Maeya by Kent R. Burke - HTML preview

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Chapter 20


A couple days later...

I've come back from the morning trip to the creek and I'm in my hut getting ready for a day's work in the fields. Looking out the window facing the path to the creek, I see Maeya walking by. Quickly making my way out the hut to talk with her, I wave and say, Good morning Maeya! She pauses and turns my way as I say; I really enjoyed spending time with you at the ceremony. I hope we can be with each other again at the next one! Do you have time to talk before you leave?

She says, I had a wonderful time at the celebration Zhimm, and I'm glad that we spent time together afterward. What do you wish to say to me? "It would take a bit too much time to ask you now. Could you meet me after my workday on the path under the shade trees where the squirrels live? After I leave the fields, I'll head to the bathing area. When I'm finished, I can join you under the shade trees, ok?" Fine, when I see you at the shade trees, I'll join you there. "Thanks Maeya". She smiles and goes on her way.

I watch her leave and wonder what she'll be doing today. You know, I can't seem to get her out of my thoughts since we were together at the feast. She sure was a lot of fun to be with. I never would have guessed that she could be so outgoing, she seems to be normally quite "reserved". I still can't get over her laughing with tears flowing at the same time! I think of her lying next to me as we looked into the night sky, and how she fell asleep as I held her... well, guess I'd better head back into my hut.

While gathering up the usual cutting tools, I also take time to pack a lunch. Leaving the hut, I make my way down the path to the fields. Along the path, I take a look up and see that it will most likely be a partly sunny day... a good start to a workday. Making my way past the creek, I chat with fellow workers heading toward the fields.

Arriving at the field, Sar and I take up our implements and proceed to cut the stalks. We don't do much talking while we cut the stalks, to conserve energy. This gives me plenty of time to think. I'm thinking how much my life has changed since that day in the lab. Man, I could have never guessed, or even dreamed, what would take place that day. I guess I should be thankful that I didn't end up on some frozen planet, or even floating somewhere in space! This is a good life I've found, but every now and then I think of my family back on Earth and get depressed. I try not to do that. It does no good to punish myself for something I didn't intend to do and cannot reverse. This is just the way it is, and I must go forward from here.

Lunchtime is here... Sar and I take a well-deserved rest. We chat about the weather while sharing some fish. He's been a good friend to me. I couldn't ask for better. As we finish our lunch, he says; Hey Zhimm, it looks like we're pretty well caught up on cutting. I think we should gather stalk bundles and take them into the village instead of cutting. Sure, Sar... no problem. The rest of the workday we made a number of trips between the fields and the village, delivering the previously dried bundles to the area where the women weave cloth.


Well, it's been a long day's work in the fields, so it's time to head over to the bathing area to cool off and chat with some of the other men from the village. We gather up all of our tools and make our way down to the creek. The men disrobe and quickly make their way into the water. Man, after a day in the fields under the Sun, this is so refreshing! After washing the dirt away we all just sort of linger in the water and just “chill out”.

After bathing, I gather up my belongings and head for the shade trees. Waiting about five minutes, I see Maeya coming from the village, down the path towards me. She's carrying a basket with her. She stops in front of me and says, Hi Zhimm... I'm going into the forest to gather some plant cuttings, so why don't you come with me and we can talk. "Sounds like a good idea to me... lead the way!" I set my belongings down at the base of one of the trees and follow her; I'll pick them up later.

We proceed to walk along a path that leads to one of the forested areas. We enter the forest and about fifteen minutes later, she stops and looks around for a minute, and spots some small blue flowering plants that are growing in a cluster... apparently just what she is looking for. She carefully cuts just a few leaves off each plant and places them in her basket. We sit down on a couple logs opposite each other and she places her basket beside her. While reaching for my water pouch to take a drink, she looks at me and says, you said you wanted to speak to me about something... what's on your mind? Well Maeya, I've had conversations with Bren concerning your people. He said that I should speak to you if I wished to know more about the Ancient Ones. He said that they came from the Land of the Waterfalls, but couldn't tell me anymore about them. Also, I've noticed how carefully your people interact with the natural world around them. Bren mentioned the Principles of Life in his conversation with me. Are these the principles the guide your people? I wish to know of them. Sighing deeply... she gathers her thoughts for a moment. "You've always been the curious one Zhimm! Concerning the subject of the Ancients, you wish to know that which is obscure, even to the old ones. I can see many things, but much is beyond my understanding. Bren has told you that I have the answers you seek, but I can't give you this knowledge. I'll take you to the path that leads there, but you'll have to walk the path yourself".

Maeya, I don't understand what you mean that I have to walk this path myself, and without you with me. "You'll understand soon enough, but first I have to ask you a question. Are you really sure you wish to know these things, and that you'll trust me to guide you to that knowledge?" Yes Maeya... and I do trust you. Zhimm, no matter where that knowledge may take you, you will ultimately realize that love and the land we live our lives out on, are all that really matter, and this is the fulfillment of The Principles of Life.

