Jake - Book One of the Early Years by J. Barrett - HTML preview

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James woke feeling truly rested; he reached for Elizabeth and found that she was already up. He rose and went into the bathroom. As he came out he noticed that the house was very quiet. He put on some pants and went into the hallway just as Elizabeth was coming up the stairs. She had a large glass of orange juice. “Hey there sunshine,” she said handing him the large glass, “good morning.”


“Is it me, or is the house too quiet? Where is everyone?” He asked her as he reached for the glass and took a long swallow.


“They’re all gone, went back to Dragons Hill.” She was holding a piece of paper. “Note from Daniel. They went back to Dragons Hill; and we have the house to ourselves. They will come back for us tomorrow. They all say ‘thank-you for all your help,’ blah, blah, blah. Rest and enjoy, you both earned it.” She handed him the note.


He read it, and then read between the lines. This time was for him and Elizabeth. He was sure that Jake had arranged this. She pushed his hand with the note aside, and went into his arms pulling him to her. In a deep voice she seductively demanded, “James, take me in your arms and kiss me like you really mean it.”


Surprised but pleased at her forwardness he answered her quickly, as suddenly an overpowering feeling hit him. “I’ve wanted to do this for sometime now.” With his left hand he tilted her head, and kissed her hard, pulling her to him. He explored her mouth with his tongue. He felt her arms go around his neck as she responded with such passion that he found himself quite excited.


“Now that’s a kiss,” she said in a husky voice as they parted. “I want more of you, James, much more than I thought I ever would again." And then she whispered..., "you make me feel alive. If I’m on the wrong track please tell me now before I make a complete fool of myself.”


“You’re not on the wrong track, and you’ll never be a fool. I’ve been feeling it myself lately. I’ve tried to deny it, but I find that I don’t want to anymore. I care for you, Elizabeth, more than I thought I could. I want you... I want to make love to you Elizabeth, make you cry out…”


Her hand went to his mouth, “Yes, I want those things too! But more important, I want them from you James.” She was looking him right in the eye when she said it.


She began to remove her clothing, and he did the same, slowly they watched each other. He pulled her to him and began kissing her neck, her lips, and her breasts. She pressed herself to him and he lifted her and laid her on the bed. She reached up and pulled him to her kissing him passionately. She pressed herself to him seductively wrapping one leg around his. During the next hour he sought to please her, and he did so, even making her call out his name. But she also knew how to give pleasure and he soon found that he couldn’t contain himself. She pulled herself to him wrapping her legs around him. They set a pace that was soon quickened as their passion grew. He was feeling her warmth, and her love. He found himself enjoying her body; he couldn’t get enough of her.

She was obviously feeling the same as she rose with each of his thrusts to meet him. She clung to him tightly, and he found that he enjoyed her clinging to him so. He could hear a roaring in his head, and he felt that he would explode. They both rose up facing each other and came in a blinding flash of light. The room was engulfed in light and electricity as they were bonded to each other in love. They clung to each other not wanting to let go. After a bit they lay down beside each other. Outside, they both heard the deep, loud roar of a very large dragon.




James sat up, “he’s back! It's Valotin, and he’s outside!”


He looked at Elizabeth and she understood immediately. She told him to go to his dragon. James slipped his pants on and ran down the stairs. Elizabeth ran to the front bedroom to watch. Her hand went to her mouth in awe at the size of the creature on the front lawn. He was a deep dark forest green, at least 40 feet, unbelievably huge; but so beautiful that her eyes filled with tears just to look upon him.


James dashed out the front door and ran straight to his dragon. He stopped short as he noticed the difference in his friend. Bowing he exclaimed: Hail to the MightyValotin, Fourth of the Ancients!


So you have heard the news. Valotin lowered his head as James rushed up and threw his arms around him. Ah, you missed me my friend, and I you, yes indeed. I am pleased to see that your heart has healed. You were so sad for such a long time, as was I. So, where is this rider of my Queen? I would see the woman who has healed your heart.


James turned and saw her at the upstairs window. He turned around; you can call her out here, my friend. You can do that now, right? Her name is Elizabeth.


Valotin reared back to his full height and spread out his wings. He roared once and then came forward. Lady Elizabeth; please came out and present yourself to me. You have been watching from above, and I feel what is in your heart.


Elizabeth wrapped a sheet around her naked body and came running out of the house. She stopped just in front of James. She was grinning from ear to ear. She bowed formally before Valotin. My God, you are fantastic! You take my breath away! Oh James, how lucky you are to have such a friend. I can hardly wait to meet my dragon.


She does have a way with words James, Valotin said as he lowered his head level with hers. He blew in her face and took in a long breath. Ah! I believe that you two are well suited for each other. Your dragon is to be my Queen, my dear Lady and she will arrive sometime tomorrow. Lady Kate asked me to relay a request for you to close up the house. I shall return at dawn to bring you both back to Dragons Hill. Now go back and enjoy each other again.


As dawn rose over the town the next morning, James and Elizabeth were on the front lawn waiting for Valotin to arrive. They were both looking towards the future with hope. The possibilities were endless, and now that they had each other, they would be unstoppable.