Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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She went back to her room, quietly walked in and froze in mid-step. He was standing on the side of her bed with his back to her. She noted his tight buttocks, strong legs, and muscled back, he was tan and fit, very male. His nakedness evoked an involuntary response from her. She let out a low long trembling breath; she couldn’t stop herself from staring; she was totally unprepared for this reaction.


Daniel heard her come in and the fact that she didn’t leave gave him hope. He slowly turned around. She was standing there staring at him; her face was beet-red, she’s blushing!

She took a small step forward, hesitated, her breathing was deep, and he heard a shudder emerge from deep in her throat. She ran her tongue over her lips slowly as she stared at his chest.

Daniel decided to let her make the first move. She took another step forward and looked him in the eye for what seemed like an eternity. He could see the conflict play across her face. She was deciding; then she backed up a bit, hesitated again for a moment, and quickly turned to leave.


“Don’t leave, please,” he tried to keep his voice soft and gentle. “You can’t run away all your life; things are different now. I just want to hold you in my arms, woman.”


She was shaking her head, “you… you don’t understand Daniel,” she said softly and turned to leave.


He reached out and laid his hand on her arm, “Not all men are bastards; some of us believe that there is no greater gift that a woman can give. I don’t know who hurt you, or how they hurt you. But, believe me, I am not that person.”


He stepped closer and put his arms around her; she was trembling. He lifted her chin up with his finger and bent his head and kissed her softly on the mouth. Her eyes were wide in surprise as he cradled her head in his hands, and kissed her forehead, her cheeks, and her neck. A sharp intake of breath, and her whole body trembled, a low moan escaped.


She raised her hands, slowly dragged them across his chest, gently combing thru his chest hair with her fingers. A slight smile appeared as her lips parted; and then alarm spread across her face, she stopped suddenly as tho she was caught doing something she shouldn’t. She attempted to push away; again she stopped and looked up at him. For the first time he could see the longing, and the frustration reflected in her eyes.


“It’s no use…” shaking her head she took a step back and turned and darted down the hall, he heard her running down the stairs and then the back door slammed.


Daniel understood then that someone had hurt her badly, it had left a scar so deep that she was afraid to even try. He dressed quickly and went after her. She wasn’t in the backyard, so he sent the ‘twins’ to find her and followed them. He saw her walking towards downtown. He called to her and she seemed surprised that he had followed her.


“Go away Daniel, don’t make me call Jake.” She threatened.


“Go ahead, call him….” he dared as he came up to her. He could see that she was on the defensive, but decided to call her bluff anyway. He was going to make her face her fear once and for all.


“I kiss you and you respond with such passion; yet you pull back, turn it off, and run away. What are you afraid of? That I’m going to hurt you? Never! Talk to me woman, please. God, I should be so lucky to have the affections of a woman like you.”


“You don’t understand!” she shouted at him.


“Then tell me!” he shouted right back.


“Look, I’m not very good at this, take my word for it; there is nothing here to pursue. Please Daniel,” she said softly, “don’t push this.”


“No! I’m not giving up on you. I wouldn’t have dreamed of us together if it weren’t true.” Daniel began to get a glimpse of her pain now.


“Daniel, please!” When she spoke again he could hear her agony reflected in her voice. “Look, I can be a strong leader when it comes to running the camp; that’s no problem. But doing what is supposed to come natural to a woman, I… I don’t have a damn clue! I don’t…” she said softly as tears began to flow. “I never had girlfriends to talk to about boys, or sex. I never learned what young girls learn growing up socializing. My first piece of knowledge about boys and sex came when I was 18 – I was raped! Nice beginning, eh?” I guess it warped me somehow.” She looked up at him, “Look, I’m a great one-time fuck… but it stops there; there just isn’t anything else.”


“When I was married I thought I could go to my husband, he would help me for sure. That was a joke! He was an idiot who screwed anything female; for him it was all about the chase. He taught me nothing; he didn’t have a clue. When I pressed for more he laughed at me. When we divorced he said awful things - things that just festered over the years. Told me I was built wrong, could never please a real man; and much worse things. I haven’t had the nerve to pursue a relationship since.”

She bent her head and took a deep breath, “I’m so tired of being alone, of not feeling a loving touch Daniel; but I’m terrified of intimacy and what it entails. I’m scared to death to trust someone again; and then be made a fool of. I couldn’t bear to see the look of disappointment on your face Daniel.

So please - just let it go!”


“No!” He said forcefully, then in a softer voice, “I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you.”

He slowly put his arms around her, gently holding her to him. Stepping back he looked into her eyes, this time he saw the fear.

“Whatever he told you was a lie; he was trying to destroy you, probably out of his own guilt. God woman, did you just take his word for it? Geeze, give yourself a break.”


He leaned in and kissed her gently, then with more force exploring her mouth with his tongue, pressing her body to his. She responded by pulling herself to him as her entire body shuddered. As they parted he exclaimed, “Woman, there is nothing wrong with you!”


He took her hand in his and headed back towards the house. Only this time he went to his bedroom. When she started to pull away he turned and faced her.


