Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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Returning from patrol one day about a month later, Rah and Lady Sally were flying along just below the Heights. Suddenly she looked in the distance sharply. A few minutes later she asked him to look towards the east explaining that she thought she saw something on wing. Rah flew to the Heights and checked the land from horizon to horizon; nothing moved.

I think you are imagining things my lady, probably due to your condition. Rah was not happy, Lady Sally, if Michael knew that I was allowing you to fly, he would be very angry with me. As it is, he will know when we land. Rah flew at an easy pace so as to make a smooth ride for Sally.


Sally answered him with a bit of haughtiness, don’t you worry yourself about Michael. I decide if and when I can and cannot ride! And don’t change the subject. That’s the second time I thought I saw something. Please, let’s go over that area again.


Rah circled around and headed back towards the east. You are so defensive lately, I shall be glad when you are your old self once again.


As they entered the area four black dragons shot out at them. Two came from below, and one from each side. Rah was taken totally by surprise. He shot straight above at supersonic speed turning and flaming as he went below. Sally, caught off guard, lost her seating and started to fall. Rah swung back to the left so she could adjust herself and took a flame to his right wing. They were ganging up on him, and he realized with Sally in her condition he could not use any of his usual moves to fight them.


Hold on tight my Lady, maybe we can lose them in a dive.

Rah dove thru them and tried to come out the other side but they were too fast. They kept up with him and were relentless in their attacks. Rah realized he was too far from Dragons Hill to call for help. Suddenly from behind them there was a great flaming. They turned mid-air and rose up quickly seeing the dragons fall to the ground below. Flying above and flaming them to ash was the largest dragon Rah had ever seen. It was forest green in color and at least twice Jake’s size. Rah’s wing began to throb and he began loosing speed. The strange dragon saluted him.


Hail Rah, First Wing of Jake! We bid you well and ask if we may be of assistance. You have taken a hit, may we aid you in any way. We have come from far across the sea to speak with the First. Is your rider well, she appears to be faint.


Sally was lightheaded, loosing her balance on Rah. Rah! I feel so funny! I can’t …Oh! Sally started to slide off Rah. The rider of the large dragon swung over and reached for her before she fell. He scooped her up in his arms and the dragon relayed to Rah that he had her.


I thank you, stranger. My Lady Sally is with child; and very strong willed. Rah turned and looked at Sally sternly. Now she will believe that her riding days are over till she delivers. Please follow and I shall lead the way to our camp. Rah called ahead and informed Jake as to what had just occurred, and asked him to get Michael. And my liege, this is the largest dragon I have ever seen. He is twice your size, and he has a male rider! Most unusual!


As Rah circled and came in for a landing he could see Michael and Lady Jennie waiting for him. The visitor landed and his rider slid off with Lady Sally in his arms. Michael came forward with a worried look on his face.

“Sally!” He reached for her and took her from the stranger.


“She lost her balance when she fainted; I believe she is all right friend. We killed the black beasts before they could touch her.”


Sally had come to and was feeling rather sheepish. The rider smiled at her gently as Michael helped her to her feet. Then her eyes flew wide and she hurried to Rah’s side to check his wing. Michael was right behind her.


My Michael, he will be fine. His pride is hurt more than anything. Lady Jennie relayed to Michael. Rah allowed Lady Sally to influence him for one last ride, he blames himself.


He has no blame, the large green dragon spoke up, there were four of them and they laid a trap for him. He was trying to protect his rider. I am thankful that we were there to help.


If anyone is to blame it is I; Sally spoke up apologetically. Oh if I hadn’t been so stubborn Rah would never have been injured. I am so sorry Rah.


Jake landed and all attention immediately turned to him. The large dragon’s rider went to his side and reached for a strange staff and then went down on one knee bowing his head. Then the large dragon spread his wings wide, reared back, and then came forward and lowered his head in front of Jake.

Hail First of the Ancients! I am called Valotin, First Wing to Alakar, Third of the Ancients. We have come from across the sea to ask for your aid in fighting the black menace on our shores.


Rise Valotin, and ask your courageous rider to rise also. We bid you welcome, and thank you and your rider for his help. Lady Sally is a favorite of ours.

Jake turned and looked at Michael and Lady Sally. Kate and Daniel ascended the mesa and went directly to Jakes side.

My I introduce my companion, my friend, and my rider, Lady Kate. Her mate, Daniel, rides my Queen; we all bid you welcome and thank you for your aid.


