Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 62


Donna examined Alan. Like Juanita, she agreed, fitting him with a pacemaker and treating him with drugs would only be a temporary solution, but, at his age, the surgical procedure to correct the problem would be just as risky. If they didn’t correct the problem, eventually Alan would require a heart transplant, or he would die. As Donna and Juanita saw it, Alan probably couldn’t survive either procedure.

Donna sat on the side of Alan’s bed. She softly smiled at him. “How are you feeling Alan?”

“I’m a bit winded, and I have the occasional chest pain, but I’m fine, Miss Donna. When can I get out of here, so I can return to me duties? I’m bored rigid. There’s not even a bloody telly in here!”

Richard laughed. “You mean your lovely little lady doctor hasn’t explained to you how to use the wallscreens?”

Alan frowned. “What’s a wallscreen, Master Richard?”

“VICi,” Richard said. “Wallscreen on. Display BBC1, current broadcast. Focus, Alan Jones.”

The wall across from the foot of the bed started broadcasting the news. Alan’s mouth gaped.

“If you don’t like the channel, or it’s too loud, or not loud enough, then just tell the computer. Always remember to say VICi, first and then what you want her to do.”

Alan sighed. “That sounds easy enough.”

“It works sort of like our smart TVs at the Hall, but it can also display scenes real-time. For example. VICi, display view from back portico at Triplet Hall.”

The wallscreen changed, and Alan watched a gardener, at Triplet Hall mowing the grass, between the back garden and the duck pond.

“Wow!” Donna commented. “That’s actually happening now?”

“Yes. VICi uses her satellite in the same way as Google Earth, only she doesn’t use digital images. She connects with the security cameras at the Hall and displays that.”

Juanita grinned. “I can see where that feature might be a little embarrassing.”

 “Don’t worry, Juanita,” Richard chuckled. “It doesn’t pick up what’s happening inside the house.”

Donna visibly breathed a sigh of relief.

“But…” Richard grinned, glancing at Donna from the corner of his eye, “Should you put yourself in a… compromising position outside, then yes, VICi would pick that up.”

Donna’s breath caught; her face turned red. “Oh shit!” she murmured under her breath and looked down at her feet. “For right now, could you turn it off? I need to talk to Alan about his condition.”

“Of course,” Richard smiled. “VICi, wallscreen off.”

“Thank you. OK, here’s the situation, Alan,” Donna began. “This problem with your heart isn’t going away – not this time. I know Sam has been treating you with drugs, but I think the time has come that we need to fit you with a pacemaker. Juanita and Jared will do that for you. Then, you’ll need to spend a few days in the infirmary, so you can build your strength up. After that, you’ll be released, but I do not want you to return to your normal duties, at Triplet Hall.”

Alan frowned and opened his mouth to protest. Donna softly smiled and held up a hand. “I know that’s not what you wanted to hear, but I’m afraid, for the time being rest is the best thing for you. I want to see how well you respond to the pacemaker and treatment, then we’ll talk about you going back to work. I know you’re worried about Sir Richard, but I’ve already spoken to him about this, and he said to tell you to listen to me and do what I said. He’ll be in to see you later on today.”

Alan groaned. “Yes, Miss Donna,” he sighed.

“Good,” Donna smiled, patted his hand, and stood to leave. Richard and Juanita followed her into the waiting area.

“Now that Alan is taken care of,” Juanita said. “Why don’t you go in here, change into one of the gowns and we’ll see how far along you are. Richard, do you want to stay?”

Richard studied Donna’s eyes. “I’d like to if it’s OK with Donna.”

Donna frowned. “He can come in after you’ve done the pelvic exam.”

Juanita chuckled. “Donna, I don’t have to do that. Just go change and I’ll show you what I’m talking about.”

Juanita waited until Donna closed the door. “I assume you want this fed to the HIC, so you can extrapolate on the baby’s growth?”

“Yes, please, Juanita.”


