Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 80


Liu had spent most of last night, trying to break the encryption code on his copy of Donna’s hard disc. Morning was fast approaching, and all he had accomplished was to find out how many digits there were in the decryption code.

Probably the most frustrating part for Liu was when he plugged in a USB key that was supposed to contain the missing code. To his surprise his media player popped up and ‘John Denver’s Grandma’s Feather Bed’ grated at his ears. He detested country music in any form. Swearing in Mandarin, he yanked the drive out and tossed it in the bin. His last hope at an easy find had just run out.

Liu was not looking forward to telling Forrest that, even using a virtual private network connection to D’Netics’ mainframe computer, and working at top speed, it would still take him at least four-hundred hours, just to get past the first level of the encryption code. He reached for his cup of tea. Finding it empty, Liu decided to try and get some rest. He set the alarm on his cell phone, took off his clothes and crawled between the sheets. “Maybe something will come to me in my sleep,” he mused.


Liu’s alarm clock went off. He groaned, rolled out of bed and headed for the shower. Quickly dressing, he rang room service and ordered breakfast. He laid his newspaper on the table beside his breakfast tray and tucked into his muesli pancakes with fresh fruit. He sipped his cup of green tea as he read the bold headlines on his copy of the Newcastle Journal: ‘Triplet International Heir to Wed Childhood sweetheart.’

Sir Richard and the couple were standing on the steps of St. Nicholas Cathedral in Newcastle. The short article stated that once the ceremony was complete, the happy couple would be spending their honeymoon in an undisclosed location. When asked how he felt about this union, Sir Richard said, “I couldn’t be happier. Richard and Donna were made for each other.” Sir Richard also announced his plans of early retirement and stated he would spend his twilight years playing with his grandchildren and enjoying life.

When asked who would replace him as chairman of the board at Triplet International, he stated that he hoped to be passing the torch to his son and sole heir; although, he said, “Young Richard was not too keen on the idea. Perhaps he will change his mind after his honeymoon.”

Liu folded the paper in half and read over the article again, this time concentrating on the finer details. “What are you up to Triplet?” He tossed the paper on the bed and sat at his laptop, kneading his brow. He was developing a migraine. He taxed his brain as he finished his tea. Once Forrest read this article, he would make plans to go after Donna. “Another useless death. I have to find a better way.”

He called up a bird’s-eye view of St Nicholas Cathedral and started studying the layout of the buildings, and the surrounding streets.

Forrest stormed into the room in a rage. He’d seen the story on the TV in his room. “The fucking bastard wants grandkids! “Over my dead body!”

Liu held up a hand. “Wait, Sir! This could be an opportunity to get rid of Triplet! Have a look at this.” He pointed to the screen. “There’s a building, directly across from the cathedral. I can have one of my marksmen on the roof. He takes a shot, runs to the back of the building and rappels down this wall. There’s an alley there. He could use that to make his escape – gone before Triplet even realised he’d been shot.”

Forrest glared at Liu. “Aren’t you a clever boy? You fucking idiot! I don’t want to kill him. I want to destroy him! You don’t shoot Triplet. You shoot his son! No heir, no grandkids, no bloodline!”

“What about Dr. Rigden?”

Forrest scratched his chin. “I’ve changed my mind about the little bitch!”

“She hasn’t completed her research. How can you get the cure if she’s dead? I thought you at least wanted her alive!”

“Yeah, well, this just got personal. The deal is off. I want her taken out first, then Richard. You can do whatever you want to with Triplet!” Forrest walked away.


Richard woke to an empty bed. Donna came out of the bathroom, fully dressed and ready for the day. “Get up and get dressed!” she ordered.

“It’s Sunday, pet! Come back to bed with me?”

“No I won’t,” she said, tossing him his robe. “Hurry or we’ll miss breakfast.”

Richard frowned in confusion, as he slipped on his robe. “I thought we were spending the weekend in our apartment.”

“There’s too much to do, Richard. We need to plan for the wedding. After breakfast, I want to go to the complex. I need to get my kitchen organised. I want to work with VICi and the HIC and see if my idea is going to work, plus, I want to check on Alan. He should be awake by now. Get in there and get dressed. I’ll wait for you downstairs.”

Richard scratched the back of his neck and stared at the closed door. He padded across the floor to the toilet. “Did I miss something?”


Stepping into the lift, Donna let out a long sigh of relief. The idea that Richard was behind her losing Jared and Beth made her stomach lurch. The thought of facing Richard’s grandmother made her nausea worse. “Stay in control of your emotions, Donna. If they sense your fear, they will eat you alive. I can do this. I know I can do this!”

As she approached the drawing room, she could hear muffled conversation. Taking a deep breath, she put on her best poker face and entered the room with a smile. “Good morning, Dad. Lady Triplet. John.” She gave Sir Richard and Lady Triplet a kiss on the cheek.

Sir Richard smiled. “Dad?”

“I figured since you were going to be my father-in-law, I might as well get used to it.”

“In that case, you can call me Grandma,” Lady Triplet offered.

Donna’s smile faded. “I only had one grandmother, and I lost her. I’m sorry, Lady Triplet. It just wouldn’t feel right.”

Lady Triplet’s eyes widened. “That’s quite all right, Dear. Like all things, I’m sure that will change. Where’s Ricky?”

I’m sure it won’t! Donna arched an eyebrow and sat next to Sir Richard on the sofa. “He’s getting dressed. I beat him up.”

John glanced at Sir Richard and grinned. “I didn’t realise you and Ricky were into the kinky stuff.”

Donna frowned. “We’re not!” Her face showed some colour. She glared at John. “You’re so funny, John. I meant I got out of bed before him.”

