Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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Later in the afternoon as it was getting close to dinnertime, the Hall began to fill with people again. They were all happy to hear that Kate and Daniel were back, and that he was well once again. They kept Daniel busy for some time recanting the tale of his short, but mighty battle with the mutant ‘bear-thing’. Sam finally rang the dinner bell and everyone filed thru the dinner line and found a seat. Kate was starving, but she waited till the line had slowed a bit. She took this time to locate Jeffery; then she went and got herself a plate of food. She glided her way around the great Hall and went over to where Jeffery was sitting and asked to join him. He was quite surprised and possibly a little flattered.


 “I am glad to hear that Daniel has returned to us well. We all missed him; he is a hard worker and contributes to us all.” Jeffery rose to get himself a drink, “May I get you a drink my Lady?”


“Thank you Professor, an ice tea would be great. And Professor – it’s Kate to you,” she smiled sweetly at him.


Jeff was in his early 70’s, about 5’11”, gray hair, a thin face with a small gray mustache, his frame was not large, but not really slim either. He had taught History to college students for 30 years. His wife was lost in the first wave of attacks. He wandered into camp one day with several other people. He was quiet and shy, but had a quick mind. He had discovered Jake one week after he arrived at the camp. They had been friends ever since. He contributed a lot in the planning of the community and the rules that they had set up. He came back to the table with their drinks, and after sitting down asked “So what do you wish to ask me? And you may call me Jeff, please.”


There was no wool over his eyes so Kate went right to the point, “Jeff, would you consider becoming a dragon rider?”


He pondered her question for a time and then choosing his words carefully, he answered her, “I am going to assume that Sam presented me as a candidate. Kate, I have no dreams of riding a dragon; I can’t even imagine myself doing so. But I do see myself amongst them, and all of you.”


“You see yourself with us, but not as a rider, hmm…” she was pondering his response, “Jeff, perhaps you could be our advisor. You know, the one who can ‘see the forest amongst the trees’. Sam said you had a very good head on your shoulders. We are going to need someone who can see through to the truth of things, someone who has a head for planning and strategy. Do you think you might be interested?” She waited for his reply.


“Very interested, and honored that you’d think an old history professor could contribute something to the effort. Kate, I’ve known for a long time now that something very big looms on the horizon for all us. Jake won’t tell me anything right now, says I have to wait a bit more before he can answer my questions.” He finished his meal, and told her he would be at her service.


“We’ll meet here for breakfast in the morning; all the other candidates will be here too. Then we’ll all go above to meet with Jake.” Kate gently squeezed Jeff’s arm, “Thank you, Jeff.” He finished his meal, and told her he would be at her service. He got up and half-bowed to her before leaving, more as a courtesy. He was forever the southern gentleman; Kate headed towards Daniel smiling.


As she approached, Daniel turned and watched her move among the throng of people, stopping here and there to say a word or two to each one. He could see why she was so loved by everyone.


Daniel disengaged himself from the crowd of people and came to her side, “so what’s going on woman, you have a very satisfied look on your face. What have you been up to?”


“I’m just planning a meeting for tomorrow morning with of all the rider candidates. Sam gave me an impressive list, but I believe he missed by one.”


“What do you mean?” He asked.


She told him of her meeting with Jeffery. “The professor is not interested in being a rider; an advisor yes, but not a rider. Now we are going to be off by one male rider. Can you think of anyone?”


“Mmmm,” he was holding his chin thinking, “what about the young kid that helps in the kitchen. I know he doesn’t want to be doing that kind of work. But he says that it’s a good job if you want to pick up information. He hears about everything going on in the camp.


Neither of you do anything just yet, I will explain later. Jake interjected.


Ok Jake, no problem. Daniel answered for both of them.


“I need to speak to Becky too, she was on the list.” She lowered her voice as she passed Daniel and leaned close, pressing her breast against his arm, “…I’ll see you later … lover-boy!”


