Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 82


Sam entered the genetics lab carrying a covered food tray. “Where’s Donna?”

Gary pointed toward the back. “In the HIC. You might as well leave the food on her desk. She’ll get it when she comes out.”

Sam frowned. “No, she’s going to eat it now while it’s fresh. VICi, activate chamber intercom. sweetheart, your lunch is here. Pause what you’re doing and come eat.”

Gary grinned and shook his head. “She’s not going to….”

“Good, I’m starving,” Donna commented as she entered the room.

Gary’s mouth gaped. “How did you…?”

“I guess I just have the touch,” Sam grinned and led her to her desk. “Do you mind if I eat with you?”

Donna softly smiled. “No, but Richard will be back with his and Gary’s lunch any minute, so behave yourself. Gary, why don’t you come eat. I’ll share some of my salad with you. There’s enough here for two people.”

Gary swallowed hard and gave her a plastic smile. “No, thanks, D, but I’ll pull up a chair and visit while I finish my coffee.”

Donna took a bite of her salad, closed her eyes and savoured the flavours. “This hits the spot.”

“Not as fresh, I’m afraid,” Sam commented. “I had to use frozen crab meat.”

“It doesn’t matter. It tastes delicious. Thanks for making it. Did Richard ask you to?”

“He – ah – he knocked on my door in desperation. When he said it was for you, I didn’t hesitate. Where is he, by the way? He should have been back, by now.”

Gary groaned. “Knowing Richard, he got side tracked. When he does that, he loses all track of time.”

Donna chuckled. “Like I said, I’ll share my salad with you.”

Gary looked at her plate and cleared his throat. “Like I said… I’ll wait.”

“Can Richard override VICi’s commands?”

“To a certain extent, yes. Why?”

“Can he monitor our conversations? I know VICi can track someone, and from what you showed us in the cafeteria, I know she can also mask us out of her security footage.”


“Can VICi – I mean – would Richard…?”

“…Spy on us now?” Gary finished her question. “Yes, if he had a reason.”

“Is there a way to prevent him from doing that?”

“VICi, temporary visual and vocal filter: Dr. Gary Browne, Dr. Sam Kaliea, and Dr. Donna Rigden, in genetics lab. Voiceprint authorisation, security code GB1A. Confirm commands by direct-link on my cell phone.” Gary laid his cell phone on the desk and waited until the green light flashed. “VICi, track Richard Triplet. Notify me when he enters adjacent corridor or exits front entrance to the park. Confirm.” Again Gary waited for the flashing green light. “OK, talk, but remember, I can’t keep doing this.”

“I need to know if I can send Sam a secure text message from the castle. I don’t want Richard to be able to intercept it.”

“He can’t. He would either have to overhear your conversation, or read your text. Why all the suspicion? What has Richard done to break your trust in him?”

“What do you know about Richard’s Grandmother? What kind of person is she?”

“Personally, I’ve not had a lot of dealings with her, but John doesn’t speak too highly of her. Why do you ask?”

“I think she and Richard have been working together, and if that’s the case, both of them are conspiring with Forrest.”

Gary frowned. “Why, D? Sir Richard and Forrest are corporate rivals. I don’t believe Richard would go that far. I mean, he has a close relationship with his grandmother, but I don’t’ think he would do anything to go against his father.”

“Yesterday, I overheard a conversation between Richard and Lady Triplet. He was telling her that he didn’t need her help anymore. He said her meddling had come close to ruining everything, and he told her he had everything under control before he came to Shreveport. He said I was not going to leave him for Sam.” Donna paused and swallowed hard. “Then I heard Lady Triplet… threaten Sam.”

 “Threaten me?”

Gary’s eyes widened. He held up a hand, forestalling Sam. “In what way, D?”

“She warned Richard if he didn’t keep me and Sam apart, Sam could still stop the wedding. Richard said Sam was no longer a threat to our relationship, and for her to leave him alone. Lady Triplet told Richard to take care of me. She said after the wedding she would deal with Sam.”

Gary glanced at Sam and then directed his attention back to Donna. “Can he? Can Sam stop the wedding?”

Donna’s eyes glossed. She swallowed hard and slowly shook her head. “No…” she whispered.

