Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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Jackson and Sarah were given their own squad of dragon flyers. They were tough flight trainers, but their flyers performed with split second precision. When the time came for them to make the journey overseas, half of their squadron would request to go with them. The two leaders had become good friends with Jason and Lady Andrea. All the riders had been training hard for weeks; the dragons could all act as a unit on a moments notice. The riders were at ease on their dragons; the split second turns and twists were taken in stride. Most of them were beginning to wonder why Jake had not yet ordered an attack. It seemed that he was waiting for something.


Jake began taking long trips with his Queen and Daniel and Kate. The further West they went, the more destruction they found. Apparently the insane ones were destroying every town and city from their stronghold to Nevada. Every nook and cranny was destroyed; they left nothing in their wake. Jake found that they encountered more and more of the beasts each time they went flying out there. It was as though they were trying to prevent something from happening. Jake called all the riders and dragons together.


I have called you all here for a reason, he explained. I want all of you to take to the air tonight and fly out in all directions, except West. Report anything unusual, out of the ordinary; if you see or find anything, do not approach. Inform me immediately. I have been expecting the White to join us in our battle with the dark ones. Collin has picked up the emergence of the White; he will come from the east.


At the mention of the emergence of a White, the Dragons reactions were swift. They called their riders and made ready to lift immediately. Steve mounted Lady Elzbeth and was barely sitting upon her when she took off. Sarah and Jackson were in the air before anyone.


Lady Ashley leaped on to Daowyn as he was taking to the skies. Daowyn, what’s this all about? Your reaction to what Jake said has me concerned. What is this White, and why did everyone take to air so quickly?


Lady Ashley, Daowyn explained, there has been a prophecy of ours for thousands of years. When Dragons of Light take to battling rogue dragons, it is always Light against Dark. Good against Evil. Before the battle begins, a White would always emerge and join forces with the side of Light. Their flame power was said to be legendary. It makes us look like candles in the wind. To have a White in battle would mean certain victory. The Rider of the White is in possession of the Staff of Light. If the insane ones got wind that a White would soon emerge, they would try to stop it, or his Rider. That explains why they have been searing all the land from the coast to here. You see my lady, the White comes from the East, but his rider comes from the West.


Collin and Becky stayed behind so that Collin could try again to locate the White. He left Becky in the Riders Hall and he went to the top. After and hour and a half of failed attempts to find the White, he threw his hands up in frustration. Jake, this is getting me nowhere. I can’t get a fix. It’s like there’s interference. Almost as tho… that’s it! It’s the big black trying to keep me from finding the White. He’s more powerful than we thought, Jake. I knew I felt something each time I went to ‘see’ their plans.


Indeed Collin, he has become too clever. We must be very careful, if he knows of your existence he will try to destroy you. I have sent all the dragons out to search; we are very vulnerable right now. There is only Lady Maya, Jared and myself to protect us. Daniel and Kate are below warning the town that they must all take refuge in the great Hall. Be very alert my friend.


The big black knew all about Collin. He sensed him roaming about looking for information. He was insanely frustrated that he did not have the use of telepathic abilities. But he knew when someone was probing him.


He raged and ranted; this is all Jakes fault, that disgusting, love projector! He thinks that love is the answer to all the world’s woes. Fool! I will destroy him and his friends. From the very beginning that bastard had everything his way, well not anymore. I remember when the woman entered the cavern. I called out to her also, but she wasn’t meant for me. My rider was one of the men they fed to the hatchlings. They paid for that error with their lives! In her search for Jake she lightly brushed my egg with her leg. It was ever so slight, but it was enough. It gave me the ability to think, to plan.


The big bull remembered how he hatched and bided his time. Careful not to let the others know of his strength, of his ability to plan. They took him and the other hatchlings to their lair in California. He was careful to conceal his true abilities and kept away from the others as long as possible. When he was large enough, and strong enough he struck. Surprise was on his side. It was so easy to take out the leader and his minions; and it felt so good! Then he set himself up as ruler of these fools. It was child’s play to control them. A few deaths for incompetence in following his orders and they all soon cowered from him. He was ruthless with them; they did what they were told, rather than suffer the consequences. He built up his army of devils for one purpose – to attack Jake and put an end to his plans for mankind. He knew where the hatching grounds were; it had cost the lives of many of the females, but they finally told him what he wanted to know.