Valotin introduced his rider, my rider, my companion, and my friend, James, he who welds the Fire Staff in battle. James rose, stamped the Fire Staff twice and bowed his head before Jake.


James you are most welcome. Jake noted the sadness surrounding both dragon and rider.

You have both had a long journey; rest and food are needed now. Valotin, I will have my dragons escort you to our feeding grounds. Rhontin, Daowyn, please escort our honored guest to the feeding grounds.


Daniel came forward and took James arm and greeted him as a fellow warrior. “Thank you for what you did for Lady Sally. We bid you welcome to Dragons Hill.”


Michael came over with Sally at his side. “Thank-you James for saving my Sally, my name is Michael.” They shook hands. “She can be very headstrong and obstinate; but I believe she has learned a valuable lesson this day,” he said glaring at Sally.


Sally stepped forward and extended her hand, “thank you kind sir. I shall not ride again until after the birth; when I think of what could have happened...”


James looked at them and answered, “You are all quite welcome. No offense Lady Sally, but you should have known better; you must never endanger yourself, or your dragon. Believe me, I know from bitter experience.”


Daniel decided to change the subject. “James, please follow us down to the mess Hall. We will get you something to eat and drink. Then we will bombard you with all sorts of questions until you are too tired to answer anymore!” Everyone laughed as they headed down off the mesa.


Kate took James arm and led him down the mountain regaling him with the history of Dragon’s Hill. At one point on their way down he turned and looked towards the side of the mountain as if searching for something. He stared at the opening to the hatching ground, tilting his head as if listening. Jake urged Kate to distract him, which she did and they continued down the mountain.


Meanwhile, up above, Lady Sally went to Rah and begged forgiveness for being so difficult and willful. She felt awful that he had taken a hit and been burned because of her stubbornness. He set her mind at ease and blamed himself for not insisting that she stay home. Michael took her down to the Hall for some tea.


James was in awe of the great Hall… and their food. He didn’t realize how hungry he was and ate two big steaming platefuls. He stuffed his face with biscuits and honey, and a gallon of ice tea. Kate and Daniel got themselves some ice tea and joined him. He was a handsome man, she noted, looked to be in his late thirties. He stood about 6’ tall and had a nice muscular body. Sandy brown shoulder length hair was tied back from his face to revealed a rugged ruddy complexion and startling blue eyes. Kate watched for a while and observed that there was a kind of sadness about him. She noticed he would look around the room every now and then, as though he were scanning for someone. Daniel kept him entertained while he ate with stories about Dragons Hill.


“What part of Europe do you come from James?” Daniel finally asked him as he popped the last bite into his mouth.


He swallowed and smiled at them, “First, please, I apologize for my manners, they are a bit rusty,” he said holding up his hands. “We hail from Northern Scotland right now. We’re having a bit of a hard time with the devils. They hit us pretty hard several months ago and we lost several riders and dragons.” He took a drink of his tea. “We had to move our base from England to Scotland.”

He stopped for a moment remembering; Kate made a mental note of the pained look on his face.

“Alakar knew of the First and his success; so he thought it wise to send for help. Valotin and I volunteered for the job.”


Michael and Lady Sally came into the Hall and joined them. Sam came over and chastised her and then gave her a big hug.

“You have to be careful girl, think of the wee one inside you.”


Oreo took this opportunity to prance into the Hall and James’ eyes grew wide in alarm. He slowly moved his hand to the hilt of his blade; Daniel reached for his arm and shook his head.


Sally and Sam turned as she came up to them. “Aha, here comes Oreo, even she knows you were a bad girl.” Sam said teasingly.


Lady Sally turned around and reached for Oreo’s big head and gave her a hug while fluffing up her fur. James mouth dropped in astonishment.


“How’s my big girl today? What are you up to my love, checking on me?” Lady Sally cooed at her and Oreo purred loudly rubbing herself against Sally’s legs.


James was mesmerized at the sight before him. A smile played across his face as he watched Sally and Oreo interact and exchange greetings. He looked at Daniel and questioned with his eyes.


“That’s Oreo,” Daniel explained with a smile, “she’s barely ten months old. She’s also enhanced; happened when Lady Sally and Rah bonded at the hatching. All our animals have been enhanced along with their masters.”


James turned and looked at Oreo again thinking about the animals back at his home base.


