Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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The ‘twins’ were waiting for them in the car. “Go for a ride guys? Oh man they’re getting too spoiled; Michael is going to be very mad at us.” She was smiling, “I love it!”


They made their way to the town center and parked in front of the Library. They went inside and after about an hour Daniel found the section where the maps of the world were kept. It took another hour to find the U.S. maps. From there they were able to find the separate states maps. They laid out California and Daniel bent over the map.


“The beasties were seen last in the San Francisco area. But that was almost 2 yrs ago. They could be anywhere now. You said that Michael reported Lady Jennie might have found a hatching ground. If it proves to be so, why is it so far inland? Why not out on the coast?”


Because Daniel, the males would eat the young; so the females have to hide it from them. Good morning you two!


Good Morning Jake! How are you this morning?


Good mor….ah……Good Morning Jake. Got to remember to use my mind.


I am fine; and Daniel it will get easier.


I’m just trying to get a feel of the layout of the land from here to California. I know we will be heading that way some day soon. I wanted to get some maps of the area. We need to have a frame of reference when we are flying out there. The lay of the land from above will help us.


This is good Daniel. My Lady, Lady Jennie’s search is over. It is a viable hatching ground. Daniel, your health is much improved. Do you think you will be ready the day after tomorrow to return?


Yes Jake, I believe that we will be ready by then.


Excellent Daniel. My Lady I believe the twins have cornered something under the building. They are barking in that infernal ‘I have something trapped’ tone.


I’ll run down and see what’s going on, Jake. She left the room and took the stairway and went down.

She went out the front, seeing nothing she started to circle the building calling for the dogs.


Daniel, you are close to your quest?


Yes Jake, I believe that we shall be one by the time you need us. I’m glad we had that talk last night. Somehow it has helped me to think a lot clearer, to understand some things.


Excellent, excellent! I shall leave you now.


By the time she located the dogs, their barking had turned to growling. She came around the side of the building just in time to see them throw something up in the air. It was a badger, or something like it. It was dead, and they were just tossing it around like a ball. When they saw her they came over to show her their prize. Just then Daniel came around the corner and they rushed to show him also.


“Yeah, wow, good boys. Yes, you’re real good boys.” He looked at her, “Argh, this stinks.”


“Daniel, look at Ash, there’s something else in there.” Kate pointed to Ash, whose tail was wagging rapidly. “Can you take a look? He’s not growling, so whatever it is, it won’t hurt us.”


Daniel got down on his knees and looked thru the opening. He couldn’t see anything under there moving at all. He waited for his eyes to adjust to the dark. There, towards the back wall was a nest of sorts. There were some dead animals, cats, no, kittens. The mother was dead as were two kittens, but there was movement against the wall. He called to Kate to fill her in, “There are kittens down here, I think only one is alive. I’m trying to reach it. Aah….. damn it….. oh shit!”


“Daniel, are you all right? Can I help?” She had bent down to see where he was under the building.


“No, don’t come under here. It’s filthy, there’s God-knows-what under here and I’m crawling in it!” He finally got close enough and reached out and scooped up this little ball of black and white fluff. It mewed piteously. “Got it!” He slowly turned around and eased his way out. He was covered in cobwebs, soot, dirt, and some kind of brown slime. And he also stunk to high heaven.


 “Ugh! God, what is that smell?” She was backing away from him holding her nose, and squinting up her face.


“What, no applause for the conquering hero?” he asked mocking her, “I don’t do this sort of stuff for just anybody, you know. And the prize is …12 ounces of fluff!” He held out the little kitten for her to see. The kitten appeared to be a beautiful black and white Persian mix.


“Aw how cute. Stinky, but cute; and so is the kitten.” She was grinning at him.


“Ah, just what the world needs, one more smart-ass!” He said sardonically.


They checked the kitten to see if it was injured. There were no puncture marks on it. It was about 4 to 6 weeks old, kind of thin, and a female. She was black with white on her belly and paws, and a white diamond on her forehead. “Lets get a box and put her in it. I know the perfect person who would love this little surprise.”


“Sally, of course! Oh Daniel, this would be so perfect. She blames herself for you getting hurt.” He took great delight in her reaction. “This would be the best thing you could do for her.”


“First things first, I’ve got to clean up; I reek of something dead and gooey. Jesus, I’ve got to hose off before I hurl.” He went around to the front of the building and looked for a hose. None could be seen on or near any of the buildings. He looked imploringly at her to help.


“Wait, let me think. Ok, yes I’ve got just the place, come with me, Daniel.” She headed around the building.


One block over was a flower shop. They would have a hose. She went inside and quickly found the main switch and pulled it. Then she turned on the water. After a bit of sputtering and spewing water finally came out of the sink. She then went towards the back and there was a big bin they put flowers in and the hose used to shower them off.


“This might help for the time being till we can get you home. You are not stepping foot in the car smelling like that.”


He climbed in the bin and she hosed down his legs and shoes as best she could. Most of the slime came sliding off. “Hey not too much its cold out there, remember?”


“We’re not five minutes away, Mister, so shake off as much water as you can. You get to ride in the back of the car with the door open.”


“Cruel woman, downright cruel! How’s the fluff ball doing?”


She checked the box, “believe it or not, she’s curled up sound asleep.”


Five minutes later she had him back at the house. He took off his shoes outside on the porch and had no sooner walked inside then the twins grabbed them and took off tossing them into the air, barking.


“I hope they enjoy them,” he said as he headed for the refrigerator, “Whew, I need a coke.”

He opened it and took a long swig and let out a belch.

“Ah.…mighty warrior home…dangerous hunt…AARGH!” He was chuckling as he turned and headed for the stairs.


She brought the little kitten into the kitchen and cleaned it up. It really wasn’t too dirty. The mother cat had kept her quite clean. She put down a saucer of milk and the little ball of black and white fur drank greedily. Then she licked her paws, as any proper cat would do, curled her self up and went to sleep again.


She’s so cute, Sally is going to love her, Kate thought to herself. She went to the sink and washed her hands and noticed the coke on the counter. He left his coke. I’ll put it on the dresser for him.


She kicked off her shoes and headed up the stairs. She went to his room, realized he wasn’t there, that he was using her shower. She tiptoed in and opened her dresser draws and got a change of clothes for herself. She went to the bathroom in his room and changed. Then she spotted the coke again.

Shoot, I forgot to leave it for him.