“Shh…ut-ut! Don’t say a word.” He placed his hand gently on her mouth, “let me show you what pleasure really is.”


Daniel took her in his arms and kissed her again, he caressed her neck, and she trembled and moaned. He lifted her in his arms and laid her on his bed. He began to slowly remove her clothing and she blushed deeply. He continued kissing her, remarking how beautiful she was, how her breasts were magnificent, her legs strong and sexy, all the while looking her in the eye. Ever so slowly she began to relax and respond to him. Daniel slowly caressed her body over and over; exploring her breasts and causing her to shudder and moan several times. He could tell from her responses to his touch that she truly hadn’t been sexually active for a very long time.


Not far away large black eyes kept pace with the lovers. Occasionally a chuckle would erupt into the sunny day; and many times, yes, yes! Let your hearts be joined as one.


She moaned at his exploration of her body and at one point arched her back and rose up grabbing him in passion. Daniel looked at this woman-child in his arms and marveled. She was delightful, and utterly stubborn, and he soon discovered, a deeply passionate woman. There was so much more to her than he originally thought. He found himself wanting to please her. He brought her to the heights of ecstasy several times taking great pleasure in doing so. He continued to kiss and caress her body as she shuddered at his every touch. And then when he felt she was ready he took her and loved her like he had never done before. His thrusts were not done with a force to dominate, but more with love to please; and in doing so, he found a pleasure he had never known.


She moaned and thrust herself upward to meet him, her passion overtaking her. Daniel could see that she was close to an orgasm. He rose forward, and pulled her to him, keeping pace with her. There was electricity in the air. Suddenly she moaned and arched her back, leaning into him. He too suddenly felt the rising tide and it surprised him with its intensity; he realized that he had never experienced anything as strong as this. They came together in a rhythm that reached a crescendo and they both yelled out.


“Daniel!” Kate yelled in surprise.

“Oh God, Kate!” He shouted.


There was a clap of thunder, and a beam of bright light shot thru them both and thru the entire room. They were engulfed in its warmth and it bonded them to each other in love.


Outside, they both heard the throaty roar of two dragons signaling their orgasmic release.


They clung to each other tightly; she was still trembling in his arms, her passion so intense. He held her to him in gratitude and whispered in her ear, “Kate, this is what making love is about, this is the pleasure you give to each other. Thank you for this amazing, beautiful gift.”


He was holding her to him when he was suddenly aware, with crystal clarity, that he loved this woman; loved her more than life itself. She filled his heart, and he could see his future, with her by his side. He didn’t want to let her go. Exhaustion finally forced him to lay her down, and he lay beside her. Her face told him what he needed to know. She was looking at him with so much love that you almost touch it. He leaned over her and kissed her on the forehead, and then gently on the mouth.


“There is nothing wrong with you woman. I find myself saying something I have never said before; that I’ve never felt before.” He was looking into her eyes. “I love you Kate, with everything I have.”


“Thank you for not giving up on me Daniel. I… I never knew it could be like this, never knew there was such joy.” She caressed the side of his face; “I’ve been in love with you for a long time Daniel, I’m not afraid to say it, not anymore.”


She lay beside him, her hand rubbing across his chest. Finally he asked her, “What is it about my chest, woman?”


“I’m sorry; if it upsets you I’ll stop.” She was looking up at him wide eyed.


“No, no; if it pleases you do continue.” He was smiling at her childlike actions.


“I just find your chest hair so irresistibly sexy; I can’t keep my hands off,” she cooed softly.


He felt empowered; she made him feel like a king. He had taken a situation that had almost turned into a disaster and turned it into a positive thing for her. And he suddenly realized that in helping her, he had helped himself. They lay there for sometime in each other’s arms, just enjoying the feel of the other. She dozed off curled against him. It was quiet and peaceful as he let his mind wander.


I could lie like this all night. Hey Jake? I love her. Do you hear me Jake? I love her!


Yes Daniel, I hear you. I am pleased in your happiness.


Thank you Jake, you knew all along that this would happen, didn’t you?


I knew that you needed her just as much as she needed you. I knew that if ever there was a person to bring her out of her pain; it was you. You are both happy, that is all that is important.


This was supposed to happen all along, right Jake? Only neither of us realized how we would be affected, and how our futures were so entwined. But you knew all along. And now I get the feeling that there is much more to this, we are only the beginning.


Jake chuckled; your logic has taken you to the correct conclusion. There is time for explanations later. Right now enjoy each other and your time together. I shall leave you both to enjoy your privacy.


After about a half hour Daniel’s stomach growled loudly. We need food. Daniel burst out with, “I’m starving! I could use a drink, and some food. How about you sleepy head?” he asked gently shaking her shoulder.


“Mmm…come to think of it, yes, I’m hungry too!” She stretched her body seductively and looked up at him, smiling.


“Its good lovemaking woman, we need to fortify ourselves for round two!”


“Round two?” Her eyes widened questionably.


“Ah yes my good woman, I intend to ravish you again!”


“Oh Daniel,” she said in a deep husky voice, “I can hardly wait.”


