Life vs. Death (Eternal War Series #3) by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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The hot water was sinfully pleasant against her skin. Despite only falling asleep an hour ago Holly felt wide awake. She had tip toed past Caleb and Legion on route to the bathroom, they both looked worse for wear and she didn’t want to wake them.

Hands brushed her waist and rested on her stomach. She hadn’t even heard the door open. She couldn’t stop beaming, coming back from the dead had given her a new lease on life, even Dominic’s touch felt different.

Holly leaned against him as his fingers went south, a low moan escaped from her throat and she felt him stiffen. Dominic rubbed himself against her bottom and they both couldn’t fight the flames of desire any longer.

With masterful authority that turned her on like a tap, Dominic spun her round so that her back pressed against the wet tiled wall of the shower. She let out a yelp of excitement as he parted her thighs while nuzzling her neck.

If there really was a Heaven on earth then this was it. This Immortal was Holly’s whole world. The sun rose and set with Dominic as far as she was concerned, there wasn’t a cure for what she felt for him and her emotions used to frighten the living daylights out of her. No one should have that much control over someone else, but it felt so right and Holly knew deep down that Dom would never willingly hurt her, despite the Vampire’s warning.

She dug her fingernails into his slippery flesh as his teeth sank into the sensitive skin of her neck. “God…fuck me Dominic now…” she panted unable to wait a second longer.

He obeyed thrusting into her with ease. Her whole body screamed for release and Holly begged him to go faster. She held his hazel eyes as he lifted her thigh and stroked into her with barely contained frenzy.

“Aw…that’s it…” She flung her head back and welcomed waves of euphoria that rocked her body, like a sailboat in the middle of a storm.

“Come for me Holly.” He ordered in a husky voice that sent shivers of pleasure up her spine.

“Christ…I am…” Her pitch rose into a thready cry as Dominic brought her to the edge.

“Dom?” There was a knock at the door and Caleb’s strained voice called out his name, with an animal growl Dominic dropped her leg and pinned both of Holly’s wrists to the shower wall. Holly’s wet opening strained at taking all of him inside but it felt glorious. His hot semen erupted inside of her like lava from a volcano as he called out her name.

“What’s going on in there?” Caleb asked before turning the handle and appearing over Dom’s shoulder. The shower door was tinted glass and Holly was in no hurry to move. Dominic still held her in place and if he wasn’t careful he was going to make her hot for him again. His breathing slowed and that old devilish smile crossed his face.

“I’m pretty certain it’s my name that’s on the lease. So why can’t I still get some privacy?” He muttered. Holly laughed and couldn’t resist the urge to kiss him.

“Dom!” Caleb knocked on the glass. “Is that…?” Dominic pulled away with a frustrated sigh.

“I’m gonna kill him.”

“Behave.” Holly told him. “We couldn’t hide away forever.” She made to move but he refused to let her.

“Holly…” He bowed his head and for a second he wasn’t Dominic. His voice jittered with nerves and he never got nervous.

“Legion!” Caleb yelled racing out the bathroom.

“What?” She asked, ignoring the fact that their private lovemaking was about to have an audience. Dominic seemed torn about something and she silently begged him to let her in, but ultimately it had to be his choice. She couldn’t force him to open up.

“We should get some clothes on.” He said finally leading her out the shower, she tried not to show her disappointment as they dried off and pulled on fresh clothes.

“Are you ready for this?” He asked her before opening the bathroom door. Holly nodded trying not to laugh. When she stepped over the threshold strong arms pulled her into tight bear hugs.

“It’s a miracle!” Caleb’s amazed tone said, as he set her down only for Legion to replace him.

“Welcome back.” He whispered with more emotion to his voice than Holly had ever heard Legion show before.

“Thanks.” Something pulled at her insides and she looked at the window.

“What is it?” Legion asked on noticing her body language change. Holly crossed to the window and gazed upward. Every fibre of her being was pulling her to his window but she didn’t know why. People walked the sidewalks, cars went speeding by, it was just another day.

“How is this even possible?” Holly heard Caleb whisper to Dominic.

“She just woke up. No blood no pain, nothing.”

“Holly?” Legion said again, watching her move across the apartment and out the door. She didn’t know where this feeling was leading her just that she had to follow. Footsteps sounded behind her as she walked down the corridor to the stairs.

“Holly.” Dominic caught her arm. “What is it?”

“I don’t know.” She replied and after searching her face he let her go. As Holly climbed the steps she heard them do the same. At the top a strong gust of wind blew the door to the roof open, as if showing her the way.

Moving onto the roof Holly looked up just in time to see objects falling from the sky. Dominic followed her gaze and squeezed her hand.

“What in the name of…?” Legion uttered. At first they were so far away that Holly’s limited eyesight couldn’t make them out, but as they continued their fall the outlines became sharper.

It was a body. A body with white wings.

There was a whole host of them plummeting through the sky. “What’s wrong with them? Holly asked. “Why don’t they use their wings?” Caleb bent over and she heard him sobbing.

“Holly,” Dominic said measuredly. “They can’t use their wings because they’re dead.” She gasped and looked up again.

The Heavens were raining down dead Angels.