Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 67


Joyce hurried to the lift. She approached the counter in the cafeteria. “Harry, two lattes please.”

“You don’t often come in here for coffee at home time, Joyce. Meeting Sam?”

“Yeah – right,” Joyce scoffed. “Thanks Harry.” She sat to a table, grabbed her cell phone, and pretended to be reading. Ruth approached and sat across from her. She sipped her coffee. “I don’t mean to be rude, Joyce, but I’m kind of in a hurry.”

“So I heard.” Joyce studied Ruth’s eyes, a slight smile turned up the corners of her mouth. “Sam forgot to close his office door. How would you like to make your evening a bit more… interesting?” She slid a vial of perfume across the table.

“If this is Euphoria, it doesn’t work on Sam.”

“Until last night, I didn’t think so either. It seems for some, it takes longer to get into their system. Take it and try it, what have you got to lose? Just one word of advice. If it works, it works fast, so make sure you don’t have any distractions. If you do, Sam will leave you high and dry if you catch my meaning.”

Ruth picked up the vial and narrowed her eyes. “Are you pissed off at Sam?”

“Let’s just say, I’m getting my own back.” Joyce stood to leave. “Let me know how it turns out,” she grinned and walked away. Ruth stuck the bottle in her pocket, finished her coffee and left.


Toward the back wall of the car park, in a rented car with dark tinted glass sat a man with a cell phone pressed to his ear. Joyce’s car was just in his line of sight.

Joyce opened her car door. On the driver’s seat, facedown was a brown envelope. Her eyes widened as she picked it up and read what was written on the other side. ‘Get in the car and wait for the call. No peeking! It’s a surprise.’

As if on cue, Joyce’s cell phone rang. Instead of answering it straight away, Joyce popped it in her car cradle and pressed a button on her steering wheel. “What do you want now?”

“I want to commend you on your decision to take matters into your own hands. They’re apart, but they must stay that way. I trust you haven’t opened the envelope?”

“You told me not to. For all I know, you may have rigged my car to blow up when I start the engine.”

“You’re learning, Joyce. I’m proud of you. You’re becoming a pro. I found your little performance with Sam, at his penthouse to be quite entertaining. Too bad you were disappointed.”

Joyce gasped. “How are you doing this? How can you be in so many places at the same time?”

“My methods are beyond your understanding. Trying to explain how they work would be a waste of time. Just remember this, I see and hear everything. Here’s what I want you to do. Donna needs to see Sam’s true colours, but he’s not stupid. He needs some strong convincing, and I need some more pictures for my centrefold collection.”

“I’m not posing nude for you or anyone else!”

“Yes you will. I know you want revenge, but I don’t think you want to see Sam die. Open the envelope, Joyce.”

Joyce took a deep breath. With trembling fingers, she bent the clasps and peeled off the flap. From inside, she pulled out several colour photographs. Among them were pictures of her and Sam, in the queue at the carnival. Her and Sam at his penthouse. Sam and Donna sitting in the back of Richard’s Mercedes, before the carnival, and one that made her stomach curdle. A picture of Sam and Donna making love on horseback. In each shot, a dot of red light appeared on the back of Sam’s head; a laser sight.

Joyce’s eyes glossed. She swallowed hard. “What do you want me to do?”

“Sam doesn’t realise how lucky he is to have such a cooperative friend who’s willing to forego her dignity just to save his life. I wonder if he would do the same for you.”

“Just answer one question for me. When is this going to end?”

“When I say it ends. Listen carefully. I’m only going to say this once.”


Sir Richard, Lady Triplet, and John went back downstairs, leaving Richard and Donna alone in their castle apartment. Richard was sitting on one end of the sofa, reading his Kindle; Donna was sitting on the other, resting her bare feet on his lap. The video had stirred something inside her. She felt warm and comfortable, just sitting there with Richard. She rested her Kindle against her chest and wrapped her arms around it, watching him, remembering the holographic image of their son. There was no doubt; the baby she carried was Richard’s. She softly smiled. “What should we name him?” she asked, catching his attention.

