Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 61


Richard helped Donna get Sam’s things together and put them on the landing. John and McGowan moved them to the west wing for him. Sam took a shower, put on his pyjama bottom and laid on his bed. He suspended the chain of Donna’s necklace on his index finger and stared at the tiny gold heart. “Why in the fuck did I sleep with Joyce? What came over me? I don’t want Joyce. I want Donna. I love her. What made me do that?”


Gary went into Donna’s room and talked to her for a while before he went to bed. He could tell she was not looking forward to the night alone. Richard knew this, as well. It was one of the things Jared had told him before he left Donna. After he’d showered, put on his bed clothes and robe, he went to her room and softly knocked on the door. “Donna… can I come in, pet?”


Richard took a deep, steadying breath and pushed the door open, gently closing it behind him. He approached her bed. Donna was sitting up reading on her Kindle. Richard took it and laid it on the bedside table. “I thought you said you were sleepy.” He lifted the covers and slid in beside her.

Donna made room for him. “I am. I’m just….”

Richard pulled her into his arms and kissed her temple. “I thought you might need something warm to cuddle up to.”

Donna snuggled up to him and rested her head on his shoulder. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“For what?”

“For always being there for me. For looking out for my best interests, no matter what I did.”

Richard rubbed his cheek against the top of her head. “I love you Donna. I’ve always loved you. I know you don’t feel the same, but that’s OK. Just to be here with you like this. To hold you in my arms is enough for me.”

“I wish I could give you more, Richard, but I just don’t have it in me right now.”

“I know, pet. Just sleep. Sleep and have sweet dreams. I’ll be here for you.”


Donna hadn’t said much, since they left the Hall. Richard knew she had a lot on her mind, so he didn’t force conversation. As they left a small town called Allendale, Donna noticed, instead of going to an area where you would expect to find an advanced medical research facility, such as she’d been shown in Richard’s virtual tour, of the complex, they seemed to be going further and further away from civilisation. She glanced behind her to make sure. John Sherriff and Timothy McGowan were still back there; following in one of Sir Richard’s black Escalades.

When Richard eased his Mercedes off the tarmac, onto what looked to Donna to be a narrow derelict road, she began to have her doubts. “The complex is out here? In the middle of nowhere?”

Richard chuckled. “Not where you would expect it to be is it?”

“No, it’s not. Why are we stopping in front of an open barn?”

“You’ll see,” Richard responded and pressed a button on his steering wheel. “VICi, open tunnel doors,” he said and pulled into the barn; John and McGowan followed close behind.

Turning to the right, Richard started down what looked to be a wide well-lit tunnel. Donna frowned. She looked, but couldn’t find a source. “Where does the light come from?”

“The walls of the tunnel are coated with carbon nanofibres and micro light-emitting diodes. They’re too small to be made out individually.”

Richard drove through a cavern and stopped. Barring their way was a swift underground river. Beyond it, nothing but a rock wall. Out of the river rose a metal bridge. Richard pulled forward. As he neared the end of the bridge, the rock wall slowly lifted, revealing another tunnel. The road began to gradually slope down, but at a sharper angle than before. Once, at what apparently was the bottom of that level, the road turned back to the left.

Richard waited while another rock wall lifted and a pair of steel doors split in the middle, sliding to each side and disappearing into the wall. Pulling forward, they drove into a large parking area. “We’re here,” he smiled, switching off the engine and releasing the door locks.

John and McGowan pulled into the space beside them and got out.

Donna opened her door and slowly stood. “There are a lot of cars down here.”

Richard placed Donna’s hand in the crook of his arm and guided her inside the complex. “Pet, there are a lot of people down here, too. If we have time, I’ll give you the tour.”

Donna smiled. “I’d like that.”

As they approached a pair of double glass doors slid open. John and McGowan followed. “Ricky, I’m going to spend some time with Missy.” John said.

“And I’m going to the cafeteria to grab some breakfast,” McGowan added.

“Where is Missy?” Donna asked.

