Maeya by Kent R. Burke - HTML preview

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Chapter 19


Morning finds me waking to the usual screeching of the birds, and the bustle of people moving about in the feasting area. I'm flat on my back looking up at the blue sky. That sure was quite a party last night! I turn my head to the right to ask Maeya... she's gone! I was with her last night... right? I sit up for a moment looking around me and see the people going about their normal morning activities. I have an odd thought for a moment. If this were the typical party that I attended on Earth, right about now I'd have a splitting headache. Actually, I feel great! I'm quite rested now, and feel like moving about. Where's Maeya? ... I'm thinking, as I stand to my feet looking around. Oh well, I'll walk back toward the feast area where all the activity is.

A number of the villagers are cleaning up, carrying utensils, all the dishware, mats, etc. I join in helping out the others, carrying the bowls and dishes to a central location where everything will be washed and stored away. Some of the people that traveled here from other villages are walking through the hut area to the different paths that will take them out of this village. They are waving to all as they are exiting.

Making my way back to my hut, I decide that I'll help out by working in the fields today. Gathering up some food and tools, I head out, making my way to the fields. I spend all day working while swapping stories with the rest of the workers.


We finish our workday and proceed straight to the bathing area. It's been rather hot today, so the coolness of the water feels great, not to mention washing off all the sweat and dirt! I think I'll just head back to my hut and kick back for a while. Sitting in my hut with the door open, eating dinner, I'm just watching the everyday activities of the villagers around me. It seems I never tire of that. Things are so different here, as compared to Earth. Everyone just gets along with everyone else. People are free just to live out their lives without some “authority” telling, (or forcing), them to do something... I just can't get over it!

I think I'll just spend the rest of the evening here by myself and think about yesterday's celebration. Man, was that a good time... and Maeya was certainly enjoying it! I've never seen her "let go" like that before! Hey, was she really making fun of my nose, or was that just my imagination? Everyone at the celebration had such a good time! Life with these people is so real and honest... it's just great being around them. I just remembered... that dream... was it a dream, what did it all mean? Anyway... darkness is falling around me now... I'm bushed! That's all for today... no more thinking... time to get some sleep.