Life vs. Death (Eternal War Series #3) by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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Dominic pulled himself up for the hundredth time that night, and lost his breath when he saw Holly throw down with his father. She had a wild look on her face and her black curls had turned fiery red.

Her eyes pulsed with excitement and Dominic knew she had gone to a place they couldn’t follow, just like Oregon when Caleb had had to talk her down after she completely lost it.

“What is she doing?” He muttered.

“She’s starting to believe.” Legion whispered limping up to him. Lucifer hurled a fireball at her and they watched Holly bat it away effortlessly. Nearby trees swayed as mother nature reacted to two primal forces clashing.

Even Lucifer failed to hide his appreciation; they danced each other’s blows waiting for their opponent to trip up.

Holly needed to hurry. Dawn was breaking and nearly all the brave souls that had joined they’re suicidal mission to stop Lucifer taking over was dead or dying. Two battle scarred wolves were all that remained of Sam’s pack. They kept together and attacked as a unit but both were bleeding heavily and looked exhausted.

Cassandra May was kneeing over her husband and dead sisters. Dominic felt loss stab at him, the youngest May had been disembowelled and her entrails had been dumped a few yards away.

The Elementals tricks had proved no match for demons and they had been slaughtered some time ago. The Black Panther’s head rested a few yards away completely severed from its body.

Balion and his crowd were still standing but even they were starting to show fatigue. Ray was busy trying to fend off the demons that were attacking the downed lion. Dominic had been in battles before but never with comrades that he cared for. It hurt to see the ground soaked in their blood. They had given it a good go, but they had lost the battle.

Their only hope was Holly. If she could somehow cut the serpent’s head off, the body would flounder. Demons weren’t known for their loyalty, if there master died they would turn tail and flee. It was the only way any of them was walking away from this, but as a surge of demons turned their attention to them, Dominic knew it was a long shot.

Something happened then that none of them, including Lucifer could have seen coming. A golden hazy light broke through the dark grey clouds, and even Legion stopped fighting the group of demons that surrounded him. The light radiated warmth and hope. Castillo stepped out from it like it was a door. His presence threw Lucifer off his game and provided Holly with the opportunity she had been waiting for.

Showing no mercy Dominic saw her thrust the sword in her hands at him. It hurtled through the air and Dom watched it with breathless anticipation. Hands grabbed him and the sword stopped abruptly, it just hung there in the air inches away from Dominic’s heart.

Lucifer had recovered and did the only thing that would make Holly halt in her tracks. Instead of using his power and taking a 50/50 chance of surviving, he grabbed Dom who thanks to the demons he had been fighting, was stupidly within reach.

Everyone froze and even Holly lost her certainty. Dominic stared at the sword and inwardly grimaced. He knew what was going to have to happen; he also knew Holly wouldn’t do it.

“Let him go.” She snapped. Lucifer held him firmly in position.

“Not a chance. You want me you’ll have to kill you’re precious Dominic.” His laugh was cold and heartless.

“Brother.” Castillo stepped forward. “End this madness. Do the right thing, you’re son doesn’t need to die.” Cas only enraged Lucifer further and he spat at him.

“Scum! Shame you didn’t show that much concern when Michael kicked me out of Heaven.”

“He had to Luc. You were wrong.”

“Wrong! These abominations are flawed. They murder, steal, rape and mutilate each other! They blame me but do you want to know something, I don’t even have to nudge them. Human beings are the worst thing father ever created. They are evil, not me!” Castillo sighed.

“Think of Eva Luc. She wouldn’t want you to hurt your own child.”

“She didn’t want a lot of things to happen but they have!” He turned to Holly. “You haven’t got what it takes girl. You won’t kill the only thing you live for, so put the sword down!”

“Holly…” Legion said. Dominic saw him shake his head slightly. Tears formed in her eyes and the red disappeared from her hair. She looked like herself again and Dominic knew it was or never.

“Holly listen to me.” He said slowly, fighting the pain that filled him with every breath. This wasn’t how things were supposed to go, but he would rather die than her and their son. “It’s okay princess.” Wetness ran down his face and it was then Dom realized he was crying, which only set Holly off worse.

“Shut up!” Lucifer snapped at him.

“I love you.”

“Dom I can’t…” She fell to her knees and Caleb went to her.

“Of course you can. You can do anything you set your mind to. You’re going you be an amazing mother.” He enunciated the last word so she would understand what he was trying to tell her.

“What?” Lucifer and Cas gasped at the same time. Legion glared at him but Dominic knew he got it, as did Holly.

Something changed in her, the tears still flowed but a resolve had set on her grim face. Getting to her feet she whispered. “I love you…forgive me.”

“Already have.” He whispered back keeping his eyes trained on hers as the sword rushed forward and pierced his heart.