Maeya by Kent R. Burke - HTML preview

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Chapter 24


It’s early in the morning, and I’ve met Maeya near the path that exits the village. I ask her; can we take a walk into the forest? I'd like to discuss a couple things with you. She smiles and gives me her hand as we walk past the hut area toward the creek. The villagers we pass and say hello to are barely hiding their smiles at us. We know what they’re thinking and we just laugh to ourselves!

We make our way past the creek's bathing area and walk until we enter the forest. She looks around carefully as we enter, as she always does. Finding an old log, we take a seat. She's curious as to what I want to talk to her about and says, Zhimm, what do you want to ask me? “First, did you mention anything about us to your mom and dad?” No, I haven’t. I didn’t expect you to know this, but it’s customary for a young man that has “confessed” his love to his would-be mate, and of course assuming that she accepts, to let her parents know that they wish to be married, and to ask for their blessing. I respond; “well Maeya, then that’s what we’ll do as soon as we have an opportunity.” She wraps her arms around me, kisses me, and says; oh, I can't wait to tell them about us! Mom will be so excited! She added; leave the details to me... I have a plan.

Now, what else was there that you wanted to tell me about? “Maeya, I'd like to know if you would travel with me to the Land of the Waterfalls. I've heard from others that have traveled through our village that it's the most beautiful land in this entire part of the world.” She tells me; since you first mentioned it, I didn’t really know if I should or not, but now I feel that it would be something we could do together and would remember for the rest of our lives. Yes... I would love to travel to the Land of the Waterfalls with you as my mate! Her arms around me squeeze tight... looking at me with those eyes and that beautiful smile... my god, she just makes my heart melt!

A couple days later...

I've been invited to dinner at Trem and Leea's home. I'm in my hut sort of nervously straightening up things that have been left lying around, while waiting for Maeya to come by. She said that she'd let me know when everything was prepared for dinner. About twenty minutes later, she calls from outside the hut, Zhimm... Zhimm! Everything is ready! Stepping outside with her, I notice that it looks like we're going have some rain. The sky is overcast and gray, but not threatening. Smiling at me, she takes me by the hand as we walk to her hut. Maeya, still holding my hand, steps through first and leads me through the doorway into the hut. Giving greetings to Leea and Trem, I clasp his hands and give Leea a gentle hug. We're all sitting down with Trem and Leea on one side, and Maeya and I on the other. Sar and Terra are curiously absent this time from the dinner.

The overcast sky has now released a soft gentle rain that can barely be heard on the thatched roof over our heads. We start chatting about the rain, that it has arrived in time to renew the growth in the fields that were getting a bit dry. As we are eating, Trem says, what were you working at today Zhimm? I tell him, I've been taking the dried bundles of stalks and breaking them open for the women making the clothing. He says, that's a job the women really appreciate the men doing. Making the clothing from the stalk material is very tedious and time consuming without the added burden of breaking the stalks first.

Leea says; Maeya, you sure seem to be in such a happy mood the past few days! Maeya just smiles at her, then glances in my direction. Clearing my throat to speak up, while looking at her parents, I slowly say, Trem... Leea, I love your daughter Maeya so very much, and I ask you both for your blessings to be her mate. I wish so much to be with her for the rest of our lives and to be part of your family.

Leea's utensils drop from her hand on to the table upon hearing my statement and she just stares for a second at Maeya. She screams out... "Maeya"! I'll bet the whole village heard her! She jumps to her feet and just shakes her arms close to her chest... she can't speak! Trem just sits for a moment and smiles broadly at me. Trem, Maeya, and I stand up. Trem reaches over to give me a hug, shakes my hands, and gives me a pat on the shoulder. Leea grabs Maeya in a bear hug and says, Oh, Maeya... I'm so happy for you, I just can't stand it! The tears are flowing down her face and she is just shaking! Leea lets go of her, grabbing me as she did her. She hugs me tight and cries tears of joy on my shoulder while patting my back. Looking at me, she says, Zhimm, I'm so happy for the both of you! We welcome you into our family, and yes, we give you our blessings to be Maeya's mate! Oh, I'm so happy... what a wonderful day! Trem speaks up and says, Zhimm, You are such a fine young man. I would be proud to have you take Maeya as your mate, and I welcome you into our family with all my heart. With that, we all sit back down again and finish eating our meal... but Leea can hardly contain herself!