Immortality Gene by John Chapman and Shelia Chapman - HTML preview

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Chapter 83


Forrest sat at a table in his hotel suite. Laid out in front of him was a copy of three major newspapers; two from Newcastle, and one from London, all bearing the same front page headlines. The photographs had been taken in different locations, but all included the tattletale shot. Richard, Donna, and Sir Richard standing on the steps of what was clearly Saint Nicholas Cathedral. Why would Sir Richard risk his only son, and his most gifted genetic scientist?

Forrest tipped the last of his scotch in his mouth and sat back in his chair, sighing deeply. “Something is not right. This is not how he operates.”

Liu turned. “In what way?”

“Think about it. Sir Richard’s secretary is killed one day. The very next day, Sir Richard announces his son’s upcoming wedding, and his plans to retire, all without showing an ounce of grief for his fallen employee. He doesn’t even call the police, much less get them involved.”

“Probably because he knows you were responsible and calling the police would be a waste of time.”

“There is that, but why put the two most important people in his life, on display like sitting ducks. Forrest Enterprises is not Sir Richard’s only enemy. He has many. Has he gone senile?”

“The answer is simple. He’s calling your bluff. You tried to use Mildred to flush him out. Now, he’s using Donna to flush you out. The only difference is Donna is much more valuable than his secretary. He knows you’ll take this opportunity. In fact, I’d say he’s counting on it.”

“Then we wouldn’t want to disappoint him. Would we?”


Ten minutes after Gary and Donna arrived, Richard’s door panel chirped. Gary and Donna were in the kitchen, working on the meal. Donna had enlisted Gary’s help. “VICi, unlock door panel,” Donna said.

Sam stepped into the foyer. “Hello? Anyone home?”

Donna smiled and walked to the doorway. “We’re in the kitchen.”

Sam gave her the once over as he slowly bridged the gap between them. “I don’t know what’s on the menu, but I certainly approve of the appetiser.”

Donna stepped into Sam’s personal space and turned her face up. She rose on her tiptoes and kissed him. Sam cleared his throat, stepped back and held up a hand. “Sweetheart, what are you doing? This is Richard’s quarters. He’s probably got more cameras in here than anywhere in the entire complex.”

“Nope, at least not yet. Gary checked.”

Sam grinned. “In that case, I think I can do better than that…”

The corners of Gary’s mouth turned up. “Ahem!”

Sam chuckled. “Sorry, Gary. I couldn’t resist.”

“Yeah – well – you’d better learn how. If Richard gets the least bit suspicious, he’ll start monitoring his quarters and everywhere else in the complex.”

“He’s right, Sam. I shouldn’t have done that. So, what have you got behind your back?”

Sam held out a bottle. “This is a Triplet get together. That always means Champagne. You’re pregnant, so I brought something you could drink.”

Donna took the bottle and studied his eyes. “Thank you.”


Sam rolled his sleeves up and helped Gary and Donna finish preparing the meal. The table was set when Richard and Sir Richard entered the lounge. Donna went to meet them. Richard pulled her close and kissed her. “Miss me?”

Donna grinned. “Yes, I did.” She hugged Sir Richard. “I hope you’re hungry, Dad.”

“Actually, petal, I’m starving.”

“I hope you like it. Gary and Sam helped. I need to make a shopping list. I had to improvise on some of the ingredients I normally would have used.”

“What are we having?” Richard asked.

“Grilled chicken with cherries, shallots and arugula. Grilled chicken stuffed with basil and tomatoes. Green beans with mushrooms and toasted almonds. Mashed potatoes with cream cheese and chives. For dessert, brownie ice-cream sandwiches with sour cherry sauce. Sam brought a non-alcoholic Champagne.”

“That was awfully generous of him,” Richard said. “I think I prefer the real stuff if you don’t mind.”

“He didn’t bring it for us, Ricky. It’s so Donna can join in the celebration.”

“Then, I guess I owe you again,” Richard responded, turning his attention to Sam.

Sam arched an eyebrow. “Yes, you do.” He opened the bottle of Champagne he’d brought while Richard opened the regular bottle and filled their glasses. Sam covered his. “I’ll have the non-alcoholic, with Donna.”

“OK, now that everyone has their glasses filled. Dad… Donna has something to tell you.”

Donna smiled. “Dad… I’m ready to start working on my HIV1 vector. I could really use that live sample, now.”

Sir Richard’s mouth gaped, and his eyes twinkled. “You’ve figured out how to make it work?”

