Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 68


Sam had been mildly affected by Ruth’s perfume, but as before, he’d been able to control his urge. After some fondling, lingering kisses and an extremely close call; Sam learned that he couldn’t afford to use his act of skilled foreplay to safely charm information from Ruth as normal. He had also learned by sitting on one end of the sofa and keeping Ruth on the other, it was easier to maintain his control. Distance seemed to be the key to preventing a night he would never forget, for more reasons than one.

Sam knew if Donna found out it would likely be their final curtain call. Theoretically, he’d already cheated on Donna with Joyce, the night of the carnival. Sam wasn’t letting that happen again, with Ruth.

With great difficulty, on his part, Sam had solicited from Ruth that someone had purposely given her the Euphoria, and convinced her to seduce Sam at the Centre, but due to his sexual limitation, and Ruth’s loyalty, she wouldn’t say who.

Sam wanted a name from Ruth, but due to the combination of her perfume, and the scotch it had taken to get her to the talkative stage, Sam couldn’t afford to push any further. His reasoning had already been impaired. The killer had been when Joyce conveniently remembered her missing bracelet; her excuse for dropping by. Sam had his doubts, but by that time, it was too late. One whiff of her perfume and Sam’s fate was sealed.

Unlike Ruth, driven by love and her faceless tormentor, Joyce had come with a mission to fulfil. If Sam was too stupid to realise he was in over his head with Donna, Joyce wasn’t letting him go down. Of course, saving her own life was a strong incentive.

Before Sam realised what was going on, Joyce and Ruth were out of their clothes, and he was coming on to both women. Halfway through an explosive climax with Ruth, on the kitchen counter while Joyce eagerly awaited her turn with him, she’d let Jasmine in his apartment. Sam hadn’t even noticed. Like Joyce, Jasmine had come with a purpose – revenge. She wasn’t the least bit bothered that she wasn’t the only woman there.

Due to Jasmine’s slight bisexual tendency, Joyce and Ruth had added spice to the party. Whatever his reasons had been, seeing the compromising position Sam had put himself in, put a sadistic smile on Jasmine’s face. She’d thrown back several shots of scotch, stripped and joined the orgy. Sam was so drugged up, he didn’t realise when Jasmine traded places with Ruth and continued the ride. With so much exposure to the pheromones in their perfume, it didn’t matter now. Sam didn’t care. His testosterone level was through the roof, and he needed relief.


Five hours later, when the effects of the Euphoria wore off, Sam woke to three naked bodies tangled in the damp sheets with him. To his left lay Joyce. To his right lay Jasmine, and across the foot of his bed, stretched out like an alley cat, was Ruth. Her shapely mounds lay in full view. Sam swallowed hard and eased out of bed as quietly as possible. He then jumped in his clothes and left.

He sat in his car for a few minutes, trying to get his head together. He shoved a hand through his dark hair. “Just calm down, Sam. Donna will never know this happened. It wasn’t your fault.” He groaned and reached for the ignition. “If I ever find out who’s doing this to me, I’m going to fucking kill somebody.” He started the engine and headed for the complex.


By the time Sam got to his quarters, it was later than he’d intended. Gary wouldn’t answer his door panel. Finally, Sam had learned from VICi that Gary wasn’t even in the complex. Sam tried ringing Gary’s cell phone, but all he got was voicemail. From experience, Sam knew when Gary set his phone to voicemail; there was no way of reaching him. Unlike the other special cell phones on VICi’s satellite system, Gary’s or Sir Richard’s couldn’t be bypassed. Gary had purposely set them that way, and by now, he’d probably reprogrammed Richard and Donna’s, as well.

Sam knew he couldn’t wait until morning. By then, the drug would have worked its way out of his system and would have been almost impossible to detect. He decided to go to the medical lab and run the test himself.

Jared hadn’t been able to sleep, so he’d gone for a cup of coffee in the cafeteria and then for a walk through the park to clear his mind. On his way back to his quarters, Jared noticed the light on in the medical lab, and had stopped to investigate. When he saw who it was, Jared had used his enhanced abilities to avoid Sam.

Sam caught movement from the corner of his eye as he drew his blood and loaded it into the injector port of the gas chromatograph, but when he’d turned, nothing had been there. Jared watched with aroused curiosity. He grinned as Sam kept glancing over his shoulder unable to shake the feeling he was being watched.

When Sam turned his attention back to his task - as if out of thin air - Jared appeared next to him. “Sam, why are you checking your level of oxytocin and testosterone at two in the morning?”

