Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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“Please, no, no! I’m not trying to be deceitful; it’s Elizabeth. She’s one of us; she found an egg about four weeks ago and insisted that it was talking to her. I thought that she was going thru a phase; what with all she had been thru – it was inevitable that she would break down. She begged me not to tell the others. Said they would just kill it and she couldn’t live if that happened. I kept quiet, thinking it would pass. And then I began to notice that since she had found the egg, she seemed to have changed. Changed in good ways. I just haven’t had a chance to sit down and think all this through.”


“She will have to be brought here Doc. She has to be instructed on how to care for the egg properly so that the dragon has a chance to mature naturally. It won’t grow and hatch properly without this information.” Kate urgently told him.


“She informed me the night before last that it was sounding more and more like a little girl. She was worried her, said that she needed to be near other dragons.” He looked from Kate to Daniel and shook his head from side to side. “This is some coincidence.”


Daniel made a decision; Jake, we need to get this man to you so he can be informed properly of who we are and what our purpose is. We do need him Jake, he is a doctor and the women will want him here when they go into labor.


Bring him to the Riders Hall Daniel; Jeffery and I will take care of it.


“Doc, what if I told you that there is someone here who can answer all your questions, and also tell you things you haven’t thought of yet. He will be able to put your mind at ease.” Daniel wanted to ease him into meeting Jake. “Lady Kate and I are the leaders of this camp, but we share our leadership with one who knows far more than we ever will. You should speak with him.”


“Dr Paul, he has always looked out after us, and always protected us and everyone in this camp.” Kate reached over and patted his hand. “He has healed those whose spirit was trampled, given hope to those who needed it, and has always left the decisions to us. I think you would find him very interesting.”


“And he is a dragon, a very large black dragon with silver around his eyes and purple to mark him as a leader.” He looked at them both. “God in heaven, my dreams are coming true. This is too spooky!”


They both looked at him with understanding and smiled; they had been there themselves. Daniel brought him to the Riders Hall. Jeffery greeted him at the entrance and told Daniel they would call him when they were finished. He ushered Doc into the Hall and spoke to him for a few minutes. Then Jake came forward and Jeff asked for his permission for Jake to speak to him in his mind. That small courtesy was what sold the doctor. (New rules for a new world.)


He watched in awe as Jake came forward, and marveled at his size. His eyes were quickly scanning the huge muscled legs and the powerful wings, and the intelligent dark eyes. Then he heard him, in his mind speaking quietly and very distinctly. He was explaining everything. Doc slowly relaxed, and nodded his head several times in agreement. Several times he laughed, and once his eyes misted over. He looked at this majestic creature and began to understand some of what was going on.


Then a slight electric shock passed between him and Jake, and slowly things stared to fall into place; the mists and cobwebs seemed to clear away and he slowly became aware. He began to understand the monumental task that was being attempted by these people, and he understood the part he was to play in it.


Two hours later Daniel and Kate were called to the Riders Hall. The change in the doctor was dramatic. There was a new air of confidence about him; he was very happy that he had come. He understood clearly now how things had changed, and what was required of him. He was most willing to spread the word around to the neighboring countryside. There was a hospital not far from his town, and with Daniel’s help he would make it a point to get it up and running again. He thanked Jake for his hospitality, and asked to see him again in the future. Jake assured him they would meet again soon.


“Before I leave tomorrow,” he told Kate, “I’d like to see all the women and check them out. Just to make sure that things are progressing, as they should.” He smiled at Kate, “and you Lady Kate, shall be first!”


The next morning he woke up early, he felt refreshed and was in great spirits. He had no sooner eaten breakfast when the women started coming into the mess Hall. He was astounded at the beauty of these remarkable women. Kate took him and the women and they all went to the clinic in the town. There he did his examinations, and pronounced them all coming along perfectly. Lucy had asked to come along, as she had been feeling rather tired and drained lately. After her check up he assured her that she was just fine, 2 months pregnant and just as healthy as the rest.


