Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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“Lady Jennie spotted a man coming this way. He’s climbing the mountain as we speak. She says he’s weak from lack of food, but he is a rider, so we must wait for him. Jake is taking a look now.”


“I’ll ask him if knows anything about him.” She stopped and scanned the skies for Jake as she spoke to him, Jake, do you see him?


Yes My Lady, I do; he is indeed weak, no food or water for several days. And yes, he is a rider. He is to be Lady Becky’s mate, it is very clear. He will not reach the top in his present condition.


Can you do anything for him? We must not loose him. Let Michael listen in on our conversation.

What do you propose we do? She quickly explained to Michael what was going on.


Michael suggested right away, Jake, Lady Jennie and I could fly close to him and pick him up. That is if he doesn’t panic at the sight of us. You could warn him we are coming.


It will be unnecessary; he has the ‘sight’! He knows we are coming to aid him. He sees things, visions. He also can hear ‘THEM’. He is untrained and almost went mad because of it, only his sheer force of will has kept him sane. Jake was quiet for a few minutes.


 Michael, I have explained all to Lady Jennie and she is coming for you. I have also informed Daniel and he is on his way to you My Lady.


On the far side of the mountains, about three hundred feet up the side of the last ridge before the misty valley began a lone figure was slowly making his way up. He was tired, dirty, hungry and very thirsty. But he wouldn’t stop; he was going to make it if it killed him. They couldn’t leave without him; he had to get there!


If these dreams are visions of the future, then someone is going to come and help me soon. He thought to himself. I know it - the dreams said they would fly to my rescue on a dragon. I’ve got to believe it’s going to happen. The dreams have led me for the past year, and this is where they said to go. He grabbed long root sticking out of the side of the mountain.


Excuse me, Collin, may I interrupt you. Please excuse this intrusion, but we see that you are in trouble and we would like to help. I have someone on the way to help you.


He almost lost his grip on the branch root he was holding. Is this one of the dragons from my visions?


Yes Collin it is; I am Jake.


You’re the First of the Ancients!


Yes Collin and you have the ‘sight’! We are coming to help you. Michael is riding Lady Jennie and they are on the way to pick you up. Can you hold on a bit longer?


Yes, I can hold on, but not for long. The branch is giving way. Let me see if I can reach another one. He stretched out his hand and found another root and held on for dear life. The dirt all around him was shaking, and a whirlwind suddenly started above his head. He heard shouting in his mind.


Collin, look up, Jake was calling to him, Michael is above you. Can you reach his hand? Try to reach his hand.


Collin looked up and almost let go out of surprise. His eyes took in a sight few people would ever see, and fewer would accept as real. Hovering above him was the biggest dragon he had ever seen. It was shiny brown, beautiful! And on it’s back, leaning over and stretching out his hand was a dazzling young man.


Grab his hand Collin; he will take you to safety. We have been expecting you.


He reached out and pushed with his feet at the same time, producing a leap off the side of the mountain. Michael caught his arm and swung him over to his side.


Jake, please tell him to put his foot on one of Lady Jennie’s ridges and push himself up to me. Then he can swing himself over and sit behind me.


He got the message and he was up and behind Michael in less than a minute. Lady Jennie curved to the right and gently glided over the mountaintop and headed for camp. He yelled in Michael’s ear, “Please tell your companion I said ‘thank-you’ for her help.”


My Michael, purred Lady Jennie after Michael relayed what Collin had said, he certainly does have manners. He will be an interesting addition to our family.


My Lady, we are on our way; the man is alive, and quite unafraid of us. Jake informed Kate.


Daniel and Kate along with Steve and Jerry were waiting in the field when they returned. The young man was indeed a mess. Michael slid off Lady Jennie and the young man tried to do the same. He collapsed on the ground in a heap. He lifted his head and tried to raise himself, and he then muttered “sorry folks,” and fainted. He was slight of build, about 5’11”, with thick black hair and hazel eyes.


Daniel and Steve picked him up and carried him to one of the temporary barracks and put him on a cot. They checked him over and found no broken bones, or serious injuries. They called for water and some towels and proceeded to try to get some fluids into him. Kate washed the grime from his face and that seemed to revive him a bit. Steve held him up and Daniel tried to give him some water. The young man grabbed it and drank thirstily.


“Mmm…good,” he whispered. “God, thank you, Daniel, I thought I would never make it here in time.” They all looked at each other… who was this young man?


Daniel stood and looked at Kate, both surprised. “I don’t know him, never met him,” he said as he shrugged his shoulders a look of bewilderment on his face. He turned and looked at the young man, “who are you, how do you know me?”


“In a minute, so dry, so hot, ‘scuse me please,” and he downed the water and asked for more.

Jerry came in with a bucket of water and set it down. The young man slid out of the cot and went to the water and dumped the bucket on his head. “Aah...aah,” he sighed in relief. He sat there drenched with a silly grin on his face.

“Sorry folks, but I was really hot. It’s the dragons, do it to me every time! My name is Collin and I’ve been seeing you guys in dreams for almost a year now.” He looked at each of them with those hazel eyes of his.


“Know all of you. Glad to see that you and your men made it here, Daniel. It was real important that you be here for the battle.” He was looking around at all of them, smiling. “I know this must seem strange, but imagine how it is for me. I knew you would be leaving in the morning for the eggs, and I had to be here for that run. My companion is waiting for me there. We’ve been talking for the last week. She’s really a spry little girl, can hardly wait to meet her.”


“You’re in contact with your egg? How is this possible?” Kate was dumbfounded. They all looked at each other in surprise; no one knew who their egg was until they were close to it.


