Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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There were no more incursions for the next several weeks, but nonetheless everyone was on the alert. Lady Maya’s wing had indeed been broken; there seemed to be no end to the suffering she was enduring. To lose her mate, and then her rider’s mate was overpowering; her grief was having an effect on the entire camp. Daniel had rigged a sort of cast on her wing hoping that the bones would knit. Jake kept her in the Riders Hall so she would be near Collin and they could help each other grieve. Also, he didn’t want any scouts seeing a wounded dragon. The other dragons came by often and paid their respects to her. A great sadness had descended on Dragons Hill. Jake spent many nights sending healing and consolation to Collin; he had to get Collin ready to accept what was to come.


Kate, with Michael and Steve’s help had taken Sam and Big John and about four dragons with her to the town warehouse and stocked up on food and drink and ammo. There was no telling when they would be able to do it again.


About one month after the battle, Jake called Daniel, Kate, Steve, Lady Ashley and Big John to the Hall. He explained to them that he had met with the White. He told them that he had shared much information, some of which would help in the coming battle. And the White had also told him of the existence of a family of 22 dragons in the northwest; 22 very strange dragons. He looked straight at Big John when he said this.


It seems that five years ago, in your state of Oregon, the burning and fighting was at its peak. People were running for their lives. A girl of about 11 years was separated from her parents, and picked up by one of the black devils. The girl fought her way out of the clutches of the black; and she fell as it passed over a mountain range. Some trees managed to break part of her fall. But it also deflected her and she bounced and fell thru an opening in the mountainside. She fell into a hatching ground and landed on a clutch of 22 dragon eggs in the gelatinous stage. Jake looked at all of them, Think of the implications of this alone. The girl received a severe head injury, and her memory was lost.


Over the years the girl and the dragons grew up together. She thinks of them as brothers and sisters. She has been enhanced by many of them; think of this alone! The woman stands 6 feet tall, and the White says she reminds him of the Amazon women of past. She has never met another human being, she thinks and acts like a dragon! She and they fight the dark ones on a regular basis. They think of it as sport; something to do to pass the time. Daniel, the White says they are all as large as me. He also says that they are very fierce in battle. The White contacted their lead dragon, Wolf, after he observed a particularly nasty fight, and saluted them for their valor. Their knowledge contained the prophecy of the White. They were honored he sought them out. He has gained their trust. He told them of us, and our quest. They know of the First of the Ancients, and they consented to join our fight with one stipulation; that we find a mate for their ‘sister’. They are all dark midnight blue in color, and their only rider is this woman.


Jake now turned in the direction of Big John. John, now do you understand why I asked you here? It is your dream.


Son-of-a-bitch! Burst out of John before he could stop it. Does this mean that I am to go there and meet with them Jake? The dreams have been coming almost every night, and there seems to be some urgency to them. Maybe Collin can figure out what this means.


If we have all learned one thing, began Daniel, it’s that the dreams never lie. I’d say you’re destined to go John.


Daniel looked at Kate and winked. Jake lets ask them for a meeting on neutral ground, and bring Big John along for ‘security purposes’. Inform their lead dragon what we are trying to do, and then see if he will agree. Have the girl there and we can see if maybe they hit it off. If they are the same as all the dragons we have met so far, then they are truly concerned for her happiness. They just might agree to go along with this for their sister’s sake.


But John, Kate spoke up, this may not be fair to you. You may not get along with this young woman. She may be just as ferocious as her fellow dragons. We could be putting you in danger.


Shit Kate, John answered, I am not exactly a sweetheart type of guy. You know I’m a bit crude sometimes, and maybe a little short-tempered.


A little! Steve chimed in. You don’t do anything little! They all laughed at that outburst, even Jake chuckled.