Lucy was dumbfounded. “But I’m in my fifty’s, this can’t be!” Dr Paul assured her that she was, and that she had to be wrong about her age. She had the body and ovaries of a 30 yr old. He should know, he said, he had just examined 12 of them.


Kate was the one who broke the mystery, “Lucy, you and Sam have lived with us and the Dragons from the very beginning. You gave your heart to Sally when Jake returned with her broken body. You were there for her when she needed a Mom so badly. You accepted her wish to be a Dragon Rider and as hard as it was, you let her go. You have always been there for us all. Did you ever think that maybe all that good would come to the attention of the Dragons? That maybe they would give you the one gift that your heart has always wanted. Who else can heal as they can? Who else can restore a body to perfection as they can do? I think this is a gift from them to you and Sam.”


Lucy was crying, as were many of the women. Sally came to her side and hugged her. “I’m so happy for you Lucy. You’ll be the best Mom; I know it for a fact!”


When they returned to the camp Kate asked Daniel and Steve to meet them at the Mess Hall. There was going to be some news. They all met and then Lucy told Sam the good news. He turned white as a ghost and promptly fainted. After much laughing Daniel had the doctor revive him. Sam looked at Lucy with new eyes after that, he was very caring and gentle with her. He brought in extra help in the kitchen, and wouldn’t let her lift a thing saying he didn’t want her to strain anything.. In private he cried, and thanked her for this wonderful gift. She told him to thank all the Dragons; it was their gift to the two of them.

After that day the camp was a busy place. Sam went to the town and spent several days at the Library. He found a book on how to make baby food; he read and he learned. He took to his kitchen making and trying out different recipes. He ordered the farmers to grow carrots, and beets, and sweet potatoes in a special area explaining that this was for the wee ones. He was going to be ready when the babies were able to eat food.


Dr Paul returned to his town the next day with three other dragons, some food, and hope for his people. The engineers got busy and had the power back on in a matter of days. The doctor then called a town meeting and explained how things were in the world, and that it was up to them to help in starting over and beginning anew. It was a good beginning; there was hope again among the people. Knowing that the dragons were there to protect them gave them all new courage.


After everyone had turned in, he went to Elizabeth and her sister, Tommy’s mother, and they all had a long talk. After his explanation, Elizabeth said she understood why he had told. She agreed to go to Dragons Hill but only if she could bring Margaret and Tommy along. It was quickly agreed to and they prepared for the trip, as they would depart the next morning.


A young man approached Andrew after everyone had turned in for the night. He had a very large notepad with him. He introduced himself as Leo. He explained to Andrew that he was an artist, that he had seen the battle, all of it. He had been inspired by what he had seen and he had stayed up a day and a night to put it to paper. He then asked if he might sit with Andrew and Lady Ariel and show them what he saw that day. Andrew was astonished at the accuracy of this young mans hand. He recognized Ichor and Lady Sarah in mid battle with the black bull; Jackson being flamed and Lady Isabol returning the flame. The Blue Dragons bursting thru the center of the black ones was portrayed with unbelievable force and he could recognize Wolf and Big John. He also showed the White and Collin as they let loose the final blast on the big black bull. Now everyone could see what had happened that day. But the rendering that took his breath away was of Jake and Daniel tearing into five of the black ones. Every muscle, every tendon, every bit of Jake in his full majesty was shown; the fierceness of Daniel and the flames erupting from him was captured perfectly; it was so real that it felt as if the drawing itself was alive. Lady Ariel roared her approval and suggested that he be brought to Dragons Hill to Master Jeffery. Andrew asked the young man if he would consent to this and he quickly agreed.


That morning Elizabeth told her sweet friend that they were going to a place where there were many dragons like her. She became very excited. Elizabeth came up the hill to Lady Ashley and Ash holding her precious egg. Lady Ashley instructed her how to put it against her body and tie it to her. Then she introduced her to Ash, and explained how to mount the large dragon. She helped her up and they settled in. for the flight to her new life.