Since you wish to know of these things... she stands, looks around for a moment and says to me; wait here. She walks over to a fallen tree that is about thirty feet from us, removes something from the base of the tree, and brings it back with her. She says, let’s have a seat. She sits down on the ground, facing me. Holding her hands open in her lap, she looks downward. I see two small yellow flowers. She hands me the flowers and says, Chew these slowly and completely before swallowing them. I hold the flowers up to my nose... they have a strong and very sweet pleasant scent. I do as she asks while looking into her eyes. She's not speaking or blinking her eyes at all... just looking steadily into mine. I start to tell her how sweet the flowers taste after I've swallowed them but she gently places the tips of her fingers over my lips and tells me not to speak. She tells me to calm my thoughts and just sit quietly. After a couple minutes or so I have an eerie feeling coming on...

Whoooaaaaa, what's happening to me! Looking into her eyes, the yellow coloring appears to take on a soft hazy glow. Everything all around her is fading from view, slowly becoming pitch black. The sounds of the forest are also fading away into complete silence. Now, it's as if she is all that is in front of me, and nothing else can be seen around her. She's still in the sitting position, but seems to be suspended, still in front of me. Her hair color is turning from her light auburn to a pure shimmering snowy white, right in front of my eyes! Still looking into her eyes, the soft glow has sharpened to the dazzling brilliance of yellow diamonds. Her entire body has a radiant yellow glow around it that shimmers like the aurora borealis. Seeing this, I start to panic, but she speaks and says "Jim"... Maeya? ... Is it you? I asked. She speaks again and says, "You’re no longer speaking with Maeya... I am, what you would say in your language, the unseen Life Force of this world. Maeya is one whom I have chosen to speak and move through, manifesting my ethereal being into the physical world that your life force is interacting with in this moment of time". I'm struck speechless, and don't quite know what to say! She speaks again, never taking her eyes off of me. You wish to know, among other things, of the Principles of Life. Yes, I do... I interjected, and what name do you wish me to call you by? Simply Life Force will do... as she begins...

The Creator of All Things spoke this world into existence. When this sphere you call a planet took physical form, my life force came into being. All that you see in the physical realm before you was created in an instant of time, fully functional, flora and fauna... a completely balanced living system. My life is its life, an inseparable union. I have taken great pleasure over untold millennia, observing the innumerable life forms interacting... living their lives, inhabiting this physical plane of my ethereal existence. I have led Maeya to guide you to an encounter with my consciousness through the life form created for that purpose. The Life Force pauses for a brief moment then speaks, Jim, do you now wish to learn of the Principles of Life? Yes, I very much do, please proceed...

The Life Force begins...


Love the unseen Creator of All Things, and likewise, love all the people of whom you share life's journey with.


Care for this world as you would your own body, for your body is sustained by this world. Jim, if you give it some thought, love and life are inseparable. The first Principle deals with the love of the Creator who lovingly placed everything around you into existence, and also the love for all those around you. The second Principle still operates in love because you are demonstrating with your actions that you love those around you. When you care for, do no harm, but sustain the living systems supporting their physical being, you truly love them in practice, and not in word only.

The Life Force continues, I will explain in detail the second principle by breaking it down into components. Never damage the life systems of this world. Place your dwellings and conduct your lives so as to minimize the disturbance to the life around you. The continuity of all life forms depend on the people of every generation preserving the living systems of this world as they've received it, or all life here will degrade and ultimately end.

Life Force, I bring up the first point of the Second Principle. In keeping the life systems intact, do you mean not clearing the land of its present life forms? Yes, clearing the land of the existing life systems is the first physical step in setting in motion the loss of life, present and future. Clearing the land violates the life force of every life form on the planet. It diminishes the nourishing potential of the world in direct proportion to the amount of land cleared. This is a trespass against nature as well as to every man, woman and child whose very lives depend on these life systems, as well as those of future generations. Physical beings have very little comprehension of the complex chain of negative events that are set into motion when the land is cleared of its original life sustaining systems.

 Never take more than your immediate needs from the world so that all life may continue in abundance. The predator life forms around you never kill more than they intend to eat. You must do the same. In a matter of speaking, you are predators here also.

I interject; Life Force, this point is simply good common sense and really should need no explanation. Yes, this is true, the Life Force replies... greed slowly but surely leads to the loss of the quality of all life.

 Make good use of the readily renewable plants such as sibbanac and bamboo, for this will greatly lighten the burden of your presence here on the living systems of this world, thus assuring abundance for all living things, and ultimately yourselves and your future generations.

Life Force, I've noticed that sibannac is highly prized and cared for by the Sarn. They use it to make nearly everything they have need of. Yes Jim... because the Sarn make extensive use of Sibannac, this indirectly contributes to the abundance and diversity of life you have seen around you because they are not damaging the life around them that isn't so readily renewable. Plants such as bamboo and sibbanac provide most of the raw material for their physical needs, and in addition, Sibannac is also a very powerful medicine for the body, as well as mind and spirit.

The Life Force continues…

The entire world belongs to all. Its entire surface... the life and substance in it and upon it must never be allowed to be claimed or owned, for any reason, by anyone.

