Maeya by Kent R. Burke - HTML preview

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Chapter 17


Looks like the village is going to have a marriage celebration feast today! This marriage celebration will be a first for me. The last one was for Sar and Terra. I had learned from the people in the village earlier what to expect on the celebration day. Everyone had noticed that Giff and De-nay' were absent from the village a couple of mornings ago. Of course, everyone in the village knew that the two were very serious about each other. Giff was spending quite a bit of free time at the hut of De-nay's family, and he could usually be found working alongside the family in their daily tasks. De-nay' is an attractive and solidly built woman, roughly six foot seven in height, with long braided dark hair nearly to her waist.

She's also quite the artist with her clothing. Her skirts and sandals have intricate stitching of colorful birds, and flowers woven on them. She can often be seen in the village, seated outside her parents hut while embroidering clothing with colorful fibers using a quill from a porcupine-type animal.

Everyone is busily moving about the village... some are making decorations for the ceremony and others are tending to the preparation of the food. The ceremony will precede the feasting by about a half hour. An old one of the village will officiate the ceremony. This particular ceremony will, of course, be led by Bren himself since it involves his great grand-daughter De-nay'. It is a great and joyous day for Bren since he dearly loves De-nay' and also because he feels Giff will be the perfect mate for her. Giff is probably the most able-bodied man in the village. He is quite skilled in all the crafts needed in a husband. Besides having strength for long hours in the fields, he is also quite good at making quick work of fabricating and repairing dwellings when the need arises.

Before the food can be prepared, some women have to be sent out to gather bird eggs and pick fresh vegetables, fruit, herbs, nuts, and mushrooms. Some men are going to the stream to carry buckets of water back; others are gathering, hulling and grinding the sibannac seeds for the women to use in any number of different dishes.

Besides the food preparation, there are details such as the placing of the mats the bowls of food will set on, the utensils for eating, cloth napkins, etc. Some of the older children will take on these duties. Children also make good runners, communicating the needs from the adult coordinators to others across the village. The children have seemingly boundless energy for running and enjoy helping out.

As far as the ceremony is concerned, there are decorations to be placed, and items to be made for use in the ceremony. A couple men have gone into the sibannac fields and have brought back several bundles of freshly cut whole plants. These are carefully stacked into the same shape they were in the fields. They still have the flowering heads on them. These two arrangements will stand to the left and right of Bren, as he officiates for the new couple. A decorative mat large enough for the couple to kneel on will be placed in front of Bren. I'd bet the mat that is going to be used in this ceremony was probably made by De-nay' herself some time ago.

Three wreaths will be woven this day, made from the leaves of sibannac, two of which will be placed on the heads of the couple, and one for Bren. De-nay's closest female friend will fashion a bouquet made from the flowering head of the sibannac plant, with a wreath of colorful flowers woven around the base of the flowering head. De-nay' will be given this bouquet in her hut so she can carry it out with her.

Maeya's part in the festivities is the preparation of the sacred mixture called ganzhia. It is made from the glistening raw ingredients of the flowering head of the sibannac plant, prepared in a special manner, and to this preparation is added a tasty herbal oil, and honey. Ganzhia has a delightful taste. She'll have this mixture made in time for the celebration.

I notice that there are quite a few other people present... not from our village. I guess it's an example of "good news travels fast." Some of them are probably from Giff's home village, his friends and relatives. Everyone has gathered near the hut of De-nay's family, singing songs, playing the flute and beating the drum softly. At last, the door of her families hut opens and Bren can be seen wearing a sibannac leaf wreath on his head. He is carrying a basket with a handle in both hands at chest level. He is smiling and looking straight ahead with his head held high. Behind Bren, follows all his clan in descending order of age... his immediate offspring and spouses, their children and spouses and so forth. All are wearing colorful clothing, embroidered at one time or another by De-nay' for these occasions.

At last, Giff and De-nay' emerge, arm in arm. De-nay' looks even more beautiful than ever, wearing strands of brightly colored stone jewelry on the wrists, ankles, and around the neck with flowers in her hair. Giff is standing tall at his seven-foot plus height, strong and proud. The villagers gather behind the family, leaving a space between themselves and the couple, and follow them. Bren leads the way to the ceremonial area, as he has done many times in his life with other couples.

