Latin America State of Furia: A Red Dawn by Ricardo Hernandez - HTML preview

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I. Sunday of Asado and Arepas


Buenos Aires has always been a cosmopolitan city, always expanding and hosting people of all walks of life, social class, creeds, and personalities. Being one of the largest cities in the world it’s no wonder why it attracts so many to its neoclassical-urban charm. Looking back to history, many people escaping war-torn Europe, other Latinos escaping from bad governments, or tourists who just came to visit the “Paris of the South” and fell in love with the city and the Argentinean hospitality.

There have always been traditions that have been followed as if they were a religion. In Argentina, the asado is one of those traditions: grilled meat on a barrel styled barbecue, their version of the potato salad that comes with green peas and carrots, baked potatoes or fries. The choripan that it’s essentially the Argentinean mesh between an American hotdog and a German bratwurst. It can come in one of two salsas: Criolla which is just a mixture of red bell peppers, onions, garlic, vinegar and olive oil. Chimichurri is red bell peppers, parsley with oregano, whole pepper, garlic, and the combination of vinegar and olive oil, it is usually put together in a blender or food processor. 


This can be seen in other parts of the world, in this case as a result of the fusion brought forth from the love between an Argentinean and a Venezuelan. Venezuelan migration to the Argentine Republic began as early as the 2010’s, joining the already numerous nationalities within the South American giant, bringing new flavors, traditions and warmth to Argentinean homes.

Cornelia was the first child of that couple, being born during a time of incredible change and prosperity. Today being only 15 years old, the world is presented before her so that her talents and potential can unfold.

She always enjoyed playing guitar because of her dad, and she tried singing like her mom but was always too embarrassed to do it in public, rock was always her passion, listening to bands from all eras up until now. She always preferred simplicity over everything else, sporting stretchy jeans, some Converso sneakers, and a black shirt that she wore over another white long sleeve shirt for those chilly afternoons. She was always grateful for all she had, coming from a relatively well established family, she never looked down upon anyone for having more or less than her, being happy and thankful for what she had. Inspired mainly by all the stories her mother told her from how she and her parents survived when the escaped the Venezuelan Exile.

As the weekend came along in that particular apartment in the neighborhood known as Retiro in downtown Buenos Aires, even before the typical asado got to the grill, everyone had to have some arepas for breakfast that were just as generous with the fillings as everything else.

Arepas were made originally by natives throughout the Caribbean coastline that went mainly from Venezuela, where you can find most of the variations and flavors, to Colombia, which also adopted a version of the tasty round and flat cornbread. It’s usually pan toasted or fried, though it can be baked or even boiled to those who are experimental enough. The numerous fillings that you can stuff it with are virtually limitless, since it’s the concept of a sandwich but amped to the max. Arepas used to be a wartime meal for soldiers during La Revolución in the early 1800’s, nowadays you can find it in almost any major city in the world. Cornelia’s favorite stuffing for the arepa was one that was dubbed in Venezuela as Reina Pepiada or Preppy Queen, consisting of avocado, shredded chicken, onions and optionally mayonnaise for a more creamy texture.

In that household everyone usually had a role, her dad made the big meals and most lunches, whilst her mom prepared dinner and breakfast. While Cornelia helped her father with the grill, she also pitched in with her mother who was making the salads. She was always drawn to cooking, intrigued by how different ingredients interact with each other, making people change their mood and disposition depending on the maker’s skill and seasonings.

Between those combinations that life can bring us, nobody at her school imagined what a spontaneous combination of traits Cornelia represented. At that point in time you could appreciate the amount of foreign kids that were around campus. The thing that made her stand out was her unique mixture of Argenzuelan in her accent and appearance. Being a vibrant orange redhead, having piercing emerald green eyes, and her white freckled skin, which made most people doubt if she was from there or even a Latina for that fact. When in reality, her close friends knew she was more Latina than the Argentinian mate, or a Venezuelan empanada.