“In our quarters a short distance from my security room. She’s supposed to be resting in bed, but I doubt she will be. Missy is not one to lie around. Have Ricky bring you by for a visit, when you’re done at the infirmary.”

 “I will,” Donna responded.

Richard approached another door. “VICi, notify Juanita Walton that Donna and I are waiting for her in my quarters. Lights on,” he said as they stepped inside. “VICi, lock door, OE mode.”

VICi; Dr. Walton has been notified and is on her way. Door lock is now under owner entrance mode. Do you wish to include Dr. Rigden under your owner entrance list?

“Yes, VICi.”

VICi; Dr. Rigden, please state your full name, authorisation code and name you prefer to be called.

Donna furrowed her brow. “Authorisation code?”

“The one Dad gave you at the Hall. It’s on the front of your security card.”

“Oh!” She grinned and took it out of her wallet. “Donna Marie Rigden, DRMB1B, Donna.”

VICi; Donna Marie Rigden, DRMB1B, Donna, added to main database, owner confirm.”

“Data entry confirmed. Richard Triplet, authorisation code RT1B.”

VICi; Welcome to the complex, Donna.

“Do I need to acknowledge that?”

“Not unless you want to. It’s just a mannerism routine Gary added to make VICi appear more human.”

“I assume that’s the computer. Why did Gary name it Vickie?”

“It’s not a real name. It’s spelled uppercase V I C, with a lowercase I. It stands for Voice Integrated Computer Interface. We use a lot of acronyms for technology in the complex. It’s easier to say HIC, or hick, than Holographic Imaging Chamber.”

“What exactly is a holographic imaging chamber?”

“Well,” Richard snorted. “When it comes to that, it’s easier just to show you. We’ll drop by the genetics lab, before we leave.”

“Right,” Donna responded. “So everything in the complex is voice activated and motion sensored?”

“Most of it,” Richard grinned. “Do you want to see the kitchen, or would you rather wait on the settee, in the lounge?”

One side of Donna’s mouth turned up. “Kitchen, of course!”

Richard chuckled. “I figured as much.” The door panel chirped.

VICi; Dr. Walton is at the door. Should I release the lock?

“Yes, VICi,” Richard said and turned.

The door slid open. Juanita stepped into the foyer. “I’ve missed you.” Donna smiled and hugged her.

“Come in Juanita,” Richard said. “I was about to make a cup of coffee and some scrambled eggs. Can I interest you in some?”

“Sure,” Juanita smiled.

“Why don’t you girls sit in the lounge and chat while I take care of breakfast.”

Donna grinned. “You’re not going to burn the toast, are you?”

“I’ll try not to,” Richard said and left.

Juanita followed Donna into the lounge and sat beside her. “Juanita, where’s Jared?”

“He’s staying out of sight,” Juanita responded. “He thought it was best.”

Donna swallowed hard. “So… what do you think?”

“What do you mean?”

Donna’s eyes glossed. She blinked the tears away and put on a plastic smile. “He makes you feel like a queen, doesn’t he?”

Juanita furrowed her brow. “I don’t follow.”

“Jared. Apart from his arrogant overbearing control problem, he treated me like a queen.”

“Donna… I can’t do this. I love you too much, to lie to you.”

“What do you mean, lie to me?”

“When we found out you were coming to the complex, Jared and I were going to pretend to be a couple. He figured if you thought he’d moved on that you wouldn’t try and confront him about leaving. I went along with it, so Gary wouldn’t try to fix things between me and him. Donna, I don’t want to have to hurt him, but like I told you the day I moved into Carl’s place, there’s nothing left for me and Gary. If there had been, I wouldn’t have given him back his ring and called off our engagement.”

Donna studied Juanita’s eyes. “So, you and Jared aren’t…?”

Juanita slowly shook her head. “No, honey. Jared is still deeply in love with you.”

Donna narrowed her eyes. “If that’s the case, then why in the hell won’t he talk to me? Never mind,” Donna waved it off. “It doesn’t make any difference now, anyway. It’s too late for us.”