Richard looked up. “What?”

Donna wet her bottom lip with the tip of her tongue, shook her head and snorted. “The baby – what do we name him?”

Richard put his Kindle on the coffee table, moved her feet and slid closer. “Pet, don’t you think it’s a little soon to be thinking about a name?”

“No, I don’t. We’ve seen him as an infant, a toddler, and a ten-year-old. That’s special, Richard. Most women only see a grainy ultrasound image. Thank you for that.”

“Donna… I wanted to see him, too. I guess I was being a little selfish.”

Donna tilted her head and studied his eyes. “In what way?”

Richard sighed. “Well, with everything you were doing to prevent it from happening, I didn’t know whether or not you would want to keep the baby. I know you don’t love me, and I figured, by seeing him, it might make a difference.”

“I never said I didn’t love you, Richard. I’ve always been attracted to you - clearly long before I realised it - and I still am. Seeing the video and listening to your father talk about how in the beginning he wasn’t in love with your mother made me realise something.”

“What’s that?”

“That sometimes there are more reasons to be with someone, than being madly in love with them. I like being here with you. I like being… with you, Icky,” she added with a grin.

Richard pressed his lips together and shook his head. “Icky?” he echoed, reflecting her mischievous grin.

Donna laughed. “I’m sorry. It’s been so long, I couldn’t resist.”

Richard pulled her into his arms and nibbled the side of her neck. “I’ll let you by with it this once, but don’t make a habit of it.”

Donna rested her head against his shoulder. “I’ll try.”

“According to Triplet tradition, which Grandma will expect us to follow, he should be named after me – Richard Harold Triplet VI.”

Donna sighed. “Do you think she would be upset if we called him Rick or Rich? Having three Richards in the same family could get a little confusing.”

“There’s just one problem. Unless you marry me, legally, his surname will be a Rigden.”

“Rich Rigden?” Donna twisted her nose. “I don’t like the sound of that. Doesn’t roll off the tongue well.”

“Are you hinting for a proposal, Miss Rigden?”

Donna grinned. “Yeah. Too bad you don’t have a ring.”

“What if I did?” Richard’s mood changed. “What if I told you I’ve been carrying it around in my pocket, for months now, hoping for an opportunity to give it to you?”

For a few seconds, Donna froze. Slowly she turned to face him, gazing into his eyes. “You’re not kidding anymore. Are you?”

Richard shifted slightly and took a small velvet box from his pocket. “I’ve never been kidding, where you were concerned,” he said and placed it in her palm.

Donna looked at it in shock. She wasn’t expecting this.

“I may be doing this too soon, but I’m going on my intuition, and it feels right. I love you, Donna. I want to be with you. I want to give you a life beyond your wildest dreams, and I won’t walk away from you. I won’t lie to you. I won’t cheat on you. This very moment, I promise you my life, my heart, my soul and my body. I will be completely devoted to you. Not just because of our son, but because I know we want the same things out of life. I will never do the things to you that Sam would have. Marry me, Donna.”

“Richard, I… don’t know what to say. The ring is beautiful, and I sense you mean what you’re saying, but I’m not capable of that kind of love, right now. I may never be. You should be with someone who can give you what you deserve.”

“No I shouldn’t. It’s always been you, Donna. People learn to love each other every day, and I think it will be the same for us. I already love you, and I want our son to carry the Triplet name.”

“Richard, I have to be honest with you. I still have feelings for Sam, and despite everything he’s done, I still love Jared. I don’t think that will ever change. I understand your wanting the baby to be born a Triplet, but….”

“Then marry me for that reason. After he’s born if you haven’t learned to love me by then, and you want out, I’ll let you go. You and the baby will want for nothing. All I ask is that you let me be part of his life. It makes sense Donna. He’ll be the heir to the Triplet fortunes. Do you have any idea what that means?”

