Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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With their newfound ‘friends’, the young students knowledge began to build. A new confidence and bearing was apparent to the older riders first, and all were aware that they were changing. Their link to their dragon eggs pushed them all to mature physically as well as mentally. The pairings between the students began in earnest.


Andrew and Emily naturally gravitated towards each other because of their interest in dragon history.

It was through their search for dragon lore that they discovered they could hear and speak to all the other dragons. They were surprised at this newfound ability, and at Rah’s urging they spoke to Jake and Master Jeffery about it. It was decided that their ability would remain between them and Jake for the time being.


Jason and Andrea made a perfect match as they were both very competitive and had secretly admired the other. It was inevitable that they would be drawn to each other. They would prove to be very strong in their loyalty, and in battle. Both began to follow Sarah and Jackson, and soon a lifetime friendship was forged between the two strong couples. This was only natural as strength recognizes strength.


Susie and Darla were drawn to Roger and Ben, brothers 16 months apart. They all got along famously with each other. They even ended up taking the large cave that they all initially used as quarters, as their home. Some changes were made to include private bedroom areas; but on a whole they shared the rest of the living areas.


The two boys who never received the ‘call’, Lance and Robert, sought out Master Jeffery and asked if there was someway they could be included with their friends. Master Jeffery asked them what they could do; and after seeing their writing skills he placed them in charge of detailing the history of the Dragons; they would work directly for him. He explained that he was keeping a record of everything that was taking place; he insisted on accuracy in everything. The boys became roving reporters who went about camp each day and simply observed what was going on. Then when they returned to their quarters in the evening, Lance would write down all he saw and heard and ‘felt’. Robert would then weave it into a story with all the other facts of the day. Master Jeffery was very pleased with the results and praised his young charges. He became a mentor to these young boys and they were often found at his home in the evenings with Miss Susan doting on them.


Time passed quickly for the young students, as they were busy learning with their newfound friends. Soon the little dragons began to urge their ‘riders’ to bring them to the hatching grounds. It was time for them to grow and they must do it in the grounds. Queenie’s children reached maturity and the eggs grew to astounding sizes; in four months they were very close to hatching.


Excitement and anticipation was in the air; everyone could feel it, the dragons would be hatching very soon. The students were ready; each had received their final instructions from Jake and he was very pleased with them. Daniel and Kate had kept up with each of the young ones and seen to their care of their eggs. All was in readiness.


Early one morning, Emily was awakened by the sound of her dragon calling to her. Goosebumps shot up and down her back. She leapt out of bed, much to Andrew’s surprise, and raced about trying to find her clothes.


“Calm down for a moment Emily, he’s not going to hatch until you get there.” Andy was trying to calm her as he explained, “we both know what to expect. Oops! There goes my dragon, she’s all excited too!”


“Ha, so much for your ‘stay calm’ theory, Andy!” She grabbed her robe and tied it about her and then slipped her flip-flops on. She reached for a small tote bag. It contained clothes that she would change into when the enhancement was finished; Kate and Sally had helped her prepare for this life-changing event. “When next we meet I’ll be a woman, Andy… kinda spooky isn’t it?”


“You will always be my Emily… nothing will change that. And when it’s my turn, I will change physically too, and join you.” She kissed him on the cheek and he watched as she left their cave and ran headlong towards the hatching grounds. “Good luck!” He shouted after her.


Andrew wasted no time in dressing and rushing down to breakfast to announce to his friends the news to that Emily had been called. Remembering the Queen’s promise, the older riders all speculated and waited for the news.


As she ran up the side of the mountain, Lancelot swooped down and followed her into the cave and landed on a perch high above. She could hear his keening high above her. Emily was well prepared for this meeting. She and her dragon had spoken at length about what would take place and how she would change. As she entered the grounds she noticed first off that Queenie was no longer there guarding her children. This means that all the eggs will be hatching very soon, she thought to herself. Emily looked about and saw the broken shell, and then she smiled and turned around. She found herself face to face, looking into the large golden eyes of her dragon.


“Oh my!” She jumped backwards quickly, eyes wide in fascination.


He raised his head towards the ceiling and shot out a long flame. Emily was overwhelmed by his great size and appearance. He was a deep chocolate brown color, almost glistening in the diffused light. She guessed he was at least 22 feet. He spread his wings and lowered his massive head to her feet and spoke to her. I am Ash, a mighty warrior returned. I am a Warrior Dragon to the First; sent to rid this land of the dark peril that covers it. I was chosen for you, Lady Emily, and you for me. We will serve and protect this earth together.