 Sam gasped, and almost fell off his stool. “Where the fuck did you come from? You damn near scared the hell out of me!”

“As if that would be possible,” Jared snorted.

“How did you get in here without tripping VICi’s alarm?”

Jared gave Sam a wolfish grin. “You haven’t answered my question. Why are you checking the levels of oxytocin and testosterone present in your bloodstream?”

Sam pressed his lips together and forced the air from his lungs. “As if it’s any of your business, Geronimo, I think somebody is fucking with my hormones. It has to be that damn perfume!”

“What perfume? Jared twisted his nose and fought off a wave of nausea. “By the way, Sam, you could use a shower! You smell of rotting fish, Bushboy. Since when did you start wearing perfume?”

Sam lifted his arm and sniffed. All he could smell was a mingling of his scent and the remnants of Joyce’s intoxicating perfume. He shook his head. “I could use a shower, but I don’t smell of rotten fish. The name of the perfume is Euphoria.”

Jared backed up a few paces, putting some more distance between him and the smell. “Oh yes! I’ve heard about that stuff. It’s supposed to drive women or men wild. If that’s what you’ve been wearing lately, I can imagine your nights with Donna haven’t been going well. I happen to know she detests the smell of dead fish, but then most people do. If I were you, I would seriously consider using a different cologne. You should have stuck with the one you were using.” He turned and headed for the door.

“How would you know what cologne I use?”

Jared paused in the doorway. “Because I recognised the smell under all that other stuff. It’s the same brand I use. Happy hunting. Goodnight Sam,” Jared chuckled and left.


Because it was late when he, Richard, and Donna had finished talking, Gary had spent the night in one of their guest bedrooms. Sir Richard wasn’t surprised to see him come down with Richard and Donna the next morning for breakfast, but for some reason, Lady Triplet seemed mildly annoyed that she hadn’t been warned beforehand. Richard had brushed it off, thinking it was his grandmother’s need to be in control. He and John flew the chopper back to the complex while McGowan and the other security men followed in Gary’s car.


Again, Jared had used his abilities to avoid a confrontation with Donna, but hadn’t masked his presence from her. Just as she’d known he had been watching her from the observation area at the Centre, anywhere Jared had been, Donna knew.

On their way to Richard’s quarters, Donna had paused by the door across from the infirmary; sensing Jared’s presence there more than anywhere else in the complex. Threatening tears had stung her eyes, and a lump had formed in her throat, but she’d pushed it aside. As with Sam, now that she was pregnant with Richard’s child, it made little difference for her and Jared.


Sam was pleased when VICi had notified him to meet Donna, but not pleased with the venue - Richard’s quarters. That meant Richard and possibly his father would be there, as well.

Sam gathered his test results from last night and headed down the corridor. As the door opened, and he stepped into the lounge, he found Richard and Donna sitting on the sofa holding hands. Sam guessed any attempts at changing Donna’s mind would be futile, but he had to try.

Richard motioned to the chair across from the sofa. “Good morning, Sam. Would you like some coffee?”

“No, thank you,” Sam said and sat. “Since this is obviously not the meeting I’d expected, why have I been summoned here?”

“Because I needed to talk to you,” Donna spoke up.

“Can I show you something first?” Sam leaned forward and handed her the test results.

Richard’s attention peaked. He leaned closer so he could see. “What is this?” Donna asked.

“A sample of my blood after exposure to Euphoria. The stuff that you say smells like dead fish.”

Donna grinned wryly. “Your oxytocin and testosterone levels are higher than normal, but all that tells me is that you have a healthy sex drive. I already knew that. Why are you showing this to me?”

“I think exposure to Euphoria affects my behaviour, makes me say and do things I normally wouldn’t do.”

“Yes, I agree with you. Euphoria does seem to impair some people’s judgement, but it has nothing to do with me, or us, for that fact.”

Sam frowned. “Yes it does, Donna! I don’t think I would have behaved so….”

“…Promiscuous?” Richard grinned, quietly clearing his throat.

Sam glared at Richard. “Donna, can’t we go somewhere and talk in private?”

“Considering that Richard is going to be a permanent part of my life, I don’t see any reason why I should keep things from him. Unlike you, he hasn’t kept things from me.”

“Oh... I see. Did he tell you why Jared won’t see you?”

Donna glanced at Richard out of the corner of her eye and sighed. “No, Sam. He hasn’t, but it doesn’t make any difference. Richard has asked me to marry him, and I’m going to accept his proposal.”

