Impossible Journey, A Tale of Times and Truth


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Pages: 133

Published: 5 years ago

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Book Description HTML

Future scientists plan to time-travel to Eden to prevent the fall and thus put an end to all evil and disease in the world. But they can only travel 200 years, more or less, at a time. Having gained the needed financial support from the wealthy financier, Mark Lewis, the scientists manage to build the first time machine in which three of them take off.on their imposing mission. They visit the 6 different historical time periods depicted on the front cover, each of which points in some way to the true answer they are seeking. But they ignore the obvious and go on blindly with their mission. At one point, they are pulled forward unexpectedly to their future where robots serve and forced to fight in a senseless war. Will they escape? And will they ever come to learn the true answer they seek?

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James M. Becher

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