Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 69


Juanita pressed the door panel to Richard’s quarters and waited. He met her and led her into the lounge. Donna studied the distant look in Juanita’s eyes. “You’re leaving, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Donna, we are.”

Richard cleared his throat. “Pet, I’m going to step out for a few minutes and give you some time alone.”

Donna softly smiled and nodded. She waited until Richard was gone and turned her attention back to Juanita. Her eyes glossed. “When are you leaving?”

Juanita took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in her throat. “It depends on what Jared and Sir Richard decide, but I know it will be soon.”

“Jared still won’t see me?”

Juanita sighed and shook her head. “No, Donna. He won’t, but he sent me to tell you about Alan. He doesn’t think the pacemaker and drugs are going to save him, and I have to agree. Eventually, you’ll have to decide whether or not to risk using your EHG and CTZ5 treatment, on him. Despite everything we’ve done, Alan is getting weaker.”

“When I went in and examined him and saw VICi’s analysis, I feared that would be the case, but I was hoping to wait until he was a little stronger. At this stage, if Alan’s immune system rejects the EHG, I don’t think he would survive.”

“I know, Donna, but as far as Alan is concerned, we’re running out of options. If you don’t use the treatment, you should tell Sir Richard, to prepare for the worst. I think we’re going to lose Alan.”

“I’ll keep a close eye on him. Hopefully, he can hang in there for at least another month or so. Have you… seen or talked to Gary?”

Juanita shook her head. “It’s better this way, Donna. That way Jared and I don’t have to pretend, and I don’t have to lie to Gary.”

“Are you sure you’re not avoiding him because you’re afraid there’s still something there?” Juanita sighed. “Honestly…” Donna persisted.

“I don’t know, Donna, maybe, but I don’t want to go there.”

Donna studied her eyes. “And… by leaving, you don’t have to…” she made it a statement.

Juanita softly smiled. “I guess so. I don’t know – I mean - I’m leaving, so it doesn’t matter. How are you?”


“Of course,” Juanita smiled.

Donna swallowed the lump in her throat and took a steadying breath. “Falling apart – inside – that is. I don’t let anyone see. No one, but you and Gary know the truth. You see, I might look fine, on the surface, but everything is just happening, so fast. First the threatening letters and then the phone calls.”

Juanita’s eyes widened. “Threatening letters and phone calls,” she echoed. “What threatening letters and phone calls? Against you?”

“No, not me – Sam. If it had been against me – at least before we found out about the baby - I wouldn’t have paid it much attention. I didn’t at first anyway, but someone doesn’t want me and Sam together.”

“Donna… could it be Richard?”

“At first, I thought it might be Richard, and I’m still not… sure about that. I mean, he’s sweet, and understanding and he comes across as genuinely honest, but there’s a ruthless streak in him that - I don’t know - sometimes it scares me. It’s like he would do anything to get what he wants.”

“What about Sam? Could he be doing this because he’s afraid of commitment – a way out?”

Donna softly smiled. “No, if it were Sam, he’s had plenty of opportunities to give up on me.”

“But… you don’t want him to. Do you?”

Donna pressed her lips together and shook her head. “Not really, but if he does… there’s not a lot I can do about it. After the car chase, and seeing what happened to Wilson and his wife, I won’t risk it. Besides, like I said before, the baby is what matters now. That’s why…” she broke off. “That’s why I’m marrying Richard,” she added with a happy note, displaying her engagement ring.

Juanita drew in a quick breath. “Oh Donna! It’s almost like….”

“…Like the one Jared gave me – I know. I noticed that, too. At least the stone is shaped differently.”

Juanita’s smile faded. “But, Donna, if you’re afraid of Richard, why are you marrying him?”

Donna sighed. “To protect Sam and to give the baby a name – the Triplet name. I know that sounds selfish, but he deserves the best start in life, and truthfully, Richard can give him that.”

“I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. What about your happiness?”

“I don’t know what will happen after the baby’s born. Children bring people together, don’t they? Who knows? I might grow to love Richard. Maybe not in the way I… loved Jared, but then that kind of love comes along once in a lifetime. Right?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” Juanita sighed.

“I wish you could be here for my wedding. I was hoping you would be my maid of honour.”

“I’m sorry, Donna. Why don’t you ask Missy?”

Donna grinned. “She was my second choice.”

“Is Gary giving you away?”

“No, I’m sure he’ll be best man - him or John. I’m going to ask my godfather to give me away.”

Juanita furrowed her brow. “Your godfather?”

“Sir Richard – I know - it was a shock to me, too. Apparently, he’s the one behind my schooling. I thought the trust fund was from my parents, but apparently it was from my godfather. My grant wasn’t a government grant. It was from Triplet International. I got the apartment because Missy arranged it and because….”

“…Richard owned the building,” Juanita smiled. “It’s starting to make sense now.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, don’t be offended, but I’ve always been a little jealous of how things just fell in your lap, and I had to struggle for everything. I mean the clothes you bought me a few months ago to wear to the convention, I loved them, but I was a little resentful that you were able to just….”

