Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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Beth sat on a large boulder over looking the south ridge. She could see way off into the distance. There was a storm crossing the desert, huge streaks of lightening raced across the night sky providing her with her own private show. She was lost in her thoughts when she heard a noise behind her. Someone was coming up the path. She hoped it was Jerry; he had come up here several times. He was always very nice to her, didn’t push her or try anything. She had begun to look forward to his visits. This time the sound was different; lighter, it was a woman… coming up here? Then she heard a voice call out.


“Beth, are you up here? It’s Kate.” Kate came around the bend and saw her climbing down off the boulder. “There you are, please don’t get down for my benefit.”


“This is a surprise. I didn’t think you even knew I existed.”

Shit! That sounded about as antagonistic as could be! God! I’m starting off on the wrong foot already.

“I didn’t mean that like it sounded. I’m sort of rusty at conversations,” she said apologetically.


“Well, I can give you plenty of practice in the next couple of months.” Beth looked at her questioningly. “Beth, do you ever dream of riding a dragon, a very special dragon?” Kate could see by the look on her face that she had hit the mark. “They’re visions Beth, not dreams. I’d like you to consider becoming a dragon rider. What do you think?” Kate smiled her best smile and waited for her reply. She’s looking at me like I’m the mad hatter or something.


“Me?” She was obviously taken aback. “Me!” She started walking around in a tight circle. Kate sat down and waited. “Why not me? I’m a dead shot with the crossbow; know Tai Kwan Do; I would make a good fighter. I could… I would… I, I…” she stopped and stood there trembling, large sobs coming from deep inside her.


Kate had not expected this response. This woman always seemed so together. Apparently it was all a front to cover the fear that ruled her. “Beth, calm yourself,” Kate went to her and put her arm around her the way a sister would. “Easy there Beth. Haven’t you ever dreamed about riding a dragon across the desert at night? Feeling the wind blowing across your skin and thru your hair, knowing the dragon you are riding as one knows an old friend.”


“I thought they were just dreams. Not real.” She was looking at Kate now, and there was hope in her eyes. “Do they really talk to you, only you? And they’re all yours, completely?”


“Yes Beth, the best friend, and companion you could possibly want. They never judge you, and they accept you exactly as you are. I could not imagine my life without Jake. He is my friend, my companion. Don’t let what happened to you destroy your life.” She continued in a softer voice, “you know what happened to me four years ago, and I was an old woman at the time. But I refused to let it take over my life. Jake showed me that in the great scheme of things it was simply a ripple in time. There were a lot more important things than that unpleasant memory. So I let it go; I’ve been free ever since. You can be too.”


Beth stared at Kate for a long time; she went to her and embraced her. “Yes, yes, yes! I am most interested. I want the same thing, and I will fight to get it if I have to, yes Kate.”


“Good! That’s what I want to hear. There are six of us and we are all meeting at the Hall for breakfast. Then we are going up to the top. Michael and I will instruct you all and then we will go get the dragon eggs. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning, Beth. You will make a formidable dragon rider; and that is Jake’s opinion.”


Kate left her in a lot better mood than she found her. She would be all right. We are starting to take real shape. Soon we will begin what Jake says we have all been prepared to do. This has been quite an evening. I’m going to head home.


Back on the ridge, Beth sat and thought for a long time. She was very excited. If what she says is true, I will finally be free. And I’ll bet that Jerry is one of the riders. The future is starting to look real good. I can believe the dreams now, all of them. My very own dragon! I can’t wait. Oh thank-you Kate for bringing me such good news! She picked up her crossbow and headed down the path.


She met Jerry coming up. They both stopped and looked at each other. She was smiling, too happy to hide her excitement. Then Jerry broke out in a big grin. They didn’t have to say anything; he took her hand and walked down the rest of the way with her. At her cave he gently bent close to her and kissed her on the cheek. She blushed, but she kissed him back very briefly on the lips, and went inside.


“Yes!” he whispered to himself as he walked away. Everything is going to work out; just the way it’s supposed to. Oh shit, the ceremony! I’ve got to get a move on! He hurried to get to the mountaintop before the ceremony began.


Kate had made it back to her cave, when Michael came in and asked her to do him a favor. “What is it Michael?”


“I want you to pick your best clothes and put them on and come with me. No questions!” He was trying his best to get her up top without revealing why.


“What? All right, what’s going on? Is this some kind of a joke?” Kate asked him.