Daniel’s eyes got big, and to her surprise, he spun around, took her in his arms quickly and leaning her over backwards kissed her, right there in front of everyone! She turned red as a beet, and then smiled as he let her go. “I’ll finish that later woman,” he loudly boasted with a wink as he walked away.


“Promises, promises!” She retorted with a sultry smile, and turned and went to look for Becky.


The entire hall let out a loud…. “Woo-woo!” There were several wolf whistles.


Daniel’s stature among the men of the community had just gone up about 100 percent. No one could believe what he had just done. When Michael quickly came over to Daniel, they all assumed that there was going to be a fight. They were quite surprised when he slapped Daniel on the back, said something, and they both exploded in laughter. Things were changing quickly; it seemed that maybe Daniel was in charge now.


Steve and Jerry came over to Daniel and greeted Michael and then both exploded in laughter. “I don’t believe you did that, are you crazy?” Steve whistled lowly.


“It was good for her,” Daniel answered quickly.


Michael came to his defense gleefully, “puts a little spice in her life!” He was looking at them both. “What? Listen, if it wasn’t for that woman, I’d be dead. She kept me going when I didn’t want to do anything but die. She got us all here, she pushed the envelope to keep us alive; and she was an old woman. If it weren’t for her… there would be no dragons! So now she gets her reward; I’m glad for her, she deserves to be happy.”


“No one is disagreeing with you Michael. She does deserve to be happy, and I’m going to see to it personally!” Daniel said with a devilish grin.


“She is one of a kind; I have never met anyone like her. And she has other talents which I won’t go into, wouldn’t want to make you guys blush!” They all broke into laughter.


Big John slowly walked over and the whole room got quiet. Everyone knew how much he respected Kate. There had been speculation at one time about their relationship, but he would have none of the gossip around camp. He marched up to Daniel and stared him eye to eye.


“You must love her very much to do that in front of all of us.” Every one waited for the explosion. Then he grinned at Daniel, “either that or you’ve got a death wish!”

They all burst out laughing. Big John grabbed Daniel’s hand in a shake that united them as equals. He had heard of Daniels’s plan for the evening thru Jake. He was honored that he had been asked to attend.


Daniel asked in a whisper, “is everything ready for tonight?” Heads nodded yes. “I thought that you might bring her up to the top Michael. She still doesn’t suspect anything,” they were like a bunch of conspirators.


Sam came up to them, “you men are the envy of the Hall. They are all looking at you with new respect Daniel. What can I say, you’re a crazy man!” He let out a huge belly laugh. “I would never have the nerve to do something like that to Lucy.”


“That’s cause Lucy would hit you with a frying pan! And you know it!” Michael said laughingly.


Across the room Kate was enjoying the display of affection towards Daniel by all the men. She was pleased that Big John had accepted Daniel. His friendship was one she treasured. They all needed a man to look up to, and Daniel was perfect. Oh but she was going to get him later for that little stunt!


She saw Becky sitting with some of the other young women. When they saw her approach they stopped talking. “It’s ok girls, he’s impossible to control when he gets riled up! I’m not too concerned about it,” she said very matter of fact.


“I think it was so romantic! My God, how sexy can you get!” said Susan, a rather good looking blonde with an ample figure that left no doubt about its availability. Every society had women like Susan; we call them whores, and prostitutes. They offered their charms to men for a price. Susan made the choice to be that way. We are what we are, and no blame was held by anyone in camp. Kate would not allow it.


Becky answered her, “Did you see the way he looked at Kate all during dinner and after, it was love; he truly loves her. He does, right Kate?” She was looking at Kate with new eyes, new respect, for this woman who saved them all.


She wasn’t a cold unfeeling bitch after all; she was a lot more. Maybe she had misjudged her all along. It would take a very strong person to run this camp as smooth as she had; you couldn’t afford to be sentimental about things when there are over 100 lives riding on your decisions.