They can hide nothing from me. My army will overwhelm the First with sheer numbers alone. I will not allow him to win; I will destroy his camp, his Queen, and that rider of his also! This fool thinks that he can change everything; I will not allow it!

He sends this creature to spy on me. I will destroy him, break his spirit; destroy what he holds most dear. Over a hundred of my warriors will descend upon them; and they will die if needs be doing as much damage as possible. I will instill such terror and horror in their riders that they will be useless to him.


The big black bull knew he was sending these dragons to their deaths. He didn’t give a damn; he had to get rid of Collin, or make him useless. The black’s rage continued to build up inside him. He salivated as he held a vision in his mind of his minions holding Jake down as he ripped him to pieces. Revenge, my dear cousin, sweet revenge!


Almost two hours later Jared called from on high; my liege, there are a great many dragons headed this way. I fear an attack is eminent.


Jake went outside and took to the air; indeed there was a large army headed their way.

I must fly to the heights and call back our dragons. There are too many of them. He sends at least 100 or more, this is not a good sign. Hold and protect as long as you can Jared. Collin, Becky, run to the Riders Hall for protection. He sends an army to kill you. Daniel, Kate, take refuge in the great Hall. They attack and there is no time to get you.


They were a ragtag lot, not nearly as big, or as healthy as the Dragons of Light. But their numbers were great. As they arrived, 35 of them took to the upper reaches to keep Jake busy. He sent out the call, but his dragons were at least 15 minutes away. He had to buy them some time for the others to arrive. The black devils were smaller; but what they lacked in size they made up for in numbers. They attacked Jake and covered him from every angle. He fought like a demon, knowing that those below were no match for such a large force.


They came at him from both sides, and he was dodging flames and destroying dragons with nonstop speed. But as soon as he destroyed one, another took its place immediately. It was then that Jake realized that this was a planned attack - to do deadly harm. He could hear the battle below; they were putting up a fierce fight. A great fear began to penetrate his heart; he suddenly knew that someone would fall.


And then he heard Jared send out a cry for help. My Liege, we need help. They have sent too many at us. There are at least 30 of them on me; they have us trapped in the Riders Hall, I cannot get out or get to… No! …. Nooo …. My Lady!


Jake was in the midst of flaming one when a terrible dread hit him. He knew that someone below had paid the supreme price in battle. There was a horrible wail, and then he heard a loud thunderous roar. It was then that he saw something fly by him and incinerate all the dragons he was fighting with. It was just a blur, a white streak. He flew below and as he approached he saw the black dragons falling in large numbers. They were being turned to ash before his eyes as a white blur darted from dragon to dragon at lightening speed. The mountaintop was awash in black dragons; both living and dead. Jake tried to fight his way thru them, but there were just too many. Gradually, as he battled these monsters, he began to make some headway. Several times he caught a brief glimpse of the White in his peripheral vision. It was incinerating dragons as it passed thru the throng. Then suddenly he heard Kate franticly calling from below.

All the while Jake had been battling the dragons in the air, Kate was in the throes of battle along with him. Daniel held her as she went thru each thrust and each rendering of the flame. She was thrashing about and he feared that she would injure herself. She flailed about and roared as the battle continued. With each hit they got on Jake, Kate was thrown into a rage. She calmed as Jake finally headed towards the mountaintop. That was when she saw a pack of them head for the hatching grounds. In fear she screamed out for Jake.


Jake, dragons are approaching the hatching grounds!


Jake flew like a comet towards the hatching grounds, flaming all the way. The black ones broke off their attack and retreated at the horror that was coming at them. Queenie was safe.


Rah and Lady Jennie made it back and joined in the fray. There were flames shooting out in all directions. Rah caught one of the monsters trying to flee and he ripped him in two with his massive claws. The rest of the Dragons of Light finally showed up and they made short work of these ruffians. They attacked them with a vengeance ripping and flaming. The battle above slowed and finally it was over. Jake flew to the mesa to see the damage they inflicted. The last one tried to run for it, and Ash split it in two and flamed it to the ground.

