Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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Future History would show that the forces of the Mighty Valotin and his Warrior Queen Valeria saved Europe; in battle they were formidable and had no equal. One year after they left Dragons Hill, Valotin made his push across Europe with Alakar, Ichor, and the White at his side. It took him 52 days and many battles to run the big bull down. A fierce and costly battle finally ended it once and for all. Once this was accomplished, the rest of Europe fell like dominoes. As the years flew by, all of Asia was freed, and then the Middle East and Africa. In time James and Elizabeth had two daughters; they in turn married the sons of Sarah and Jackson. The line was a strong one in Europe, and they were all well liked.


Out on the West coast, Diana gave birth to six children, three boys and three girls. She had no problem in handling six children; in true dragon fashion, she palmed out the rearing of the children to her brothers and sisters. Six Blue Dragons finally managed to get riders. They al1 proved to be remarkable children who could speak telepathically to dragons and humans alike. Big John and Diana were able to make contact with the survivors all along the West coast. The people were enthralled with the Blue Dragons, and they accepted them with great respect, especially after Surfman opened his mouth and began to speak. From then on there was no stopping their fame. Surfman was beloved mostly by the surfer crowd who returned once again after the coast was cleared, and found he gave new meaning to the phase ‘curl a wave’. It would be the Blue Dragons, with help from Enaj, who would free the Pacific and Asia.


Dragons Hill flourished as it was meant to; Jake continued to heal the people of the world in his quiet unobtrusive way, as was his task. As each new Leader and Ancient emerged, they would make the trip to Dragons Hill to present themselves before Jake. His wisdom and knowledge continued to guide them all as the world was gradually brought back from the brink.


Slowly contact was made with the rest of the country. Little towns here and there began to emerge. As news of the Dragons spread from town to town, people wanted to know how they came about. Master Jeffery was asked to write down all that had happened, from the very beginning with Kate entering the hatching grounds and finding Jake, to the final battle with the black devils. In time Jeffery became the curator of the Dragon Chronicles, in which he recorded all the adventures of the Dragons of Light. When printing presses were finally up and running again there was a very large demand for this particular book. But for here and now, books were out of the question till they found people with the knowledge of printing.


So Master Jeffery came up with an idea borrowed from history; he had each town send someone to learn the story. Soon Town Criers became the fad once again. Jeffery was kept very busy for several months training these young men. And he saw to it that before they left Dragons Hill to begin telling their story, they all met with Jake, and dined with Kate and Daniel. The experience would leave its mark on each and every one of these men. Once they returned to their towns they were in great demand. When the people learned the details, ‘First Contact’ and the emergence of Jake became the most sought after tale to relate. People wanted to know what Kate and Daniel looked like; but most of all they wanted to see a picture of Jake. So Master Jeffery asked Leo to make a portrait of Kate and Jake, and Daniel and Queenie, to pass to all the Town Criers. Thru the telling and retelling of the story, Kate became revered around the known world. She would go down in history as ‘The One - she who made first contact’.


History would show that that one step laid the groundwork that would eventually free the entire world of the black monsters, and bring it back from near extinction. And Jake, much to his chagrin, became a legend in the people’s eyes. Privately he would chuckle over that.


Contact was re-established with Thunder Mountain, and it was Lester Wilde, himself, who answered Daniel’s questions. He told Daniel that he was right to leave when he did; that things got pretty bad for a while. Eventually, the people were the ones who took over the mountain after years of tyrannical rule. But the cost was great as Lester lost his wife in the battle. Using his famous listening device he was able to locate the mysterious Dragon Riders, and he sent a group to make contact. Daniel invited him to Dragons Hill and Lester was completely blown away by the dragons. His 7-year old son, Jonathan, heard an egg calling to him two hours after arriving. Unsure of what was going on, he asked Uncle Daniel ‘who the little children were’ that he could hear calling him. Lester was amazed at this turn of events, but he agreed to let his son go. Jonathan’s dragon proved to be Zao-Ting, Giver of Laws, Seventh of the Ancients. Together they would set this new world in order with the ‘Rules of Life’. Guidelines to live by that would be adopted around the world, and handed down from generation to generation


The remaining marauders all banded together as one large army and challenged the Dragon Riders. There was a major battle with Daniel’s forces, and some of the Dragons were injured. But the marauders were no match for Daniel and his army, and they were soon erased from the face of the earth. The people they had held as slaves were released, and in time, and with Jake’s help, healed as well.


Oreo lived to a ripe old age; she was near sixty when her old heart finally gave out. The Dragons roared and keened at her passing, as they all felt it to their core. She was accorded the honor of a Dragons Funeral, and it was the Queen herself who flamed Oreo to the next world. Many years later, Lady Sally’s great grandson chuckled upon seeing his newly hatched dragon and smiled knowingly. She was black and white with a white diamond shape on her forehead. She told him her name was Lady Oreo, and she had returned.


Tabs spent his remaining days in the company of Lady Emily’s dragon, Ash. He never quite healed from the battle with that mutant bear. He slept most of the time now, and always near his friend Ash. And then one bright spring morning Ash took him for his last ride. And everyone swore that day that there were tears in that mighty dragon’s eyes.


The children of this new world all grew up knowing nothing but dragons. As babies they were often keened to sleep by the dragons; they learned to fly before they could walk, and most were in contact with dragons before they learned to speak. Their early years were spent in the company of dragons and often playing with them. Dragons loved little babies, they found them to be pure souls, and enjoyed their joy in the world. Many dragons, as well as John and Alexandria, schooled the children. And when they were ready, Master Jeffery taught them all he knew of Dragon History.


Many years went by, and the world slowly returned to normal again, or as normal as could be expected in these strange times. Many people declined to re-inhabit the old cities. Instead they built their own little towns and hamlets around the base of Dragons Hill. The towns were spaced about ten to fifteen miles from each other. Trade was once again established between the towns, but there was no more rushing about, no more hard sell. Friendly barter was the currency now. People took their time; they enjoyed the simple things in life. Family became the most important thing now. Men and women visited other towns in search of husbands and wives. Matchmakers became the vogue again.


About five years after the final battle, Jake and Queenie along with Daniel and Kate traveled around the country to see how the people were doing in this new world of ours. They started out by visiting the nearby towns near Dragons Hill. They were all accorded great respect; the people looked upon the dragons with great awe. Feeling good about what they saw in these towns and villages, they then went all the way to the east coast and started across the entire country.


Kate and Daniel were impressed at the kindness and hospitality they were shown by all. Some of these towns were well fortified and well stocked; and then others just 10 to 15 miles away were barely getting by.


At a suggestion from Jake, several of the well stocked towns began to share with their less fortunate compatriots. As a reward for their compassion and generosity, Jake called for two rider candidates from each town. He told them all that if these riders passed the test, they would have their own Dragons to patrol the area. Needless to say, word spread that these towns had the special favor of the Dragons because of their good deeds. It was not too long before people considered it a great honor to have Jake visit their town. As expected, Dragons Hill was soon flooded with requests from other towns begging for a visit from Jake and Queenie.


Many, many years later Kate asked Jake what he thought about the way the human race was returning to the world. Were they doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past; or had they learned something from almost becoming extinct as a race.


Jakes eyes twirled and he chuckled and replied; things are really coming along quite nicely.

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