“This is amazing; my God she’s a beautiful beast! You say the riders and their pets are enhanced together? This is something we need to think about, we have many large hounds at base camp. Of course we do not have many riders left since the battle.” He saw the look on Daniel’s face and knew he would have to relate the tale of the last battle. He finished his tea and rose, “I say Daniel, may we go for a walk around your camp, I should love to see it all.”


Catching his drift quickly, Daniel got up and made a show of taking James and showing him the camp. As they left the Hall Kate watched and Daniel turned and raised his hand to halt her joining them. She knew he would inform her later as to what this was all about.


“James, have we offended you; I can tell by the look on your face that you’re upset. If I can help, just say the word.” Daniel wanted him to know that they were all brothers in this battle to reclaim their world. Daniel took him to his and Kate’s quarters. He invited him to sit in one of the large leather chairs and he stoked the fire in the fireplace. He got out a bottle of whiskey and poured him a shot. Then he sat and waited for James to begin his tale.


James took the shot glass and downed it quickly, taking a deep breath he began; “Ten months ago we thought we had the drop on the nasty bastards that had been hitting us for months. We had been playing cat and mouse with them for the better part of six months. We spotted their camp and decided to attack. I hadn’t wanted my mate, Catherine, to go with us; she had just found out she was pregnant, two months along. She insisted that she would be fine. She and her dragon, Lady Ursula, promised they would not engage in any fighting. We attacked their camp and destroyed it; it was almost too easy. The bastards had grown bold, and smart; they had another camp we knew nothing about and they attacked without warning, Valotin and I fought thru 20 of the beasts, but they were everywhere. I watched as my fellow riders were being pulled down and there was nothing I could do to help them. They fought to the very end, valiantly trying to turn the tide. As we came out of a band of them I turned to see my love, my Cath…” he stopped, his voice cracking.

“… my beautiful Catherine and her Lady Ursula surrounded. We tried to get to her, Oh God how we tried, but they kept blocking our way. We must have killed another 30 of them at least, but we couldn’t reach her in time. We watched in horror as she and Lady Ursula were overtaken and pulled down.”


He looked at Daniel with hollow eyes, and buried his head in his hands and wept. Daniel fixed him another drink and waited. After a bit he raised his head and looked at Daniel, “Valotin and I are empty shells, that’s why we volunteered for this job. We didn’t think we would be able to make it all the way here.”


Daniel leaned forward in his chair and laid his hand on James’ arm, “I am truly sorry, James. But you should know something about this mountain; healings take place here. Jake and the dragons have healed most of us. I‘ve seen the spirit healed along with the body. That’s why we won against the bloody bastards; we are Light, they are darkness and chaos.”


James looked up at Daniel, “I’ll agree with you on that, this is a very strange place. For one thing, your females ride the male dragons. Not so where I come from. Males ride the males, females the females. Peter says that it is decided by who makes contact with the Ancient first. He made contact with Alakar, and so it was ordained. And here also, for only a moment, I thought I felt … something. When we were flying here with Lady Sally, Valotin said that for a moment there he thought he felt a familiar call, but he couldn’t get a fix on it. Perhaps our pain makes us feel what we wish for.” James took a deep breath and yawned, “sorry, but I am so weary, is there a place I might rest Daniel?”


“Yes, of course, I should have thought; please come with me James, I’ll settle you into one the temporary caves. You’ll be safe as the Dragons patrol the area. Oh, if you should wake and find some very large dogs at your bedside, don’t be alarmed. They tend to visit newcomers and stay with them while they are sleeping. Just tell them to come get me when you wake up.”


Daniel led James to a warm cave near the base of the mountain. After he was settled in he asked Andrew, thru Jake, to send Brutus and Cesar to stay with him the night. Then he bid him good night and went back to the Hall.


Kate was waiting for him, “So?” she asked him. Daniel related the story James had told him. “Oh Daniel, I knew I felt the sadness in him. We’ve got to do what we can for him while he is here. Perhaps Jake can help in his healing.”


“Kate, don’t interfere with this one. He’s really hurting, and so is his dragon. Besides, I feel Jakes’ hand in this somewhere.” Kate gave him a kiss on the cheek and they left the Hall holding hands.


Later that night Kate spoke to Jake about James and Valotin. Jake told her not to bother herself, they had both been sent by Alakar for just this reason. Everything had been prepared and they would be healed at their own pace; “these two have a special destiny,” he told her.