Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 79


Donna whirled and crashed straight into Richard’s arms. Her breath caught. She swallowed the lump of fear in her throat and faked a smile. “You just about scared the shit out of me.”

Richard frowned. “You’re a little jumpy lately. What did Sam want?”

“To tell me that he’d taken Alan off the respirator.”

“Already? That’s brilliant, pet! Congratulations. Dad will be pleased.”

Donna wrapped her arms around Richard’s neck and looked up at him. “It has to have been the amniotic stem cells that made the difference. I’m not the one who needs congratulating. Our son hasn’t even been born, and already he’s saved his first life.”

“Do you want to go back to the complex?”

“Ah – no. Sam doesn’t need me now. I’d rather be here with you. He can handle things, and Joyce will be there on Monday. Besides, we’re getting married on Tuesday. I think we should be… concentrating more on each other. Don’t you? In fact, I could think of a lot of more… pleasant things we could be doing,” she whispered against his lips and kissed him. “Why don’t you say goodnight for us and meet me upstairs?”

“What about tea? You’ve hardly eaten anything.”

“I’m not that hungry… at least not for food,” she said, giving him a sultry smile. “Besides, I can always make us a snack later… if we get hungry. Surely, your grandmother will understand.” She kissed him again. “Don’t keep me waiting.” She smiled and went up the stairs.

Richard went back into the dining room. “We’re going to bed, Grandma.”

Lady Triplet frowned and looked at her watch. “At a quarter past eight!”

Richard grinned. “I didn’t say we were going to sleep.” He kissed her cheek. “I told you I had things under control. Goodnight, Grandma. If we’re not down for breakfast – trust me – don’t disturb us.”

Lady Triplet narrowed her eyes. “Something is up with that girl.”


“That was not an easy task,” Sir Richard commented as he crawled in the co-pilot’s seat. John pulled up the collective control stick, and the chopper lifted off the Centre roof. Pushing on the right pedal, he turned the craft, pushed forward on the cyclic control stick, and they headed back to Langston Castle.

“Did they agree to let you handle things?”

“Yes, John. The record will show that Mildred died of natural causes. Like us, her daughters understand, trying to prosecute Forrest would be useless. I did promise them, I would make him pay.”

John grinned. “I’m going to enjoy that part. I’ve been waiting a long time to take that bastard out. I just wish I could torture him some, for the way he tortured Missy. That man has a lot to answer for.”

Sir Richard looked down at the night lights of Newcastle. “It’s amazing how the darkness hides the madness. Up here, the city is actually quite beautiful. Who would guess there’s a monster lurking in the shadows?”

John sighed. “He won’t be out there much longer, Sir. His days are numbered. You can bet the story you’re putting in the papers will bring him out into the open. He’ll never be able to resist a headline like that.”

Sir Richard grinned. “I’m counting on that John. You know, Jared is a good man, and I like him, but for my grandson’s sake, I hope Ricky and Donna can make this marriage work.”

 “He’s your son, Sir. Would you expect any less of him? He is handling this responsibly.”

Sir Richard softly chuckled. “Maybe he’s going to grow up after all.” His cell phone rang. He glanced at John. “It’s Sam. Hello Sam.”

“Sir Richard, I thought you might like to know, I’ve taken Alan off life support. He’s breathing on his own. He’s still unconscious, but he’s making a remarkable recovery.”

“That’s wonderful news, Sam. I’ll tell Donna what you….”

“I’ve already told Donna.”

“Then she’s on her way to the complex?”

“No, Sir. She said for me to handle it.”

Sir Richard frowned. “Donna didn’t want to be there?”

“She’s acting strange, Sir Richard.”

“In what way?”

“You would need to talk to her about that. It’s just, when she and Richard were at the complex, she seemed fine. Then I called to let her know about Alan, and she didn’t seem to care. I don’t know, but I’m concerned that Donna is rushing into this marriage with Richard and I’m not sure it’s what she wants.”

“Sam, that’s her choice to make. I know you have feelings for Donna, but if Donna chooses Ricky, then that’s something you’ll have to get used to. Listen, I’ve spoken to Mildred’s daughters, and they’ve agreed. I need Mildred’s death certificate to state that she died of natural causes.”

“Natural causes? Sir Richard, a broken neck is not a natural cause.”

“I know that Sam, but that’s what it needs to say.” Sir Richard ended the call. “John, when Ricky and Donna visited with you and Missy, you said they were as chummy as they were in the States. Did it seem like Donna was acting?”

“No, Sir Richard. She seemed perfectly happy to be with Ricky, and there was no doubt how he felt about her. Why do you ask?”

“I don’t think Sam is ready to let her go.”

“I would say from the way she was acting around Ricky, Sam doesn’t have a choice.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of. I think Sam actually believes he loves Donna.”


Jack let Sir Richard and John in. “Where’s Mum?”

“I believe she’s in her room, Sir Richard.”

“What about Ricky and Donna?”

Jack grinned slightly. “I believe they are in their apartment, Sir. They – ah – they retired quite early. Master Richard said if they weren’t down for breakfast, they were not to be disturbed.”

Sir Richard softly smiled. “I see….”

“Would you and Mr. Sherriff like me to prepare you a sandwich or a snack? Perhaps you’d like a cup of tea?”

“No thank you, Jack. We ate at the Centre.”