“…Go out and buy them like that? That’s why I didn’t want you to know. Anyway, that’s all water under the bridge. Take care of yourself. I’m going to miss you.”

“We can still keep in touch. Sir Richard gave us – me – one of his special satellite cell phones, and we can still talk over Internet.”

“Yeah, I know, but it won’t be the same thing. We’ve always been together for the holidays. Thanksgiving is coming up, and I don’t even think they celebrate that over here. Then there’s my birthday and Christmas. It just won’t be the same, Juanita.”

“Tell you what. If Mama is doing OK, I’ll try to get back for your birthday, and maybe even Christmas. How’s that?”

Donna swallowed hard and slightly smiled. “I’d like that.”

Juanita hugged her. “No promises, but I’ll try. I love you – you know that – right?”

Donna’s eyes glossed again. “I know, and I love you, too. I couldn’t have asked for a better sister.”

“Nor could I,” Juanita responded and left. She met Jared as he was coming out of Sir Richard’s office.

“Did you tell her?”

“Yes, Jared. I told her. You and Donna have to be two of the most stubborn people I’ve ever come across.”

Jared grinned. “In what way, sweetheart?”

Juanita glared at him. “Donna is clearly still in love with you, and I know you’re still in love with her. I would give anything to have what you have, and you’re just going to walk away from each other. You’re both crazy!”

Jared softly smiled and swallowed hard. “Love makes you do crazy things, Juanita. Let’s go. John is waiting to take us to the airport.”

Juanita’s eyes widened. “We’re leaving now?”

“Sir Richard and I talked, and we felt it was best. He wants us to try and get our hands on Wilson’s diary. I told him what we talked about, and he agreed.”

“I just didn’t realise we were leaving so soon.”

“I thought you wanted to get out of here before you ran into Gary.”

“I do, but before I go, there’s something I have to do. Wait for me in the chopper. I won’t be long. I forgot something in my quarters.”

Jared arched an eyebrow. “All right, but hurry. I need to get away from Donna. It’s harder than I thought. She’s blocked me out, but she’s hurting right now. That much I can sense. If I don’t get out of here now, I’ll never leave, and that wouldn’t be good for anyone.”

Juanita nodded and hurried to her quarters. “VICi, notify Sam Kaliea to come to my quarters.”

VICi; Dr. Kaliea has been notified, and he is on his way.


Several minutes later, Sam stood outside Juanita’s door. He was a little confused that she’d asked him there. He pressed the door panel and waited. “It’s Sam, cupcake. You wanted to see me?”

Juanita unlocked the door and stepped to the side. “Come in Sam, and I thought I told you to call me Dr. Walton.”

Sam gave her the once-over, slowly trailing his aqua eyes up her body as he stepped into her personal space. Juanita swallowed hard and stepped back. The door slid to behind him. “I’m sorry, but cupcake suits you better. What can I do for you?”

“Sam, I don’t have time for games. Jared is waiting for me in the chopper, we’re leaving.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, not about you, but….”

“I shouldn’t be doing this, but I don’t want to see Donna hurt again. She’s lost enough, and Donna always thinks about others first. I don’t want to see her lose someone else, she… loves, again.”

Sam’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

“There’s something about Donna you need to know, but you have to promise never to tell her I told you. She didn’t want you to know, but I think she’s marrying Richard for the wrong reasons. I mean, I understand, but I think she’s making a mistake. Just like I think Jared made a mistake when he walked away from her, without explaining why.”

Sam followed her into the lounge. “Don’t bring Geronimo into this. I’m not sorry he’s leaving.” Sam’s voice turned serious. “Tell me about Donna.”

“I’m breaking my doctor patient confidentiality here. That’s why Donna can never know I told you.”

“OK, so tell me.”

“Donna is pregnant, and that’s one of the reasons she’s marrying Richard.”

Sam’s mouth gaped. “Donna is pregnant!”

“Yes, Sam, but don’t get concerned. It’s not yours. It’s Richard’s. They had a one bedside table, when Jared and Donna broke up.”

“One night - and you’re certain the baby is his? How far along is she?”

“She’s three weeks.”

“That certainly puts me out of the line-up,” Sam scoffed. “That would explain her mood swings and her getting sick at the carnival. I’m her doctor. Why didn’t she want me to know?”

Juanita glanced at her watch. “I don’t know Sam, but I have to go. If you love her, don’t give up on her just yet. She’s being practical, and that’s just Donna’s way. Whatever you decide to do is up to you. I just thought you needed to know.” Juanita slung her purse over her shoulder. “Goodbye Sam.”


Juanita paused in the door way. She turned. “What is it, Sam? I really have to run.”

Sam flashed his sexy crooked grin and stepped closer, leaning his face to hers. “Thanks,” he said and kissed her cheek.

Juanita studied his eyes. “You’re welcome,” she smiled and left, touching her cheek. “You owe me, Donna…” she mused as she ran for the lift.

Jared reached for her hand and helped her in.

John turned in his seat. “Jared, are you sure about this?”

Jared looked at Juanita, sighed and nodded.

“OK,” John groaned. “VICi, open hangar doors,” he said and started the engine.