Gary studied Sam’s eyes. “But, I sense you would very much like… her to call it off. Wouldn’t you, Sam?”

Sam rested his hand on Donna’s. “Yes, Gary. I would. I would be willing to walk away, take her back to Australia, start my own practice, and help Mum make wine, for the rest of our lives.”

Donna shook her head. “I can’t Sam. Richard wouldn’t let me.”

“She’s right, Sam. There’s nowhere on this earth that you could go that Richard couldn’t find you. Your safest option is to stick with D’s plan. If Richard wants something bad enough, he won’t stop until he gets it. If his hand were forced, he might try to take the baby away, or use it to keep Donna. We’re best friends, but Richard has a dark side.”

Sam saw a flash of red out of the corner of his eye. “Speak of the devil.”

“VICi, where is Richard Triplet?”

VICi; Richard Triplet has just entered the adjacent corridor.

“Is there anything else you wanted to ask - off the record? Talk fast!”

“What about my Depro shot? Have you found out anything, about it?”

“Yes, but I’ll text you, or Sam will. We’re going back on normal mode, so watch yourself. I’ll… help as much as I can, D.”

Donna smiled and nodded. “Thank you, Gary.”

Gary grinned. “What are big brothers for? VICi, stop previous commands.”

Sam smiled, gave Donna’s hand a reassuring squeeze and carried on with his lunch. Richard entered the genetics lab, carrying two trays of food. “When you weren’t at your quarters, I figured I would find you in here,” Richard said to Sam. “Grab this, Gary, before I drop it.”

“It’s about time you got here. Sam’s salad was starting to look good.”

“Sorry, I got distracted by Frank, in the cafeteria. You might need to zap that.”

“Well, as you can see, your lovely fiancée is almost finished with her lunch.”

Richard arched an eyebrow. “Yes, and I can also see that you invited yourself to have lunch, with my lovely fiancée.”

 “He didn’t invite himself,” Gary spoke up. “I invited him. Since he’s part of our genetics team, again, I figured he was allowed to hang out with the rest of us geeks.”

“When did that happen?” Richard cut his eyes on Donna. “Was this your idea?”

“As a matter of fact, putting Sam back on our project was my idea. It was my fault that he was taken off, in the first place. He didn’t deserve to be treated that way. He’s become a valuable member of the team, and I was wrong to act so childish. I think he deserves another chance. Besides, we’re getting married in two days, so you shouldn’t be jealous of Sam. After all, he no longer poses a threat to our relationship. If you have a problem with that…?”

Richard shrugged and shook his head. “No… it’s… fine. You can have anyone you like on the team, and I’m not jealous of Sam.” He held out his hand to Sam. “Welcome back, Sam.”

Sam glanced at Donna out of the corner of his eye and cautiously shook Richard’s hand. “Thanks – I think….”

As soon as Richard was out of earshot, Donna and Sam converged on Gary. “What are you doing?” Sam asked.

“I was wondering the same thing, myself,” Donna added.

Gary grinned. “Removing a major obstacle.”

Keeping an eye on Richard; Donna leaned close to Gary’s ear. “You’ve just fixed it so Sam and I will practically spend every day together. How can you see that as removing a major obstacle? It’s going to create major fireworks.”

“Shh. Have a little patience. I’ll text you tonight and explain.”

Donna narrowed her eyes. “You’d better!” she hissed. “Thanks for the salad, Sam,” she smiled.

“Anything for you, Pretty Lady.”

Richard stood beside Donna. “Pet, your desk is too small. Why don’t we all go to the park, so we can enjoy our lunch?”

Donna stood. “You three can go if you want to. I’m finished with my lunch, and I want to finish what I was doing. See you later, Sam. VICi, open chamber door.”

“I’m done, too.” Sam cleared his throat and stood. “I need to get back to the infirmary. Once the rest of my medical team gets here tomorrow, I can… help out in here if you need me to.”

Gary studied his eyes. “Oh, I’m sure we’ll need you. See you tomorrow, Sam.”

“Thanks, Sam, for making Donna’s lunch,” Richard said.

“If she requires my culinary skills again, just let me know.” He patted Richard’s shoulder and left.

Gary waited until he and Richard were alone. “OK, Richard, I happen to know that you don’t like Sam. Why are you being nice to him?”