Donna nodded. “Yes, Dad. I have. I ran three separate simulations. They all worked. Now, all I’ve got to do is do that with the live sample, so the sooner you can get it for me, the sooner we can complete our research.”

“What are you using to culture the stem cells?”

Donna looked at Richard and then Gary. “The same thing I used to treat Alan - amniotic stem cells.”

“You’re not going to risk collecting more amniotic stem cells!” Sam spoke up.

Donna turned. “No, Sam. I don’t need to. There was enough left over from Alan’s treatment. All Richard has to do is culture more. Dad… how soon can you get me the live sample?”

Sir Richard grinned. “Well, I wasn’t going to say anything until after your wedding, but, I guess I can tell you now. I spoke to a couple friends in high places and pulled some strings. Your HIV1 will be delivered to the complex tomorrow.”

“Great! That means we can start the first phase of tests on Wednesday.”

Richard frowned. “No honeymoon?”

“Richard, we’ve already discussed this. I want this virus thing out of the way. Then I can concentrate on nothing but you and our son.”

Richard smiled. “I can live with that.”

Sir Richard held up his glass. “So, here’s to my future daughter-in-law who is about to re-write history and prove once and for all that immortality is possible.”

“To Donna,” Sam said.

Donna sipped her Champagne. The taste brought back some pleasant and painful memories for her. She swallowed hard and pushed her pain aside, putting on her best painted smile. Her cheeks showed some colour. “OK, enough. I will not take all the credit for this.”

“Well, you should,” Richard said. “You were the only one working on it, today. I sat on the settee in the HIC.”

“And I watched on the wallscreen, outside,” Gary added.

“You can’t blame me,” Sam chuckled. “I wasn’t in the lab until lunch.”

“None of us lifted a finger to help, D. It’s all down to you.”

Donna sighed. “You’d all better be ready to help me on Wednesday.”


After dessert, Gary, Sir Richard, and Richard sat in the lounge and talked while Sam volunteered to help Donna clear the table. Donna put away the leftovers. Sam loaded the dishwasher. “You know, I’m starting to get jealous.”

“Of what?”


“Sam, I told you it would be….”

Sam pressed a finger to her lips, stealing a quick kiss while he kept an eye on the kitchen door. “Not about you and Richard. I’m jealous because you’re making the few recipes I have in my book look small. I think I need to amend it.”

Donna softly chuckled. “Use some of mine, if you want. I don’t mind.”

“Are you and Richard going back to the castle, tonight?”

“Not if I had my way.”

“If I had my way, you would be moving in with me in my quarters, which just happens to be fashioned after my penthouse apartment.”

Donna’s eyes widened. “Really?”

Sam nodded. “Yes, really.”

“What about your grand piano?”

“I’ve already got a space cleaned for it – another one of those Monday deliveries.” Donna frowned. Sam studied her eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“Richard knows how much music means to me. I was just wondering why he hadn’t suggested one for our quarters.”

“He probably would if you asked him.”

Donna softly smiled. “That’s OK. It would probably remind me of how much I’ve lost. You’ll play for me, sometimes, won’t you?”

“Anytime you want me to.”

Donna’s eyes glossed. “I’m going to miss that, and I’m going to miss not seeing you all the time.”

“Well, it was your idea for me to move out of your bedroom.”

Donna narrowed her eyes. “That’s not fair, Sam. You know why. If you were trying to spoil my evening, you did a good job of it. Do you think any of this is easy for me? Do you think I enjoy it? Richard kissing me, touching me, making love to me, and all the time pretending that it’s what I want?”

Sam silenced her with a tender kiss. “No, sweetheart. I know it’s not, and you don’t have to do this. I meant what I said. Say the word, and I’ll take you back to Australia.”

Donna’s bottom lip quivered. She inhaled and let it out slowly. She stepped back. “I can’t Sam. I’m sorry, but I can’t.” She grabbed a dish cloth and started wiping off the table. “You’d better go in the lounge, with the rest of the men before Richard gets suspicious. I was going to have a cup of tea. Do you want one?”

“Regular or herbal?”

“Herbal, of course. Richard and his dad are the tea drinkers. What do you want? I’ve got blueberry, raspberry, mint and peach.”

“What are you having?”

“Peach, I think.”

“Peach is fine.”

“I’ll bring it to you.”

Sam brushed the back of his fingers down her cheek. “I wish you were mine.”

“I am….”

He kissed her forehead. “That’s not what I meant.”

Donna softly smiled. “I know….”