A beam of light shot out of Ash and hit Emily in the heart area; she was engulfed in a bubble of light. She felt so much love coming from Ash that it almost overwhelmed her. She felt herself rise into the air. Ash wrapped his large wings about her. Information began to fill her mind; it was coming so fast she couldn’t consciously keep up with it. But she wasn’t worried; it would be there, available whenever she needed it. She began to feel the electrical charge that Sally had told her to expect. Now the cave seemed to fill with a mist. She heard Lancelot calling to her.


He is brave for one so small. Perhaps we will remedy that, chuckled Ash.


He began to share his knowledge with her. He told her that they would be the ones to carry the good news to the rest of the country that the black devils were gone and the Dragons of Light would protect the people. And Emily’s falcon, Lancelot, was also enhanced at the hatching; he tripled his size and often enjoyed flying night patrol with the dragons


Andrew’s dragon hatched next and she was a beauty, the Lady Ariel, mate to Ash. She was a soft creamy brown. She informed him that they, along with Ash, would help spread the word throughout the land that the insane ones were gone. Brutus and Cesar were thrilled to finally meet Lady Ariel and they were enhanced at the hatching and doubled their size. Andrew returned as a man, muscled and taut of body. Emily approved of the change, and blushed at her thoughts.


Brutus and Cesar along with the tabby cats Dottie and Thor, who were also enhanced, made a feisty foursome and kept all predators away from the camp; they patrolled every night from midnight to dawn.


Michael naturally had gravitated towards the younger group of riders and he forged a strong friendship with Andrew. Secure in their friendship now, Andrew finally asked him about Tabs. Michael told him the story of the hatching grounds battle and the death of his friend. Andrew was deeply affected by the tale of Ash and his heroic death. Later that night he told Lady Emily the story, and the importance of her dragon.


Oreo had become the constant companion of Tabs; they ran, ate, and slept together all the time. She looked after him like a mother hen while he healed. Thru Lady Jennie, Michael learned that they were helping each other over the death of Ash. After the hatching of Lady Emily’s dragon Ash, they were often seen following Lady Emily around. Finally taking pity on them, she took them to meet her mighty Ash. Upon seeing them for the first time, Ash let out a loud roar and welcomed them as old friends. Both Oreo and Tabs spirits picked after that and they were back to their old selves again in no time. Oreo told Rah that she could ‘see’ Ash in the mighty dragon’s eyes and she was very happy for Tabs.


Jason and Andrea were called to the hatching grounds on the same day. Andrea’s dragon was the first to emerge. He was a deep forest green color, and at least 24 feet. He said his name was Juztin, that he was First Wing to the Second of the Ancients, mate to the Lady Jessica. He told her that they had a different destiny to fulfill.


Jason’s dragon was a deep forest green also with silver about the eyes and a patch of purple. She stood 22 feet, and had a clear throaty voice with a definite Irish dialect. She said her name was the Lady Jessica, mate to Juztin, First Wing to the Second of the Ancients. She told him that there was a great task for them to undertake. Their dragons suited them well and when given the choice, when the time came, it was with great pride that they elected to accompany the Second of the Ancients overseas.


All of Queenie’s eggs hatched except for two. These eggs had changed from a dark blue to a deep purple. Jackson and Sarah were beside themselves with the waiting. Jake told them not to worry that their dragons were very special and it just took longer for them to be ready.


Almost two weeks later Sarah and Jackson were both in the fields working when they received the call.

Their dragons were emerging at the same time. This alone earned them a place in Dragon History.

They looked at each other and grinned in excitement; made an excuse and then hurried to the hatching grounds. Their lives would be changed forever after this, and they both hoped they were worthy of the honor. As they entered the cave, both very excited, they could see the broken shells lying about. Sarah heard her dragon call to her first, in a rich voice with a thick Scottish accent.


Lady Sarah, my dear friend, please ask Jackson to wait for a moment.


Sarah relayed the instructions to Jackson; then she took a deep breath and stepped forward into the chamber. Before her stood the most magnificent dragon she had ever seen. He was as big as Jake, 30 feet at least. He was a deep dark rich purple color with silver on his ridges and around his eyes. Oh those eyes! Such intelligence staring out at her, deep black pools suspended in a sea of silver. And love, she felt the love engulf her and she was overcome with emotion. My God! You are gorgeous, so big, so, so…. Tears flowed down her cheeks.


As it should be My Lady! He rose to his full height spread his massive wings and reared back his head and came forward laying it at her feet. I am Ichor, Second of the Ancients – Hammer of Fire. You are my rider, my friend, and my companion. You have been chosen for me, and I for you. We have a great destiny before us; and you shall be the source of my strength. We have been chosen to join with the Fourth and start a new family of dragons. We are to save those across the sea.