“If you don’t need me then, I think as soon as we’ve cleared up, Vera and I will retire for the night.”

“That’s fine, Jack.”

“I think I’ll talk to Missy for a while, get a shower and go to bed myself.”

“OK, John. I’ll see you in the morning. We’re going to get this thing sorted, so you won’t have to be away from her. After the wedding, I’m hoping Ricky and Donna will move out to the complex. I know it’s safe here, but I really don’t like living with my Mum again.”

“I’m not particularly fond of being here either, Sir.”

Sir Richard patted John’s shoulder. “Well, goodnight then.”


Sir Richard knocked on Lady Triplet’s bedroom door. “Mum, it’s me. I’d like to come in and talk to you.”

“Of course, Richard. Come in.”

Lady Triplet was sitting up in bed reading. She closed the book and laid it on the bedside table. “Would you like a cup of tea?”

Sir Richard sat on the end of the bed. “Jack said Ricky and Donna were in their apartment. Is everything all right?”

“Yes, Richard. Why wouldn’t it be?”

“Just curious. Do you really think this is what Donna wants?”

“Of course it’s what she wants. Donna is a responsible person. She wants what’s best for the baby and she knows Ricky can give her that. What woman wouldn’t want to be in her shoes?”

“Don’t sell Donna short, Mum. I think Ricky is a very lucky man. I just hope you’re not pushing her at Ricky because of the baby.”

“Richard, I have not coerced either of them in any way. Ricky is in love with Donna. I can see it every time he looks at her.”

“Yes, but is Donna in love with him?”

“She may not be in love with him, but that will change. Ricky is every bit as charming as you were. He can make anyone love him. Ricky and Donna know what they are doing. Now, let me ask you something. Do you have everything lined out for Tuesday?”

“Yes, Mum. A crew will be coming over first thing Monday to start preparations for the wedding. Everything is arranged.”

“And that other little task?”

“Forrest will see the wedding announcement in his Newcastle Journal, first thing in the morning. I’ve arranged for it to be put on the front page.”

Lady Triplet grinned sadistically. “Excellent. Everything is coming together.”

Sir Richard narrowed his eyes. “A final word of warning Mum. If I find out you are pressuring Ricky and Donna in the same way as you pressured me and Martha, I will never forgive you. If Ricky and Donna want to get married, then that’s fine, but do not try and blackmail Ricky the way you did me.”

“Richard, if I hadn’t blackmailed you, Ricky and Donna wouldn’t be together now. You know I was right to interfere.”

“So you say, Mum.” Sir Richard stood.

Lady Triplet frowned. “Do you regret having your son?”

“No. I don’t regret having my son, but I do regret all the other children I would have had, with Marie.” He left.


Forrest lay staring at the ceiling. He couldn’t sleep. In light of the new development, two of his main allies had tucked tail and run. Now, it looked as if more would follow suit. Even King had pulled out. The idea that The Order would blackball him instead of Sir Richard infuriated him. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Share prices should be rising, and yet, Forrest Enterprises was nearing a record low. Something had to be done fast to turn this around, but what? His hotel phone rang. Forrest sat up on the side of the bed, switched on the bedside lamp and picked up the receiver. “Your services are no longer necessary.”

“What do you mean? We had a deal. I delivered. Now it’s your turn.”

“You didn’t do anything, so, therefore, the deal is off.”

“You got what you wanted!”

“You risked her life. That was not part of our agreement. She was not to be harmed in any way. She could have died. We made a business deal, and as I see it, you delivered damaged goods. So, therefore, I do not feel obligated to pay.”

“In that case, it’s my right to collect those damaged goods and cut my losses. Do you want to renegotiate, or do I start making plans.”

“Make all the plans you want. You won’t stop me. It’s already too late. Check your morning paper. I think you’ll find it to be quite entertaining. By the way, the number I gave you no longer works, so don’t bother using it, again.”

“I never should have trusted you Triplet!”

“You’re right. You shouldn’t have. This line of communication is now closed.” The line went dead.

“Don’t you fucking hang up on me!” Forrest pressed the button for the operator. “You stupid….”


“This is GW Forrest. You just put a call through to my room. I need you to call that number back.”

“One moment, please. I’m sorry, Mr. Forrest, but that number is unobtainable. Would you like me to try another number?”

“No!” Forrest growled and slammed the phone down.


Richard held Donna’s naked body close as she lay on top of him; her skin was as smooth and soft as satin. He closed his eyes, remembering how it felt to make love to her again. She’d been every bit as passionate as he had as their bodies came together. In fact, it had been Donna who seduced him. Richard had been prepared to wait, as long as it took for her to come to him. Now, she was here in his arms. In a few months, she would bear their child. Richard was happy. This was how it was meant to be; lovers clinging together amongst the damp and tangled sheets, cloaked under the cape of darkness.

Richard could easily have made love to her again. He groaned as he brushed against her. A slight shift was all it would take. He caressed the back of her hair. “Pet,” he whispered. “Are you awake?” He waited.

Donna lay still, listening to his increasing heart rate and quickening breath. He wanted her again. He was already in position. Donna tried to rekindle the spark. Richard’s hard body throbbed against hers, pressing against her moistness, begging entry. Donna wanted to scream. She didn’t feel the fire, or the need. She squirmed and rolled off him. Resting her head on his shoulder; she stilled again and pretended to sleep.