One thing Cornelia didn’t appreciate was unsavory comments about her body, since she wasn’t skinny, and not really chubby either. Her thick thighs drew all kinds of attention in how they made that smooth transition to her plump behind. Her wide hips combined with her prominent breasts that seem to have a mind of their own because they didn’t seem to show signs to stop growing anytime soon.

She never appreciated dirty comments or when guys came over to try and win her over with typical flirty compliments. If they only knew that the key to her heart was hidden in plain sight: just by making her laugh, giving her good food and company could make her melt way more than anything else. Despite that, the enigma of how to win over such a stunning girl escaped everyone’s grasp, since she never told anyone about it.


After many lost battles to conquer her heart, Cornelia did find a feeling that she could relate to love: a guy close to her age, sharing classes together, going on field trips, and even sometimes extracurricular events. After trying to get close to him, finding excuses to linger just a bit more when he was around, commenting stuff out loud just to see if it peaked his attention. When all else failed she even went as far as to buy him little gifts, or even stepping out of her comfort zone by putting on makeup in order to catch his eye to no avail. They did go out a couple of times, most of which Cornelia was the one that took the first step to invite him, the guy did pay attention to her, being kind and nice but after a while, he just decided to not go beyond being friends because he wasn’t looking for anything serious at the time.

Cornelia always had a confidant, someone with whom she shared almost everything about her daily life: Martina, a skinny, blonde, and slightly taller than Cornelia with a more carefree personality.

Cornelia is fidgeting with her pen whilst looking out of the window of her classroom into the deserted school grounds. With a frustrated sigh she says:

“Martu, I don’t know what to do to make that jerk pay attention to me, I mean, what’s wrong with him?”

“Why do you even bother with that guy?” Martu asked. “He doesn’t even answer your texts, just let it go.”

“It’s just that… I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I feel like if I just let it go, I’ll regret it further down the line. My mom always told me that you shouldn’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today. I do think that we’ll eventually run out of time though.” she said, falling into a whisper.

Suddenly, a loud thump fills the classroom after the teacher hits her desk with the eraser whilst shouting:

“LADIES! Page 678 of your books! If you truly want to conquer something, why not begin with your brains? It’s like Sir Bacon said: knowledge is power.”

Shaken by the words of the teacher, both girls nervously answer in unison:

“Y-yes! Excuse us, teacher!”

After the teacher turned her back on the class, Cornelia leaned toward Martina, whispering discreetly:

“How could I take seriously a guy that is named after part of a breakfast? Pair Mr. Bacon together with sunny side eggs and some toast and now we’re talking.”

The day passed as uneventful as ever, the girls returned to their usual studies, Martina occasionally teasing Cornelia for her bad jokes and somewhat unhealthy fixation for a guy that will most likely never give her a proper chance.

Finally arriving home she sits down at the table, whilst her mother is sipping a cup of coffee and asks:

“Mommy, would it be so bad if I had a boyfriend?”

“No, mi amor. You’re already at that age. I know I’ve raised well enough for you not to go fooling around unprepared. Maybe that guy isn’t the right one for now”

Her soothing tone plus hearing the way she said “my love” with the same tenderness as when she was just a baby, and while it did bring tears to her eyes, it also made her relax and take her mind off the topic while she joined her mother with another cup of coffee.

After a brief chat, the rattle of keys can be heard from the front door, her dad enters the apartment with a tired smile, to which Cornelia immediately jumps to hug him.

“Daddy! You’re finally here! I was about to ask mom what we will be doing tonight. Are we going to the movies or are we staying in for the night?” Cornelia asked with a clear sparkle in her eyes.

Her father sighs and answers with a wider smile:

“Hey there, preciosa! Don’t beat your poor ol’ papi up. Of course we are going to the movies, I even texted your mom before getting here. Told her to get all dolled up for our night out in town. Since you gals invited me last time, figured this time you get an all-inclusive night out, dinner, dessert and all!”

Still giggling at the scene, Cornelia’s mother rises up from the table to greet him with a little kiss:

“Hi, mi amor. How was your day? It’s a bit chilly out, isn’t it?”

