Maeya by Kent R. Burke - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


A few days later...

In the village work area, I'm breaking some of the stalks of sibannac that others have brought in from the fields. Inside the stalk are the long fibers used for making many things here in the village, including rope used in the construction of the huts, and netting.

I think I'll take a break and have a talk with Bren if he is in. Grabbing my food and water pouches, I make my way to his hut. His family is probably out working, so this would be a good opportunity to ask him about the Ancient Ones... maybe he'll talk with me about them this time.

Standing at the door, I call out... Bren, may I speak with you? "Yes, come on in". Stepping through the doorway, Bren greets me... "Good to see you again Zhimm!"... while giving me a hug... "Please sit down". We start to chat about the children. I can tell that the welfare of all the children is very important to him. Bren, I’m amazed at how fast the children have grown, just in the short time that I have been at the village. They're beginning to make me feel old! As we continue discussing them a question comes into my mind, so I ask; Bren, what is customary when young adults seek a mate? He replies; The young men and women courting will begin to spend more time together, the young man visiting the loved ones parents in their families hut, and him working with her family. Then one day the couple will leave the village and spend two days alone together in the forests and unite as one. They will return on the third day, and the village will joyfully welcome them back in a celebration of feasting the next day.

At the feast, a wonderful food made from the flowering buds of sibannac will be prepared. It is called ganzhia. The couple will declare their love for one another in front of the assembled villagers, and each will give their mate some of the ganzhia to eat. After the couple has eaten from the bowl, the mixture is distributed to all. Ganzhia gladdens the hearts of all the people, and opens their minds to the wonder and mystery of the goodness of this land, and much love flows through all and towards the new couple in our village. The feast continues into the evening with very joyful dancing and singing.

Changing the subject, He smiles and says; I know you wish to know of our origins... of the beginnings of our life here in this place. I say; yes Bren, I have heard stories of the Ancient Ones... would you tell me more of them at this time? He thinks about it for a moment, and says; the passage of time has dimmed the memory of our beginnings. My elders have told me that the Ancient Ones came from the Land of the Waterfalls... other old ones disagree. As our people grew in numbers, they spread out and settled in lands far away. Many took up a nomadic lifestyle, not wishing to live in villages... preferring to roam the forests, mountains and meadows. At this present time, some of our people live in areas that require more clothing to survive, and have different life forms on their land than we do here. There are also lands that have warmer temperatures and also different life forms than here. All our people, no matter where they live, prosper because we obey the Principles of Life. In doing so, there are always enough of the needs of life. What else do you wish to know Zhimm? A question comes to mind so I speak up and say, How far away is the Land of the Waterfalls from here? He says, that land is four days journey from our village... in the direction of the setting sun.

As he finishes speaking, my thoughts shift to Maeya. Bren, I have another question... Maeya seems to be so different from the rest of you. Can you tell me about her, about her appearance and her different demeanor? He pauses for a few seconds and replies... It seems that there is more than a physical difference between the rest of the Sarn and Maeya. Women like her seem to have an additional personality besides the Sarnian one. The other personality is of the living spirit of this world. I didn't really understand, so I asked him for a clearer explanation. He pauses for a second as if in deep thought and says; there is a hidden part of her being that is connected in a deep spiritual way with the very Life Force of this world. She connects to this world the way the animals and plant life do. I was starting to see this a bit clearer and told him to continue. He added this; here is something quite strange. The old ones before us said that several generations after the Ancient Ones came to the Land of the Waterfalls, they noticed something different in a few of their female offspring. They eventually realized that the Life Force of this world, through some method we don't understand, has physically altered us in some manner.

Ever since that time, our women everywhere give birth to some children in every generation like Maeya. Besides the difference in physical appearance, they tend to be less sociable than others and often wander away at times to be alone in the forests. These women tend carefully to the natural life of this world. They instruct the people on the care of this world, and in return for the care the people give, the gift of the knowledge of the healing arts move through these women to the people. It’s a wonderful relationship... (on Earth, this is called a symbiotic relationship, I thought to myself)... These special women are the bridge between the Life Force of this world and the Sarn. Maeya and the other women like her have a difficult time attempting to live in two worlds. It's not easy for her to have a close relationship with us because she also feels the pull within her from this Life Force. She will leave us for a day or so, every now and then, and return to the forests where she will live among its creatures alone. When she comes back to us, we simply tell her we are glad to see her again, smile, and give her a hug. She is very important to our life here. We all feel quite fortunate to have her living among us... other villages nearby send their women to learn from her.

He pauses for a moment to take a drink of water, so I take the opportunity to pose one last question. Bren, you mentioned that the Ancient Ones came from the land of the waterfalls... Before I can finish my statement, he smiles broadly and says, I cannot help you any further Zhimm, but I'll direct you to one who can. With that, he stands up from his seated position and thinks for a moment, looks me in the eyes and says; you will find the answers you seek through Maeya.

My jaw drops... Maeya again. I should have known! I take in a deep breath, and let it out slowly. I smile to myself, and stand up facing Bren. I clasp his hands warmly and shake them. Bren, I sincerely appreciate the trust and faith you have placed in me. Thank you again for sharing your wisdom and friendship with me.

Well, another mystery! I shake my head slightly to the left and right... attempting to sort things out. I tell Bren, "I’ll return to speak with you." Placing his hand on my shoulder, he says, Zhimm, may you find the answers that you seek, but always remember... the love you have for the people, the love they return to you and this land that sustains your being are what matter most in this life. With that, he smiles and waves as I leave the hut. I'm careful to remember those parting words of Bren. I've learned that he never speaks empty words. He's very wise, in spite of having no formal education.