John and Sir Richard laughed. “He knows that, petal. He’s just getting at you.”

“Have a look at the headlines,” Lady Triplet smiled, passing Donna her newspaper. “What do you think?”

Donna swallowed the lump in her throat. “It looks like enticing bait. I’m sure Forrest is already plotting my demise.”

Lady Triplet grinned slightly. “Trust me – he will not succeed.”

Donna ignored Lady Triplet’s comment. She sat, quietly listening to their conversation while she waited for Richard.

Richard entered the room. “Morning, everyone. Sorry I kept you waiting, but I found getting out of bed this morning to be incredibly… difficult.” He grinned at Donna.

One corner of John’s mouth turned up. “I can’t imagine why.”

With the use of her cane and easy chair, Lady Triplet rose to her feet. She softly cleared her throat and glared at John. “Shall we have our breakfast now, before John gives us a graphic elaboration on that comment?”


Sam turned the corner as Richard and Donna were entering the infirmary. The corners of his mouth turned up. Despite what she’d said last night, Donna was back, but so was Richard. He went into his office and slung his stethoscope around his neck.

Donna sat on the side of Alan’s bed. “Good morning, Alan. Sam called last night and said you were doing better.” She motioned to the empty breakfast tray. “I’m glad to see you’re getting your appetite back.”

“Oh aye, Miss Donna. Miss Rita’s cooking is almost as nice as Miss Alice’s.”

“Do you mind if I listen to your chest?”

“Of course not, Miss Donna.”

“Just lie back and relax,” Donna smiled as she put her earpieces in place. “Now take a deep breath for me.” She paused. “Now let it out slowly.”

Sam entered the room. “Why wasn’t I invited to the party?”

Richard sighed. “Good morning, Sam.”

“Richard,” Sam responded impassively. “You wouldn’t be trying to step on my toes, now, would you Pretty Lady?”

The sound of Sam’s voice warmed her. Donna pressed her lips together to keep from smiling. “Hello, Sam,” she responded without turning. “It sounds good, Alan. I think you’re going to be just fine.”

“Good. Does this mean I can get back to work?”

“As far as I’m concerned, you could, but Sam is your doctor.”

“There’s no reason for you to go back to the Hall, Alan,” Richard volunteered. “Dad is staying at the castle. He and Alice will be here on Tuesday, after the wedding.”

Alan furrowed his brow. “Wedding, Master Richard?”

Sam groaned. “You mean no one told you the glorious news?”

“Donna and I are getting married,” Richard responded. “Alice is helping with the plans.”

“Then you have to take me back, so I can help. I’m going bonkers in this bed.”

Donna laughed. “Sam, I don’t see any reason for him to stay.”

“Nor do I. And… just for the record, he’s been driving me bonkers, as well. I would like nothing better than to get him out of my hair.”

Richard chuckled. “In that case, we’ll take you back to the castle with us.”

Alan smiled. “Thank you, Master Richard.”

Donna stood. “Well, now that I know you’re going to be OK,” she said, patting his hand. “I can get on with my work.”

“Thank you for saving my life, Miss Donna. I thought I was a goner.”

Donna smiled. “Not while I’m around, Alan. Sam, I need to speak with you in your office. Richard do me a favour. Go get Gary out of bed and tell him I want to work today.”

“Are you sure? It’s Sunday, pet. No one normally works on Sunday.”

Donna arched an eyebrow. “I do. If you don’t want to work, that’s fine. You can go back to the castle, and Gary and I will work.”

Richard held up his hands. “OK, I’ll go wake up Gary.” Richard left.

“Will you excuse us, Alan,” Donna said. She took Sam’s hand and led him to his office. “Do what you did before. Use VICi to seal the door. Can she notify us if Richard comes back to the infirmary?”

“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”

“Please, Sam. Just tell me. I don’t want Richard to overhear us.”

“VICi, secure office door, no entry mode. Track Richard Triplet. Notify me on my cell phone if he approaches the infirmary doors. Confirm.”

VICi; Command confirmed. Now tracking. Richard Triplet is in Gary Browne’s quarters.

“What’s going on, Donna?”

Donna locked her gaze with Sam’s. Her eyes glossed. “Hold me - please. I need to feel your arms around me.”

Sam slowly pulled her into his arms. “Sweetheart, you’re trembling.”

“I’m sorry for the phone call,” she choked.

Sam grinned. “I didn’t believe you anyway. What is Richard doing to you?”

“I don’t know. Look. I don’t have much time. Please, just listen to me. More and more, I’m starting to believe we were right about Richard, but I don’t think he’s working alone.”

“So, he is working with Forrest?”

“No, at least I don’t think he is. I overheard a conversation between him and his….”

Sam’s cell phone buzzed. Donna jumped out of his arms and to the chair. Sam hurried behind his desk and sat down. His door panel chirped. Donna held up her hand. “Don’t unlock it yet. Let me get into the bathroom first.”

Sam took a deep breath. “VICi, unlock door.”

Richard stuck his head in. “Where’s Donna?”

“In the loo.”

Richard glanced at Donna’s purse, hanging on the chair. “When she gets out. Tell her Gary and I will be in the genetics lab.”

Sam nodded. Richard left. “OK, you can come out, now. He’s gone.”

Donna hurried out of the toilet and grabbed her purse. “I’ve got to go.”

Sam held her wrist. “Wait. Finish what you were saying before he interrupted us.”

“I can’t Sam. I can’t risk him getting suspicious. I’ll text you later. Thanks.”

“For what?”

“For not taking me seriously.”

 “I love you. Even if you won’t say it, I know you love me, too.” Sam kissed her.

“You may be right.” Donna softly smiled and left.