 Daniel was surprised at his reaction; the ‘General’ was stirring back to life. No, no; food first,

“Do not tempt me woman, food and drink first. Then if you are a good girl, I shall introduce you to the ‘General’ again.”


She quickly sat up with a grin on her face, “Oh really?” She looked at him a long time and then smiled seductively, “whatever you say my liege.”


He burst out laughing and kissed her and then went into the bathroom to shower.


Mmmm She thought to herself as she lay there. Jake? Jake do you feel how happy I am? How much I love this man?


I can feel it My Lady, I am happy for you both. Your coming together was a momentous occasion. Lady Jennie and I saluted you both.


I heard you, and it pleased me very much.


And when he reached his orgasm your name was revealed to him, just as your dreams predicted. Now do you believe that he is the one for you? Your dreams have been fulfilled.


Yes Jake, they have been, my friend.


Kate was lying there dreamily running her hand over her body when she heard Daniel finish in the shower. She got up as Daniel came out of the shower; and as she passed him to go in herself, he reached out and grabbed her and kissed her passionately.

“Woman, I love you!” He said spinning her around.


She went in and showered. When she emerged he had already gone downstairs. She heard him rummaging about as she entered the kitchen.


“I have the fire going, I just need to get the steaks out, I’ll need a pair of tongs. Do you know where they are?”


“Look above you, they are hanging with the other utensils,” she was pointing above the stove. He grabbed it and went outside to check the fire. She turned on the oven and then prepared the potatoes for baking. Then she got out the corn, filled a large pot with water and set it on the stove to boil.


We need some music! She went in the living room and put on some Keiko Matsui, the house was soon filled with soothing music.


He came inside and took the steaks out of the refrigerator and dumped them on a large platter. He then turned around and went over to her and kissed her on the neck. She jumped and dropped an ear of corn. “Daniel!” He was grinning at her. “Two can play that game, Mister!” She told him feigning anger.


“I look forward to it, my love,” he dared her.


He put the steaks on and the aroma called the twins back to the house. They came bounding around the side of the house and almost upset the grill. She watched from inside as he gave them a lecture fully expecting them to understand what he was saying. And they did!


She finished the corn, and an hour later the potatoes were ready. She set the table and got everything out and on it just in time as he came in with a platter of steaks. Their aroma filled the house and they both dug in like a pack of ravenous wolves. He was eating his corn, fingers dripping with butter when she reached under the table and gave him a loving squeeze. He jumped and almost choked on a kernel of corn.


“My God woman! You could give a man a little warning!”


“I told you two could play,” she said in a low deep voice, smiling.


“Ah, are you challenging me woman? It would not be wise,” he said smiling at her lovingly.


“Oh I am so scared,” she pretended.


“I’ll take care of you later missy.” He was grinning at her now.


“I’m counting on it!” Her eyes wide, it was her turn to grin at him.


They finished their meal and cleaned up. She had just finished drying the last dish when he grabbed their windbreakers and asked, “… want to go for a quick walk to help digest dinner?”


“Sounds great,” she whistled and the twins came running, bounding out the door into the night barking all the way.


They walked a couple of blocks holding hands; a cool wind was blowing ruffling their hair. Kate was thinking about going back to camp early when Daniel blurted out; “Say, do you want to go back to camp tomorrow? I mean, I wouldn’t mind going back tomorrow afternoon.”


“You have to stop reading my mind like that, it’s getting downright spooky.” She thought for a few minutes, “we’d have to close down the house, empty the refrigerator of everything. Strip the beds and wash all the linens and towels. Sure, I think we can be ready by early afternoon.”


They walked in silence for a few more blocks and then Kate turned towards Daniel; she took his hand and held it to her breast. “Are you sure about this Daniel? Are you sure you really want…”


He quickly placed his hand on her mouth, “…hush woman! I have never been so sure of something in my entire life. You are my future; it’s as simple as that. You’re in my blood woman!”


They headed back towards the house planning their course of action in the morning. As they came up the stairs, they stopped, turned towards each other and wondered aloud, when they would be able to return to this place. They both knew it would most probably be a year or more.


“Then let’s make this last night count, let’s make it a night to remember!” Kate said coyly.


He picked her up in his arms and carried her inside. “I’m so lucky to have found you.” As he kissed her he silently thanked Jake for bringing them together.


They barely made it up the stairs to the bedroom before their clothes were off and they were at each other. He worked her body like a fine tuned instrument. He loved watching her tremble at his touch. He brought her to the heights of ecstasy again taking great joy in her utter pleasure. She was such a novice at lovemaking that any action on her part brought about great gasps and shudders, and it made him all the more excited. She wanted to give him pleasure also, and so he taught her how. Her surprise when he would react to her touch was a delight to him. She was red faced and shy, but he showed her how happy she made him. Her fascination with his chest continued to give her pleasure, and mystify him. He found he didn’t want it to end; he couldn’t get enough of her. After several hours they fell asleep in each other’s arms, totally spent.


And outside the dragons keened and roared their approval.


Jake saw the future starting to take shape. We are now ready to begin - again!