“Please don’t ask any questions. Just do this for me. You’ll be glad you did later, believe me. Kate I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.” He gave her his best ‘oh please’ look


She finally agreed, and went to her dressing room area and washed up and got dressed. She looked beautiful when she came back out. She had on a leather riding outfit, “Now what is going on?”


“Just take my arm and come with me please. No questions.” He started up the pathway to the mountaintop. As they emerged Kate was taken by surprise at the sight before her.


Jake and Lady Jennie stood on each side of Daniel. There was a line of people on each side. Michael took her arm and led her down the pathway between them. Sam and Lucy, smiling like Cheshire cats. Jerry, and Steve and Ashley, Big John, and even Jeff were there. Michael led her to Daniel.


Kate smiled at him and asked, “You’ve got that wicked smile on your face, what’s up?”


“I asked all of you here to be a witness to something.” Daniel began and turned to Kate and took her hand, “I have asked this woman to marry me, and she said that she would,” he announced to everyone.


“But I’m afraid that there are no preachers to do the job. So I decided the best way to do this is for the couple to marry themselves, in front of their dragons and friends. So I say to you Kate; I love you. I will love you for the rest of my life. I promise that I will honor you, respect you, protect you, and love the hell out of you every chance I get.”


Everyone laughed loudly at that one. Lucy dabbed at her eyes.


“You have stirred my heart; you have given me a glimpse of just how wondrous my life will be. My heart is yours.” He took a small box out of his pocket and opened it. Inside were two simple gold wedding bands with 4 diamonds down the center of each. “These rings represent our union. The four diamonds represent you and me, and Jake and Queenie; together for life!” He took one of the rings and placed it on Kate’s finger. Her eyes were filled with tears as she looked up at him.


She took the other ring and held Daniel’s hand. She looked into his eyes and suddenly it was just the two of them. “I love you, you impossible man you! Yes, I love you to utter distraction. You are a constant surprise to me. You have brought me back to life; you’ve showed me that love can be a beautiful, gentle thing. You’ve showed me what pleasure there is in loving well. I shall love you, and respect you, and honor you all the days of my life.” She placed the ring on his finger and stood there staring at him.


Daniel smiled and then in a deep voice said, “Come here, wife!” He pulled her to him, took her in his arms and kissed her long and passionately. Jake and Lady Jennie reared their heads up and back and roared their approval as flames shot into the air.


Everyone was clapping and shouting. They all came up and wished them well, shook hands with Daniel, and kissed Kate on the cheek.


Kate and Daniel went to Jake and he lowered his head. She hugged him and kissed him on the nose. Daniel gave him a big bear hug. Thank you Jake, we are both very happy.


I am happy for you both also. Lady Jennie was very touched by your speech Daniel.


Daniel went to Lady Jennie and bowed first, “Michael, please tell her that I am so pleased that she approves.” She lowered her head to Daniel and he kissed her on the nose also. She quickly raised her head and roared her approval. “If I didn’t know any better I’d swear she was blushing,” he shouted laughing. Both dragons then took to the air. After a bit more of congratulations, everyone descended.


They were left alone, standing there gazing into each other’s eyes. Kate was staring at the ring that Daniel had given her. “You completely surprised me Daniel, I am so happy. It’s these little things that you do for me that make me love you all the more.”


“We are going to be very busy in the next couple of months my love,” Daniel said as he picked Kate up in his arms. “So lets enjoy tonight, wife,” he carried her down to their new home.


He entered their cave and placed her on their bed. “I love you Kate. That’s all there is to it. I want to make you happy.” She started to undress and he stopped her. “Let me do this” he told her. She blushed as he proceeded to remove her clothing, something he enjoyed doing. He spent the next hour pleasuring her and making her beg for him to stop. They finally fell asleep holding each other, happy and contented.


Below, in Ashley’s cave Steve was getting ready to say good night and take his leave. To his surprise, Ashley took his hand and asked him to stay. She smiled and told him that she wasn’t going to make him wait any longer. She wanted to be with him. Then she led him to her bedroom; there were candles lit and placed all around her cave. She had obviously been planning this for some time. Remembering all the things that Daniel and Jake had told him, Steve took his time and spent the next several hours gently loving her. He found to his surprise she was a remarkable woman. It was like Daniel had said; he found more pleasure than he had ever known. They would never be apart again.


During the night Jake circled the mountain and watched as the camp went silent and all were asleep. He continued to send dreams to those who needed encouragement, and to those who need hope.


As the sun was rising, Jake sent his thoughts above as he did each morning.

Father, it is all coming together as You said it would. Kate and Daniel will be the cement that holds these people together. And my Queen will soon be among us; with her arrival will come the future for us all.