Life vs. Death (Eternal War Series #3) by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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Dominic Prince shook away the cobwebs and got to his feet. “Father?” He looked past Lucifer to Legion who’s face mirrored the same astounding look. The battle had been temporary put on hold.

Everyone was in total awe of the imposing figure of The Devil.

His jet black hair was slicked back and his suit was impeccable. He always had style, even for a crazed paranoid Angel who craved nothing but revenge. Dominic glanced around him to see every single demon bow to their master. How could he even be free? Lucifer needed Holly’s blood to break the lock of his prison, so how was he here? Dominic didn’t back down when his father’s black eyes fell on him, he returned it as steadily as he could, but Lucifer’s sudden appearance had thrown him more than he liked.

“Dominic.” Lucifer’s deep sensual voice said in greeting. “It’s good to see you again, even in these circumstances.”

“How…” He swallowed and tried again. “How are you even here?” Dom asked trying to keep his eyes off of the roof where he hoped Holly still was. Had they took her without him noticing? Dominic didn’t want to give away her position so he forced himself to look at his father.

Lucifer regarded him with an amused smirk. “The barriers have collapsed.” He said dancing around the question.

“You’re not.” Legion interrupted and Dominic saw his father’s face darken. There was a lot of bad blood between them. Legion chuckled. “Your body is still down there, what we’re seeing is pure illusion, not flesh and bone.” Without a second thought Lucifer grabbed Legion by the throat.

“Traitor.” He hissed before throwing him away like a piece of garbage.  Dominic watched his brother crash into a shop front window. The glass gave and Legion disappeared from view. “Is that real enough for you.” Lucifer tossed after him.

He smacked his hands together then faced Dominic again. “You were always my favourite, at least you betrayed me for a reason.”

“You can’t have her.” Dom heard himself say quietly. His father’s face transformed to a pained look but Dom knew it was all show. Lucifer didn’t care who he hurt just as long as he got what he wanted. “There’s plenty more fish in the sea son,” he said putting a hand on his shoulder. “You can have your pick. Just give up the girl and stand beside me once again. Together we’ll rule this crappy little planet.”

“No.” Dominic shrugged off his father’s hand. “If you want her then you’ll have to go through me.”

“Don’t do this.” Lucifer pleaded. “You know what I will do, do you really want more blood on your hands?”

“Go to hell father.” Legion snapped lunging forwards, but Lucifer blocked his fist easily.

“After you.” Lucifer snapped. Dominic grabbed his father’s fist before he could use it and Legion kicked his way free while their father was distracted by Dominic. As if on cue the fighting started up again. Only this time there was no protective shield. Lucifer roared with fury as he wrestled with his children. Yanking free he flung them clear across the battle ground, they skidded across the surface knocking down anyone who didn’t get out of the way like bowling pins.

Dominic grimaced as he slowed, the friction had shredded his sweater and ripped the skin from his back. Legion hadn’t fared much better. He was bleeding profusely from multiple wounds. Looking over at him Legion’s face filled with concern. Dominic looked up to see a Dante towering over him, war hammer in hand.

“I’m going to enjoy this.” He spat before bringing the weapon down. Dom reacted too slowly and knew he couldn’t avoid the blow. Bracing himself for the worst he prayed Holly would forgive him.

A white Bengal tiger appeared from nowhere, like a ghost. He clenched Dante’s neck in his jaws and they flew in a ball over Dom. “You gonna sit there all day?” He looked up at Holly who held out her hand. He should have known she wouldn’t have let him leave her easily. Grabbing her hand Holly helped him to his feet.

The tiger had made short work of Dante who was lying sprawled with his face and throat missing.  “Thanks Ray.” Holly called as the white ghost moved to its next target. With a quickness that amazed even him, Holly grabbed the dagger that Dom always carried in the waistband of his jeans and stabbed the demon that had tried to creep up on Legion.

“What are you doing?” He yelled at her.

“Saving your ass.” She shouted back. Dominic grabbed her and they ducked as bodies flew over their heads. Lucifer was ploughing people down all over the place. “We need to put him down.” Legion told them.

“How?” Holly asked him.

“Me and Dom will distract him, just make sure you get that through his heart, understand?”

“I’ll do it.” Dom said reaching for the dagger.

“No Dom. She’s the only one that can take him down.” Legion said starting to move up the road. Dominic didn’t like putting Holly in the firing line but before he could say it she pulled him into a clench, and her lips locked on his with a death grip. “Don’t get dead.” She told him pushing him away.

There was so much he wanted to tell her, things he should have told her a long time ago but Legion shouted of him when three demons wrestled him to the ground. Moving to help him Dominic prayed that he would live to tell Holly how much he really did want their son.


Holly let out a heavy breath and rushed over to Layla. Making short work of three demons she fell to the blood soaked ground beside her friend’s body. Layla’s eyes stared up at the sky with horror, and the part of her chest that should have housed her heart was nothing more than a gaping hole, a few feet away Miles lay.