“My day was good, hermosa. A bit long, but getting home to so many hugs and kisses charges up your batteries in no time!” her father replied. “It is cold out though, you should grab one of the bigger coats, dear”

Beyond the typical Latino way of saying “my love” or “beautiful” despite it being for different contexts and relationships, it marks the fraternity and love between people and their loved ones. One typical tradition that Cornelia’s family had was that every Friday or at least one day during the weekend was movie and pizza night, either out in town or snuggled up at home.


Memories of all the times they were preparing homemade pizza, and Cornelia was helping out grating the cheese or preparing the sauce.

“I think you shouldn’t put that much cheese on it, darling” said her mother with a little smile.

“Shh, mami… You can never have enough cheese, you told me so yourself, eh?”

A slightly muffled voice suddenly echoes throughout the apartment yelling:

“Cami? Camila! Have you seen my good black socks that go with the suit? I can’t seem to find them anywhere…”

Ay Dios mío, Sebastián! How many times have I told you not to look for your socks in the closet? Since we moved they have always been in your nightstand bottom drawer.”

“My bad, preciosa” Sebastián said with a sly smile. “You know I always get nervous when I have to present a new project to those corporate schmucks.”

“Mi amor, if I didn’t understand you, why would I have said yes when you asked me out, or when we got married? You know I love you, but it’s only Friday. You should come here and help your daughter and I finish these pizzas, before she falls into a coma from eating cheese when she thinks I’m not looking.”

Ashamed by the comment with her cheeks still stuffed from the mouthful of cheese she just ate, she replies:

“Mom! I’m not gonna fall into a coma for that! Am I?”

Camila smiles at Cornelia’s puffed up face, with a little bit of cheese still hanging out of the corner of her mouth, while trying to hold back the burst of laughter, telling her:

“You should be thankful that you aren’t back in our day. I still remember what our parents had to do in order to have just one pizza night or even go to the movies. That was some luxury back in the days of the pesos… Damn, I sound like an old hag.”

Her father walks into the room, getting his apron on after washing his hands and says with a slight giggle:

“No you aren’t, mi amor. Don’t get all riled up over nothing, let’s get this thing going, eh? ‘Cause I think we’re all a bit hungry, aren’t we, darling?”

Cornelia looks at him slightly surprised, while they both try to hold back their laughter with her mouth all covered in little bits of shredded cheese, puffing up her cheeks even more annoyed, she replies:

“Mom! Dad! Don’t be mean, I’m hungry, okay? But I think I do deserve it. Today Martu and I aced a big pop quiz. I think I’m entitled to treat myself a little…”

While trying to sneak another handful of cheese, she is suddenly stopped by her mother’s steel-solid grip, while she tried to struggle her mother calmly said:

“That’s great, dear. Though I know you always do put in an effort to get the highest grades possible, that always makes me happy.”

After everything was cooked and they got everything ready for that night’s choice of a movie or series marathon, which was also the only time they ate somewhere other than the dining table, some exceptions were made for in-bed breakfast when a birthday came up.

Cornelia’s apartment was something to behold: being covered in a red velvet carpet in the entrance lobby, parquet floors with square patterns all over the rest of the apartment, except for white marble and granite ceramics that covered the kitchen and bathroom floors. A huge TV set with every little quality-of-life gadget that you can think of, technology was always a big thing for Cornelia and her family, though the one thing she valued beyond her consoles, computers and other gadgets was her N.A.S.A.O (Nanobots Suitable for All Occasions).

It’s a device that was developed in 2035 by an inter-American company called HoloNetwork. They took the American market by storm during the Latin American Economic Resurgence with their famous slogan: “Watch it, feel it, enjoy it from any perspective”. At first it was taken as a novelty luxury item that only mad eccentrics and random celebrities would buy just for the media coverage, but then a sudden wholesale coupled with the multiple functions suited to almost all modern day necessities made the people come in droves for their very own N.A.S.A.O. Being able to see and project anything on any scale, restricted only by the selected model’s limits, it took communication and sharing on social media to a whole new level with people experimenting with the new camera settings, effects, filters, and even autonomous capture of any event with the least amount of effort possible, it could also be shaped to any form to suit the user’s preferences, like an old school smartphone or a handheld console, the limits were endless. The N.A.S.A.O came with another great blessing to more technological households, the HoloTV and HoloGadgets were also a huge hit since they allowed anyone to enjoy streaming services and program daily tasks or just surf the HoloNetwork with a mere touch of a holographic screen, voice commands, or for more classical users: mechanical keyboards.