“He and Donna are friends, and he’s playing at my wedding. I just thought, for Donna’s sake, I would try and cut him some slack.”

“So, you’re not jealous of him anymore?”

“Not after last night,” Richard grinned. “Gary, you know Donna and the baby are better off with me. I love her, more than I’ve ever loved anyone, and I’ll give her everything she needs.”

“What if Donna decides you’re not what she wants after the baby is born? Are you going to step aside and let her go?”

Richard looked hurt. “If you have to ask me that, then you don’t know me at all, Gary. I would do anything for her. Give her anything she asked for that was within my power to give.”

Gary glanced at the wallscreen and grinned from ear to ear. “She’s done it!”

Richard frowned. “What?”

“D!” Gary placed his hands on Richard’s shoulders and slowly turned him. “She’s done it! She’s figured out how to make the HIV1 work with the EHG. Now, all she needs is the live HIV1, and we can get some serious work done.”

Richard stood outside the chamber door, waiting for Donna. She stepped out and jumped into his arms, laughing as he swung her around. “You two must have been watching out here.”

“Yes, we were. Congratulations, D.”

“Dad is going to be thrilled.”

“Don’t congratulate me yet. I still have to make it work with the real thing, and then it has to be tested. We’re a long way from success.”

“Yes, but we’re closer than we were.” Richard kissed her. “I think we should wrap things up, grab Alan and go home and celebrate.”

“I have a better idea,” Donna said. “Why don’t you take Alan to the castle and bring your dad back? I’ll fix dinner, and we can all tell him together. Since your grandmother doesn’t know about the complex, we wouldn’t be able to talk openly. Here, we would be.”

“She has a point, Richard,” Gary agreed.

“I think we should call Dad first and warn him. Heaven knows what Grandma might have planned. We should try to get in at least one rehearsal, before Tuesday.”

“You’re right. We should. So, why not let’s plan on doing it tomorrow night. You know, of course, that would mean Sam would have to be there.”

“Unless you want someone else to play the piano for us, yes, he would.”

“And you’re OK with that?”

“Why wouldn’t I be? You know, I don’t like how all of a sudden everyone seems to think I’ve got it in for Sam. I’ll admit, I don’t particularly like him, but then I’ve got a good reason to feel that way. Donna, I’m not going to dictate who you’re friends with, besides, with Juanita back in the States, Sam is your doctor. And, although I don’t trust him that much as a person, I do trust him as a doctor. So, please, stop worrying about how Sam and I will get along. We’ve been under each other’s noses for a number of years now, and we still haven’t killed each other. You almost act as if you think I’m going to do something to him. Only one thing could make me do that. Go make our meal. I’ll take Alan to the castle and bring Dad back – one way or the other.” Richard kissed Donna again and left.

Donna waited a few more minutes, before approaching Gary. “OK. He’s gone. Tell me why you think keeping me and Sam together is a solution.”

Gary grinned. “Because, if you and Sam are together all the time, Richard can’t accuse you of anything. Although, it hasn’t appeared as though this is the case, in this genetics lab, I am the boss. Unless Sir Richard overrides me, Richard will do what I tell him to – after a fashion. You obviously want to be around Sam, and this way you can be. Baby, I’m sorry, but until the baby is born, this is the only way you and Sam can be together without risking the possibility of something happening to him. I know you don’t love Richard. You put up a good front, but not from me. I also know that you don’t love Sam – not really. But, again, until we get rid of Forrest, I can’t see any chance for you and Jared. The only other solution is to….”

“No!” Donna forced through her teeth. “That is not an option. Unless some unforeseen event prevents it, I am going to have this baby. And I am going to give him the best life possible. If it means losing Sam and Jared, then that’s what will happen. I grew up without parents. I do not want my son to do the same. If I see there is no other way, I will forget Sam in the same way as I have Jared.”

“But… baby, you haven’t forgotten Jared.”

“No, I haven’t, and I probably never will, but I have found a way to live without him.”

“You mean Sam.”

“Yes, and if I have to, I will do the same with Sam. Richard is not a monster. I just have to find a way to trust him. I don’t think I could ever learn to trust his grandmother, though. There is just something about her that makes my skin crawl.”