Kate came over to Becky and sat down. “Yes Becky, he does, and I love him.” Smiling she looked at these women and saw the longing in their eyes. They wanted the same thing.

“I’d like to talk with you Becky, alone if I may?” Kate asked her to walk with her for a bit. They left the Hall and walked the camp, and Kate began to feel her out. She wanted to see if she was made of the right stuff to be a rider. She was one of the few who had not met or spoken with Jake.


Becky was a lovely young woman. She was about 24, brown hair, tan, smooth complexion, big brown eyes. She stood about 5’5”, a cute ‘rounded’ figure. She was a hard worker, but she didn't just follow blindly; she also questioned things. She didn’t speak of her dreams too often, preferring to keep them to herself. A private treasure she shared with no one.


“Becky, I have to ask you some questions about your dreams. I am not trying to pry, but I have to know something. It is very important.” Becky stopped walking and looked at Kate. “Do you ever dream of flying on a dragon - a very special dragon?”


Becky’s eyes got very wide, “how did you know about that? I’ve told no one. I thought it was a wishful daydream that I was including in my dreams.”


“It’s not Becky; it’s a vision of the future. We are going for some eggs tomorrow. We need six rider candidates. Your name has come up as a possible rider, are you interested?” Kate carefully watched to see her reaction.


Becky knew that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. She had spent her whole life being the quiet little woman, letting life pass her by. Well, she wasn’t going to sit by the sidelines any more.

“Damn right I’m interested! You can count on me!” She said with such force that she surprised herself.


“Good! That’s what I like to see, lots of enthusiasm! Becky, you’ve never formally met Jake, have you?” She shook her head no, eyes wide with anticipation. “Would you like to pay your respects now?” Big nod yes. “We will be meeting tomorrow morning at breakfast with all the rider candidates; and then we’ll go up the mountain to meet with Jake.”


My Lady I am flying patrol around the area. I could land in the field by the waterfall if you like.


You don’t mind Jake? I think this is needed right now.


I shall be there waiting for you both.


“Jake is flying patrol, he’ll meet us in the field by the waterfall. Let’s go quickly.” She took Becky’s arm and they both headed towards the field.

As they approached the field, Becky saw Jake up close for the first time. He was landing, and stretched to his full height, wings extended out.

There was a sharp intake of breath, “Oh my, he’s beautiful!


She has very good taste My Lady!


You behave! “Becky, Jake has to have your permission to be able to speak with you the first time. He is not allowed to enter your mind without it. It would be uncivilized for a dragon to do that, do you willingly give it?”


“Oh yes! How do I speak with him?” She was enraptured watching Jake.


“Use your mind. Just think what you want to say and he will answer you. This is how you will communicate with your own dragon.”


Jake? I, I am so pleased to meet you! You are... so big... so fantastic!


Yes I am Lady Becky! And you shall have a fine dragon yourself; a dark blue I believe, with silver ridges!


You’ve seen him too? Oh I’ve dreamt about him for so long. I couldn’t believe that it could be possible for someone like me to have so beautiful a friend. Oh this is wonderful! Tears were streaming down her face as she looked up at the behemoth before her.


Why should you not have such a friend? You are a strong woman, and your companion will make you even stronger, and more beautiful than you are now. My Lady will explain all to you tomorrow. I must be off now. Good evening to you both.


Jake spread his wings and took off. Becky watched till he was just a speck in the evening sky and then turned to Kate.

“Oh Kate, he’s wonderful! I can hardly wait for my own.” She was bubbling with joy.


“Don’t sell yourself short Becky, I think you will make an excellent rider. It’s the quiet ones that make the best and most fearsome riders. That’s what Jakes says, you’ll do just fine.”


As they returned to the Hall Kate admonished Becky to say nothing to the others. This was best discussed between riders only. Seeing the wisdom in this, she agreed.


After leaving Becky at the Hall, Kate decided to check on the rest of the camp. She started to head in the direction of the horse pens when Michael called to her. He had a problem and wanted to discuss something with her.