He makes his way to the consecrated place between the stacked bundles of sibannac on either side of him and turns toward the crowd. Giff and De-nay' proceed past the family and stand with Bren, on each side of him. Bren is still holding the basket as before, while looking straight ahead. There is roughly fifteen foot of space between Bren and the feasting area. Beforehand, mats have been placed throughout the area with room between them for seating. Utensils, cloths, and empty plates are on each mat. Bren nods and the family takes their seats, and as soon as they are seated the rest of the people do likewise. Bren again nods, and a birdcall is heard. Four children emerge from a nearby small hut with colorful clothing and shortened sibannac stalks with the flowering tops. The children walk in front of Bren and the couple and dance with the stalks to music as I've seen them do before. The children finish their dance, and they place the sibannac stalks they carry with the ceremonial stalks. The villagers verbally acknowledge them and the children smile gleefully as they return to the hut. After another birdcall, two children again emerge from the hut, with the decorative kneeling mat in their hands. They carefully walk with it towards Bren and place it in front of him. They quickly depart back to the hut. After a brief moment of silence, Bren speaks and says...

Today is a wonderful day in the life of our village. We celebrate with much joy, the union of our beloved Giff and De-nay'. Both of them have contributed much to our lives in many different ways in our village. We are blessed to have them with us. Now we bless them in their union together, and we will love and cherish them always. The couple leaves Bren's side and both of them bend down and kneel on the ceremonial mat, holding each other's hand. Bren reaches into the basket he is carrying and takes the wreaths out, placing the basket beside him. He places a wreath on their heads saying...

Creator of All Things, as we lovingly obey the Principles of Life, look and smile upon us and continue to prosper our people and land. We thank you for bringing Giff and De-nay' into our lives, and I ask that you bless their union with children that will bring joy to their hearts and to our village. Bren places both his hands on the shoulders of the couple and smiles. The villagers respond with their music and birdcalls very joyously.

Bren takes his hands from the couple's shoulders and outstretches his arms saying, It is time for the sacred bowl of Ganzhia to be brought to our new couple! As he is speaking, I see Maeya coming out of the small hut where the children are. She's carrying a large bowl and wearing a beautiful tiara of woven wildflowers. All the villagers' eyes are upon her as she brings the bowl and presents it to Bren. He holds it in front of his chest and waits. After handing the large bowl to Bren, she picks up the basket he had set down and holds it in front of her, standing on the right side of Bren. Maeya takes a spoon out of the basket and gives it to Giff. She takes another spoon and gives it to De-nay'. Bren kneels down in front of the couple and holds the bowl in front of them. Giff takes his spoon and dips it into the Ganzhia and holds it to the mouth of De-nay'. She eats the mixture from the spoon he is holding. De-nay' places her spoon into the mixture and Giff eats from the spoon she is holding. The couple gives their spoons to Maeya. She places them in the basket she holds. Bren and the couple rise to their feet. Giff and De-nay' hold hands and smile at everyone. Bren again holds the bowl of ganzhia to his chest and smiles at the couple. Giff and De-nay' turn towards each other and kiss. Bren raises the bowl above his head and says; everyone, take from the sacred bowl of ganzhia and let the feasting begin!

With that proclamation, the entire village cheers with much music and vocals. Maeya places the basket down and takes the large bowl of ganzhia from Bren. I see women are bringing bowls of all types of foods... fishes, eggs, vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, and fruits. The variety and colors of the food look very appetizing, and I've worked up quite an appetite! Maeya, with the large bowl of ganzhia, and with a large spoon, makes her way around all the villagers, filling every bowl provided for that purpose at each families mat. I'm seated with Sar and Terra's parents, but keep an empty seat next to me. She's coming by with her bowl to fill ours. I look her in the eyes and tell her, Maeya, you look so beautiful! Will you sit next to me when you are through serving? Smiling, she simply says... "Yes".

So every family in the village has begun the celebration feast for Giff and De-nay'. It's late afternoon, the temperature is perfect with a nice cool breeze. There are six at our mat present... Terra's parents and Maeya, Sar and myself. Even though Sar is Giff's brother, it is customary for the man marrying into the bride's family to sit without his relatives or friends with the bride's family at the beginning of the feast. Once everyone has eaten the celebration meal, the man can have all his relatives come and sit down with the bride's family also.