Donna entered the lounge, handed Sam his tea, and then sat beside Richard on the sofa. They talked for a while about the project and the wedding. Sir Richard glanced at his watch. “Petal, I would like to thank you for a delicious meal and a lovely evening. I’m a lot more optimistic about the HIV1 vector idea, now, than I was before. I hate to spoil things, but we need to get back to the castle. Mum has a tenancy to think the worst.”

“Richard, before we go…” Donna spoke up, “…could I speak to you in the kitchen?”

“Can you wait a few minutes, Dad?”

Sir Richard stood. “Sure, Ricky. While you and Donna are talking, I’ll drop by Missy and John’s and let him know we’re ready to leave.” Sir Richard kissed Donna’s cheek. “Thanks again, petal. Goodnight Sam. Gary.”

“Gary. Sam, would you excuse us for a second?”

“Actually,” Gary responded standing. “I should probably go, as well. I’d like to do some reading.” He glanced toward Sam.

“Yeah, me too. It’s back to the grinding stone, tomorrow. Joyce will probably want to change everything, in the infirmary. I’m not going to let her.”

“Don’t forget about tomorrow night,” Donna said. “Dinner and rehearsal, at the castle. Gary, you and Sam could ride together.”

“Won’t be necessary,” Richard said. “They can ride with us in the chopper. Actually, why don’t you two hang around, for a few more minutes? I need to talk to you.”

Sam glanced at Gary and then at Donna. Her eyes almost begged him to stay. He nodded. “Yeah, sure. I wouldn’t mind another cup of your peach tea.”

Donna smiled and took Richard’s hand. “I’ll bring it out for you. Gary?”

“Yeah, sure.”

Donna led Richard into the kitchen and closed the door. Richard backed her against the counter. “What did you want to talk to me about?” he asked, gazing into her eyes.

“Let’s stay here. I’m not comfortable, at the castle. There’s a… presence there and it makes me… nervous.”

Richard chuckled. “A presence – you mean like a spirit?”

“Yeah – you might say that.”

Richard brushed some loose hairs, behind her ears and leaned his face close to hers. “From the look on your face, I’ll assume that’s not good.”

Donna swallowed hard. “No, it’s not.”

“And you think it’s… evil?”

“I don’t know if you would call it evil, but it certainly doesn’t like me. Sometimes, the negativity is so strong it sends chills down my spine. In fact, if we hadn’t already committed to having the wedding ceremony in your grandmother’s chapel, I would prefer to have it somewhere else.”

Richard brushed the side of his nose against hers; breathing in her scent. “There’s nothing that says we have to have the wedding… in Grandma’s chapel. We could always have it here, in the complex chapel.”

“No. We’ve already promised her. It’s only for a couple more days. As long as we don’t have to stay there, I can handle it.”

“You’re sure?”

Donna loosely circled her arms around his neck and looked up at him. She knew he was going to kiss her, so she took control and kissed him first. “Thank you,” she whispered and kissed him again. “I’d better make Gary and Sam’s tea.”

“I’ll go tell Dad we’re staying at the complex. Then, I’ll drive over to the castle and get us some clothes.”

“Richard, I have an entire wardrobe, upstairs.”

“Yeah, I know, but I don’t. Besides, you’ll probably want your guitar and keyboard. I plan to solve that problem, soon.”

Donna grinned. “What do you mean?”

“You’ll just have to wait and see. We’ll fly back, in the morning and pick up the rest of our things. That way, it will give me a chance to talk to Grandma.”

“You’re sure you don’t mind?”

Richard smiled, framed her face with his hands and tenderly kissed her. “To be honest, I don’t particularly like it there myself. Stay and visit with Gary and Sam. I won’t be gone long,” he said and turned to leave.


Richard stopped and turned, waiting.

“Be careful.”

Richard walked back and tenderly kissed her again. “I will be. I love you.”

Donna sighed. “I love you, too.”

Richard smiled and went into the lounge. “Donna is making your tea. I’ll be back shortly,” he said and headed for the door.

“What’s going on?” Gary asked.

“Donna doesn’t want to stay at Grandma’s. We’re moving into our quarters, tonight. She says there’s a presence in the castle that makes her nervous. Stay with her, at least until I get back.”

“Sure,” Gary responded. Sam nodded.


Jack let Sir Richard and John in the castle and led them into the drawing room. Lady Triplet was drinking a cup of tea. She greeted them and glanced expectantly toward the door. “Where are Ricky and Donna?”

“Donna is at the complex. I’m going to take a shower and go to bed. I think John is, as well.”

Lady Triplet frowned. “What’s going on?”

“Ricky will explain when he gets here. Goodnight, Mum,” Sir Richard said and walked away.