Tommy and his mother, Margaret, came next. She was very frightened as she passed in front of Lady Ariel, but for her son she would endure anything. She found herself thrilled beyond words during the flight; she was in awe of the large dragon. As payment and tribute to Lady Ariel for giving her son a chance at such a grand future, she made a beautiful quilt for Andrew and Emily. She had captured Lady Ariel’s likeness in flight; it was done so well that Lady Emily had hung it in their quarters. Several of the other riders upon seeing it requested quilts of their own. Margaret was soon awash in orders for other scenes with the dragons’ likenesses and it became the rage to have one of her quilts hanging on the walls of their caves. Margaret had found a new calling, and once again felt useful.


Andrew took the young man Leo to see Master Jeffery. After introductions all around, Jeffery sat with the young man and they went over all his sketches. Jeffery was most impressed and asked the young man to stay and work with him on the Dragon Chronicles. Leo was most agreeable to do so.


Dr Paul returned to Dragons Hill as he promised every 4 weeks to check on the women. And then came the day that he announced to Sam that Lucy was going to have twins. The mountain thundered as the Dragons roared their approval; and Sam fainted again.


That night he went up the mountaintop to thank Jake personally. You have given Sally and me a gift of untold riches, he told Jake.


Jake rose and then lowered his head to right in front of Sam. It is not necessary to thank us Sam. We only slightly enhanced Lucy and yourself; you both did the rest. You and Lucy have both given much to the people of this camp and neither of you have ever asked for anything in return. I know how Lucy’s heart broke when Sally left to become a rider; yet she let her go to fulfill her destiny. You are both good people, you will make excellent parents. And Sam, we will be there to see to it that she does not suffer any pain at the birth.

Sam came forward and threw his large arms around Jake’s lowered head. Not a man given to open displays of affection, he was overwhelmed to learn that he and Lucy were held in such high regard by the dragons.


Elizabeth’s days at the camp were spent in wonder and learning. Jeffery schooled her in Dragon Lore, and she was very quick to pick up on everything. She immersed herself in everything learning as much information as she was given. Her egg began to grow at an accelerated rate; and it was obvious that she was going to be a very large dragon. The egg took on a greenish tone, and started to harden about 5 weeks after Elizabeth’s arrival; and her voice was becoming more mature in tone.


Elizabeth often went to the Riders Hall and just sat and watched what was going on. Soaking everything up like a sponge. Jake began to watch her and her reaction to everything. One day as Jake was speaking to Jeffery; he suddenly turned to her and asked, how long have you been able to understand us?


Startled, Elizabeth jumped, and then getting herself under control she answered, Always, why? I don’t repeat anything I hear. The other dragons have never said I should not listen to them. Elizabeth saw nothing wrong with her ability.


Jake chuckled loudly, my dear young woman, not everyone can hear all of us. Each rider and dragon can communicate with each other and their dragon with other dragons. I can act as a relay between a dragon and a rider not bonded, he explained. You have a gift that is only given to a leader. You and your dragon must have a special task before you, little one.


Sarah and Jackson, along with Ichor and Lady Isabol began their intensive training with Jake and Jeffery. Elizabeth sat in the back of the Hall and listened in to everything that was said. Jake did not disturb her as he began to see Elizabeth’s future and knew she was learning what would be required of her. Many times she would remain behind after everyone left and question Jake about one point or another. She found Ichor to be very realistic and pragmatic and told Jake so. Jake began to marvel at such great wisdom in so small a body.


Queenie called to Jake one day and told him that the egg on her hatching grounds was of such a size that they would have to make a new opening if the newly emerged dragon was to be able to leave the cave once it hatched. She had never before seen, or heard of an egg this size. Jake chuckled and told her not to worry, things were as they were supposed to be.