Our conversation starts with comments about the happy couple. Terra says, I'm so glad that Giff finally made up his mind to ask De-nay' to be his mate. Everyone in the village knew they were perfect for each other. I don't think you could find a couple with so much in common! Sar says; knowing my brother, I knew he was going to take too long deciding if he should marry. I kept trying to tell him he'd better get moving, because De-nay' may choose a husband from one of the other villages. He adds, He finally came to his senses, (laughing as he says it).

Trem says, "You know, Giff and De-nay' remind me of Leea and I, so many years ago. Our feast was also at this very part of the village back then". I notice that Leea has tears rolling down her cheeks... she's trying to hide her face on Trem's shoulder. Trem puts him arm around her and says, I'm so glad you still love me, Leea, but this is a happy occasion, so try to think about Giff and De-nay' now. Leea picks up a napkin cloth and dries her tears with it. She looks at Trem and just smiles.

As we're all eating, Maeya says, Make sure all of you complete our celebration and share the bowl of ganzhia with each other. She adds; this mixture of ganzhia turned out quite well. All the ingredients, including the Sibannac oil, are at their peak of flavor and potency. Zhimm, will you try it first? "Will do, Maeya"! I take a spoonful and roll the mixture around my mouth to get the full taste. After swallowing it I tell her, Maeya, it's absolutely delicious! Not too sweet, I can taste the herb oil... and the honey is just right! Her smile is just beaming from her! I pass a few spoons around, and the others take their portion. Terra comments; Zhimm, you're right... this mixture of Ganzhia really is exceptional! As we finish our meal, we chat about the guests who have come in from other villages. Trem and Leea tell us who some of the older friends of the family are, and Sar tells us of those who are related to Giff and himself.

Sar speaks up and says, I think I'll walk over to the bride's area with Terra and congratulate my brother. Trem and Leea say they are going to mix with some of the older friends that have come in from the other villages, and then congratulate the couple. I tell them, I think I'll wait until the crowd thins out around Giff and De-nay', then I'll congratulate him also. The four of them get up and walk towards the direction of the new couple... that left Maeya and I to plan what we would do for the rest of the evening.

Maeya... would you like to walk with me and chat with some of the villagers while we make our way toward Giff and De-nay? "Yes, I'd like to". Taking her by the hand, we slowly make our way in the direction of the couple, stopping along the way to speak with those whom we share our lives with. I see the children are sure having fun... running around together and laughing. A couple of them run toward us and wrap their arms around our waists; they look up at us and say... We love you Maeya... We love you Zhimm! As we hug them, they're still looking up at us... their smiles are just beaming! They take off as fast as they came, and are quickly hugging others at the feast. We look at each other and just smile.

Walking up to Giff and De-nay', they see us coming and reach out for us. Giff gives me a big hug, (it feels like my ribs are going to break!), as Maeya hugs De-nay'. I tell him; Giff, I'm very happy for you and De-nay'. I wish you many happy years together. You're a lucky man to have found such a beautiful and talented wife! With that he stands tall and proud, smiling from ear to ear. De-nay' has also heard me and casts her eyes downward a bit and smiles as she is hugging Maeya. Giff, do you remember the first time we met at the lake? Sure I do Zhimm... at that time you looked like you could sure use a friend. "And a good friend you have been to me since then, Giff"... we clasp hands firmly. Maeya tells De-nay', you look so beautiful! ... I smile and nod in agreement. Maeya says to her, May you both live long and have children so blessed as you are. "Thank you Maeya! ... will you please try to be with me when the time comes for my child to arrive"? "I will." De-nay' hugs her again, and I notice she has tears of joy welling up in her eyes.

I'm again reminded how much Maeya means to the village generally, and especially how fortunate the women feel that she lives with them in this village. The women really draw comfort from her presence during childbirth. There are, of course, others in the village capable of delivering children, but the women here know she possesses an uncanny knowledge of herbal medicinals that will greatly ease the pain of their childbirth. Besides that, any woman that she attends to when the "time" comes always seems to have a successful healthy birth. Maeya gives Giff a hug, and I hug De-nay'. I say; we had better move along now and let someone else share their happiness with you. We'll see you later! They smile and wave to us as we leave.