Donna softly smiled. “You put up a convincing argument – very convincing. It’s not easy to combat your logic.”

“Then don’t. Agree to it. Say yes. I’ll make you happy, Donna. I promise I will.” Richard patiently waited.

Donna slipped into data-mode. He makes sense – good sense, but can I ever learn to love him the way I loved Jared? Could I ever love anyone that much? If the man from my dreams is Sam, why am I carrying Richard’s son? Did I make a wrong choice and change everything like Jared warned me?

 Daria’s words interrupted Donna’s silent reverie. ‘Your seer sight has been blinded by crimson power. You must look harder into the eyes of this man and see that he is not who you thought he was, for there are two. You seek a man with dancing aqua eyes, but what you seek is a shadow. You must be patient, Donna. Open your heart and test the possibilities. Grow, Seer. Grow. Learn and love. When the time comes, you will understand all.’

Donna inhaled deeply and let it out slowly. She swallowed the lump in her throat. Her eyes glossed. “Richard… I’m not saying no, but before I can accept your proposal, I have to speak to Sam. I think I owe him that much. I won’t do him like Jared is doing me.”

“Since you don’t want Sam to know where you are, probably the easiest way would be to fly out to the complex and talk to him there. When did you want to do it?”

“In the morning? We could go in your car.”

“Faster by chopper and that way, if Sam got it into his head to try and follow us, he wouldn’t be able to.”

“Do you really think he would do that?”

“Take my word for it, pet. I would,” he grinned. “I’ll talk to Dad tonight, and let him know we want to ride out to the complex with him in the morning. Then we’ll bring the chopper back here.”

“OK. I’ll let Juanita know so Jared can hide in his quarters until we leave.”

“Why do you think you owe Sam anything?”

“Because, I’m not entirely convinced that everything he’s done was Sam’s fault. Remember what we found out about the Euphoria. It works on a higher level than other perfumes. I suspect the reason it doesn’t work on me is because of the EHG.”

“And… Euphoria honestly smells like rotting fish to you?”

“Yes, Richard. Trust me, it’s a definite turnoff.”

“You know, pet. That suggests to me that, for some people, Euphoria could be harmful. Especially if you think the reason it doesn’t affect you is because of your enhanced healing gene.”

“If that’s the case, then what we should be doing is seeing if we can come up with an antidote. If Forrest is behind the Euphoria, and he’s somehow figured out how to use the EIA in conjunction with pheromones, you’re absolutely right. For people with incompatible brain patterns, Euphoria could kill.”

“Getting back to our previous subject. When are we going to tell Dad and Grandma?”

“About what – the baby, or our getting married?”

“Both, actually,” Richard smiled. “Tonight would be a good time. They’ll all be together, including Gary.”

Donna sighed. “I suppose we could tell them about the baby, but I’d rather not mention the other until I’ve talked to Sam.”

“OK, we’ll do it your way,” Richard responded and glanced at his watch. “We better get changed and get down there, before Grandma sends Jack after us.”


Not wanting to waste any time on cooking, Sam had picked up pizza on the way home. Ruth arrived on time. She parked in the space next to Sam’s red sports car and shut off the engine. Checking her reflection in the visor mirror, she added a hint more lip gloss and fluffed her hair. She smeared some of the perfume Joyce had given her at the Centre down the sides of her neck and over her wrists. She approached the back entrance to Sam’s apartment complex and buzzed the intercom. “Sam, its Ruth.”

Ruth heard a click and the lock released. Using the lift, she rode up to the top floor. After a couple of knocks on Sam’s door, he opened it. “Come in,” he said, inhaling her perfume, as she walked past him. “If you’re wearing that perfume for my benefit, Ruth, you’re wasting your time.” He grinned and closed the door. “But… it just happens to be what I want to talk to you about.”


Richard led Donna into the parlour, where everyone waited. “Don’t they make a cute couple,” Lady Triplet commented.

Sir Richard smiled and stood. “Yes, they do. Donna, you get more beautiful every time I see you.”