A couple of minutes later, Donna came out. “There’s no split down the back.”

“There doesn’t have to be,” Juanita said, gently guiding Donna to a biobed. She positioned Donna’s head, hands and feet, so they were inside the reading area. “Now, just relax and breathe normally. The first thing I’m going to do is take a body scan of you. That’s so VICi has your overall profile recorded in her database. VICi, full body scan. Display on wallscreen and above biobed. Do not remove clothing.”

Richard frowned at Juanita. “Spoilsport!” he groaned.

Juanita laughed. “Richard, if this is your baby, I’d say you’ve already seen more than you needed to.”

Donna laughed. A narrow beam of light started at her head, went down the full length of her body and back to her head. “I’m sorry, Juanita. I moved. Do you need to do it again?”

VICi; Initial body scan complete. Subject, Donna Marie Rigden. Data recorded. Awaiting further instructions.

“Do you want to know the baby’s sex?”

Donna glanced at Richard and nodded. “Yes….”

“VICi, enhance image. Focus on reproductive system. Determine stage of pregnancy and information on foetus.”

Donna held her breath. Please, don’t be Sam’s.

VICi; Subject is in first trimester of pregnancy. Foetus is male and in the third week of development. No abnormalities.

Donna let her breath out. “It’s yours,” she said and looked up at Richard through glossy eyes.

Richard reached for her hand, lacing his fingers with hers. “Looks like you were right about Daria. She’s not a fake.”

Donna swallowed hard. “Thanks, Juanita.”

“You’re welcome, honey, and congratulations. Looks like I’m going to be an honourable aunt.”

“I still don’t want Jared or Sam to know about this,” Donna warned. “Jared doesn’t need to know, and I’ll tell Sam, when I’m ready.”

“I’ll take care of that,” Richard said. “VICi, code and voice print record, authorisation, Richard Triplet, code RT1B, physician allowed, Dr. Juanita Walton, confirm.”

VICi; Authorisation and voiceprint confirmed. Medical record sealed.

“I have a question, Juanita. At this early stage of my pregnancy, what did you use to determine the baby’s sex?”

“VICi accessed your lab work to see if there was any Y chromosomes present in your bloodstream.”

Donna looked surprised. “And she analysed it that fast?”

“Yes - amazing technology. I’m going to miss it, anyway, you can go change now. I think Richard has a surprise for you.”

“I wish your dad had told me about this gadget. I could have found out about Linda Wilson’s baby.” Donna turned her attention to Richard. “That reminds me, have you heard from Sam, yet?”

“No, pet, I haven’t. We probably won’t hear anything until this afternoon. Now go get changed. Juanita is right. I have something I want to show you.”


After giving Donna a brief tour of the genetic labs, Richard led her to the back room. In front of them stood what looked to Donna to be some kind of decompression chamber. “VICi, initialise holographic imaging chamber. Load Donna Rigden’s body scan. Focus on foetus. Extrapolate growth based on neural and structural development. Increase time by thirty-seven weeks and animate. Notify me when the chamber is ready.”

Donna’s mouth gaped. Her heart started pounding. “Does that mean what I think it means?”

Richard smiled. “How would you like to see our son?”

Donna’s eyes glossed. She pressed her lips together and nodded.

VICi; Holographic imaging chamber is ready. Program loaded.

Richard took Donna’s hand. “In that case, come with me and I’ll show you our new toy. VICi, open chamber door.”

Donna smiled and followed him inside. “VICi, close and seal chamber door.” Richard put his hands on Donna’s shoulders and guided her. “Stand behind that line on the floor and focus your attention in front of you. Back a bit - that’s right. Now, bear in mind, this is a simulation and a rough estimate of what he’ll look like after he’s born. VICi, run program.”

Richard stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Keep your eyes on the cylinder of light directly in front of us.”