The entire ridge was covered in ash and blood. As the dragons and riders landed they saw that a terrible battle had taken place there. Then they heard a mournful wailing; Lady Maya was keening the Death Chant for her Jared. It was then that Collin came out of the Riders Hall carrying the lifeless body of Lady Becky in his arms; his pain was evident. The Dragons let out a wailing and keening for the pain he and Lady Maya felt.


Collin looked up at Jake; this was a message from the big black. He wanted me to get it personally. He sent his minions to kill my Becky, and to make sure that I lived to see it. He wanted me to suffer!


 “Oh God! Becky!” He fell to his knees holding Lady Becky to him, rocking back and forth.


Jared tried to protect her; sobbing Collin continued, he, he took on 15 of them, but they just kept coming. They wouldn’t let him get to Becky; they had them both trapped in the Riders Hall. She couldn’t get out; she couldn’t get away from them. Lady Maya tried to help and they descended on her. I fear her wing is broken; I almost lost her too. Jared died trying to protect them both. Great sobs wrenched his body.


The entire valley echoed with the Death Chant, it was a haunting sound. Lady Maya came limping out of the Hall and joined in the chant. She was terribly wounded; Lady Elzbeth and Lady Jennie went to her and propped her up. The riders were all crying openly, it was a terrible blow for all of them. The women went to Collin and they took Becky to prepare her for burial.


“No! Stop, leave her, please!” Collin called out to them. “My Becky loved Jared with all her heart. She would not want to be separated from him even in death.” He turned to Jake, tears streaming down his face. Jake, please don’t separate them now. I ask the right to send Becky and Jared together to the next world.


Granted Collin, this is as it should be. Rah, Daowyn, bring Jared out to us. Jake could feel the pain of all the riders and the dragons at this turn of events. It was a heavy burden to carry.


Daowyn and Rah went into the Riders Hall and brought Jared out. He had indeed fought a fierce battle. He was covered in blood and ash; his wounds were many, any of which would have caused death. They positioned themselves under each wing and prepared to carry him to the heights.


Collin went to the women and took his beloved Becky in his arms. He knelt down and kissed her one last time, and buried his face in her hair holding her tightly. Then he laid her down gently, straightened her clothing and wiped her face. He bent close and said his good bye. With great sobs he tried to rise and carry her to Jared, but his grief overwhelmed him. Daniel and Michael went to him and took Becky and placed her on Jared’s back for one last ride.


Each rider went to his dragon and Daniel took Collin with him on Queenie. They all rose to the heights, and as they hovered there, Daowyn and Rah passed them carrying Jared and Becky to the stars. When they reached the heights, they released him and dove below. As Jared, with Lady Becky on his back, spiraled down, all the dragons flamed in unison. There was a release of white energy and a loud thunderous roar.


Feeling Jake’s pain Kate whispered, Oh Jake what a sad and beautiful send-off for them both. Kate spoke from her heart; it breaks my heart to think of Becky as gone. I can only imagine the kind of pain Collin is going thru.


This is only the beginning My Lady. It will get much worse. Jake told her solemnly. The black devil has dealt us a severe blow, but we will prevail. Collin will not back down because of Lady Becky’s death. He will become a thorn in the side of the black devil. But he must deal with his grief right now. The dragons will keen for Collin to help him with his sorrow.


Later that afternoon, up above in the Riders Hall Jake was talking to Jeffery. During the battle, I know I saw the White. Dragons were being turned to ash before my eyes, and all I could see was a white blur passing by me. I know it had to have been the White.


I believe he will approach us when the time is right Jake, Jeffery told him; perhaps he has been waiting for his Rider.


Later that night while the entire camp was asleep, the White called to Jake and they met. He consoled him on the loss of Jared; but the fact that Jared stood his ground against overwhelming odds was most impressive. He was a true Dragon of Light. He gave Jake much information; he also informed Jake about the existence of 22 dragons in Oregon on the West coast who had agreed to join in the fight against the dark devils. They spoke till the sun began to rise over the mountaintop. Jake learned that Jeffery was correct; the White had been waiting for his Rider.


With the rising sun, Jake’s heart was heavy with the deaths of Becky and Jared. During his prayers he asked the Creator to give him strength to accept His will in this matter. In answer to his prayer he was given a vision of the two on the other side. Their joy filled his heart and he was troubled no longer