Donna softly smiled. “Thank you, Sir Richard, but as my godfather, don’t you think you might be a little biased.”

Richard kissed her temple. “If he is, so am I.”

Donna pressed her lips together and shook her head. “I know you’re biased.”

Richard grinned. “And I know you’re beautiful.”

Gary cleared his throat. “You look lovely, D.”

Lady Triplet reached for Sir Richard’s arm and steadied her weight on her cane. “Shall we go and have our meal?”

Sir Richard seated his mother at the head of the table and sat next to her. Gary sat next to Sir Richard. Richard seated Donna next to Gary and sat on the other side of her. Vera and Jack appeared with their plates. Donna leaned close to Richard’s ear. “Why do I feel like I’m dining with the Queen?”

Richard chuckled. “You’ll get used to it. Grandma takes meals very seriously. It’s always a formal event.”

Donna sighed. “So I’ve noticed.”

“We don’t have to eat all our meals with Grandma while we’re here pet. I’m perfectly happy to sample more of your delicious Southern cuisine.”

Donna smiled. “I did like it when it was just us back at my apartment in Shreveport. We seem to do better when we’re on our own.”

“I don’t have a problem with that.”


Vera and Jack served dessert; apple crumble with custard, followed by glasses of white wine. “No, thank you,” Donna said as Jack aimed the neck of the wine bottle at her glass.

“You don’t like white wine, Dear?” Lady Triplet asked.

“No, Lady Triplet. It’s not that. I’m alcohol intolerant, and I’m – ah – I’m refusing for another reason,” Donna said, looking to Richard.

Richard laced his fingers with hers and kissed the back of her hand. “Donna’s pregnant, Grandma. The baby’s mine.”

Gary’s eyes widened as he looked from Donna to Richard and then back to Donna. “D, you told me….”

“I know Gary, and I’ll explain later. This shouldn’t have happened. Something went wrong somewhere, and believe me, I intend to find out, but right now, I have to deal with this. Are you staying at the castle?”

“No, I’m staying at the complex, D.”

“Maybe we can talk before you leave then.”

“Why don’t we go now, and we can talk in our apartment?” Richard asked.

“That’s fine by me,” Donna responded. “But won’t your father and grandmother be offended.”

“I’m following Dad’s example. I refuse to let Grandma run my life. Dad, Grandma,” Richard said standing. “Donna and I are going to show Gary our apartment.”

“Shouldn’t you be planning your wedding?” Lady Triplet asked.

Richard shook his head. “Goodnight Grandma.”

“Thank you for a lovely meal, Lady Triplet,” Donna said. “And thanks for letting me stay here with you. I love the apartment. Goodnight, Sir Richard.”

“Goodnight, petal.”

Gary followed Richard and Donna to the stairs. “Aren’t you going to get it in the neck for that?” Gary asked.

Richard chuckled. “Probably, but it won’t be the first time. Oh damn! I forgot to tell Dad about the chopper. Donna, why don’t you and Gary go on up to the apartment. I’ll be there shortly.”

“OK,” Donna nodded and she and Gary continued up the stairs, chatting away.


Richard took a deep breath and went back into the dining room. Sir Richard and Lady Triplet were sharing a cup of tea. “Dad, I forgot to tell you. Donna and I would like to ride out to the complex with you in the morning. Donna wants to talk to Sam.”

“That’s fine by me, Ricky.”

“Grandma, do me a favour. Stop pressuring Donna. Things are going good for us, right now. Don’t spoil it. If anyone could make her change her mind, it would be you. So lay off her. OK? I’ll see you in the morning Dad.” Richard walked away.

Lady Triplet waited until he was out of earshot. “Maybe Donna is too much like her mother,” she commented.

The corners of Sir Richard’s mouth turned up as he finished the last of his tea. “Maybe Ricky is more like me than you thought.” Sir Richard kissed her cheek. “Thanks for the meal. Goodnight Mum.”