” he replied, glancing at Richard, “…I’ll move him and the senior members of his medical team to the complex as prearranged. There is another… matter. Alan, my butler.”

Donna’s eyes widened. “What happened to Alan?”

“He has a heart condition, Donna. He collapsed during the attack. Although we’re not quite sure how, yet. Whoever killed Wilson and his wife, also managed to immobilise my entire house staff.”

“Where is Alan?”

“At the complex. Jared and Juanita are… treating him. Juanita says he’s stable, for now, but she would prefer that you had a look at him. I’ll tell her that you….”

“…No. If Alan needs me, I’ll go. Richard can take me to the castle afterwards.” She slid to the edge of her seat. “What kind of heart condition does he suffer from, Sir Richard?”


As soon as Sir Richard had finished explaining, to the best of his ability, what was wrong with Alan, Richard and Donna stood to leave. Gary and John stood, as well. “I almost forgot,” Sir Richard said to Donna. “Do you still want to help Sam examine Tina’s body?”

Donna sighed and shook her head. “It’s just an autopsy. Sam can handle that. I’d rather not be around him anymore than I have to, Sir Richard. That is, unless you want me to help him.”

“No, it’s fine. You’re right. Sam doesn’t need your help. John, take Tim with you in the morning… just in case.” John nodded. Gary followed Richard and Donna to the door.

Sam, who had been waiting in a chair outside Sir Richard’s office stood as they stepped through the doorway. He glanced at Gary, and then Richard and John, before turning his attention to Donna. “So what’s going on, sweetheart?

Donna swallowed the lump in her throat. Sam watched with confused eyes as she removed her necklace and placed it in the palm of his hand, closing his fingers around it. “I’m sorry, Sam,” she said. “Sir Richard will explain. I’m going to bed.”

“I’ll be up as soon as I’m done here.”

“No, Sam – you won’t. Your things will be put on the landing. It’s done – we’re over.”

Sam frowned and glanced at Gary from the corner of his eye. Gary’s expression remained impassive. “Just like that?” he asked, turning his attention back to Donna. “No explanation, no second chance, no nothing?”

Donna sighed and shook her head. “Goodnight, Sam.”

Sir Richard stood in the doorway. “I’ll let Jared and Juanita know you’ll be there, in the morning.”

“Thank you, Sir Richard, but I’ll call Juanita. That way I can find out a little about Alan, so I know what I’m dealing with before I get to the complex.”

Sir Richard nodded. “Sam, would you come inside now, please.”

Gary and John walked past and went into the lounge. Richard shared a look with Sam. He rested a hand at the small of Donna’s back and guided her upstairs. “So when are we going to tell Dad?” he asked as he opened the door to her bedroom.

Donna stepped through the doorway. “When we know for sure that it’s yours. How do you think he’s going to take it?”

Richard smiled. “Once he realises it’s what we both want, Dad will be over the Moon. My grandmother will be beside herself.”

“I’ll follow this through, Richard, but I need to know why it happened.”

Richard pulled her into his arms and held her. Donna rested her head against his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his waist. “We’ll get to the bottom of this, pet.”


Sir Richard didn’t wait for an explanation. “Sam, as soon as you’re finished with Tina’s post-mortem at RVI, you and your senior medical team will be moved to the complex. For the time being, you’ll be working with Jared and Juanita, until they go back to the States.”

“Oh, I see. Jared has changed his mind about seeing Donna.”

“No, Sam. She’s changed her mind about you. First thing in the morning, Donna and Richard, will be going to the complex. Once Donna has consulted with Juanita on Alan’s case, Richard and Donna are going somewhere else. Having everyone in the same place at the same time is not in our best interest, so I’m splitting you up. Gary will make the move to the complex, as well. He and the rest of the genetics team will continue working via VICi’s satellite.”

“You’re taking me off the project? Was that Donna’s idea, too?”

“Yes, Sam. It was. I don’t know what happened between you and Donna, and I didn’t ask. Unless she decides to tell me, as far as I’m concerned, it’s none of my business, but Donna doesn’t want to be anywhere near you. She’s done. To her credit, Donna cared enough to ask that you be put in a protected environment, as well. Because of the incident tonight, she recognises the threat we’re under, and she doesn’t want anything to happen to you. That’s why you’re going to the complex. I assure you, I had nothing to do with this decision.”

“Where is she going?”

“Well, Sam, it’s like this. Donna doesn’t want you to know, and I’m not going to tell you.”