Cornelia still remembered the day she got her first N.A.S.A.O, she was about 10 years old when her mother took her shopping to the local tech stores, since she wanted to feel a bit old school like her mom, instead of having everything delivered as usual.

Arriving at the store through the see-through glass window, a little bell chimes signaling a customer has entered, the store clerk looks down to a small Cornelia, barely able to reach the counter but with a shy smile that made the man smile right back as she spoke.

“Good day, sir… I-I would like to buy a N.A.S.A.O, please.”

Hearing her almost trembling voice from the nerves, the clerk decides to soothe her keeping up his gentle smile while asking:

“Of course, little lady. Did you have any particular model in mind?”

“Yes! I want the one that gets really big, but not that big. Which one was it, mami?”

 Her mother walks closer to her and in a half-whisper she tells her:

“I think it was the 6-19, mi amor.”

Cornelia’s face lights up jumping with enthusiasm as she points out the boxes in the showcase.

“That one! I want that one! Could you show it to me, sir?”

“Of course, I’ll be right back.”

After shuffling some boxes around the lower part of the counter the clerk finally pulls out a small box clearly marked on one side spelling: “6-19”. As the man opened it, the box revealed a small polished dark metal band, which makes Cornelia jump even more with excitement.

“I’m finally getting my first N.A.S.A.O, mami! It’s so cool!” she gasped as she held it for the first time.

“Wow that one looks even better than mine, sweetie. You’re gonna have to teach your ol’ mom all of those new features, huh?”

With a big smile Cornelia replies:

“Of course, mami. I’ll always try to keep you updated.”

The store clerk approaches Cornelia’s wrist to help her put it on for the first time, it immediately secures itself around her wrist, a couple of flickering pale blue LED lights start to signal the device is booting up.

Suddenly, a female voice pops up from the new gadget introducing itself:

Hello, Cornelia Villareal. How are you today?

Gasping with excitement, Cornelia answers:

“I’m good and you? Call me Cornie or just Cornelia if it’s an emergency.”

All right then, Cornie.

“What do I call you though?”

You can call me whatever you desire. You are my owner after all.

With a slightly shocked expression, Cornelia responds:

“Owner? I’d rather we be friends if that’s okay… I think I’ll call you Abby, because of those old rock albums my mom and dad used to listen to.”

With little tears in her eyes, Camila adds to her words:

“Yes, mi amor. Just like Abbey Road.”

I like my new name. From now on, I’m Abby. Pleased to meet you.

With a smile, Camila bends down closer to Abby to introduce herself:

“Nice to meet you, Abby. I’m Camila, little Cornie’s mom.”

Cornelia puff up her cheeks feeling a bit ashamed as she mumbles:

“H-hey! I’m not that little anymore, am I? I have my own N.A.S.A.O now, Abby’ll help me be a good grown up. Right, Abby?”

Chuckling a bit, Abby replies:

Of course I will, Cornie. You can always count on me.

Surprised at how easy they’re all getting along with such an advanced piece of equipment, the store clerk speaks up:

“Seems like Abby has really grown fond of you, little lady. That’s not always the case with these AI’s and their different personalities. Anyhow, can I help you with anything else?”

Slightly surprised at how easily they started to talk with Abby, Camila straightens herself up walking to the counter as she asks with a smile:

“No, that will be all for today. How much is it?”

“The total is 400 platinos. Just scan the code when you’re ready. Oh, and don’t forget to take the improvement chip, complimentary accessories and the lifetime warranty sheet. Remember that you don’t need to charge Abby, she charges herself via induction or solar reflection. She should’ve configured herself to the HoloNetwork by now as well.”

In a small bow of gratitude Camila and Cornelia walk out of the store waving at the man with a huge smile.