He rose up slightly and their eyes locked. A beam of energy shot out and engulfed Sarah. She felt herself rising; Ichor then wrapped his wings around her. She felt herself begin to turn, the entire cave lit up with a bright white light. She could feel the warmth engulf her, felt changes taking place in her body. Sarah’s mind was suddenly infused with visions of other dragons, huge dragons! Some she had yet to meet; people from her past, and those she would meet in the future. A great deal of knowledge was shared between them. Sarah became totally aware, and saw what would be required of her. She felt great pride, and also great humility at the task that was being given to her and Jackson.


 And suddenly Jackson was before her, Behold he who will heal you! She felt a great sense of peace suddenly spread throughout her body and mind. Her soul was finally at rest. She was engulfed in a warm white light, suspended in the air, slowly turning.


As he was watching Sarah, Jackson felt his dragon behind him. He turned and saw her for the first time. Like Daniel before him, he was not prepared for the emotions that hit him. She was the same shade of purple as Ichor, at least 26 feet if not more. She had silver on the ridges on her back and around her eyes, and there were black etchings with a small mark of silver at the corner of her eye. Huge black, intelligent eyes encircled by a silver satin sea. Jackson had never seen anything so beautiful. He felt like he was in a dream, she was so beautiful, so big, and she was all his. His friend, his companion, and she accepted him completely.


My Jackson, come forward so that we may meet properly, cooed a husky female voice with a decidedly British, or was it Irish, accent. Jackson stepped further into the room and she reared up and threw her head back and slowly came forward and laid her massive head at his feet.

I am the Lady Isabol, Queen to Ichor, Second of the Ancients! We are here to begin again in the land beyond the sea - to start a new Family of Dragons, and free that land of the black plague. You are my rider Jackson, my companion, and my friend. You were chosen for me, and I for you. Our task is a great one; you and your Lady are well suited for it. I am very pleased in you Jackson of my heart; you are a strong man, a good and humble man, and the right choice as leader of the new family.


Suddenly Jackson felt himself rise up and he was engulfed in her wings. He began to turn, as a beam of energy surrounded him. He felt his mind being probed, being filled with all sorts of knowledge. Information that was racing by his conscious mind so fast he could only retain snippets of it. He saw visions of people, and dragons, some he knew and some he had yet to meet. Huge amounts of knowledge filled his mind. He saw Sarah, saw into her very being and felt such love emanating from her that his heart was filled. He was suddenly aware that Ichor was speaking to the both of them.


You both have been chosen to be the Leaders of the New Family of the Dragons of Light that will begin overseas. Because of what you both have been through and overcome; you were best suited to understand the demands of leadership.

You will have to build up a flying army, as was done here, and free the people of Europe from their burning captors. Can you both accept this task? Can you both leave your home here and start anew overseas? Do you both consent to this task that is asked of you?


Yes, they answered in unison, we accept this honor with great humility.


Both dragons roared loudly. Ichor opened his wings, and Lady Isabol did the same. Sarah and Jackson faced each other and a beam of light shot out and bonded them to each other and to their dragons. It was then, suspended in the air, connected to each other, that Sarah’s spirit was finally healed forever. She felt so much love for Jackson, and for her mighty dragon that there was no room for any negativity. She openly wept tears of relief at last.


We are most pleased in you both. Lady Isabol began a soft purring sound. Ichor roared the Dragon Chant of Approval so loud that the mountain shook. From outside all the dragons joined in and the vibration was felt throughout the valley. Both dragons left the hatching grounds and went to present themselves to Jake. They were then led to the feeding grounds by Rah.


When Jackson and Sarah emerged from the cave, there was a remarkable change in them. No longer was there any doubt in their minds as to what they could and could not do. They were changed in appearance; they were stronger, more muscular, their bodies fine-tuned to perfection, every inch leaders among men. They descended the mountain and walked with an air of confidence that wasn’t present before. All below noticed the difference, but it was Daniel who recognized them as fellow leaders.


Jake, am I seeing what I think I am seeing? Those two are not just riders anymore; they are leaders. They have some special task ahead of them, don’t they?


Yes Daniel, as always you are most perceptive. They will be the leaders of a new family on the other continent. They will free those overseas from the black plague. But keep this to yourself for now, share it only with Lady Kate.


Later that night Daniel and Kate discussed his conversation with Jake. She was not surprised at their being chosen for such a task.


“Daniel,” she explained to him, “they have gone thru so much together and they clung to each other for strength through it all. They have great humility, and patience and understanding. Their dragons will keep them focused and on the right track.”


“As usual woman,” he was grinning at her, “you are right; I hadn’t thought of what makes a good leader. They do possess all the qualities, and now they are in great form.


Hell woman, I think we’re all in great form, and completely ready for the coming battle. Jake has honed us all into one hell of a fighting force.”


“Come use some of that energy and keep me warm my love,” Kate teased in a sultry voice. Daniel was only too happy to accommodate her.


High above, huge black eyes twirled with anticipation, now we are ready for the White!