Big John laughed with them and then continued, Look, what I’m trying to say is that I’m the one having these damn dreams! I know what I’m dreaming! Hell, I can see it all very clearly. I’m in the midst of all these big dark blues, and there is a woman there too, but I can’t see her face. Look, I know what everyone thinks of me; most are too scared to get to know me. And the women here are sweet, but frankly, they are a bit fearful. I’d like to find what you riders have found. It can get damn lonely at times. Damn it! Jake knows what I’m trying to say.


Indeed John, I do understand. Jake took over the conversation and explained to the group; John and I have had a midnight friendship for a very long time. It has been these recent months that he has been having these dreams on a steady basis. He cannot see himself riding a dragon as of yet, but he is in the midst of these dark blues. He came to me and we have been discussing them. Jake turned to face John, if you do accept this task and agree to go John, you will have to be enhanced. There is no other way. 22 dragons have enhanced this woman. You have no idea right now what that means, but believe me John, it is a huge advantage. She has all the knowledge of her dragons. You will have to have the same. We will need them if we are to win this battle. But John, if you feel that this is not right, that it is out of your hands, we will leave. I will not put you in any danger.


John shook his head, Lets just see what pans out, ok Jake? As to the enhancement, hell yes! Who knows, maybe all that info will help.


Very well, if you are prepared, come and climb on me and let us get this started. Rah, Daowyn, and Ichor, Jake called to his dragons, I have a great favor to ask of you three.


Jake asked Rah, and Daowyn, and Ichor, to join in the enhancement. They agreed if this was to further strengthen our force against the black ones. Also as a side note, Rah informed Jake that Lady Sally was not feeling well this morning. She had declined any flying for a while. Jake chuckled at this news. The group then took to the air and was soon lost to sight.


“So, what do you guys think?” Daniel was asking. “I mean, nothing would surprise me anymore, but 22 dragons, as big as Jake? Lord man, that’s too much to pass up.”


 “Daniel!” Kate was troubled. “Think of John, we have no idea what this woman is like; if it didn’t work out it would crush him.”


Steve joined in, “Kate, nothing could crush him. He is 6’4”, 300 lbs of the meanest, fiercest fighting machine on this earth. He gets along with dragons better than humans. Hell, he prefers dragons to humans! Hey, maybe she’s a lusty wench, like the dragons. He’d love it!”


“Oh you men, you know nothing!” Kate threw up her hands in exasperation, “Didn’t you hear him? He wants what we all have found;” she continued softly, “He’s a lonely man, Steve.”


Daniel stepped in, “This is all conjecture. Why don’t we wait till we meet with them, and then see what happens?”


They stayed on the mesa until Jake, Rah and Ichor returned about two hours later. Jake called to Kate and told her she would be pleased, as would everyone else. They landed and as John climbed down, Kate held her breath. He was still a mountain of a man, but he was refined, the rough edges were gone, his bearing was softer. And his face was rather handsome. His hair was a golden brown and hung to his shoulders. He was very impressive, but it was his demeanor that caught Kate’s eye.


He came up to her, made a short bow and took her hand and kissed it. “My sweet Kate, I think we can now make contact; it should prove to be most interesting.” Kate blushed a deep red; she saw behind those brown eyes and found great intelligence in there.


Jake contacted the White and asked him to set up a friendly meeting under the guise of discussing the coming battle. They could then introduce John to them and the dragons themselves would be able to tell if their ‘sister’ was interested.


The White contacted Jake a short time later and a meeting was set up for the next day. They were all to meet at a large plateau along a mountain range in Idaho. Jake would make the trip with his Queen and Daniel and Kate. Rah, Lady Jennie, and Daowyn and Lady Elzbeth would bring up the rear. The White said he would fly the heights.


They all met the next morning on the Mesa and Rah agreed to have John ride on him. John was dressed in dark leather as the other riders and he made quite a sight. They all mounted and took off. Ichor was left in charge to guard the camp.


Kate relayed her thoughts to Jake, if the lady in question does not find him pleasing, then she would have to be blind. He chuckled loudly.