“Thank you so much for everything, I hope you have a wonderful day.”

“Thanks, mister! Thank you so much for giving me a new friend!”


After the technological revolution of the Latin American Nations, they realized they needed a unified currency that beyond being stable, also served as a symbol bearing the meaning of economical, political, social union and serving as a part of the New Latin American Identity. Dubbed “platino” due to the use of a precious mineral such as platinum which has exceptional value, and the fact that it referenced all Latinos as a whole. Though the more die-hard lovers of old school economies still called it “peso” as it was known before the conversion.

Nowadays, Abby still helps Cornelia by reminding her of her chores and schoolwork. Even going as far as reminding her when she had a school trip or when her next train or bus was available whenever she had to go out of town.

All HoloNetwork gadgets were designed to last for almost a “lifetime” of use as to avoid having to buy a new device every year or so. Their profits came from other things such as all the services offered by the HoloNetwork like instant streaming, HoloTV exclusives, or even the first teletransportation pay-per-use travel pods called HoloTravel, it worked just like any other subscription. Adjusting monthly payments that limit or expand the number of times you could travel across the entire breadth of the American continent, including the New United States and the Caribbean Isles.

The service was only offered to cater to a single user per destination, taken together with certain contingencies in order to avoid crime and contraband. They integrated a mandatory scanning protocol of the UID (Universal Identity Document), which was by far safer than any other ID before, since it incorporated everything related to you available at a moment's notice with a simple scan of your retina or your N.A.S.A.O. It recorded your criminal records, medical files, all your completed or ongoing studies, licenses, permits or limitations to international or local travel, your work history and any other personal documents secured through a private channel for authorities linked to the HoloNetwork.

Cornelia still remembers the first time her parents took her to Caracas, Venezuela, her mom’s hometown. Everyone was nervous for their first time flight on the newly constructed autonomous ultrasonic airplane called Colibrí. Being able to go from Buenos Aires to Caracas in just under two hours.

Cornelia looks up at her mother while holding her hand, saying with a trembling voice:

“Mami, I’m afraid of getting on that thing. It looks like a long beaked bird.”

Camila, trying to comfort her daughter, smiles and replies:

“Well it’s called a Colibrí for a reason, sweetie. It’s supposed to make it better at flying, since airplanes are basically big metal birds that fly people around.”

As they stand there watching planes come and go through the huge terminal window, Cornelia gasps when she is suddenly picked up by her father.

“Come on, preciosa. You’re already 7 years old, you’re getting so big even papi can’t carry you so good anymore. You gotta be brave.”

“You’re right, daddy. I’ll be brave for you guys. Can we get some chocolate milk in the meantime?”

Looking at her innocent and hopeful eyes, Sebastián sighs in smiling defeat holding her hand as they walk towards a coffee shop.

“Of course, sweetie. Let’s go.”

Camila holds her cheek as she says:

“You two are so cute together… Oh, darling! Get me a juice, will ya? I love you!”

The trip went by faster than everyone expected, since inside the Colibrí there were small exclusive rooms that are soundproof, a small home theater incorporated to the back of every seat, and in those cabins in first class you also had the option of a single or even a double sized bed for the travelling family.

Such an innovation was developed by the combined efforts of Crystal Creations, a huge tech company responsible for pioneering the first steps of the HoloNetwork Company before they split into their own enterprise, and Atlantica: the number one commercial airline company throughout the continent, responsible for almost all private and commercial flights. They always strived to convert conventional airplanes into more efficient and environmentally-friendly models that cut down on pollution (and costs) for everyone. The substantial investment that went into developing the Colibrí paid in dividends almost immediately, as it didn’t require conventional fuel since it had oxygen absorbent retroactive engines, which take oxygen from the atmosphere and burn it as fuel, which in turn helps the aircraft to gain traction, altitude, stability and propulsion that was virtually unthinkable before.


When they arrived at Caracas they saw that it was a much more modernized city than Buenos Aires, being an old yet well preserved remnant of historical buildings.

Cornelia observed in awe all of the crystal layered skyscrapers surrounded deep in a valley surrounded by lush green mountains and hills that displayed all kinds of winding and twisting roads all over town.

