Life vs. Death (Eternal War Series #3) by Holly Vane - HTML preview

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One year later…

Caleb Williams perched on the chimney pot and watched. Snowflakes fell from the Heavens covering Cherry Falls in a white dusting. He loved this time of year. Christmas brought out the best in humans and it made up for the complete jerks some of them were for the rest of the year.

Caleb came here whenever his duties would allow it. It was proven hard indeed to keep Jade on the straight and narrow, but she was learning to trust people again. Caleb had chosen to resume his job as Guardian Angel and Heaven had drastically changed under the new and improved outlook Castillo had developed. They were finally doing what God, their father wanted. Guiding people, protected innocents. It was satisfying work.

He came to this sleepy town to watch Holly Adams, and to visit Dominic’s grave. His death had been hard to bare for all of them, but there was so much that had been left unsaid and Caleb wished he had said them when he had had the chance.

It was Holly who wanted Dom to rest in Cherry Falls, it was a way of keeping of him close and she went to talk to him almost every day.

The door of Jo’s parents’ house opened and Jo ran out all wrapped up from the cold, and threw a snowball at her fiancé Reg. Holly held onto a small hand as she crossed the threshold.

Colt Jeffery Prince had been born on May 1st, he had Dominic’s eyes and pale skin. He had been the only reason Holly sacrificed Dominic and why she struggled with a life she didn’t want.

Caleb had practically had to pry her fingers from Dom’s headstone the day of the funeral. And never wanted to leave her, but Legion had assured him that it would only be harder on her if they stuck around. Legion visited his nephew every Sunday and they often went for a walk after Holly’s Sunday dinners.

Upon Lucifer’s death he had taken over as boss of hell, and had immediately came to a truce with Castillo.

The eternal war was finally over.

Hell had a purpose and Heaven could never get rid of it completely, and there was still the odd run ins between Angels and demons but nobody ever died.

The world kept spinning on its axis and everything was better thanks to Dominic Prince’s sacrifice.

Holly had returned to the family home in Cherry Falls and had been going to school over in Greenfields, she had never graduated thanks to Michael and despite Dominic leaving her everything he owed, properties, cars and a never ending bank account, she worked part time at the local pet store.

Caleb felt Jade call and hated leaving so quick, especially when Holly brought out Colt’s new plastic battery operated race car. Jo and Reg watched with wishful eyes as Holly placed him in it and kept hold as the car whirled to life.

Colt giggled as the car bumped over the pavement. Caleb took off grudgingly so he didn’t see Colt’s temper tantrum at being took in for Christmas dinner. Over Holly’s shoulder his red piercing eyes burned…


The end.