The Life Force continues... The animal life forms around you are always to remain wild, and not captive. Their lives will be diminished, and all life will become unhealthy if you make captives of them.

The Life Force continues...

Freely you have been given all you see around you; freely you will give to others.

She pauses briefly…

Jim, these simple Principles are the foundation for a long and happy life here, not just for this present generation, but that life will continue throughout time for all future generations that live according to these Principles.

Life Force, I must say that, so far, all I see around me is evidence that these Principles are guiding these people and I see nothing but happiness and love of life in their midst.

Yes, that’s true Jim. I ask you to continue observing all around you as you make your way through your life here. You’ll see firsthand that a people following Life’s Principles will make everyone’s life experience here the best that a physical being can have.

 Well Jim, it’s been very nice to meet you and It’s been a pleasure conversing with you. We’ll have another conversation at a later time, enjoy your new life here.

Life Force, I thank you for speaking and meeting with me. You’ve given me much to consider. I’ll take your advice to watch and learn what’s taking place all around me.  Goodbye for now.

After those words, the Life Force ceases speaking and closes her eyes.

Something's happening... I can see changes taking place in Maeya's appearance... they're beginning to reverse themselves. I’m starting to see and hear the forest... it's slowly appearing again... as it was before. I'm looking at Maeya now... the flesh and blood Maeya. Man, what a bizarre experience I've just had! That small flower must have a powerful psychoactive compound in it. I know she really didn't change in appearance, but my perception sure did!

I feel quite drained of energy at this time. Lowering my head, I place my face in the palms of my hands for a minute just to gather my thoughts. Looking up, I see Maeya's head bowed down with her eyes closed, and she's sitting very still. After a brief moment, she lifts her head and her eyes open. She speaks softly and asks, have you found what you were looking for Zhimm? Maeya, for now I’ll simply say thank you for being my guide, and I appreciate you taking the time to be with me.

As we stand, she picks up her basket saying, "It's time for me to go back to the village". Ok Maeya, I'm feeling quite drained and would like to get back to the village myself and just rest and think about some things. "I understand Zhimm. By the way, I'm going to take us back to the village a different way than we came". That's fine with me. I take her by the hand as we walk along. As we walk, we're enjoying the antics of the small primates chasing each other through the trees. They seem as animated as the squirrels are near the village, and they sure make a whole lot more noise!

As we're walking through an area of the forest that has rock formations, I observe from the corner of my eye that we're walking under a large black cat-like creature quietly perched on a rock above us to the left. Feeling a quick surge of panic, I don't want to make any abrupt moves, so I just keep walking. When I first noticed it, Maeya already had her eyes on the cat... watching it also. As we pass by the big cat, it just turns its head and looks away. I'm wondering to myself if her presence had anything to do with the actions of that cat... just staying put and not leaping on me. I really can't think of any other reason that it wouldn't pounce... very strange!

Walking along she says; Zhimm, is there anything more you wish to mention about of the experience you had with the yellow flower? Well Maeya, that encounter sure took me by surprise. Perhaps you should have given me a bit more warning! ... (smiling at her as I tell her that). "There was no way to prepare you for what you experienced. I'm glad that you trusted me to guide you". I trust you and understand what you are saying Maeya. One thing that I’ve learned from the experience is that I now know where the wisdom came from to guide your people in the care of this world. I have so much to learn, but I feel I’m on the right path now.

As I speak those words, she gives me such a beautiful smile as we walk along! Coming to the forest's edge, the sun is just starting to peek out from behind a large billowing cloud. The village is up ahead in the distance, and I can just make out the fields of sibannac alongside of it. A thought occurs to me, so I ask; Maeya, have you ever felt like traveling far away from the village and seeing more of this land? "I've been to a couple of the neighboring villages, but I haven't really traveled any farther. I've stayed close to our village because my family is here and I feel the need of the people around me. To answer your question, yes, I'd like to travel for maybe a week or two and see what lies beyond this part of the land". Maeya, I feel how much you love those of our village, but I also think that you would gain from new experiences outside of what you have become used to. She thinks about my statement for just a moment and replies; "Perhaps you're right".

We're at the path near the bathing area and follow it up towards the village. As we're walking under the shade of the trees along the path, again, the squirrels are chasing each other around. She turns to look at me, squeezing my hand a bit with a smile. Walking through the hut area she says, I have to return home now. I'll see you later. Turning towards her, I give her a hug and say, Thanks so much for taking time to be with me, I've really enjoyed being with you. You've helped me make some important decisions today. "I'm so glad". She smiles again and says; I'll see you later Zhimm, as she walks away.

After making my way back to the hut, I'm sitting on the bed just thinking of all that has happened to me in the past few days. You know, I'm flooded with so many emotions, not only towards this people and their world, but also about Maeya. If I should live a thousand years, I don't believe I'd ever find someone as right for me as her. Hey, something has just occurred to me. Now I believe I know where that dream I had a few days ago came from. I'd be willing to bet that it was sort of a "calling card" sent my way by the Life Force... knowing (and undoubtedly arranging) our meeting through Maeya!