The chamber made a series of beeps and a sparkling display of static appeared in the cylinder. The static slowly started to connect, much like an interlaced image appears on a computer monitor, leaving behind an image that appeared to be in solid 3D format.

The baby’s image appeared. Richard’s eyes glossed. Donna covered her gaping mouth. “Oh my God!” she gasped. “He’s so perfect, Richard. Can I touch him?”

Richard swallowed hard. “Gary and Jeff Wein, the head of our electronics department are working on getting us there, but I’m afraid we haven’t quite reached that stage yet. I know he looks… extremely lifelike, but it’s not solid, as such. You can manipulate his image, though.”

He positioned his hands under hers. “Until you get the hang of this – because it’s very sensitive - relax your hands and let me guide you. We’re going to use our hands and fingers, much like you would a computer mouse. Tap or pinch to move things around. Treat the HIC much like you would a multi-touch smartphone.”

Richard slowly turned the image around, so they were looking at the baby’s face. To their amazement, the baby opened its aqua blue eyes and smiled at them as if he already knew who they were. “This… is… amazing,” Donna choked.

“Want to see him as a toddler?”

“Please,” Donna nodded.

“VICi, based on same data, increase time to two years.”

They watched as the image of the infant morphed to a small boy. “He has your facial features, pet.”

“That may be true, but he has your beautiful blue eyes.”

Richard swallowed the lump in his throat. “Let’s just hope he has your singing voice, and musical talent,” he softly chuckled.

“Can I see him at ten years?”

Richard furrowed his brow. “Why ten?”

“I don’t know. I’d just like to see him at that age.”

“Sure. VICi, increase time to ten years. Shorten hair to match my style.”

Silent tears slid down Donna’s cheeks. She slowly dropped to her knees, so her face was level with the image of the boy. Richard knelt beside her and held her. “He looks like a younger version of you, Richard.”

Richard pressed his cheek to hers. “I know, pet. I think if more women had the opportunity to see their unborn child as you and I have, there would be fewer abortions in the World.”

“Yes, there would be. It’s harder for some people to think of a tiny misshaped cluster of cells as a human being. This makes it real.”

“So, are you impressed with the HIC?”

Donna stared at the image of her ten-year-old son. “I’m more than impressed, Richard. I’m beyond words.”

Richard stood and lifted her to her feet. “VICi, save images to my personal area and end program. Open chamber doors. So, are you ready to meet my grandmother?”

Donna smiled and nodded. “Yes.”

“Let’s visit with Missy and John, and then we’ll collect Tim and go.”


Apart from Alan’s grim diagnosis, the day had gone well for Richard and Donna. Sam was in Newcastle, busy finding out what happened to Tina. Jared had not shown his face and Richard and Donna had spent several hours visiting with Melissa and John. Donna could see from the way they looked at each other, despite their divorce, and years of separation John and Melissa still appeared to be very much in love with each other. After seeing a clear image of what hers and Richard’s son would be like, Donna had given a lot of thought to being a mother. She couldn’t wait to hold her son.

Richard had given it a lot of thought, as well. Seeing their baby, and Donna’s reaction to it had convinced him. He loved Donna and wanted a future with her and their baby. He just wasn’t sure when and how to approach the subject. He decided to give her some time to get used to the idea, first.

Donna had basically told Richard that although she had strong feelings for him, she was not in love with him. However that had been before the carnival, and Sam and Joyce’s little act of indiscretion. Richard didn’t have a clue as to why that had happened, or who had been responsible, but he was grateful, nonetheless.

At first, Richard was afraid Donna might find out that he’d told Daria what to say to her, but that hadn’t happened either. In fact, other than what Donna told him, Richard had no idea what Daria said, or what happened on the other side of those silk curtains. Now the only thing bothering Richard was whether or not his and Donna’s rather tender-blossomed relationship could survive his grandmother. Other than Jared changing his mind, if there was one thing that could make Donna run away screaming, it would be his grandmother, Lady Annabelle Triplet, Sir Richard’s mother.