Life vs. Death (Eternal War Series #3) by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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Holly Adams sat up. Her head felt as big as a watermelon and her mind was as hazy as the sky on a hot summer’s day. The blood and dirt on her dress had gone as was the unbearable pain.

“That was a close one.” She sighed getting to her feet. Finally looking around Holly frowned in confusion. “Guys?” She stood in a meadow of grass, a faint breeze made the grass shiver, giving it the appearance of being alive.

It took her a while to register that she didn’t feel anything, not the cold blow of the wind, even the tips of the grass slipped through her fingertips without any real definition. “Crap.” Just when she decided to walk, a sudden heat exploded behind her, Holly turned tentatively. “Mum…?”

Margaret Adams smiled back at her warmly, and all logic went out the window. Wrapping her mother up in bear hug Holly wept till she had no more tears left to cry. Her mother ran fingers through her hair and just held her. Getting a hold of herself Holly asked the question she should have upon first seeing her.

“What…?” Or at least tried to but the words escaped her. Margaret looked more radiant than when she had been alive. Everything about her seemed more slender and beautiful.

“You’re in the Elysian Fields Holly. It’s where Immortals come when they…pass over.” Holly’s smile faded.

“You mean die.” Margaret nodded. “I’m dead…?” Her stomach heaved and Holly took deep breaths trying to process it. Dominic’s image broke through the panicked thoughts in her mind. “I can’t…not yet. I can’t leave him.”

“Holly listen to me, we don’t have much time. You’re not exactly dead yet, that’s why you can’t feel anything. You’re life is hanging by a thread and only you can chose your fate.”

“Meaning?” Holly panted, gasping for breath. The star lit sky seemed to be pressing down on her.

“It means God has given you a choice.” Her heart pounded and she wondered just how many revelations one girl could deal with before her body gave out from sheer exhaustion.

“Behind me is a bridge.” As soon as Margaret said it the bridge appeared out of nowhere, as did the river that trickled underneath it. “You can take my hand now and cross that bridge. Spend eternity with me and every single loved one you’ve lost. They’re all waiting for you.” Holly looked wishfully at the small wooden bridge.

“Or you can chose to go back. The world needs you Holly. He needs you but it’s up to you.” Tears burned in her eyes.

“Mum I can’t…” Margaret moved forwards and grasped her daughter’s hand.

“Yes you can. You have grown into a beautiful strong woman Holly, and no matter what you decide, I will always love you.” Holly’s eyesight flooded with salty water and in her heart she knew her decision had already been made. Holly couldn’t leave Dominic.

The tears stopped as soon as she realized it and her mother smiled knowingly. “Give my grandson a big kiss when you meet him.”

“You know…?” Her mother gave her a reproachful look.

“Just because I’m dead doesn’t mean I’m gone Holly. I’ll never truly leave you. And just for the record…I’m happy for you. Just don’t your father I said that.” She added conspiratorially. They laughed and Holly’s heart burned with love.

“I love you mum.” She hugged her one last time then turned and walked back to the world that needed her.

She smiled as she passed her father and Ricky who waved at her from the other side of the stream. And knew she had made the right choice, even though her heart was breaking.

It wasn’t her time, not yet…


Waking up in her own bed was like stirring from a very good dream. Her body felt stronger than it ever had before, and she looked at everything with a new insight.

The stars in the night sky illuminated Dominic sleeping in the armchair beside the bed. He groaned and thrashed every few seconds.

Peeling back the covers Holly looked down at her snug cotton pyjamas, and crept over to the edge of the mattress, never taking her eyes off of Dominic’s troubled face. He seemed even more gorgeous, if that was possible, than before. Dark tousled hair fell over his burrowed brow and his skin was so flawless it could have been plastic.

Placing hands on the chairs armrests Holly leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips. “Wake up.” She whispered in his ear then sat back. His eye lids fluttered then flew open. Dominic’s eyes darted around the room before focusing on her.


“The one and only.” She replied with amusement. Watching the confusion on his face develop into disbelief was like air to her. “I’m dreaming…” He whispered. She reached out and grasped his hand.

“Does this feel like a dream?” He looked down at their entwined hands and pure unbridled love lit up his dark eyes. Dominic pulled her to him and Holly went willingly. He held her so tight she couldn’t breathe but loved every second of it.


“Does it matter?” His lips on hers told Holly it didn’t and her body wrapped around his on the chair. The kiss tasted sweeter than a jelly donut and she felt starved of him. She pulled away just enough to tease his sweater over his head.

Dominic shot her an uncertain look. “Holly maybe we should wait till…”

“I won’t break.” She told him with hungry eyes. In fact she felt so good it should be a crime. Her hot kisses on his neck killed any protest he might have, and Holly’s heart raced as he pulled her closer into his firm chest.

They’re fingers and lips swept over every inch of skin, as if to reacquaint a part that had been severed. Undressing each other slowly only increased their arousal and by the time Dominic finally gave in and entered her she was on fire. His lips smothered her cries of pleasure, so it didn’t wake Legion and Caleb that were sleeping in the living room.

Riving and panting they came together then moved to the bed. As the first rays of the morning sun penetrated the window Holly curled herself around Dominic and finally fell into a deep sleep.