Latin America State of Furia: A Red Dawn by Ricardo Hernandez - HTML preview

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Welcome to Latin America


It has always been considered a troublesome or tumultuous continent, filled with people that are just “passing by” or striving to get by. From our childhoods to trips out of town, be it a beach, the mountains, deserts, bustling cities, heated dances, and even lost love in one crazy night a long time ago.

That has always been part of our identity, transcending beyond what most people would admit or deny. Our relationship with prosperity has always been a sort of yin-yang. Good and bad are always present in every decision we make, sometimes bending the rules in a gray area like deciding whether to tell our parents or not after doing something naughty, or biting our tongue so that we don’t ruin the mood of everyone in that social gathering.

We have an incredible amount of majestic things: from our breathtaking landscapes spanning deserts, plains, steppes, hills, and mountains of every shape and form. Crystal clear turquoise beaches with bright blue skies, forests and jungles home to every type of creature imaginable, even some that you wouldn’t think possible. The aroma of our food, combined with the taste that takes you to another dimension of enjoyment. Almost like a poem written on a plate, being so passionate about freedom we don’t even try to tell you how to eat and enjoy it. Just know that if you were invited to that table, that plate of food means that you are part of that family.

Our dedication to monuments and sculptures inspired from everyone across the world that has crossed our lands. Europeans, Americans, and even Asians have shaped our architecture. The memorials to important historical events that have left the world in awe, in honor of our Libertadores, as those who fought against our colonizers that even after the war ended, we still welcomed any and all to stick around, making a home in this side of the world.

We live in such an extreme expression of freedom that even the beauty of our women is of such an indescribable nature that they don’t hold men to that unreachable standard, making people frequently ask: “How did you get together with that stunning woman?” There was always the saying that if you treat a woman with respect and make her laugh a lot you can become: “the one who eats quietly, gets seconds” or so it goes.

Professions have always played a big role in every society, but here you can find a psychologist, engineer, doctor and even a lawyer in every corner, they could be your mom, dad, siblings, grandma, your best friend, or even one of those tried and true professionals that have also taken the world by storm in the amount of accomplishments, advancements, and contributions they have made.

Such is the mystical relationship with all that liberty that seems to pour all around these lands, that it was inevitable that some people would seek to abuse or exceed that which made us great, leading us to unbelievable misery for many decades.

The decadence that has indoctrinated our children, parents, grandparents, and friends. To think that idealisms are better than actions, to become more of a cult than a community, to think that a politician is the same as being a leader. For a long time those that were considered ruthless and devious were praised as role models, whilst those that were hard-working and entrepreneurial were always seen as hopeless dreamers.


That brings us to today, amidst an unthinkable prosperity in the history of Latin America you can find certain interests that have a problem when that prosperity does not benefit them. One one side of the board there’s the Chinese Unified Front who have recently annexed most of Asia as a whole, except for Japan and South Korea which are a part of the New United States, having annexed Canada as well and a great part of the islands of the South Pacific. The decadent European Union has been partly dissolved into quarreling internally divided countries, fighting for political supremacy. In this year 2074, Africa has also been converted into an assortment of huge territories that have slowly annexed smaller nations, they are divided into the Arab States, the African Ultranationalists, and an African government that sympathizes with the Americans.

Up until this point, Latin America never really worried much about events around the globe, except for those brought into the spotlight by influencers or celebrities handing out donations to shady charities for even more questionable “causes”. Little by little a few fanatical groups that everyone thought have been stamped out have risen and gained a following in the last decade: communists, populist radicals, and even dogmatic clerics.

This would have gone under the social radar, if it wasn’t for the multiple terrorist attacks that were seen for the first time in history throughout the continent. Coordinated strikes that ranged from car bombs, to logistic sabotage in supplies, instigating violent protests that ended with hundreds dead and thousands wounded, to even trying to release experimental projects carried out by regional funded research centers. This was no coincidence, people were terrified throughout the Federation, and those pulling the strings relished in the success of this orchestra of terror brought to life.