“Look, mami! Your hometown is surrounded by so many hills and mountains!

“Yes, mi amor. It’s a big city though, try not to get your clothes dirty. Remember grandpa and grandma want to see you, all your uncles, aunts, and cousins will be there too!”

Sighing in awe of the city, Sebastián turns to Camila saying:

“Ever since my brothers moved here, they have become even more Venezuelan than you, my dear.” He then turns to Cornelia. “Look up there, mi amor. That huge mountain is called El Ávila, if you’re ever lost around town, that will always guide you North.”

Puffing up her cheeks, Camila replies with a slightly frustrated tone:

“Hey! I’m the one that’s supposed to be the tour guide here! You’re stuck up in your high horse because your bros live here now, is that it?”

“Please, preciosa. You know I won you over with my smooth salsa moves.”

With a slightly more frustrated tone, Camila replies:

“I was the one who taught you how to dance! You had two left feet…”

Sebastián approaches Camila with a sly smile while saying:

“You know you love me. We both got swept off our feet that night, my feisty Caribbean queen.”

“Sebastián! Don’t say things like that! You’re making me blush, plus Cornie’s here… Just you wait, I’ll definitely settle the score tonight, darling.”

Cornelia innocently interrupts the half-hearted spat:

“Don’t fight each other. Please? Let’s enjoy our holiday, right mami?”

“Right, mi amor. We’re gonna enjoy it to the fullest.”

Caracas wasn’t a beachside city like most would think, though arriving at the Maiquetía Airport you would think so, since it was in the very mouth of the Caribbean Sea, on the other side of the Ávila Mountain, dividing the small coast community with the large bustling city. It was just a half hour drive, bus ride, or even take the newly constructed train line.

Camila was born in the central part of downtown Caracas, in an old neighborhood that still had a few historical buildings, among them was the old manor of the Libertador Simon Bolivar as a tourist attraction and museum. “The Liberator of the Americas” as they called him, was a great inspiration taken towards the foundation of the Federation, since he also wanted to unite Colombia, Panama, Venezuela and Ecuador into the Gran Colombia, but never quite achieved the goal in the long run.

Among the well-kept parks and neighborhoods during their stay, a lot of people did turn to see Cornelia, some of which stared intently as it wasn’t common to see a natural redhead being carried around by parents that the only common thing that they had was the color of their white skin. Since Sebastián has blonde hair, light brown eyes, and Camila has dark brown hair and blue eyes.

Despite there being so many foreigners around town, locals still couldn’t turn their eyes away from the small family, which made Cornelia nervous.

“Mami, why do people keep staring at us like that?”

“Well maybe because it’s not entirely normal to see a family like ours, sweetie. People can be awfully nosy.” said Camila almost like a whisper.

With a small grunt, Sebastián lifts up Cornelia, sitting her in his shoulders saying:

“Don’t pay attention to them, mi amor. People like to gossip, but they won’t come outright to say anything to you. You’re a unique little angel on this earth, I think you’re more likely to burn off someone’s eyelids with such a bright mess of hair than anyone trying to mess with you.”

Caracas has always been open to people of all nationalities with no discrimination. Historically, we have both received any and all that come here, but subject them to a sort of “rite of passage” with a little caraqueño teasing, though that wasn’t what made people so crazy to go there. What made people fall in love with the city was its rich cultural sites filled with artists of all kinds, insane amounts of street food that came from all over the world, obviously with a Venezuelan touch, and you couldn’t ignore the crown jewel of it all: the crystalline warm beaches with white sand and tropical climate, making it ideal for sitting on a beachside bar, sipping piñas coladas as the sun sets.

Another curious, yet not as popular sight was the famous llanos or plains from which Bolivar recruited his Llaneros to fight the Revolutionary War. Huge expanses of flat land that were home to delicious food, extravagant dances and traditional outfits, coupled with different historical museums that depicted all the different happenings over the decades in that region of Venezuela.

One of the great advancements of Caracas was its metro system. Since it was thought out to be lik