Juanita’s eyebrows shot up. “What do you mean?”

“I’m pregnant, Juanita.”

Juanita’s mouth gaped. “Donna, you can’t be. You were on oral contraceptives and you’ve had the shot – I gave it to you – remember? You can’t be pregnant!”

“Trust me. I am. I did an EPT last night when we got back from the carnival.”

“And it tested positive?”

Donna nodded. “Yep!”

“Oh my God. Then Jared has to talk to you. You have to tell him about the baby. He can’t do this to you!”

“Juanita… it’s not…” she broke off, swallowed hard and started again. “Jared is not the father of this baby. It’s either Richard’s or Sam’s. I’m hoping you’ll do an ultrasound and examine me. I need to know how far along I am, so I know what to do next.”

“Do you want to do it now, or wait until after breakfast? Have you had any morning sickness, yet?”

Donna shook her head. “No, but I got sick on a carnival ride – something called Top Buzz. Man! Talk about churning your stomach.”

“As you know, a small percentage of women who never suffer from morning sickness. Maybe you’ll be one of the lucky ones.”

Donna arched an eyebrow. “I haven’t been lucky in anything else. I wish you were staying.”

Juanita pressed her lips into a thin line. “I do too, honey, especially now. I’d love to be here to help you through this, but I have to get back to Mama. Are you going to tell Jared?”

“No! Please don’t. It’ll just give him one more reason not to forgive me. I still love him, Juanita. I wish I didn’t, but I do.”

Juanita’s eyes glossed. “I’m so sorry, honey. I wish things could work out for you two. I know he loves you. He’s just so… stubborn about some things. He keeps talking about destiny, and choices and consequences. It makes little sense to me, but he lives by it. I tried to convince him to at least talk to you, but he won’t.”

Donna shook her head. “Like I said, it doesn’t matter. I have to think about the baby and what’s best for it.”

“What about what’s best for you, Donna?”

“My wants and needs just got put on the back burner, Juanita. My main concern now is the welfare of this baby. Happiness and love take second place.”

Juanita smiled. “If it’s Richard’s baby, I don’t think you’ll be lacking in either of those things.”

Donna sighed, remembering how it felt to sleep in Richard’s arms last night. “I know, but if it turns out to be Sam’s….”

“Come get them while they’re hot!” Richard called out from the dining room.

“Guess we’d better go and at least attempt to eat his eggs,” Juanita commented and stood. “If he’s as good at cooking as Jared is….”

Donna’s eyes widened. “I thought you said you weren’t together.”

“We’re not, Donna. He made breakfast for me one morning – that’s all.”

Donna stood and softly smiled. “How did it turn out?”

“We decided the next time we shared breakfast that I would do the cooking.”


“Richard… I can tell you right now, you’re a much better cook than Jared,” Juanita commented.

“Oh, I wouldn’t go that far, Juanita,” Richard responded. “I’m afraid my skills are limited to salads and scrambled eggs.”

Juanita laughed. “Like I said, you’re a much better cook. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten drier scrambled eggs than the ones Jared made.”

Donna cleared her throat and stood to put the dishes away. “So, what have you found out about Alan?”

“According to his medical records, Alan suffered from rheumatic fever as a child. As a result of that, he has atrial fibrillation. Whatever happened to him during the attack almost took him out.”

Richard frowned. “Exactly what is atrial fibrillation?”

Donna smiled. “Atrial fibrillation is faulty communication between the atria - the top half of the heart, and the ventricles - the bottom half of the heart. Between the top and bottom of the heart, there’s a valve that controls the flow of blood between them. If it’s not working properly you get an irregular heartbeat - atrial fibrillation. Donna paused momentarily, and then continued.

“Without correcting this, it increases the risk of a stroke.”

Can you correct it?”

“Yes,” Juanita added. “Normally with a patient Alan’s age we try and treat it with drugs. There is an operation to repair the faulty valve, but I wouldn’t recommend it under the circumstances.”

Donna sighed. “Let’s go see what we can do for him.”