This was all Holly’s fault if she had kept up the shield then Layla and Miles would still be breathing. Lucifer had sapped her strength and upon losing the shield Holly had tried to resurrect it but it just wouldn’t comply.

She felt motion beside her and grabbed for the dagger she had dropped when reaching Layla. A brown wolf lowered its head and sniffed Layla. It whimpered and looked at Holly through sad eyes.

“Sam?” He was bleeding from hundreds of cuts and he limped badly. “I’m so sorry.” Holly cried, feeling the tears well up in her eyes. Sam threw his head back and let out a heart wrenching howl.

“You need to get to Lucifer.” His flat voice sounded in her head. She looked down the street and tried not to let her despair overwhelm her. Dominic and Legion was nowhere to be seen, and at least a hundred demons stood between her and Lucifer. There was no way Holly would make it. Her magic was all but spent from the shield.

“You have to end this quickly, or there’ll be no one left.” He let out a angry snarl and the rest of his battered pack along with Ray joined them.

“Don’t let Layla’s death be for nothing. We’ll get you to him just make sure you tear his fucking head off.” Holly caught Sam’s meaning and shook her head. She wouldn’t let then use themselves as battering rams.

Get up!” He snarled at her and she slowly got to her feet. The pack fanned out in front of her and despite their wounds they looked mean and lean.

“Move!” Sam gave the command and the wolves took off, clearing the way. Ray kept pace with her and tackled anyone that got through the wolves. Sam was ahead and ran like the wind, when they reached a knot of demons the wolves slowed and pressed closer to her, using their bodies to shield her.

The demons stuck together and the wolves were finding it hard to separate them. Holly slowed when she heard a yelp looking back she saw a demon grab Sam and snap his back with his bare hands. The rest of the pack were too busy fighting for their lives to acknowledge the death of their leader.

The demon tossed Sam’s broken body away and grinned at Holly. Beside her she sensed Ray coiling to spring but stepped in front. She didn’t want him suffering a similar fate. Hate surged through her and she felt something slither lose inside her. The demon lost his grin and gasped for breath, as did the others around him. Their sudden weakness made it easier for few surviving wolves to get the upper hand. The demon stretched out his hands to her just before he collapsed, face first onto the tarmac.

Only three wolves were left standing, and they staggered to Sam’s lifeless body. Holly surged ahead and ordered Ray away. They had done what they had promised. Lucifer was within reach. It was time to end this once and for all.

Dominic and Legion had decided the best way to distract Lucifer was by letting him pummel them into dust. When she got to them, Legion was barely standing and Dominic was bleeding heavily.

When they saw her approach, they flung themselves at Lucifer trying to keep his focus on them. Swallowing hard and with thoughts of Sam Layla and Miles in her head Holly charged.

Lucifer swatted Legion away and was tussling with Dom when she got within touching distance. He cocked his head and threw out an arm but Holly ducked under it. Lucifer however had a lifetime of war under his belt and wasn’t stupid. On sensing his precarious position he drew Dominic to him, keeping him hostage over his heart. Diverting her flow mid step Holly drove the dagger into Lucifer’s thigh instead.

He let out a war cry and hurled Dominic at her, he collided into her with such momentum they rolled over the ground. Dominic landed heavily on his back, and Holly would have fell on her stomach if Caleb hadn’t slid, like a base baller heading for second base, underneath her, easing her landing.

She lay on top of him trying to catch her breath as Lucifer bellowed behind them. “You okay?” He asked staring into her with his piercing sapphire eyes. “I think so.”

“Then get back up and send that piece of shit back to hell.” He held out a sword and Holly smiled before Dominic pulled her up.

Legion was dodging his father’s blows when they got to their feet. They had lost the surprise element and now had to rely on their fighting ability to penetrate Lucifer’s defences.

While Dominic and Caleb raced to help a tired Legion. Holly circled looking for a way in. She needed to be back in the place where she had been in Oregon when those nutters had surrounded her and Miles in the mall parking lot. Everyone told her that her power had no equal, yet so far it was proving useless. If only she could get past angry and hit damn right frightening.

Holly made herself think of Michael. Made her mind focus on her mother’s pale scared face as she lay dying in Holly’s arms. The strange chanting filled her head, she had had heard it before and knew what it meant.

Holly was forcing herself into a dangerous state, but if she didn’t they were going to lose. The voices rose in pitch till the red mist covered her vision. Dropping the sword she smiled when the ground started to tremble.

Lucifer’s head snapped round and stared at her with pure venom. “You can’t contend with me.”

“You sound like Michael.” She replied in a voice not entirely her own. “Look how he ended up.” The wind picked up and the thunder struck the ground. Lucifer hurled Caleb at her but his grin faded when Caleb slowed. He looked down at them while floating in the air. Slowly Holly lowered him to the ground.

“Okay little girl.” Lucifer told her. “Let’s play.”