Sam’s mouth gaped. “What the fuck for?”

“That’s none of your concern, but I have my reasons. That’s what I came to tell you because I didn’t want you to hear it from someone else.”

“So that’s it! You’ve made up your mind. There’s nothing I can say or do to change it?”

Donna’s eyes saddened. “No, Sam.”

“I love you Donna. If marriage is what you want, then I’ll….”

Donna held up a hand and tightened her jaw. “No, you won’t! You’ve already voiced your opinion about having children. You don’t want them. Richard does, and so do I, so stop wasting your breath. It’s too late, Sam.”

“Oh yeah – Richard wants them all right,” Sam scoffed. “He probably has illegitimates scattered across the globe, right now.”

Donna groaned. “What Richard did before he and I got together, doesn’t mean any more to me than who you were with before. I’m telling you, it doesn’t matter,” she enunciated. “I’ve made up my mind. My decision is final, and that’s how it’s going to be. I’m sorry you’re hurt, but I never once misled you. You’ve known from the beginning exactly where you stood with me.”

“Yeah,” Sam snorted. “Nowhere - which is where he’ll be if Geronimo changes his mind. I hope you have a nice life, but I think you’re making a terrible mistake. When you figure that out… I’ll still be here.”

Donna sighed; the corners of her mouth turned up slightly. “I’m not making a mistake, Sam, but thanks for the advice. I’d like us to stay friends, or at least be civil toward one another, but I’ll leave that up to you.”

Sam stood and lifted Donna’s hand to his lips. He flashed his sexy crooked grin and kissed the back of her hand. “Like I said, Pretty Lady…” he whispered, “…I’ll still be here.” He shook Richard’s hand. “Congratulations, Richard. You won this round.” Sam left.

Richard waited until the door closed. He slid closer to Donna and studied her eyes. “Did you mean what you said, about accepting my proposal, or was that for Sam’s benefit?”

Donna took the ring box from her purse and handed it to Richard. Holding out her left hand, she waited. “I don’t think this would be for Sam’s benefit. Do you?”

Richard swallowed the lump in his throat and grinned slightly. “No. I don’t think it would be.”

Tears stung Donna’s eyes as Richard slipped the two carat solitaire on her finger. “I promise Donna, I will never, ever let you down.” He leaned his face closer.

Donna softly smiled. “I know you won’t,” she whispered and kissed him.

“Why didn’t you tell Sam about the baby?”

“Because, it didn’t feel right. He’ll find out soon enough.”

“You’re not telling Jared?”

“Why should I? He doesn’t need to know,” she said and kissed him again.


Jared’s cell phone rang. He stared at it for a few seconds, dreading the inevitable. His heart had already told him who it was and why she was calling. It was two in the morning in Arizona, and she wouldn’t call, unless it was important. Putting it off wouldn’t make it go away. Jared sensed the change when Donna strengthened her warning barrier. She didn’t want him in her thoughts, and she was prepared to use all her mental energy to block him out. He wouldn’t risk hurting her again. Tears glossed his eyes as he reached for the phone and accepted the call.

“Jared… it’s time, Son. Events transpiring are out of our hands. She’s made her decision, and your being there could cause severe consequences. I know you don’t want to leave her while Forrest is still there, but it could change any future you might still have with her. Come home, Son. Let the love in your heart guide the path to your future. Have faith in your perfect match and the voice of our ancestors. They have spoken to her, as well.” Jared ended the call and looked across the table at Juanita.

“Your mother?”

Jared inhaled deeply and let it out slowly as he lifted his head and fixed his glowing crimson eyes on Juanita’s. He blinked to clear his vision. “Talk to Donna. Tell her about Alan. I don’t think what we’ve done is doing a lot of good. I’ll talk to Sir Richard about our travel arrangements.”

“What about Wilson’s diary?”

“You might as well come to Sir Richard’s office when you’re done talking to Donna. He’ll probably want to speak to us about that before we leave, but I’m telling you right now, sweetheart, if Sir Richard wants the diary retrieved, I’m going in to get it – alone,” he stressed. “I’m not risking anyone else getting hurt over this damn book. That’s obviously what they were looking for at the Hall, when they slaughtered Wilson and his wife.”


“No, Juanita!” Jared sternly responded. “You will be under my care. I will not compromise on this issue. You are Donna’s best friend. The last thing I need is for something to happen to you. For that, I fear she would never forgive me.”

Juanita sighed in exasperation and nodded. “VICi, where is Donna Rigden?”