“I can’t explain it, it was something that happened to me almost a year ago; after a really terrible battle. We were all pretty well cut up and bleeding, the dragons were winning. One of them was hit and it started dropping gobs of blood as it flew overhead. I just happened to be looking up as it passed over me and I was drenched in dragons’ blood. It also sent me flying with a tap from its tail. When I came to everyone was dead, and I soon found myself like this. I had to learn to live with it; or go mad. I can hear them all, but I have to shut that part off. I’m hoping Jake can help me with that. Say, can I get something to eat? Please?”


Kate answered him immediately, “Yes Collin, of course. Can you walk; it’s not far.” Daniel came forward and helped him up.


“You are even more beautiful than in my dreams Kate.” He was staring at her unabashedly, and she blushed, “you’re a lucky man Daniel.”


Just then Becky came in and asked if she could help. The young man turned to her and was riveted to the spot. He starred at her for a long time, and then smiled. “She’s lovely, oh my.” He tripped and Daniel caught him before he fell flat on his face. Becky left to tell Sam to prepare some food and the young man followed her with his eyes. “God I hope my dreams about her are right, she’s wonderful!”


Daniel had seen that look before - the boy was thunderstruck. “Come on lover-boy, let’s get you to the Hall and put some food in you.”


Steve and Jerry were talking among themselves on their way to the Hall, “it’s unnerving, spooky!”

He laughed, “Oh after we get to know him we’ll just accept it as normal; normal for him that is!”


“Yea I suppose,” Jerry answered and then added, “It’s just weird that’s all!”


As they entered the Hall they spotted Daniel and Kate with the young man. He was sitting at a table with a pile of food spread out before him. He was stuffing his face with everything he could reach. Gradually he slowed and took a long breath.

“May I have some of your sweet tea, Kate?” She nodded smiling and went to get some for him. He turned to Daniel and whispered, “I’m sorry to arrive at this point; I don’t want to spoil your plans for tonight.”


Daniel’s eyes got wide, “You know about that also? Jesus, have we no secrets?” Daniel looked about gathering his thoughts and then told him, “Listen, Collin, you better keep this ability of yours under wraps for a bit. People are funny about having someone around who knows their every intimate move. It could spook them, understand?”


“No problem, Daniel. Umm… this is so good, and the honey and biscuits are fantastic!” Kate returned with his tea, “Thank you so much,” he drank half and continued eating.


“When you’re finished, we’re going to have a long talk mister,” Daniel was demanding. “Up above, with Jake present, so we can all join in the conversation.”


Collin stopped in mid-bite and stared at Daniel a long time. His eyes got all glassy, and he had a far away look on his face. Suddenly he began to speak.

“You still need one more female rider. There’s an Asian lady of about 40 or so I think, has black glossy hair, and dark brown eyes, lithe figure. I can’t picture her name for some reason, but she’s the one. She keeps to herself quite a bit. Gang raped by a band of marauders many years ago. Left her with a nasty scar, inside as well as out. She’ll become an amazing rider; and Jerry’s mate.”


He suddenly shook his head violently and looked about contritely, “I’m sorry, but that’s how it happens. I just spew this shit out and I can’t stop it. Maybe Jake can help me; I pray to God he can.”


Jerry was standing there with his mouth open, dumbfounded. “Shit man, no one, I mean no one knows how I feel about Beth! I’ve never told a soul; she doesn’t even know!”


Daniel was standing behind him and he put his hand on his shoulder, “easy Jerry, he didn’t mean any harm. You heard him; this is a burden for him too.” He went to Collin and asked, “Are you just about finished?”


“Daniel wait,” Kate was holding up her hand, “we’ll just have to repeat everything all over tomorrow for the other riders. Why don’t we do this tomorrow morning when we all meet. We can introduce him to them, and have a full conference discussion with Jake present. That way all the riders will be informed at the same time. I don’t want to keep anything from the other riders.” She was looking directly at Collin.


“I knew you were going to say that, and I agree.” Collin was looking at her.


“OK!” shouted Steve, “that’s one thing we are going to stop right now.” He bent down right in front of Collin, nose to nose; “no more ‘I knew you were going to say that’…got it?”


“Sure Steve, no problem.” He was smiling up at him; it was really hard to be stern with him.


Steve broke out into a smile, “and stop that too!” He threw his hands up, “arrgh!”


Daniel started to laugh, and it became an infectious laugh, and they all joined in.


“How about we settle you down for a good nights rest. I bet it’s been a while since you slept in a bed?” Daniel headed him back towards the temporary cave. “Since you know where everything is in the camp, you can clean yourself up in the morning and we’ll meet you for breakfast with the other riders. Then we’ll all go topside. OK?”


 “Sounds great to me.” He stretched and let out a big yawn, sleepily he continued, “really, really great.”


Kate stood up, “I’ll leave him to you men. I’m going to track down Beth and see if she’s interested.” She looked right at Collin and held up her hand, “not a word, it’s her choice, and hers alone!” She patted him on the head, gave a quick kiss to Daniel, waved to the others and left the Hall.


Jake, what do you make of all this? She asked her friend and confidant.


He has the sight, but he must be taught to control it. I believe I can teach him how to turn it off. He is young and can be taught how to use it properly. The fact that his dragon is in contact with him already is truly amazing.


Do you know where I might find Beth?


Lady Beth is where she always is, on the South Ridge. She carries a crossbow with her at all times My Lady. So announce yourself loudly.


Thanks Jake.


Kate passed thru the camp and headed for the South Ridge. As she passed by the waterfall she heard some noises and she stopped. She could hear two lovers going at in the cavern behind the waterfall. Their passion was loud, and not drowned out by the rushing water.

Ah, young love! I’ll have to remember to try that with Daniel.

She headed up the pathway that lead to the South Ridge.